rtg 8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 81 m I MlnMllM'l,BI-" - ' - M"1 AmasaCoiiii, Pres't. J. F. Hirnnvrii, Cashier. W. P. Phillip, Vice-President. First National Bank OF LINCOLN. tttilhortxetl Capital, HALF MILLION POLL A US. , h it Commercial Hotel. (Douglas Ilonso Enlarged.) J. J. IMIIOFF, - Proprietor. HENRY WEAVER, MANA(i:il. Late or Ooult House, Chicago. MJtwoln, ,Vc. .. MONTEITH, MANUt'AUTVllKll AM) HKAI.KIl IX MOOTS . ffHOJiS, Made from the best material and arrunted. Re palrlngneutly done on short notice. Nerth nlilc .Square. LINCOLN, Mill. ,;t i,i f ! M M Hi l.' Ii' w I Mimwhcr, Kcimard A Co., IS A N iv E K S, LINCOLN, NKBRASKA. YOUNG & Oil ASK, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 0 Street llotwecu 10th and lltli M.IJICOI.JI JT12BSKM. Steam Bakery. Students ami others desiring Bread, Crackers, Pies, etc , will II ml it to their intcrst to call at the Steam Bakery, North side of Public Square Next to the At wood House. Tuttle If liartvooti, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. WILLIAM DEVEREAUX, M a n u f a c t u r c r of Fine Cigar, AND DEALER IN ALL OF Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Iwf Smokers tlrtlcles or all Descriptions, O Street. Three Doors East of Tenth, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. McGLUliE BROS., Have on hand .A COMPLETE A890UTMKNT OK ;s g e jr t s FU21 WISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, CORNER OF O AND llTU STREETS, LINCOLN, NKBHASKA. C. II. Van Foncn, AGENT FOR THE PEACOCK FORT SCOTT COAL, HARD, and soft WOOD. 7t OLN, NEBRSKA. DIRECTORS, A.MA-A Cllllll. W. P. PHILLIP. .1. F. SiMimrrii. .1 . G. MiM.Kit. W, P. Fauwell. JOIiJV ,. JleVOAWKI.t., Dealer In Staple V Fancy Dry Goods A N I) N 0 T I 0 N S, No. 12, Hrlggs' block. .South sldo 0 Street, 1. I V V O h JV, - jy JK It H.I S K .f . C E X T 11 A E. MAR It E T . Bohanan Bro's, DKALEIIS IN tfltalf, Haui4iffti, Ham and J'rovOon of all Kinds. South Side Market Space, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA II. W. HARDY, Oilers special inducements to STUDENTS! TEACIPIiSl PliEACIVS! AT III? UHICK FURNITURE STORE, No. 11, 10th Street, (Lincoln. Nebraska. Recommended by (he State Superintendent of Nebraska. The Standard. The Largest. The Cheapest. The Best. Worcester's Quarto Dictionary. The authority of the U. S. Sknate mill IIuvpe or ItGritKIKXTATIVKri, Ulld of EVEUKTT, HUMNKIt, Quin'cv. IUvkn, Wi.NTimow, Maiisii, Mann, Hil- I.AItl), Hni.MG'l, I.ONdKEI.I.OW. Ai.kxandku, llv ItANT, IllVIXO, IIeniiy, Fei.ton, urn! the leildlll,' mithors of Europe and Anierleii. The "MEDAL OF ME It IT," wns nwnrded nt the Vienna ExnoHitlon to Worcester. Uetall price $10; liberal discount made to school district, tcachors ministers and club. Correspondence solicited. Briswcr & Tilchton ALSO l-UIILISII HlLLAUD'S Readehs, FllANKLIN'H ReADEUS, WOUCESTEH'H DlCTIONAllIES, "WoltCESTKK'S Sl'ELLINO BOOKS, SEAVEY'S U. S. UlSTOltY, All of which are recommendod by tho Stato Su- nnrlntniifliiit nf olirtialfn f.n nii. In li un AHM. mon schools of the Stato.and In use in n largo ma Jorlty. Sluglo copies or any of tho oliovo for ex amination fexcept Quarto Dictionary) will bo sent by mall to any teacher sending ono half the rotallprlco. Address John M. T.vaaAnT, Palmyra, Nebraska. NORMAL SCHOOL, PEWU, NKMAHA COUNTV, NEBRASKA UXIVEIISITY 4F XEBKAM&A, LINCOLN, NEBIIASKA The Unlersltv of the Stato was otiened for the hccond year henteinber li. 18M. under iuora hie conditions, and thus far has been prospeiotis and successful. l'KOFKSSOHS. The Faculty, at present, is composed of seven Prolessors. skilled in their seerul departments of Instruction. ADMISSION. Students of both sexes are admitted to the University on passlnt: examination In the com. mon Eui-llsh brunches, if enterln the Latin School; or in studies or advanced classes, it clulmlns an advanced standlim. TUITION. Tuition In all departments Is FilEE. There is an entrance fee of J5. Hooks are furnished ut :ost. APPARATUS, Etc. Tho Istltutlon Is liberaly supplied with Ap paratus. Cabinet, Library, and all needful fuel ti tles for Illustrating the subjects taught. The Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus Is espe cially largo and valuable AGRICULTURAL COLLKOC. The Agricultural College is now open, and fur nishes a full courbc of instruction running through Tour j ears, or a partial course In prac tical agriculture, requlrlug one your, Tho com pletion or the full course .entitles the student to a degree HOARDING. iloardhi'' Is obtained at reasonable' rates In pri vate lamllies, or by renting rooms the expense may be reduced to $- or $:J per week. At present boarding in families is from $1 to $5 per week. CALENDAR. Tho Fall Term began Thursday. September 12 The Winter Term will begin Thursdu), Jan. nary 2, 187:1. Correspondence Is solicited by the Chancellor from thoe Intending to enter College. The health of our State and the facilities oflered in the University, should be strong In ducpineiits lor those seeking health and udvan tuges for education. For circulars and other Information respecting the Unlvcreity, address A. R. HENTON, Chancellor Unlerlty of Nub., Linoiln, Neb. . B. IARKER, WIIOI.ESAL AN1 11ETAII. DEAI.EI13 IX lartlicart, Jaitn, Stovtn nnrf Thitcarr, ALSO TAI1LE AND POCKET CUTLERY, AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MEOIIAN- ICS.TOOLS O Htrcot, between Oth and lOtli. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA State Normal School. FACULTY. T. J. IffOnWAN, Principal, Mental and Moral Science; School Economy. J A HI IKS BHLIjANKEK, Mathematics. KATE H. DIOKIIWAN, Instrumental Music; Gymnastics. ALBERT NICHOLS, Principal of Preparatory School. KMZA C. JTIOBIAN, PrcceptrcMN, Rhetoric; English Literature. W. K. WIIjSON, Natural Science; Greek. W. IMKLEN BURT, Methods; Latin. KliZiKN K, JOHNSTON, Principal of Model School. t'.ll.A'.VlMJI. Hoard ITIcctw Qnarlcrl) Docombcr, march, June, September. First Term begins Thursday, Sept. 1. 187:1; Ends Wednosdaj, Jan. 1874, Second Term begins Thursday. Feo. -I, 1871; Ends Tuesday, Juno 23, 1874. fctudoiits can enter at any time. The best tiino Is ot the beglnlng or the year; or, If that is not practicable, then cither November 18, February I, or April 15. Tuition free. Number or students enrolled since September over three hundred. For catalo--gue address T. J. ItlOHGAN, Principal. PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Ono door south of Post Ofllce, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. O. ff. WJEMSTEIl mtO, DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS, No. 3 East 0 Street, Uncoil Sch. Have Just received a complete stock or goods di rect trom Eastern ructorlos. tftudmlt, Hintalera and 01 fur i Will And it to their advantago to call and osam Ino boforo purchasing olsewhoro, as a liberal do auction Is always oflered to such Individuals. UEPAIRINa DONE TO ORDER. 4kr- j&sztzm lj jijiAwSnBSipfl-l