THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. ji. I (For tho", Hesperian tticlunt.) Soroimdo. Thlno lovo, nro like dovo's hoyon And through mu 'npluMH 'nrt, They Hlioot koju harrows of soft lire Thnt leave n lmwful smart. And yet, h'l seek tliy window now. Awhllu to slntf nnil slh, And husk ol thoo to wiiko and shoot Mo Bud 'rt with thlno hoyj. Tlio stars nro shining luii In Yavou, And liovory ono is bright, And hull llii) world Is fitlnt with low llof tholrhocstiitlo light. llutlioh! there Is n brighter stur Thiin bull Hi" '"t '1I Hooal It from thy window, lovo, And shoot mo with thlno hoyol Ono twinkling gleam of nyniiihlo light Ono night-dlesolvlug poop, And thon bo buck to hod again And bo honihraood by sleep I Or, wo might Htiuul mul t k tho while llousplclous moments lly Hob I softly rnlso thy window hup. And shoot mo with thlno hoyo. 0. 0. 1). H A PIN & WATSON, AttornojHHt IiHv, MMl, ESTATE 00 VEltNMENlLANJ) AGhWTS. Sl'KCJIA!. ATIKNTION IHVKN Olllro on loth Ht. Sd Door North U. S.LondOnieo. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. A Cord of nriiniiltH. Wo desire tci express our heartfelt grat itude to our friends in the city, nnd among tho students and faculty of the University, for tho many kindnesses and favors which they extended to us during our recent, protracted illness. Ono does not know, until experience has taught him, what an invigorating tonic is an en couraging word, or a friendly call, during the hour of pain and suffering. It saves an immense quantity of drugs. It makes one feel, somehow, as if ho were of some account in the world after all. There is no sensation more satisfactory to the heart than to feel thatoneismissed,tofcel Unit one's vacant place is noticed, and his absence regretted. Once more, kind friends, accept our thanks. Q i:o. E. Howaud. 1. IIAI,I,KTT, DKALEK IN Gold a ml Silver H ckCGt J K WE LllY, SI LVE1UVARE SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, &c, .tJIERKIAX WATC IB E S AT FACTORY IMIICK8. A Fine Selection of the CELEBRATED SETI1 THOMAS CLOOK8 Watches, Clocks nnd Jewelry repaired by ox crloncod workmen. Engraving nently executed. Hcmombcr tho place HALLETT'S, 0 street, between 10th and lltb, Roiith sldo. DR. N. S. PENDEI1Y. CONSULTING PnYSICIAN. Ofllco over Da Tls'carpot storo. north sldo of O street, betweon 11th nnd 18th, Lncoln. Nlpht Lamp nnd Boll. Odor my services In all departments of Mcillclno and Surgery, both In gonorul and special prnctlca, acute and chronic diseases, nnd will visit nil parts of tho country, dny or night, on rccolpt of lottor or telogrnm. Thomas liendrlck. CLOTHES MADE, CLEANED, REPAIRED. NOllTH BIDE VUHLI0 BQUAUE, B3rA. Van Fosscn, DRESSMAKING & FITTING. CornwoH'B solf-flttlng pnttorns always on hand. 11th St , Mrs. Motcalf's old stand. Lincoln, - Nebraska. Mrs. Geo, E. Torroy, MILlnERY A FANOT GOODS! 11th St., Mrs. Metcalf'B old stand. Lincoln, - Nebraska, pioneer livery, Sale antl Excttante Slable. W. J. HYATT, lro'r. New Brtek Stable, west side lllli street, between 0 and P streets, two Doors south of Commercial Hotel. Lincoln, Nkiiuahka. Faintly CSroccricH. An ood h tho Hef, A tllicnp a ho Oheapo;, AT OHAKLIK (UtlFKITH'H On 1 Street, botwoen tOth nnd 11th. OONOVER & DRUSE keep the city Bool and Shoe Parlor. Liberal DIncoihUn KIuilo to ITIIiilNtorH ami StndontN. LnrmHt ANMortutfliit autl Latent StylcH Always on Hand. O Street, between 10th & 11th South sldo, Lincoln. . . Nkuiiaska. J' II. RUIULOCK & BRO., MANUKAOTUltEKB OF HALT AND DKALEltR IN COAL, WOOD, Offlce with O. M. Parker, Hoiith sldo Square; al co !M oast O Street. LINCOLN, AND LIME. NEBRASKA. LINCOLN STENCIL SHOP, KOOM NO. 9, TIIIHD KI.OOK, In Rrigg's Building, O Street. Cooper and Brass Stencils, nny slzo ; Alphnbots. paints and brushes ; clothing stencils with Indoll stamps for marking tools. Call, or write for nrl- Lincoln, Neb. Boarding House. Board by tho day or week. Meals at nil hours . MRS. J.RRAUN, Proprietress. 11th Struct. O&P, Opposite Commercial LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. JT. JTrfMES. DEALEU IN Work of Art and Ulnnufardirer of Picture Frame. 02, KASTO BTUEET, LINCOLN, - NEWtABKA. THE IIICiH SCHOOL. PuhliNlicd at Omaha, Nebraska. Tha Leading Educational Journal of the West J. F. McCartney Editor and Business Manager. Evory bov and girl in tho stnto who doslros to keon posted on tho movoinonts of tho amatonr world should subscribe for this flno literary Jour nal. Sunscim'TroN PmoK $1.00 per year; BO conts for six months ; single coplos, 10 conts. Cr,uns rnrtlos sondhig us tho names of flvo subscribers, accompanied by tho cash, will re ceive ono copy froo. Parties desiring to act ns our ngonts In nny town in tho stnto can retain a commission of 25 per cent, on all subscriptions. Address all communications to J. P. McCartney, Lock Box 608, E. T. M. IIURLBUT, M. D. HoMfici'ATitio Physician and Surgeon. Ollleo and Residence on P slreel, between 11th & 12lh North altlo. A. M. DA VIS, Wholosalo nnd Hotitll Dealer In Carpets, Oil Cloth, ItiiffH, ITIatN, UViulow har r, t.nct Curtain, .inino.', tfr, AV. No. 211 K. O STltUKT, LlNCOIiN. MEtUHOW ljri TdULCOTT. Confectionery, OywterH, In all NtyloN, Boarding by the day and week. 20 East O stroot, Lincoln. - . A. G. GIIISON, A. M., 1W. ., I'hfHtotan anil Sur-foh, LINCOLN, NEB. Ofllco, Uosdonco and Dlsponsory on lltb Stroot, Between O and N. C57Bkm. and Nkhit-i.ioiit. .W. 11.111 MS, Teeth inserted on Gold, Silcer and Rubber. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllco over Nowman's store on O Stroot. (Between Tenth and Elovonth streets,) LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. !A WON HOUSE, JULIUSjNEUBAUER, Prop., Lincoln 'cl. O. II. VAN I'OHSKN, MttlUlgCr, L. u. ounn, in the olllce. j. now man, 7wnterst.,N. v. n. Nowmnn Lincoln. 3, & I. itownian, DKALEI18 IN Dry (JoodH, Groceries, BIOOtH, SllOCH, &c. O Ntrcot, between 10th and 11th. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J. FARRIER & BRO. NO 24, llTII 8TKEKT Wholesale K llctail Groceries St Green Fruits. Tens n speciality I LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. BONNER STTABL.E, M.WfM3Mil'lf MSXOJUrJTGMH 11th Street, between O & P. O. P. DAVIS, Prop'r. Special Inducements to Slialcnls. Best single nnd doublo rigs nlwnyMon bnnd, with nttontivo grooms in nttondnnco. ZEIIRUNG & IIARLEY. DEAI.EH8 IN Drugs, Stationery, School Books, Tiolut. Articles, Perfumeries &c. Now EJrlclt Strug Storo Cor, O & 11 th st. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA gSAgcnts for Sale of University Books, . W. IIOIIMANN, ! Dealer In UAltl'KTS, OIL-ULOTIIS, AND 1IOUSE1IOM) FURNISHINGS. TlB V:ffilAiE,N,, "" MN- O ST., Ol'I'OHITK Ol'KllA HotlHK. Lincoln, Nebraska. llKOKIVlilt TWO DII'I.OMAH AT NiniHAIiCA STAT B FAI118, HKITKMIIKII, 1872-7!). Dr. T. O. Kern, SUIUi I ON DENTIfcT, OKl'ICM COU. O AND KI.UVKNTII ST8., Eincoln( - Nebraska, t5T"AIX WOI1K WAHItANTKn. run ojyji ihmvk sroitu 1IORW1TZ & DAVIDSON, Wbolosale and liotnil Dealers In IHtV GOODS, CL.OTIIINO, Watn Cap, Hoot anil Ao, TRUNKS, VALISES. ETC., 1 1 No. 9, East Sldo Square. LINCOLN, NEB. YOUNG & CHASE, I II O T O O R A I II E li S, O Street Between 10th nnd 11th LINCOLN, JTEIM811. Edward Harbison, AGENT FOH THE PEACOCK FORT SCOTT COAL. HARD, and soft WOOD. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. S. McCONlOA & SON, DEALKltB IN STAPLE AND FANCY aROOERIE'S, CONFKCTIONEHIES, PROVISIONS, KLOim, FEKD, &C., Lincoln, Nebraska. BE IT KNOWN And lot It bo remembered, that tho old reliable landlord of the Parmer's House has this day becomo tho owner of tho National Hotel COHNEH 7TH & P BTBKETB, Where ho Is now ready to receive his many friends, and tho farming community, and treat thorn better and at LOWER RATES than any othur house in tho city. HATES OF BOAKDt Per day, - '$1.00 Board and Lodging per "Week, - 4 50 Day board per Week, ... 4 rjO Single Meals, 25 Stabling and Horses to Ilay, - - 50 Hoping to recolvo a largo share of public pat ronage, I am as over your humblo servant, J. A. FEIA.WAt i li 4l,i t 1 If! Ill f-! II" '; u y m BW 'u f! li i iililHfailM ""-"-'"'-"