Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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Editoh-ix-cuikk, G. K. Ilow.uto.
AssociATK, F.XNtK MktOALK.
Local, W. L. Swhkt.
J. M. Inwix, Business Manager.
1 copy pur college year - $0.75.
1 " six months .... 0.50.
Single copy 0.10.
1 column one insertion $4.00.
; .squares " " 1.00.
All nrttalus Tor iiuhliuiitlon should liunddresHcd
Editor llKsi'KMAN Stcdknt, Statu Unlvurxlty,
Lincoln Xubrnskn. All etibscrlptioiiH, with thu
iiddresg thould Iiimnit to thu ItitHinuHsMiumgur.
Snl.e'tirlptlons volli-utod Inviiritilily In mlvniice.
Advcrtliuinuntt. colli'ctud monthly.
tlons;a fearless critic of their policies
and operations; and furthermore, we can
promise in behalf of the entire editorial
corps, 1 1 1 (it the influence of Ilia Studhnt
shall act as a restraint and reproof upon
all narrow animosity, enmity, or bitter
rivalry between the several societies; but
act as mii incentive to healthy, friendly,
but spirited emulation.
We place the acquisition of the matter
of knowledge, as sought in the ordinary
routine of college studies, only equal in
real benefit to the power of assimilating
and wieldhg ihls knowledge, acquired
through participatinn in the exercises of
the lyceuin hall, and the ute of the col
uniiis of the college journal.
Students, shall we have your prnctt'ril'
support, as well as good wishes?
It" will now be entirely proper, without
further comment, for us to make our bow.
c AVith this issue is introduced a new
and, we trust, a propitious epoch in the
history of the Stcdkxt.
We are permitted to make our debut un
der somewhat more favorable circumstan
ces than our predcessors. We make our
obeisance before our readers, as of course
they have observed, with a slightly con
scious air of self-importance. Frankly
acknowledging an average share of edi
torial vanity, we admit that we are entire
ly conicious of the fact that our now at
tire is rather becoming.
Unwarranted self-praise? Nay, my
dear Sir, I was about to remark, when
you interrupted me, that a little parade
in our new clothes might reasonably be
paidoned by our fastidious and charitable
friends and patrons, if our more genteel
appearance shall add anything to their
pleasure, and be the means of creating a
wanner and more lasting friendship be
iwccn us. Do not understand me to inti
mate that we wish to establish the social
or literary status of the Studknt from
the improved out, the liner texture, or the
enlarged pattern of our cloak. Not at all.
But with the advantage of double our
former space, and other facilities which
the wisdom and generosity of the Asso
elation have placed at our command, we
lliink we may reasonably hope to mr.be
the Studknt, in all respects, a more vain
ablfl journal tp-our readers.
Too higli a t.i.j.ite can not be paid to
the talented gentlemen who have preced.
ed us in the management of this paper.
Laboring under many disadvantages
lack of space, material &c the task they
have accomplished in brpiging it to its
present standing, has not been blight.
With increased opportunities and means,
and with the encouragement and support
of the students of tho University, which
wc not only claim, but have a right to ox
pect, we shall come far short of our priv
ileges if we do not improve upon the
work so well founded and developed.
Especially do wo wish to make the
Student an impartial and candid herald
of our literary societies : an advocate of
every means for their improvement; a
champion of their rights and just aspirn-
" 1 wish we could receive sonioinstruc
lion in elocution," said one of the stu
dents to me to-day, speaking of the ad
vantages for laying the foundation of a
broad and comprehensive education our
University allbrds. Said another, "I
would consider the tuition of a thorough
teacher of this art worth live dollars a
term to me." Another, " I am convinced
that a private teacher of elocution, even
of ordinary ability, coining to Lincoln,
would be sure of immediately securing
an ample patronage." Indeed, this desire
is the universal and frequently expressed
wish of the majority of our students.
Tnere is something signiticant in this!
Does it not indicate one of the most im
perative present need of the University?
It leads us to this inquiry: Why 'can we
not have a teacher of elocution V We do
not intend to ilnd fault with the wisdom
and energetic providence of our learned
lathers. I he Regents have done noblv
in providing facilities and annliances to
secure to students, at this early day, so
many of the advantages of a lirst class
University. Their last stroke of policy
in making provision for opening the Ag
ricultural College, in reality as well aa
name, by creating a model farm, placing
dormitories thereon for the accomoda
tion of students, and allowing them a
fair compensation for labor, is u in..,,
stride in the right direction to supply
me wants oi me state.
Is not the present need, e have indi.
eated, also worthy of attention ? Has the
divine art, so adored, so assidtionslv .,nt.
livrtod and perfected by the ancientsto
wiiosc Inlluenco much ot tho perfection
of their drama, their song and their ora
tory may bo directly attributed, become
so trivial ami unimportant in the uvmi
this utilitarian age, as to bo entirely bo
neath our notice and unworthy our prec
ions time? Americans are called a na
tion of speakers rather "spoochillers."
Wo might be denominated a nation of
orators, did wo but study mu practice how
to speak and read.
No, the art is as nobio ami just as nee
essary for an American student, as for the
students of Athens, Alexandria, or Rome.
Tho trouble is not hero It Is somewhere
A reason which makes the necessity for
ft teachor of elocution in our school more
urgontis this; A targe number of the
students aro beginners in the first w
second year of the Preparatory Depart-
iiim. we venture ts afllrm that not a
few of thorn are not even tolerable read-
pis when they enter. Where, then, under
existing circumstances, is there a chance
tor becoming any better readers, through
the whole college course, after entering?
Is it true that some of us have never oven
heard a good rendition of a single piece
of English prose or verse by any master,
much less practiced ourselves, and If so,
is it not equally true that we are likely to
remain in ignorance, so far as the benefits
of our College is concernod, unless some
traveling amateur in the profession con
descends to favor us with an evening's en
tertainment? Is it true that some even in
the higher classes, can not read a piece of
simple English of a dozen lines, without
stammering, reiteration and misconcop
tion of the ideas presented? Much less
dare they attempt to depict the passion, the
force, the life of the sentences before them,
by the wonderful power to paint the tntrl-
cate and delicate shades of thought and
feeling, possessed by the cultured voice?
Let mo ask the advocates of that doc
trine that discourages all effort at person
ation, or dramatic display in the reading
or recitation of our English literature,
what would be the fate of the choicest
gifts of genius in a century, if their theo
ry were universally adopted. Who would
expect to be able to appreciate all tho lat
ent beauty and soul-stirring power in the
written music of the great masters, by
simply learning to name or read off the
notes of the gamut, arranged with every
possible combination and intricacy of
symbols and nomenclature, if he himself
did not try to sing, or listen to one who
could? So our choicest literature be-
; comes a ileail letter to the person who
simply knows the names and etymology
of tho words. Thu productions of Slink
peare, -Milton, Byron, Moore, Hood and
miner are too lofty or pathetic for im
impassioned thinking as well as uniin
passioned rending.
Our best literature is an arbitrary quaii
thy. Its value depends entirely upon the
point of sight the reader occupies.
Booth's Forests, or Siddons' Slmkspoaro
is entirely a different personage from the
Shakspearo of ihe ordinary reader
Beccher's bible Is a different book froni
the ordinary homilist's. To one part
Shakspcarc is the painter of natureV se
cret bcautics-thc inspired oracle of ev
ory pas-don or oinmotion that is holy, or
'onder, grand or sublime, wiso, weak, sil
ly, or dcmoiiiiic, in human num.,. t..
the other his writings are a picture of
grotesque and distorted fancy-nil array
'' unintelligible phrases and oxtr.,n..,n.
(.Vi.auL,nc " mi; ivuijimiHH in U Vltlll-
TZ mo rrC:"rmw,,,,nl"W?pirni- '.. W. Wnuo,,, in h
What w. ... . ' M.nu appropriate address, prcscnt-d
st. Ill of his L , l,roU"h ""' l '"" SCkly n flMtt,3' I... volume
tS?rhlOh0Ci f "' Unabridged Dictionary,
puianul elocutionists, as to heenmo think- for the Critic's stand.
tenn r2wTt0!r,!',,,,il '"' 'f U,C W,,twn l '"'
it-uii ul allowed .to lie nlili. t nil. : .,. ... .ii.i..: .... . v
t.'nnnll,. ......... ........ ' """ ""- .m- miviTHIiy JUKI OI10 )f the IllOst iuli'llt.
... .:.. " ,'"1 Pmis.ng any lHor- l mul energetic mcincbcrs of the Ad.l-
pliian society. He i one of t!ioe who
believe in expressing their interact in ih
wollfaro of any institution tliey preteii.lto
support, in a practical foim, and consider
tho cause which does not merit some
sol f-mttrl iflco, of very little consequent'.
-Mr. Watson has until recently been en
gaged as one of tho editors and proprie
tors of the 2Tebmla Farmer tho Granger
'"Kftii of tho state. Wo learn that he has
recently roslirned this mobIiI. ...wi nninr.
wl into the law and real estate business,
iiiider tho firm title of Chapln & Watson.
v o cun wish him no better fortune, than
mul .ho may bo as successful in his new
profession as he has been in the difficult
position of mi editor.
Another year of our paper's history is
passed. Another year of our lives as
students how few and how pi acinus are
these years! Is numbered with "the
days that are faded and gone." Time
"the tomb-builder," lias seemingly Jos!
tied the sands of another cycle from his
retless glass, impatient at their sluggish
current all too swift for most ot us.
But we do not intend to lament over the
march of fate. We have no metaphor!
cal tears to shed over the graves time has
made. Let him rear his own tombstones
at their head we aro willing to phm u,c
llowers. There's very little use stopping,
as students, to wail and rend our "ar
ments over the sopulehors of buried op.
pertunities. Let time.s sands bury them
deeper we'll hope to reap the fruits of
good resolutions from the seed sown ovpi-
their ashes. If during the past year, we
have, some of us, through negligence,
cheated ovrselveo out of many of the'
treasures of knowledge we might have
made our own by earnest ellbrt; if we
have neglected to benefit ourselves, by
not helping more earnestly to sustain the
literary society, or our paper, why, make
restitution by increased effort in flic year
to come. If, perchance, in our inter
course as members of the various litera
ry societies, there hits been any degree
of enmity or unkindness any" lack" of
charity and benevolence if words have
been spoken or written that have carried
with them a sling cf bitterness, gladly
let all this moulder beneath the dust ..f
time, too deep for any resurrection; and
In the future let charity, good will, kind
ness and true manliness characterize all
our actions.
Let times tombs alone. We have
enough to do to grasp the sparkling g..ld
which in the present moment, glitters in
the stream yet flowing from his mighty
glass, ere it is borne to the fathomless sea
of eternity.
On the whole, in all our instituiioim
connected with the University, we have
made encouraging progress. To-day we
stand, In these respects, "in tho light
of fortune's smile." It rests itii lis, stu.
dents, wether Me retain thi smile or of
fend the sometime fide damo to frowning
and bring adversity'H clouds upon us.
On the evening of the JJOth ult.. the
Ailejphinns were the recipients of a vain
aim'., ilini .... . y
' , '-"sxgc our attention. As
students desiring to lay the broad ft,,,,,-
1t.1''" a University education, we have
a right to demand that the basis of this
most necessary and useful art and Bcionce
bo not neglected "unoo
't do II wlHiom .oU "c'' '",l ,v