Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1873, Image 3

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Almom Home.
1 am nlniom homo, ald bright Utile .nj.
As alio hurried nlong nt close of tiny.
A very good time I have fond nt school,
1 haw lenrnoti A, II, C, ami kepi onrh rule;
But tilt 1'w Ijooii thinking all tho while,
Of llttlo hnb's kUs, Mini mama's milti;
Aud I inn mi "lad Hint night has ntivv come,
I am nlmost homo; I am alnioxt homo.
I'm nlmost homo; sntd the ntiulon: In.liino,
Ho seen his vnontlou coming fo noon.
Ton mouth away; it soonis a long time gone
JsliH-o I have met all tho loved one at homo.
Jlut tho tlinii In puod; I will soon ho there.
Amlnwm with all hook, study, nnd onto.
Thoy all will ho glnd to see Johnny come;
Utwil.fo.vc- ii'hool. maio, lonelier.' Cm almost
1 am almost homo; says an aged -taint.
An lie. count" lili- puNo Hint Ih now ho faint.
J soon chall foo whore the weary rol,
I will 11 nil repose on my Sn tour's forcni;
Oh, so dear to me N'my homo on high:
I long to go homo, some call It to die.
II Ih only a atop from earth tti heaven;
.overt ones wllj greet me, mv crown will he
Almost homo: Mossed words! iiuiHt su-ot,
Ah wo think of loved ones ngajirili t ) gioot.
Milt aio the not dourer tofSftnt) lone,
Thinking of noarlug tholr AjfynPhomor
And yet may thee words iffiVconio to us nil:
We know not how soon death's messtigc may
u 4 cn";
And life may ho swuot, lull of Joj and love;
Lot us never lorgot our home aho e. I..
Sanitnry science is, niter all, a very in.
definite kind oi' knowledge. AYhat we
nre warned to seek utter and cherish one
year, we are warned against the next; at
least this is so with regnrd lo many of its
dletu. A. few years since boat-rowing
as n popular exorcist' both iu this conn-
and in England. .Ministers of the
gospel look to ll in many parts of the
country, and joined Hie corps of " museii.
lar saints;" but now we have- it from so
high nuthorily as tho London Lancet that
boat.raoing. an practiced by tho students
of English and American colleges, is
disadvantageous and sometimes fatal to
health, and Hint such violent muscular
oxerctse Is productive of consumption
and honrl diseiiw. Still the criticism
probably appertains to tho excessive and
injudicious practice of this exercise.
jTfl) th (jcatmi Adcocato.
Tho following anecdote has outlived
lt3 early youth, but it still reads well;
John PhaMiix tell the slory that he was
one day leaving San Francisco by tho
itcnmor. Everybody else was taking
have of friends but lie did not know
a soul in (he crowd. Ashamed of his
loneliness, as the bonl sheered off he cull,
etl out In a loud voice " Good by, Colonel I"
and to bit. great delight every man on
the whaif took oil" hit hat and shouted,
"Colonel, good hyV'Xorttnmtmi.
Always avoid the company in which
you are willing lo toll a coarse jest, be.
cause gfosbiiens is never humorous; pro.
faulty is never admirable; and if your
mnuuer and speech once begin to ravel
out upon that edge, all their manliness
and charm are in danger. Ei..
It rather hit the null on the head, when
a lady, on being asked what she thought
was the meaning of the words "Tho
pestilenco that walkelli in durkiicsq," an.
wered that, in her opinion, it wne bed-"buga.-
mK heperi:
( Tho clnocof '7C, nt present, numbers 17.
I ThO RTItDVVr l liipunlnnl It .1 J,.,. f ,. ). n.,t
! No :i',4 0 street.
! Many of the students hnvc gone to tholr homes
l to spend tho summer vacation.
Why lo u profe-or like a locomotive! Because
you have to loo!: out Tor him when tho bull rings.
tlndor tho hands or tho .lanltor, Mr. MeLrnn,
the Untorall campus presents quite an lmpro
ed appearance.
Several of the professors lakn irlpsof pleasure
through different parti of the Union, for retroa
Hon, this vacation.
The University repair nro being rapidly push
ed to completion, and the chnpol wlllho ready for
oconpnnc) next lull.
" We have doforud Issuing Ihe .Studkkt .it tho
uoiinl time in order to give nn sccotint of coin
mencoment oxorcbes.
Ono of our aonloia has taken n tour through tho
Knst, tho other gone on h farm propauitory to
rentllug law in the fall.
President Steelo of I.uwrenco University has
been appointed one of the Commissioners tiom
Wisconsin to the Vienna Exposition.
vVuarosorrj to state, that the Vacuity huo
cuused the students great nnxlcty of mind by
thoir nouattundauco at prajers, but weaie strong
in the hope of reformation.
Wo are not given lo oxtollug the character
our students, but when two year passes by wlti
out a scrape, except hiding the iVont door-knl)
wo think It worthy of note.
Intense oxcltuuiont was created in a class the
other daj, by tho professor stutlng that Trot".
Katun had made tho astounding discovery, that
this globe will not support lllo but twenty-six
million years longer.
Tho Hoard of Hogonte, at their lust session, ap
propriated $000.00, for tho purboso of providing
an abslstaut, utter the nrst of January, In the
chemical department. Prof. AuglH'y Is permitted
to make the selection.
The little "Messenger," which was published in
tho Studunt office, has gone "wheio tho wood
blue twiucth,"( up the spout), and the press with
It; hence we are obliged again to carry our forms
to one of the city unices for print.
A young ladyTJclrig called upon to read Latin
found difficulty and fallod to comply. Prof, naked
Why hhe-couldTJOt BhupUcd: "I)o'nol It Is
very easy and dimple." Prof, asked "How do
you know!" "I heard that you read It to tho
cluss josterday."
The following took place iu tin) history class
the other day : Prom. "With-what was Neb
uchadneznrstruckt" Student K. af tor medita
tion, and thinking himself struck with the cor
rectanswor.frankly replied "With the pltuiisy."
Prof. "That's sufficient."
Tho members of tho Ad)lphlaii Literary extend
their thanks to the ."Hist-on, Carrie Sessions,
Mury Mesdone, Molllo llnlrd, Ada Hurlbut, Hnd
Surnh Vunko, who have so kindly favored them
with choice muslo at different times this term,
thus adding gretitly to the interest aud pleasure
of their meetings.
Y, A. lturdick, & student of the University, re
cloved a telegram, tho 27th of this month, Inform.
Ing him of his father's death and requesting his
presoncc nt homo, Iu accordance with which ho
depnilod for Jlopubllcaii city the next morning.
Mr. Muidlok haa the sympathies of tho students
In his sad bereavement.
u glancing over our new Catalogue we llnd,
that while mention is made of the Palladium and
Adolphlnu tocletlns, thcro is nouo whatocr of
the Pierian. Wo do uot know tho reason of this,
liui presume It can bo satlsloctornlly explained.
The Indies indignantly assert, that thoy will
publish ft Catalogue of their own.
Friday evening, the Wli, tho high school of this
city gao au exhibition which was conducted In
a manner creditable to tho youug indies and yen.
tlemunwho participated, although tho articles
composed by tho pupils contaluod more love aud
slaug, both of whleb might bo tolerotcd Iu a
drama, thnu was appropriate foi au exhibition of
such u character.
We hac had a dramatist In ouv University for
sometime and of this we have becu proud, but
when said drumatist takes upon himself the en
tertulununtof an cudUnco with a dramatical (!)
performance, to the auuoyuuco ol a lttemry so
ciety whl'ih is, at the satuo time, conducting a
llteiary cutcrtalumeut "11V cairyiu' tbirjoa tooi
Air," aud shows the rough In &U chat actor rather j
IH..B inn (sutiwu.
A sophomore, who, probably, has been courting
the miiKo, ha'iulejlufl.thc following llnot, which
he dcelnros nre founded on fact:
I snw Xosle
Kissing Ko-tlo,
Over tho Doctor's gstc
Vow Joslo tnko care,
And Rosle hownrc,
When you kiss o'er the (We.
Tho following ontccra have been elected by tha
Pallndlan society lor tho coming tall teim:
Piesldcnt, A. W. Field.
V'lco Prosldont, C. H. llohmann.
Itec. Secrelary, G, K. Dovoy.
Oor. Socrotnry, II. A. Walker.
Trcnsurcr, W. A. McAUItter.
Critic, Y. W. Street.
Usher, J. C. Miller.
Chorister, .T. V. Ifobbs-,
At a special meeting of the Adolphlnu ocltt,
Wednesday .Tunc ihu 18th, the follo'trlntf offlcorB
woro elected for tho fall torm or the next college
President, P. P. Html.
Vice President, L. Kuhlmau.
Itcc. Secretary, C. M. Cropiey.
Cor. Secretary, F. A. Burdlck.
Troasurer, h. It. Eckhart.
Critic, V,'. M. Stovonson.
Chorister, C. W. Honds.
Arnraltnl fZ V irwnvil
I OurHrst senior class ha departed from tho
fostering qaro of its Alma Mater to maxo Its
mark, tho length of which remains to he secu,
In tho world. The class is Hbont olevon feet one
Inch la height, and woigha nearly two hundred
and sixty pounds.
Tho smaller member of tho class is dark com
plcxlonod and woars small side whiskers; la a
lover of fun und full of laughter. Tin other has
black hair and chin whiskers; is somewhat more
dignliled, but has withal u pleasing address. Both
Intend to read law. Tholr course through life
will bo watched with Interest by the many friends
thoy leave behind them.
Oolleue Itmit.
A recent way of parsing love. " It govvrni
boys and agrees with girls." Kx.
What Is the difference botwecn n student aud a.
day laborer J Ono works for lore, the other lor
An .abbey In Ireland exhibits two ftkulln of
Shakespeare: one of him when he w&h a little
bbyvntid the-tithc ryd ho a a man. Ex.
Cno of our Proeuman lately, In giving tho di
visions of an oration, called tho last Perfora
tion." "Thai Is right," said tho professor, "If
you Intend your oratiou to be a bore." Ex.
The University of Zurich has one huudrcd and
tou lady students tho present semester, nearly
three fourths of whom study medicine, oulj one
law, tho rest general sclonco and HtcraUue. Ex.
A '74cr who oats tobacco, was somewhat reliev
ed, when his lady friend told him that the Scrip
tures licensed him lu it. He asked her to repeat
tho passage, und eho said: "Let him that Is ill thy
foo tlllhy still." He is no longer lllthy. Ex.
Fresh. "Can I go to New York, sir." Prof.
"Whyt" Fresh. "I want to aco my mother."
Prof.'"That's very natural." Fresh. "My moth
er wunts to sec mo too." Prof. "lathatsof Well
that's very natural also." Fresh. "May I got
Prof. "No."-Ex.
Tho Washington and Leo Unhvrslty seeiui to
bo In luck. It has received Irom Kentucky JiJ,
000 for tho endowment of a. chair of history and
political economy. Missouri has subscribed
nco-ly JBO.OOO for i. cbalr of uppliutl chemistry;
Louisiana, JSIVIOO for the chair of modem Iftn
gunge ; and Toxas, $23,000 for oue of plled
mathoViHllcd. Each professorship heart the
name of tho iitato eudowlng it. Last year the
university received ucorl) $100,000 iu bequests
and douutious. Ex.
One nf our latin students, who Is couitwtmt at
a wit, and tiultu n sport, was recently lu attend
ance uc a sociul gathering; und whllo there, bciug
Invited by bis " dulcluca" to partake of the stu
dent's luxury" Ice-cieam," with becomluj; dig
nity ho got oil' thu followiug: "I have ofteu,
whhlle lufooriug uoder tho hallucination, produc
ed by severe uostlouiug of u proleVsor at recita
tion, declined a uouu; but dearest, uer.. noucv-
er, have I becu able uuder any circumjWi
decllno Tcc-crcam." Ex. '
.ices to
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II 3? S P U I A N . Ji.T IJ EiT,
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