, j.4i. -' Mfa'r4-f THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. E. T. M. HURLBUT, M. I). UuMiKi'ATiuu Physiclun and Surgeon. OlHou and Residence on P street, between 11th & 12th North side. A. . (SIIISON, A. W., HI. I., Vhfllrtnn nnii .Viiicw, LINCOLN, N'KH. Office, lleedunco and DUpenBory on lttti Street, Between U and N. 1-1JKI.! AND NlllllT-t.tMllT. DK. N. S. PKNDKHY. O II A 1 I N A: XV ATSON, Attorneys lit Law, IfLYL IJ8T.ITU AND GOV miN ME NT LAND AGJ1NTS. 8PKUIAI. ATTKNTION OIVKN Onico on tOth St. 2d Door North U. S. I.nndOnlco. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. pioneer LIVERY, Sale and Exchange Stable. V. J. HYATT, - - - - Vrop'r. Nuw Brick Stable, west side ltth street. between 0 and P streets, two Doors south CONSULTING riIY3ICIAN-omco over Da- 0f Commercial Hotel vis' carpet toro. north Mdo of O Mrcol, between 11.1. .,,,1 fill, T nn.ilti Nlcllt I.HIIM1 Hllll ltoll. Offor my services In nil departments of Medicine and Surgery, both In general and fpuclnl practlca. acute and chronic dlMonron, and will IMt all parta of tho country, day or night, on receipt of letter or telegram. FRENCH & ENGLISH, M'hgsician A Surgeons. Onicc on Hth Street bctweou O.fc 1", Opposite Conunorclal llotol. lilncoln, - Nclirnnkn. L. J. BUMSTBAU, HOMCKI'ATllIbT-Oflloe and Ueetdence In Urlgg's Block, between lOili and 11th fetreete, Lincoln. Nebraska Opera at all hour. Night Lamp. W. S. LATTA, M.D. M'hysclan ami Surgeon. Ofllce corner of ltth and l Mroete. lleeldeuce on L, between 11th and f.'th t-treutc Lincoln, Nkiiuahka. Family (arocerics. Am Coott u flic llcf, A licnp n ilio 01ienpef, AT CHAHLIK nillKKlTH'S On 1 Street, between 10th and lltti. OAV'NOX UOUSK, JULIUS NEUHAUEH, Prop., Lincoln New. 0. li. van kossen, Manager, l. i). (UiiN.N, in the oflieu. A. JL DA VIS, Wholesale anil Itetnll Dealer In CarpctN, Oil CIoIIin, Itupt, Itlntu, UVmlotr tin' , l.arr t'ni't nlim, JiiiinAr, Ar. AY. No. 241 E. O Stkekt, Lincoln. MM. lit LOW l.Vf T.-MK.COTT. Confectionery, Oynter, In all HtylcH, Hoarding by the day and week. CO East 0 idroet, LINCOLN. rurtoii iiotci! Hoard by week or day. con. M a 12th. Iniiuc itlerclinnt . LINCOLN, NEBRASKA- MM. ). 8.1M M T MM . STOVES, TINWAKB.A-i-.A-i-. also agent for thu celebrated Dubuque an ft con ba?o burner. North side square, LINCOLN, NEHRAHKA. Ever y h o l j goes to PROFESSOR GAMBLES Tor a f.iHlilouahle cliavc or .sail no hath. Kait O otreet. LINCOLN. NEB K c r n A: K i n a iextist?, OKKtCli (Oil. O AND K1.UVIt.YTII SIS., Lincoln - Xuhrnxka, JiTALI. WOllK WAIUUXTL'Il. CONOVER & DRUSE keep the city Boot mid Shoe Parlor. Liberal DIncountN ITIjuIc to minister! nitl StttilcnlN. Largest AHsortiiirnt anil I.ntcnt Stylcx Alwnyx on Ilnml. O Street, between 10th ,fc 11th South tifie. Lincoln. - - Nkuuaska. J- II. KUI.I.OCK & into., MANUPACTUltHHSOH SALT AND DKALBltS IN COAL, WOOD, Onico with C. M. Parker, south fto Square; al eo 24 ottt O Street. LINCOLN, AND LIME. NEBRASKA. .w. w.a, MiS'OLN STENCIL SHU1', l E.V T S T, ROOM NO. ft, TUMID FLOOK, Ttrlh wnrtrt oh (7M, Silver tun! llvhb-r. , In BrSgjrV Building, O Street. All Wort: Gi4iriHltu. CojiM-r aodliraxf Sttwcllf. auytlzo; Alphabet?, it aui uruMtec; ckhhibr mcikciih wiiiuuueii Int.: Haeeace m& kf) rliccks alio t-teel j. Newman, 7 water ft., N. t. . Newman Lincoln. J. & I. .NcAVitian, DKALRHS IN Dry Joo1n, Crot-crlc, IloofN, SIlOOK, a.V'. O Ntrcct, between lOtlinud lltli. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J. F K.tIIIt V BKO. NO 24, llTH 8THKET II hole.sale S Mtetall Groceries A" Green Meruit. Tean a epoclalilyl LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. ISO Hit STABLE, WsWVEM' & m:xcmm.m.ygmz: Henry ICron A II. llMikcr have reopened and refitted tho Harbor bliop for merly owned by Charlie I.ockhart, under llolian uan's Meat SInrkot- They do firet clnei work. !e tliem a rail Ofllc orrr Now wa"(! tow on O Stwwt. illetM-een Tenth ami Klev-th streets.) LINCOLN. NKHIt SKA. Thomas Kemlrlek. CLOTHES MADE, CLEANED. REPAIRED. MOUTH SIDE l'UULIO SQ0AHI5, f.Vt'.V, .VnHRJHK.t. Mm. Van Foc-n, DRESSMAKING A; FITTING. I oniwell'e relf-fitthig patteruc at way d anhani. 11th Su Mrs. Metcalfs old stand. Lincoln, - Xclntrfi. Mfrw. Sco. E. Torrcy, MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS I (J btrucL, between 11th & 13th. Lincoln, - .YehraHka, II. II. CH.l I'TS, TAILOR A; REPAIRER! t'lothtia oJuaiiliig u speciality. CHitllug dotw aud all ordur dtifputcliod pruuiptiy. Hant xldu of Market Square, nxt door l Kahler A VX. Lincoln, Neb. Cat n t auti uruaMec ; cioijiibr hcikjih witniiiaeii le Inl. : Haeeace m& kr rliccks alio t-teel etampK for working t(Kt. Cull, or write for pri ce? to V. T DCSit-TEAll, Lincoln, Neb. Ronrdiitp; llmioc. Board by tho day or wek. Moalf at all honrp. MRS J BRA UN. Proprietress. 11th St., hot. OA: P. Opposite Comuu-icifil LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. J. Jtlmlt rZS. I)K.LKU IN Work of Art and TOaiiuntt-turf r of Picture FranicH. 11th S reel, uuder Reading Room. LINCOLN, - NKUHAfeKA. Klkh -n Mlestaurant! Oyetorb In all styles. East Side Market Square, R. H. Hodskin. LINCOLN, NEB S. B. Pound. C. C. Bum. IOf.VIY ItVIlIt, Ia a wyi'Di, LINCOLN, NEB. thk : rttivii .sTotu; DJXSON d- 7A III LE Y. I'HOI'JtlKTOItP- - P owers House, Corner Kicbth aud 1 fitrMln, Lincoln, - Nebraska. Ituard aud Lodglut. per w-ok, - $500 Da Hoard, pw w ok, fitiMlewUPrday. - iMtpw. lodging, and l$roakfut, 4 00 100 75 W. TIlOHipMOII, FLOitlfi T, AI.VCBA.V, - JS'ttUVUiNHJ. Boquetii, Wreath. C'fa. and Out Klowerf. A full Hue or Oweubout'e aud Bedding I'lantc Orteuhoum) D4 uillen taet ef State Unlvt-rtilty . 8 T .1 .TI I I Y G ! Ladies wlkhlng btaxnplug done for llmbroldery, HruldlnCi or .cUcrlntr, wlil And at Macutnbor'B Stor, No. 22, South 11th BL, Acreater variety of Pattorn. aud g better worrdotthaa at any other pace In Lincoln. Cu laud wee: 8. P.LINDLET, fcr. 11th Street, between O A- P. O. I. DAVIS, - - - - - - Prup'r. Spet ial MnilucemtnlH to Students. 15o(-t t-lcple aad doable rltf alwajJ on hand, with attMtle RrooDif In attendance. ZEHRUNG & HARLEY. DEA1.EHH IN Drug, Stationery, Ncliool BookN, Tiolet Articltt, Ffrluincrlcs A:c. New Brick Drntr Store Cor. O A; 1 1 tli ttt. LINCOlJf, - - NKIIHASKA tSBf Agent for Sale of Uni verity Book. FARMER'S B.QME. The old farmer and rutiident of Middle Creek, Fr)z Holts, hat become owner of the Fanner Home, formerly owned by J. Kedawa, and hae thoroughly refitted and enlarged it. and in now ready to entertain hlu many friends at greatly re duced prices. RatCM of Board. Boaid a:id Judging per week, - $4 00 Per day, - " - - - 1 00 Single Maals, 25 Stabling, & Horueu to hay one uighl, 50 One Feed 15 Hoplngto reeelie a hare of the public patron age, I remain the farmer" friend, Fritz Holtz. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA.' HORWITZ ia DAVIDSON, Wholetale and Detail Dewier- In dry ;oods, ci.oriii;, Uat t'ftt) lluulm olid Short, TRUNKS, VALISES. ETC., No. JtEatt Side Square. LINCOLN. NEB. S. JIcGOKKJA & SOX, DKALKItS IN STAPLE AND FANCY G-ROCERIE, CONKKtIIONKHIK.S I'ltOVIblONh, KLOrit, KKKD, Ac, lAncoln, .Yebranka. BE IT K.NOW.V And let it be remembered, that the old reliable landlord of the Kanner'f Iloutc hat- this day become the owner of the National Hotel COIINKH 7X11 & P KIItlJHTfe, Where he la now ready to receive hie many friend, and the farming community, and treat thera butter aud at LOWER RATES than any other houce In the city. UATEH OK BOABDi Per day, $1 00 Board and Lodging per "Week, - 4 50 Day board per "Week, ... 4 00 Single 3IeaJt, 25 Stabling and Howes to Hay, - . 50 Hoping to receive a large ebare of public pat ronage, lam a ever your humble (feryant, .-. J. A. FEWW,. fl ! A r W X