..J&tJAiJ&XXMBLAiJatxAi.Sit.jtl&mAi-Xti ' ' . i.-:A-;;---v I. 6 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. iii i r -I! I :JJ l' r .'i n Ui ll ' 'it in h u IN (HI Wi I Hiti OUR COLLEGE NEWS. Ouu juniors arc seldom visible. Summeu and base ball have returned. Tiik University roof isreceividg a coat or tar. "What young gentleman called at num ber 32 ? Tub election is ovor but the crusade still rages. Aunica is in demand the season for base ball has arrived. Chemical students arc amusing them selves in the laboratory. The literary societies start out this term with commendable zeal. Scauce If we arc to blievc the Sen. iors, subjects for orations are scarce. Mr. McLean has commenced the Sum. mer's campaign look out for llower beds. Head the conundrum propounded at tin- close of the article entitled "What "We Want. We publish this month a very compll inentary letter from a former editor of the Student. The press work of our paper is done by the Journal Company in a manner hard to beat. A number of the boys amuse themselves by kicking at a foot ball and bruising each other's shins. Some of the students have phrenology on the brain. They wish to discuss it in preference to anything else. Fou morality and general good behav iour a better class of students than those attending this Institution can not be found. W. L. Sweet having resigned his posi tion as local of the Student, Mr. Show a'ter will take his place, by vote of the Association. Court has been in session during the past two weeks, and many of the students spent their leisure time listening to the legal lights of the place. Furi). Buiins knows how to place such a gloss on shirts that they can be used for mirrors. Boys, if you desire to look like gentlemen let Burns cleanse your linen. The quiet which usually pervades the University, is now frequently broken by the shrill tones of Prof. Aughoy's panot, to the no small amusement of the stu dents. Seniors are considering the propriety ol " laying out a crop" of whiskers and donning plug hats for commencement, but we think it will take the whole class to raise a respectable beard. Bad. Our editor-in-chief is a sober young man, but passing through the door the other day he came in contact with the door casing and his nose looks vory bad. It did'nt hurt the door casing any. Some of our preps tried to beat the High School Huso Ball nine at the close of last term, but were sadly defeated. When the University nine comes out these scrub nines will have to stand from under. Wk would suggest to thoso at the Stale Normal School, who are " starving for lio. iks, to pack their trunks and eomo to the University. We have a library of ov. or 1,000 choice volumes which, wo venture to alllrm, contains the best selection of books in the state. What it lacks in quan. tity it makos up in quality. In it a stu dent can And InformfUion on almost any subject with whloli lf6hns to deal. Sunday, April 12th, we had the pleas ure of listening to a sermon by the Bev. Mr. Webster of the Unitarian denomina tion. He is a very line speaker, and the University students present appreciated the effort. 0. W. Weiisteu's advert lament reads, "special inducements to students, nnd other paupers." That of course was a mistake; but we took him at his word, presented ourself as one of the "other paupers," and got an excellent pair of boots very cheap, as per agreement. Soph : Professor, in the phrase houlcs thai niton ajUcstlati, (to desire to take food) is not sitoit a genitive of want? Phof. No. How do you make that out ? Soph. Why, one wouldn't take it, would he, unless he wanted it? (Class smiles audibly.) One of the students has left at this of fice an amateur printing press with chases, type and other necessary fixtures, which is offered for sale at the low price of $15. This is a bargain for anyone desiring to learn the art of printing without serving an apprenticeship. For full particulars call at the sanctum. The Student is not paying expenses. If you wish to see it published, students, exert yourselves for subscriptions and ad vertisements. The funds with which ma terial for the enlarged form was procured, were advanced by three or four students avIio were deeply interested in the success of the University, and unless you assist to support your paper and the BegGnts make an appropriation, its publication will of necessity be discontinued. The Association is under obligations to the Chancellor for providing the Student oflice with another imposing stone. This is an article that has been needed for some time to facilitate the make-up of our pa per. The stone was prepared by John C'urrie, who can furnish you with marble mantel pieces, table tops or a monument to mark your last resting place, in a style rarely equaled. When the Student " shufllcs off this mortal coil," we will have its epitaph engraved on this stone to "tell to all the world around" how a col lege journal died for want of support. Wei.co.mk Back. C. C Brace, who left us last fall to attend a course of loot ures at the Chicago medical college, has returned and will "fling his shingle to the bree.e in one of Nebraska's young and thriving towns. We can assure him that there will be breeze enough in Nebraska to keep lite shingle waving. Since the above was in type, we learn that he has located at Bennett. If you should happen to bo in the vicinity of Bennett, and should happon to bo taken sick, call on Dr. Brace; if he kills you, we'll treat the next time Ave see you. Suspicious. Two Freshes of the gen us boarduniSilves, were expecting to make themselves comfortable lately on a dinner of boiled chickens, which they had procured from some source. A friend who happened to call about this time was shocked, and his mind was filled with sur mises by the following episode: Enter gushing Miss of five summers. Smiling Fresh opens door and invites her in. Miss, twisting bonnet strings, and glancing toward the savory pottage ; Moth- or says, "have you soon anything of -urlM. tie lame chicken with a speckled lcc." ha'n't vou ? Fresh No!!! Miss retires and Fresh swears slightly- A well known divine in his prayer the other Sunday, fervently returned thanks for the great victory his parly had acheived in the election for the city school board. Our devil, who is some what of a publican, takes exceptions to tliis course of procedure, and says the prayer should have been on this wise : " O Lord, we have been victorious, but Thou knowest how unworthy. P'r'apsa con siderable worse than those wev'o busted. Help Thou our weakness for Heaven knows we have need thereof, if the past success of our city schools is any evi dence of the same. Amen I Imdustiiy. The Chancellor lectured lliesludentsthe other lnoruingon neatness. A certain Soph girl got very enthusiastic over the matter. Happening to visit the Adelphian Hall, a few hours afterward, she noticed sundry marks of oleaginous digits upon the door panel. In supreme disgust she rushed for the Student oflice, seized a basin of water and sonio soap, tucked her delicate sleeves, and in des perate energy applied the soap and water with her lilly lingers to the obnoxious pan nel. You may depend upon it that door was cleaned. This peico of heroinoism was the most sublime and pathetic specta cle wo had ever witnessed. One of the Sophs has since become enamored of this fair; hu says no further recommendation is needed by him. PERSONAL. Miss Maggie Lamb is teaching in the High School. a lonir absence, Miss Briscoe is 'n' After again with us. C. M. Cropsey sailed for Chemnitz, Ger many, on the 8th inst. Miss L. Keeferis instructing the little ones of the first ward. George Washingto Akers lias gone to Minniappolis, Minn. J.J. Langdon is made happy by re maining in Sarpy county. G. M. Sturdevant, tired of teaching, has come back to the University. Milo Elliott will run a farm down in Otoe county until the fall term. M. I). Hyde has gone to Ml Vernon, Ohio. The girls will sadly miss him. "Sanunic Paine" otherwise E. P. Holmes, will bo a granger until the fall term. Gantt will stay in Nebraska City and give attention to tho interesting works of Hlaekstone. C. 0. Draco has returned, and though but recently rcovored from a severe lit of sickness, will soon bo at work again. Will Hartley has returned from Illinois where lie spoilt the winter. At heart he is the same jovial follow, but because of his Mowing board, wo scarcely recognized linn. The many friends, in Lincoln, of u,0 Misses Moll io and Cel la Furnas will bo sorry to learn that they have removed to Hrownvllle and will not attend tho Uni versity this term. .i3'A; JJm,',,lek' formerly a student of the University, is now a "circuit rider" somewhere in the Western part of the State Harlan county, wo think. AVe re member that Burdick took a circuit or a shoot one ni.'ht east of tho University In making this circuit, hodisplaved fully as much zeal, perhaps, as it will bo pos siblo tor him to show out West. Ho said tho rascals wore aflor his money! but. t hoy couldn't catch him. Wo wllftostiiV that thoy couldn't catch him, and wo doubt vory much whether the man was living -it that time who could. OTHER COLLEGES. A law student who has been examining dates, reports that Adam was tho first niaii to receive a land grant, and also the lht to receive a writ of ejectment. Ex. A little girl recently promoted to tlt high honor of sitting up till nine o'clock remarked to a younger friend, "Are you up yet? You should have been in the arms of Moses long ago. Packer. An Irish advertisinent: "If the gentle man who keeps a shoe store with a red head, will return the umbrella of the young lady with the ivory handle, ho will hear something to her advantage." Ex. Any Prep who will bestow over a liun drod dollars In presents on one young miss before the first two months' aequain tance, shows that there is plenty of rom for cotton up in his loft. Lawrence Cul ley inn. If there was ever an illustration of en thusiasin hopelessly mad, it is In the case of the Tennosseean who has preserved in alcohol an entomological specimen which was caught on a bed that General Jack son slept in. Junior No. l(on the hen roost), "Siy, do you think it exactly right to take these ckickens ?" No. 2 : " Thnts a groat moral question which we haven't time to argue just now. Hand down another pullet." JierMcyan. A second-liana furniture dealer on Michogan avenue, Detroit, hung out a card one day, inscribed, "Buggy! For Sale!" and inadvertently hung it upon a second-hand bedstead on the sidewalk, it attracted much attention. This fablo teaches that punctuation should be (ought in the public schools. A good sell was perpetrated hero a few weeks ago, and by which great numbers wore deceived. Bills, to the elleet that Henry Ward Beecher would lecture in ! Memorial Chapel, on "Modern Skepti cism," were conspicously posted through out the City, and scores wended their way to tho Chapel to find the whole all'air a student's .vWb.Tarjum. The following linos, written no doubt from experience, were recently sent by a member of '72 to a Senior whoso condi tion lie probably thought to bo precari ous: Oli womtin, !n her hours of oiigo, Uiicuriulii, coy, mid hunt to plunnu, Hut noun to oil, f imllltir with bur fueu, Wo Urst umltiru, thou pity, thun umbrnco." Taryum. A week or two ago a Prof, spoko to oik; of his classes of the great amount of nu triment there was in oat meal. The next day B. met the Professor and said, "Mr. , can you tell 1110 whore I can get some of that oat meal? I must hac some of it sure. I would give thno prices for it, Mr. , but I won't give ten prices." Tho Professor promised to find out whoro the oat meal could be oh talned. University Jft'iwouriun. At one of tho clubs the death of CharK Sumner was the topic of conversation. An admirer of the deceased statesman had dwelt quite patli3liclly upon his nobility of heart and purpose, and closed with quoting his last words: "Toll Eomcrson I love him and revoro him." Tho silence which siiocoodod was at (length broken by one further down tho tnUo. "Emerson," said ho, " was that blood-thiiwy South Carolinian who assaulted him, wasn't he? Such a spirit of forgiveness is divino." Ohrontclo.