THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. i I II i v. V It1 m ii n I, Another legitimate result will beatond ency toratlunnlism. Materialism and ra tionalism nrc relatives, ami the causes that directly produce the one, Indirectly produce the other. As mechanism of (nought Is produced by a material life, or the severity of ra tionalism so the natural sequence of ma tcrlalism. Two thousand years ago, on the wide plans of Italy, the Pelasgian tribes (level oped a severe, powerful and material na tionality, while the same tribe on the pen insula of Greece, and surrounded by its cheerful scenery, assumed a very different form ; likewise it it must be a matter of care to us, lest we on these wide and fer tile plains of the West sink in our nation al and religious life, and lest we become mechanical and sensuous, and "lose the legacy and the better characteristics of Saxon fathers. We must add to this Inherent tendency the powerful foreign force brought hither each year by immigrants from abroad and especially by the Germans. Many of these are not in full sympathy with our method of government, and not only lack sympathy with our forms of worship and our religious beliefs, but even in many instances are apparently without much of the religious clement in their nature. It is liard oven now to compute the effects produced by these people on our methods of thought. The sanctity'of the Sabbath and respect for our common law, which in any way interferes with individual liberty, are los ing their force, and Lcssing and Schiller are crowding out the Bible and Shakes peare. This question presents itself, What shape shall our politics and our religion assume in the future ? Will our reprcsent tative character be a compromise between the steady Saxon and the license-loving German, and will our religion be a com promise between the straight theology of Jonathan Edwards and the philosophy of Mill and Comte? The foreigner brings us more muscle, he give us vitality and force, he adds an other element to our aheady many-sided and versatile character, he gives addition al freshness to our people ; but he contrib utes to our inherent materialism, he be comes a modifying factor, and beyond all doubt io changing ho type of our American citizen and is leaving his im press on our customs and laws. More im portant than most questions of political economy or of domestic politics is this question of foreign forces. What the re- suit of the working the present forces will be, can only be con jectured and not known. S. II. M. Ambition. Perchance you may ask, " What is am bition ?" In answer we would say that it Is the most noble trait of true manhood, and that grand feature that draws a divid ing line between a man of honor and in tegrlty,and one of unquestioned character. In looking at the a man's face we can almost invariably tell whether or not he posses that required amount of ambition that will give to him in society a standing, such that ho will bo looked upon as a man that has braved life's battles and come out conqueror over the almost universal difli cultics that have overturned the canoes of thousands, while upon life's voyage, and precipitated them into the unfathom ablG'sea of oblivion. Yet, " such is life," and' such is the sea Into which countless numbers of human beings are irrecover ably tossed. " All (ho world's a stage, " says Shake spcarc, one who had bullied (lie storms of opposition, laughed to scorn the idea of criticism, cast in the shade his literary opponents, and finally come off victori ous. His works are the chief corner stone in (he foundations of the English language, and his name will be revered as long as the language lasts. This one grand stage of the world may bo divided into different parts, each and every one being a characteristic of a certain class of individuals. Prom the lowest to the highest they are stepping-stones that re quire culture, practice, patience and am bition to rise from one to the next. Our imagination fancies a little news boy going through the streets on a cold morning, selling his daily papers, his be numbed fingers beating his sides in a lively manner. Now and then he breaks forth in a wild and joyous whistle, his whole air portraying one of liveliness and mirth. The occasional passer-by stops, shakes his head omniously, gazes at the boy a moment, then points his finger to wards him and says, "That boy has grit, he'll make his mark in the world." Thus it is, that while the world sleeps in ignor ance of the ambitious lad or his business, he is silently and steadily working his road to fame, from the very fact that lie has pluck enough to avoid the gambling hells, dens of iniquity, and companions of vice, crime and degradation all of which tend to a great extent to allure the youth and lead him from an honorable standing to a contcmptablc One. bucn a charac(er was Horace Greeley, who, after scouting the giddy pricipiees of vice, fin ally became one of the chief liberators of 4,000,000 of human beings, by heralding far and wide the curses of bondage and exciting the minds of the American sympathizers lo so great an extent that they arose en masse and struck the shack les of slavery forever from the American soil. We can say that he attained as high a position as is possible to be reached by any man in a free county: namely, to be acknowled the greatest literary genius of his age. Yet, when wo seo those around us that have obtained glory and honor by their persistent habits of trying to get a little higher, (although exceedingly few,) we still float along in the giddy current of life, not caring whether we live or die. Occasionally wc take a peep back into the misty chambers of the past, where we see nothing but one grand string of errors when, had wc had the ambition to overcome a few of those objects, the whole course of our lives would have been effectually altorcd, and we would be, instead of floating along so carelessly in life's drama, wending our way higher and higher, taking one step after another upon the golden stairs of fame, where we would bo exalted by all humanity, while we arc now plodding along in a dark and dssmal atmosphere of absolute know nothingness. Napoleon, too, through his nover-end ing perseverance and ambition, made for himself a title and a name that caused monarchs to tremble at its very sound. Kings and princes, at his word, were hurled into prison side by sido with mur durers and thieves. Monarchies, at his invincible charges, trembled, tottered and fell ; and upon their ruins new crowned heads were placed, at his command. For all this his ambition know of no bounds, and at Waterloo the Duke of Wellington had to have thousands added (o his al ready vastly superior army, before the in vincible guards of Napoleon could be beaten down. That awful carnage ruined In a single day what it had taken him years to establish. Ho was precipitated from the throne, and died the death ot an exile, despised by millions of even the lowest classes of humanity. While we ponder upon this subject, wc are led to believe that although the world is in an unparalleled stage of progress and devel opment, men do not attain as high a stand ing in society, literature, oratory and the arts as (hey did in (ho days of Aristotle, Demosthenes, Plato and Cicero. Be cause in those days a man that made him self notorious as a great philosopher or orator must arise from the common ranks of society, through his unresting zeal, unceasing energies and persistent perse verance. No political or literary friends stood at his back with an incalculable amount of the "evil treasure" and said, " If you have not the ambition nor even the ability to rise to an honorable position wc will put you there if it costs all we have," but, on the other hand, If a man of no ability came before the public, he was hissed, scorned, and If he still re mained before the people hi his hypocrit ical garb of intelligence, forcible means were taken by which the victim was for ever silenced. In this day and age of the world, a man, no matter what may bo his ability to fill a position of public trust, his political friends at once employ means by which he is immediately ush ered into his desired position. Now-a- days there are bribery, crime and treason ; glaring frauds and high-handed robberies committed in the world, that stand upon every page of public record to show the villainy, treachery and abominable sel fish ends of supposed civilized human ity. Yet these vile fiends, whose worlls are as the hiss of the venomed serpent, are allowed to go on perpetrating their horrid outrages in this enlightened age the 10th century. You may perhaps ask why wo arc clamoring upon public cor ruption when our subject is ambition ? It is simply because thousands of the peo. pic of to-day have not the ambition to earn an honest name, an honest living or an honest penny cannot deny themselves society and oven tho necessities of life, as did Demosthenes, to learn the art of oratory. It is because the people are not plucky enough to lay their hands on these base impostors and swing them between the heavens and the earth by the gallows, or sever their vile heads from their bodies by the use of the guillotine, or the block as they used to do. Although believing in ambition to a great extent, yet we lie Hove in the old saying, that "it takes all kinds of people to make a world." Ac cording to (his saying there are people who have no ambition, nor do they care whether or not they ever arise from the mire of sin and oblivion into which they are sunk. In this manner we seo them groveling along from day to day, from month to month, and finally years have passed them in this manner, and still they are the same unchanged, uncaring andun deserving individuals they were in years S"oby. Biwok. Amos E. Gantt. from Kn,miam ... has been acting Local Editor this month' '" "' "uaenco oi w. ii. Hweet. Ho will continue to manage this department until the return of Mr. Sweet. On the Wing. Traveling in Nebraska at this day is among (lie wonders of tho age. Wo are seven years old, at (lie age when other states have been able only to u toddle" about. Now behold' us! nearly 1,000 miles ot rail Una been laid, and fifty iron steeds are rushing, with their trains freighted with thousands of precious lives, in all directions. We are living in an age when living is sublime, when intense activity every department of human, ity. It is especially so in Nebraska. We seat ourselves in the comfortable cars on the B. k M. II. It. and take our course toward the setting sun. We roll on at the moderate rate of about twenty miles per hour, which gives the traveler a fair opportunity to note the various changes in scenery, and enjoy the panor-amic-like view as the train sweeps steadi ly onward. From Lincoln to Crete the landscape is varied; from the valley of Salt Creek the pathway of our fiery steed is somewhat tortuous and ascending. The land seems broken and unattractive to the western eye, but to the eye of the dweller among tho Cattskill or Green Mountains it has many charms. It is like the grateful palm and cooling waters of an oasis in a weary des ert of burning sand. It is a little strange what custom will do for man. The Swiss in his mountain home envies not the peasant of France in his vine-clad cottage on tho lovely plains that skirt the mountain fastnesses.nor does tho versatile Frenchman desire to leave his lowly domicile for the more elevated and rugged hills of the Swiss, and thus Nebraska will, in some slight degree, give satisfaction to the hardy mountaineer and less rugged nature of the dwellers on the plains. And this broken country between Lin coin and Crete shall yet astonish the ob servant traveler with its magnificent or chardsand well cultivated graperies. The whistle sounds while we dream on thefu hire and we are now in Crete. As I am writing for tho Studknt, you will pardon me if I exhaust my space al lotted for this place, on tho present and prospective College located here, for Doane College is slowly, quietly, unobtru sively laying carefully its foundations. Is it not presumption in a few Individ uals thus to attomp, at this early day, to commence such an Institution .almost within the sound of the University bell? i inniK not it the school is inaugurated in the proper spirit and does proper work. It will not probably deter a single student from attending the University, but will rather awaken a spirit for higher educa tion among the citizens of Crete and that vicinity. I am inclined to honor the foun ders -)f the Collvge for their wisdom in thus early laying tho foundations of their denominational school. I have met Prof. Perry who is at present at the head of the institution, and believe him well qualified for the work. H,. h8 spent a year in Germany and has made good use of his opportunities. We aro moving again. Here we cross the Big Blue, one of the mighty agents in the futuro history of Nebraska. It is not like the rollicking, rattling torrents of New England or Now York, yet time will witness its peaceful current turning bun dredsof busy wheels and thousands of dextrous hands will find employment through its utilized motive power. Ne braska must have manufactories, and this stream must contribute much toward their i iifci ittmnMmmtmmf.miim. n-mim(tm WWtW