Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1874, Page 5, Image 5

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sciences, undalso acquired proficiency in
higher mathematics; but his special study
llic one which he loved the most, was
modern history and biography, lie oc
cupied his leisure hours in studying and
reading this kind of literature. He thus
acquired an enviable knowledge of the
history of France, Germany and England,
as well as of his own country. He
could with ease point out all the chnnges
in the policies and ruling powers of these
countries, and trace the lineage of the
various royal families.
S. was n member of the Palladian Lit
erary soeie'.y of which he served as
president until the formation of the
Adelphian, which hejoined.andof which
he also served as president during his last
term in school.
The style of his literary productions,
like Mr. Mitlick's, was less general and
rhetorical than Mr. Hind's, being always
biographical, or descriptive in character.
We think S. aspires eventually to a posi
tion as professor of modern history in
some institution oi learning, for which
his tastes and his acquirements eminently
qualify him. For the present, however,
like Mr. Hurd, he intends "with the gran
gers to take n gallant stand," and engage
in stock-farming for his health.
In whatever Ileitis of labor these gentle
men may finally engage wo feel assured,
that their hearts will continue to throb
with love for their beneficent mother
that they wUl ever cherish her memory,
and gaurd her wellfare. If in the contest
of life they prove victorious and claim
the homage which pertains to power, let
them lay some of the trophies of victory
at her feet. If tliej win the chuplet of
fame or the laurel of the muse, let them
strew some of the leaves over the head of
their alma mater, who hath shown the way
to win them. We will miss this class
from our numbers more than those who
follow will bo missed; for, having been
connected with the University from its
very beginning, they have identified them
selves with the organization of all our
college institutions, and woven their
memory into tho whole fabric of our ear
ly history as a school.
Then in conclusion we bid them, God
spued. May their paths ever be strewn
witli roses, and bathed in sunshine, and if
adversity should come upon them, may
they prove themselves nobler in the hour
of tribulation, than in the hour of pros
perity. Vale, vale, cart sodales nostri,Hitin
Malick. Stevenson. Hurd.
Ago, )'ra inoii. tin. y'rs mon. da. y'rsmou. da.
a), ;$, n. ai, a, ai. 21, 8, r.
weight, jfiOii ttn.
night, nft. 10 in.
Ar'd -houltlorH, W In.
Ar'dehost, 33 In.
Ar'd head, 82 yj hi.
Owrhead, 1 1V4 In.
Ku'h, Light blue.
1S1 tt.
5 ft. 11 In.
4) in.
SUf. In.
aa in.
15V4 in.
185 lbn.
5ft. Tin.
Ai In.
'H In.
15V J III.
Haol. (irnyt-li blue.
Mnllck'n itntr U brown and curly, bin hirsute
appendage Infinite or Indeterminate, his tempera
nu'iit bliloiis-sanguiiu approaching lymphatic;
Mi'U'iiaoii'jj hair is dark brown nnd straight, his
MrMite appendage, mustache, his temperament
MIIouh nervous; Hind's hair is light and curly,
lilf hirmito appendage liidotnnnltiate or infinite,
lil temperament sanguine ,
. Again another term's labor is ended.
Again a few have deeply laid tho strong
foundation stone of some new branch of
knowledge, upon which thoy may 6afely
nd successfully build a noble super
structure in after life; while others we
trust very few havo merely stirred the
surface, and laid foundations of straw,
which will perish and fade away, as their
text-books arc laid upon the shelf, leav
ing no foundation upon which a beautl
ful temple may be built. How grave the
consequences ol slighting a study while
In college! for, when once laid aside, it is
seldom resumed, unless its teachings have
been deeply planted in tho mind. We are
gratified to learn that while tho examina
tions havo been more rigid this term than
heretofore, the average standing of the
various classes has been better.
Especially in the Department of En
glish Literature, Prof. Dakc has been tin
relenting in exacting the required num.
her of literary productions from all mem
bers of his class, on penalty of suspen
sion. All true students are glad of this,
for to slight this duty is to shun the pur
est fountains of useful, practical knowl
edge, and truest culture. We surmise
that the policy of Prof. Dake will have a
salutary influence upon the literary work
of the future in his department. There
have been fewer students conditioned this
term titan heretofore, and none" plucked."
ln response to the desire of the students
expressed privately, and through the col
umns of the Hksi'Khian, a class in elocu
tion and voice culture has been conducted
by Prof. Church, during the term. The
students, who took advantage of this op
portunity, have been much gratified with
the result. Prof. Church is an energetic
and able teacher, and we trust will keep
this class in operation, as it supplies a
need we have long felt.
As we pause a moment for retlection,
at the close of this the third year of the
life and struggle of our young Institution,
the out-look appears fair and serene, and
our heart throbs with bright anticipations
and hope for the future. We feel that, in
spite of the malicious stings of local
prejudice, the convulsive throes of disap
pointed demagogues, and the slander of
splenetic newspapers, our University is
destined soon to grow into a thing of
grandeur, power and beauty.
cfllcicnfly assisted by Mr, Malick. On
tho miscellaneous debate tho audience
was favored with a neat and able address
by Mr. Field of the Palladian. Mr. Mc
Lean, Mr. Lambertson, and also Prof.
Aughey delivered interesting addresses.
The exercises of the evening were clos
cd with an eloquent and pleasing vale
dictory by tho retiring president, Mr.
Stevenson one of tho graduates of '74.
Mr. Stevenson has been a faithful member
and in him the society will lose a talent
ed mind and an earnest worker.
The success of this last regular exer
else of tho term is indeed a favorable
omen of future prosperity for the society.
The term that lias just past has been
one of unusual prosperity and success to
the two societies of tho University. Old
animosities and bickerings have appar
ently died out, and good feeling and
brotherly intercourse have taken tho place.
And yet this lias not been done at tho ex
pense of healthy and spirited emulation
in literay eflbrt which still exists. Tho
last regular exercise of tho Adelphian
was a brilliant success. The hall was fill
ed to its utmost capacity a large number
of ladies and gentlemen from the city
being present as visitors
Tho general literary exercises were
choice and well rendered. Tho select
readings by Misses Maud Ci'cogan and
Sarah Funke were well appreciated by
tho audience. Miss Creegan's reading is
always characterized by pure tone, clear
and distinct articulation, delicate shades
of inflection and expression; Miss
Funke's by her winning manner, grace
ful delivery, and pleasing voice.
Tho debate upon the subject: "The
Patrons of Husbandry as a political par
ty," was ono of tho best ever presented
by the society. Mr. Wilson well support
ed by Mr. Brown, advocated tho cause of
the grangers with ability and spirit, and
was "bly replied to by Mr. Lamberton,
Tho Commencement exercises of the
High School, held on Friday evening,
were listened to by a large and select
audience. Though tho series of literary
entertainments of the University had pre.
ceded this occasion in the same week, the
exercises of Friday evening were highly
appreciated by ull. In taste and beauti
ful arrangement tho exercises were not
excelled by any entertainment of tlieUni
verslty. The graduating class consisted
of three beautiful aw1 talented young la
dies and one young gentleman.
Tho productions of the ladies Miss
Emma Funke, Miss Theresa Graham and
Miss Flora Alexander were surprisingly
excellent in thought, and couched in
splendidly beautiful language. Every
sentence seemed to sparkle with word
gems nud sentences of penrls.
The address of tho young gentleman,
Samuel English, on the "Manias of the
Age," was a worthy production. It lack
ed tho glitter and music with which the
ladies adorned their thoughts, but we
liked it equally as well. He showed the
elements of manly thought, in grappling
with the knotty, practical problems of
the day, and evinced a conception of tho
follies and fantasies of the age.
The exercises were a grand success, as
the hearty applause, and showors of bou
quets testified. Wo noticed that some of
the University boys, perhaps tho ex.sen
iors, were not backward in proffering
their floral offerings to the young ladies.
We aro told that the class intends to enter
tho University in the fall. If it does let
us look alive for our laurels.
Since tho enlargement of rhe Hnsi'EU
ian at the beginning of the winter term
the Association has been struggling tin.
der flnanchl dilllculties. Tho funds re
quired for the purchaso of material was
advanced by three or four students, assis
ted by tho Chancellor. Rut we were un
able until recently to pay current expens
es; consequently, sinking deeper and
deeper into debt, the prospect for tho fu
turo was indeed gloomy.
The Regents, in their wisdom and gen
croslty, have again come to the ro&cuo
with a handsome appropriation. In the
present condition of tilings, when the Re
gents have felt the necessity for economy
In all their measures, tills liberal endow
ment is doubly appreciated. We accept
it as an acknowledgment of the valuo of
our paper. Hopo inspires us to renewed
offort in tho future. Wo earnestly appeal
to the students of tho University to seo
that their college paper shall bo worthy
of tho confidence that our honored Falh
crs have placed in it.
Our Juno exchanges, many of them,
come to hand a little late, probably re
tained, like tho Studknt, to record tho
vorious commencement exercises.'
Clcmmie Chase still keeps the Excelsior
up to the excellent standard indicated in
its title page. May both the Editor and
paper grow and prosper.
The High School, Omaha, is receiving
tho warm compliments of the college
press from all quarters, and wo think they
are merited. The paper increases in ex
cellence each issue.
The Mute Journal, of Nebraska, visits
us regularly. We arc glad to know that
It is improving in interest and hope that
it may soon be able to purchase a better
dress of which it is worthy.
Tlie College Olio, Marietta Ohio, sixteen
page, is received. It contains an immense
quantity of local news. Tho last issue
has a good poem "The Heroic Pilot."
We are glad to make the acquaintance of
the Olio.
The Seminary Budget, Sacramento Cal.,
criticises the typography of our April is
sue. We thank the ladies for their pleas
ant criticism, and hope they havo been
able to discover an improvement for tho
better since.
From statements made in tho lieportcr,
Iowa Univsrsity, we judge they have tak
en "Base Rail" as badly as havo our
freshes and sophs. Three or four clubs
have arisen, flashed brilliantly through
their meteor couises, and sunk into igno
minious gloom, within the last three
weeks. When we gaze expectantly
around for tho bold forms of tho valliant.
"Half and Halfs," the benign countc-.
nances of tho "Missionaries," or listen
to catch the Innocent bleating of tho
" Lambs," disappointment awuits us lo
they are not I Jicquiescant inpacem.
The Chronicle, Mich. University, is just
received. It is double the usual size, and
dovoted almost exclusively to commence
ment matters. The " Class Day Oral ion,"
published in full, we havo read with in
terest; subject, " Cavour and Italy." Our
readers will notice tho coincidence be
tween the subject of this oration and the.
commencement oration of Mr. Stevenson,,
which, we regret, our limited space pre
vents us also from publishing.
Tho Class poem is a scholarly produc
tion showing much culture. The " Class
History" occupies about six pages of tho
Chronicle, and abounds in humor and in
structing facts. " The Prophecy" by the
"Class Seer," a poem, occupies about four
and ono half pages, and is full of wit and
humorous "take-offs" on the future destiny
of various members of the class.
The Central Collegian has an article on
"Blunders and Blundering Pcoplo,"
which contains somo refreshing observa
tions on the usefulness of blunderers.
Here is an example: " Wo havo often
read of and imagined tho intenso gratiii
cation which one derives from gaining a
truth after laborious effort, but wo think
it would bo splendid to strike upon it
morely through somo blunder, or by accl. .
dont, like Columbus did Amorica." '
Quite con ect; wo think such blunders
aro " splendid." If the world had pos
sessed in those days a fow more ,sucU ac
cidental men as Columbus, who was .will
ing to spend tho best port of his .li'foin
developing and preparing to carrylfitb
effect his great ideas his premeditated
"accident," tho wlieols of progress would
have been rolling along a century iiiu'nu
vance, even of where they are to-day. -
Ull i3
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