S'MSMrfjAhjLiiJLJUJ u-AMifflsJJi '.tt'j, &v4JLiil jk.'jcMMl i TEH HESPERIAN STUDENT. M . S! AKNOclate Alumni. Tiik members of the classes of '71) and 74 met Wednesday, June 34, and formed iin nlumnl of the graduates of the College of Literature, Science and Art. Arrange incuts will be made to bcciuc an address at the next commencement exercises. The following are the ofllcers elected for the ensuing year: Prcs., J. S. Dales; 1st VicePres., W. 11. Snell; 2d Vioo Pros.. U. II. Malick; Cor. and Hoc. Sec, F. P. lliml; Treas., W. M. Stevenson. The following is the constitution and by-laws as adopted : ARTICLES ok association adopted JUNE 24, 1874. AitT. 1. The alumni of the college of literature, science and art of-the Unlvnr sitv of Nebraska hereby (Constitute them selves an association to lie known by tlf name of the "Associate Alumni," of the college of literature, science and art. Art. 2. The object of this association is declared to be to promote in every prop; or way the interest of our Slate Universi tv and '" foster among Its graduates a sentiment of regard for each other, and of our attachment for our alma mater. ht. H. All graduates of this college of the University bearing a diploma from the same, shall be entitled to membership in this association. The Regents of the University and the Faculty ol this college shall bo honorary members of this associ- ntion. , . . ... AT 4. The ofllcers oi this association shall consist of a president and one vice president from each graduating class, a corresponding secretary, a recording sec rotary, and a treasurer. Art. 5. This association shall meet annually on the day preceding commence, meiit at two o'clock in the afternoon, or at the call of the president, with the consent of the executive committee. Art. (1. Any proposition to alter or amend these articles of association must be made at an annual meeting, and lie over one year, and have the assent of two. thirds of tho members present at the final vote. BY-LAWS ADOPTED JUNE 24, 1874. AUT I Sec. 1. There shall be a stand ing executive committee consisting of five members. , ,. , . . , Sec. 2. The order of business at each regular meeting shall be as follows 1st. Calling the roll by Secretary. 2d. Reading the minutes of the last nicotinic 8d. Treasurer's report and the referring of the same to the tixccuuve uunumuui:. 4th. Roportof the executive committee. 5th. Report of special committees. Oth. Miscellaneous business. 7th. Election of ofllcers and commit- tecs 8th. Adjournment. Art. II.-Sec. 1. It shall bo the duty of the corresponding secretary to keep a list of the graduates and their post ofllco addresses, 10 notify each member elected to an office, of his election, and attend to such other business as directed. Sec 2 The duties of the recording secretary shall be to keep the records and report the proceedings of the association. Sec 3 The officers of this association shall be 'elected as follnws: The prcsi dent, corresponding secretary, recnUng secretin-" treasurer and the executive committee by a majority of all the mom. bors present. Each class i shall elect the Vice-president to which it Is entitled. Sec. 4. All officers shall hold heir offices for one vcar from and alter then election, or until their successors arc elec ,C Sko. 5. In the absence of the presidont, one vice-president shall preside, and the ridit to the chair shall be according, to fe seniority of tlie cluss.to which the vice prosldunt present shall belong. Sec U In all meetings of this associa tionfhe members present shall constitute ft ST' Thoro shall be an annual tax of one dollar upon each member, payable at eaoh annual meeting. W. II. Snell, W-1?I,,?Si " J. S. Dales, f ft ""l1?' Glass of 1873 U. " 874. General Ml. 11. Ticket Office. NO. 14 EAST 0 HT11EET. Tickets Jo nil prominent rnllrond nolnts by tho host nnd chonnost routes. Information cheerful ly furnished. A. W. Kem,oou, Agent. CLIFTON HOUSE, G. ENSIGN, Proprietor, Lincoln Neb. FMKE 'MOSS. Ono Door South Pout Office, Opera IIoiimo Illock. tSTThU Houso liim 1)eon thoroughly rollttod, nnd nowly furnished throughout. Chnrirett mod-ornto. CHAPIN& WATSON, Attorney at Law, 11E.L ESTATE AND - GO VERNMENT LAND AGENTS. SPECIAL ATTENTION UIVEN Ofllco on 10th St. 2d Door North U. S.LnndOnieo. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. PIONEER LIVERY, Sale and Exchange Stable. W. J. HYATT, - - - - Prop'r. New Brick Stable, west side 11th street, between 0 and P streets, two Doors south of Commercial Hotel. Lincoln, Nebraska. Fashionable ToiiNorialiHt. Shaving, llalrciittlng, and Sham pooing dono with accuracy nnd In despatch. 11th htteut South of 0 West side. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. N.B. MnkoB n speciality of trimming Indies' nnd children's hulr. E. T. M. IIURLBUT, M. D. IIoMaspATiiio Physician and Surgeon. Office and Residence on P street, between 11th & 12th North side. A. M. DA VI'4, Wholesale nnd Jtotn'.V Denier In Carpet, Oil Cloths, Itt:H, MatH, Window hai!t, J,aef Curtain) J)amalt) tCr, tCr, No. 28 E. O Stiieet, Lincoln. W. B. HARLOW. Conrcetloiicry, Oytcrw, In all Htylcn, Boarding by the day and week. 20 Enst O street, Lincoln. A. . GIIISON, A. ITI., I?I. D., 1'hlnlflan anil Snrg-eun LINCOLN, NED. Ofllco, Rcsdonco nnd Dlsponsory on 11th Street, Between O nnd N. HT'Bku. and Nkiht-lhhit. NATIONAL MEAT MARKET, BULLIS & HARRIS, Proprietors. Dealers in Native Beef, Pork, Sugar- Cured Hams, Etc., .Vo. 8 11I SI reel. Lincoln, Nebraska. Family Groceries Am Good a tho Bcr, A Cheap n Hie Cheapo, AT OHA11LIE GRIFFITH'S On P Street, botween 10th nnd 11th. CONOVER & DRUSE keep the city Boot and Shoe Parlor. Liberal DlHCountH Made to MliilNorvyRiul Student!. Largest AsHortinonV' nud Latent Style AlwayN on Ilnnd. O Streot, hotweon 10th & 11th South sldo, Lincoln. - - Nehuaska. (v EXCELSIOR MARKET. G-errans & Haymaker, DEALERS IN meats, POULTRY, AND GAME, NO. 10 SOUTH 11th STIIEET. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. .11. AJ.V, Ji E JV T I S T , Teeth intortcd on Gold, Silver and Jtubber. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllco over Ncwmnn's store on O Street. (llotwcen Tenth nnd Eloventh street,) LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J. .llOItlllSO.T, Merchant Tailor, AND DEALEll IN ClotliM, CaMNliiicrM, DocHklng, Silk VcHtliiKN. No. 0 South 11th St,-01d P. O. Stand. L. BARR. Watchmaker & Jeweler AND DEALEll IN WatehcN, Clot-leu, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. . MAIiMiTT, DEALER IN a old and HUvcr IV. JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, &c, AMERICAN WATCHES AT FACTORY PRICES. A Fine Selection of the CELEBRATED SETII THOMAS CLOCKS WntchOH, Clocks nnd Jewelry ropnlrod by ox erlonced workmen. Engrnvlnj: nently executed. Rcniemher tho plncc HALLETT'S, o etrcot, uotwvcn 10th nnd 11th, south sldo. , 2 . XV. MOIIITIANN, Denier In CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTIIS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS A v. R i' ta " I t 1. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO STUDENTS Lincoln, Nebraska. C. M. LEIQ1ITON. H. AV. BROWN. LEIGIITON & BROWN, WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL DETJ&aiSTS, AND t BOOKSELLERS, Corner O nnd 11th Strcots, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Special Attention Paid to Rcpalrlsig 'WatchcH, CIoelCH, Ac. f Full JlMtorlmtnt of Sprclarltn Eiltalat, Kc. Opera House Block, O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. BONNER STABLE, ZIVEIIX If EXOIMJVGE! 11th Street, between O & P. AV. H. nOY!R, ----- Prop'r. Special Inducements to Students. Best slnglo nnd doublo rlcs nlwnys on hand, with nttentivo grooms In nttuudnuco. ZEIIRt3NC & IIARLEV. miAI.EllS IN OriiKH, Slationcry, Seltool Books, Tiolei Articles, Pcrfiiiicries &c. Now Urlclc rK Store Cor. O Jk 1 1 tli at. LINCOLN, - - - NEURASKA S-ARonts for Snlc ol" University Books. 11KOE1VEI) TWO UIl'LOMAS AT NEIIHAHKA STATK FA1UH, SErTEMUEU, 1873-73. Dr. T. C. Kern, feURttEON JDENTIST, OFFICE COR. O AND ELEVENTH STS., LineoIit( - Nebraska, C2?ALL WOIIK WA1UIANTED. THE OJS'JR nttCJB SYOUX HORWITZ & DAVIDSON, Wholcsnlo nnd Rctnll Dcnlcrs in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hattj Cap) Hoot and Hlioti, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC., No. 0, Knst Side Squnro. LINCOLN, NEB Wholmale. fit tall. BOOTS if SHOI LEATHER & FINDINGS For CaHh One Price Only Cheapest IIounc In the City. CuMom Work and Repairing Dono to Order. W. L. KIDD, cfi GO. Sonthoast cornor of Square, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. : t m ii'il mi lifi :.? !; Bs.! S ll J w on rU l, i 5l ft: : H u.a i4 -i till I!