8 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. AmabaCoiui, Fres't. J. F. Siumrrit. Cashlor. W. P. Phillips, Vice-President. First National Bank OK LINCOLN. ,Attthorlxcd Capital, HALF MILLION IOLLAKS. ii. I Commercial Hotel. (Douglas Huuso Enlarged.) J. J. IM1I0FF, - Proprietor. IIKMiY WHAVKH, MANAOElt. Lnto of Onult House. Chicago. Islnvoln, Ycb. J. MOXTE1TII, MANUFACTUltEIt AND DEAI.EII I.V hoots .ijs'ii stioKs, Made from the bunt material mid warranted. Itc pairing neatly done on short notice. North Idc .Square. LINCOLN, NKII. Jtotckcr, Kcnnartl if Co., R A X jiv E It S, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. OUNG & CHASE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, O Street Between 10th and 11th ' lJtCOJt, YFM1SK1. Steam Bakery. Students and others desiring Bread, Crackers, Pics, etc , will find it to their interst to call at the Steam Bakery, North side of Public Square Next to the At wood House. WILLIAM DEVEHEAUX, M a ii ii fa c I ii r c r of Fine Cigar, AND DEALElt IN AM, OF Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, lnd Smokers lrtlclcs or all Inscriptions, 0 Street, Three Doors East of Tenth, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. McCLURE BROS., Have on hand A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OK . G E .V T S . F V it YISSriYG G O O US, HATS AND CAPS, COIINKIt OK 0 AND U'l'Il 8THKKTS, DIHEOTOItS, Amaha Cono . P. Piiillu'm. J. P. SUDDOTIt. J. O. MlLLKlt. P. Fauwki.l. JOIIJV I. McCOJWVHl,!., Dealer in Staple & Fancy Dry Goods AND NOTIONS, No. 12, Brlgga' block, South side 0 Street, I I wV C O I. v, JVH it H.I S K.I. SfUrWsr2 'MttUtSW-fiSBSmBtfHiSlBKKIBffSBSfnKBtm NORMAL SCHOOL. PERI', NEMEHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA CENTRAL MARKET., lilNCOIiN, NKKKASKA. C. II. Van Fo.shou, AOENT KOH THE PEACOCK FORT SCOTT COAL, HARD, and soft WOOD. CIENEHAL AOENT POH TO BREE1 & CO'H OIJMiHKATKO Belfast Ginger Ale! LINCOLN, NEBRSKA. Bohanan Bro's, DEALEH8 IN .Jltalt, Snunnsr". Oame and 1'rovltoiiH of all Kinds. South Side Market Space, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. II. W. HARDY, Offers special inducements to STlfBEN'IS! TEACIPRS! BREACH'S! AT HIS lUtlCK FURNITURE STORE, No. 11, 10th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dealer In HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of every description, including IlOOtN, SIlOVM, IlatN, Caps, Collars, OruvntH, NocktlcN, Gloves, IJtc. Ho line now on hand the- heaviest stock of goods, in his lino, in Lincoln. Students will do well by purchasing of May, as will all others. UNIVERSITY' OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN NEBRASKA. The University of the State wa opened for the second year September IS. 18TS. under laxora lile condition, and time far lias been prosperous ami successful. PKOFESSOHS. The Faculty, at present, is composed of seven Professors, skilled in their several department of instruction. ADMISSION. Students of both sexes are admitted, to the University on passim: examination in the coin inou English brandies, If entering the Latin School; or in studies of advanced classes, II claiming an advanced standing. TUITION. Tuition in all departments is PItEE. There is an entrance fee of 5. Hooke are furnished at :ost. APPAHATl'S, Etc. The Istltiition is llberaly supplied with Al paratus. Cabinet, Library, and ail needful facili ties for illustrating the subjects taught. The Philosophical ami Chemical Apparatus Is espe cially large nnd valuable AGItlCUL! UltAI, COLLEGE. Tlio Agricultural College Is now open, and fur nishes a lull course of instruction running through four years, or a partial course in prac tical agriculture, requiring one year. The com pletion of the full course entitles the student to a degree. liOAHDING. N E BRAS K A State Normal School, FACULTY. T. J. HI OHO AN, Principal, Mental and Moral .science; School Economy. jAitiiis iii:i,i,angi:i:, Mathematics. KATK S. DICKIOIAN, Instrumental Music; Gymnastics. ai,bi:kt NKIIOILS, Principal of Preparatory Scliool I? I, IS. A '. HI O It G AN, Precept reNN, lthetorle; English Literature. AV. V.. IV I I, S O N , Natural Science; (.reek. ii. in:i,i. iirirr, Metliods; Latin. KLMiN IS. JOHNSTON, Principal of Model bchool. C.I i.KVMI.i H. Hoard Itlects. Quarterly December, march, June, .September. First Term begins Thursday. Sept. 1, 1ST:; End uoaniimr is oiitalncd at reasonable rates lu prl-' Wednesday, Jan. 187-1, Second Term begins vote families, or by renting looms the expense i 'iini.in,- v... i u-.. i'...i i....u.i... may be reduced to $s or $: per week. At present Ihursdaj. row. I, 18.1; Ends luesdaj, boarding In families is from $t to $.' per week. JunoS:), 187L Storo ou 0 Strcot, Southeast of Square, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CALENDAR. The Fall Term began Thursday, beptembor IS-' The Winter Tumi will be-iln 'Thursday, .Ian. i Mudonts enn enter at any time. The best time is nt the beginlug of the year: or. Ifthat Is hot practicable, then either Noeinhei 13. February t. or April 15. itary S. ISM Correspondence It, solicited bv the Chancellor from those intending to enter College. The health of our Ntiitu and the facilities 0 lie red In the L'niverslU. sh.mld lm slmii in diicoiiienti, for those seeking health undiidwin ' - times for education. the UiilversajVmlJlres'r ll,f"r""ul,m ropuctiijr Tuition r,-e. Numhur of students enrolled A It. DENTON. "lute September over three liundred. For tat ilo Chaucellor University of Nob.. guc nddrurs Lincoln. Nkis. ! T. J.HIOHGAN, Principal. I'ARKER Ac LAXSLV, WIIOI-USAI.E ANI 1IKTAII. DKAI.KItS IX ilinilirnir, ,k, Store ami Tliittair, A 10 TAI1LE AND POCKET OUTLEUY, AGHIOUL. TUIIAL IMPLEMENTS AND MECHA'. ICS TOOLS. O wtrcet, between Oth and 10th. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. V , I.V HIS PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Ouo door south of Post Ofllcc, LINCOLN, NEIHIASKA. S. C ELLIOTT. w. j. Tl'ltNLI'. ELLIOTT & Tl'IUER. WlioU'sak and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, PAINTS, Oils ami U'tmlow Glass, ROOKS AM) STATIONERY, South Side .Market Space, I.M.YCOL,Y, vVtSMMMMSK. t. Tutllc MKaruooil, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LINCOLN, . NEBRASKA IMHIi I'rrrtin, iwmmmmmmmmmmm ft fvr 4 MlMdlWWfaAtarfBdBteJatek Jkt j ..a ' wi-.r"'!- ij3BM!KfUBIl!!",Al J " ' " n . . J MmKimmmmMmmmmKmnmvktimMEMmmKimmHmmt