Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1873, Image 1

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ro, 2.
Rain and Shine.
Ttnlr.rrMn, rn!n, i
No sun to bo hcuu fur mnny a Iimir tiny,
Tim Holds perfect mortar, ii mho tho highway,
No chmii.'o for u crop if rye, wheal, corn or liny
It 1m rain, ruin, nothing btU nihil
What will the poor farmer do?
Why, nit in tho house and sigh ami repine,
And pour out Impatiently Hue upon llnu
Of pronpectlvo woes, should tho sun not soon
That's what ho's likely to do.
Shine, shine, shine,
Koi'loiuU to bo soon for rnnny a long day,
Tin: Uohlii hard and dry ar tho dusty highway,
Iu chance for n crop or rye, wheat, corn or hay
It Is Hhlnc, Hhluo, nothing but shlno!
What will tlio pootCTafcnior do:
Why, wander about and nipau rfutl complain
That work and no work aft equally vain
Unions wo soon have a good nliowor of rain
That's wlmt lie's likely to do.
Tlaln or shine.
Wo hoar from too many tho pad, ml refrain,
It in nothing but shine or nothhitr but rain,
Doth equally death to tho life of the pain,
And tho can.) of many a whine.
What should tho poor farmer do?
Why. emtio when it chinos and fjiulle when It ralne,
And Inkii It for irruntpil from nl ij jifwt i.nliw.
That Ciod knows what's licit for all Uii.ds of
That's what ho could and nhould do.
Dealrcs, ell. u-tn ami -..ill "fact ion a urn
universally admitted to be tho groundwork
of nil Exchanges. A low it desire for u
certain object, ho conspires with Ii to ob.
lulu it, satisfaction is tho result tins is
the simplo add curtain law of each and
every Exchange. As a proof of this nat
ural order of the elements of Exchange,
wo hnvo only to observe tho great divorsi
ty of natural gifts bestowed upon differ,
cut individuals by tlic Creator. One innn
has superior physical powers but no in
gonitily to apply them ; another with fee
ile body 1ms a wonderful faculty for con
trivunco; a third has u philosophical bent,
liking to discover tho laws of nature nnd
mind; while a fourtli has aspccial genius
for trafllc. Tints each one is in some way
qualified to serve tho oilier while mutual
satisfaction 1b tho result.
Tho motive which leads to Exchange is
solf.intcrcst. A exchanges services with
, because tho effort put forth by Jl gives
greater satisfaction titan if put forth by
himself: niul vice verm. Hut why docs
this kind of effort give greater satisfaction V
Obviously, because- there is diversity of
advantage, in different respects hot ween
men and nations. Tho wants of men arc
too numerous to bosatisliod by solf.ojlbrt;
hence it is found to be more profitable to
jHve attcntion'to one branch of industry
illono and thoroby securo greater perfec
lion. To illustrate. Suppose tho watch
nlakor's ability to mako watches boropre-
i sqited by 10 and hia ability to mako coats
lbureprcscntcd by 5; whilo tho tailor's a-
Ibisty to make coats is 10 and his ability
Ito mako watches 5 : and further that each
lull a- desiro for tho product of tho other.
It 3 very clear that an Exchango is tho
molt profitable and satisfactory means of
: ,v TQfit?i7tt. Taaar
4j .vV:urT If
! i iumi iiiiii if i mri "TTit iirr-jnm-TTi'ir nrT i rn i n
Qui jioii JiQlloll. TOollflt.
gratifying thoso desires; since by it ti gain
of 10 is secured to each,- whilo otherwise
an-qnforipr watoli and coat must-buthu'.vc-sult
and a far less degree of gratification
be attained. It is equally clear that tho
greater the diversity of relative advantage
the more profitable exchanges become.
Freedom is certainly the most Impor
tant condition necessaiy to make exchang
es as profitable as they can become. This
brings mo properly to tho questions of
Free Trade and Tariffs which 1 can only
slightly notice in this connection. Mr.
Perry, in ills book, touching this subject
says: " By freedom is meant the right of
every man to employ his own efforts for
the gratification of his own wants,-either
directly or through Exchange. Each
man's right of freedom is limited of course
by every oilier man'1 right of freedom ivhicJi
ho i iwtnt liberty to infringe; and aho in
certain reaped, by what is ctllcd tho general
good, of which the judge must be tho govern
ment under irhieh he lirex." Although ho
takes great pains to argue the question of
free trade absolutely, yet this seems to mo
plainly to recognize the principle of Tar
iff. For if men are limited in their rights
by tho rights of others, which llicy fcuroly
menus .are JJuj-lU'opoi- Judge-,. JLu ftjfrlimi
cases, of tlhrexterUof suYh Hniltniion,tho
fundamental principle of T-iiffi 'tu'o.
granted. For if an unrestricted trade
with other nations would violate any ol
thcbo provisions, which etui be certainly'
shown, his nVgilmeuts in favor of free
trade are seriously Ipipiiired.. ,
Again, have gQvoruilients ' right to
intcrforo in tho matter of trade V Many
writors say no. But when a majority of
iho people of any county say- that legal
restrictions upon ticrtain kinds of trade,1
are beneficial to all, what is there peculiar
ly sacred about the rights of trade to make
that restriction unjust? This principle
wag wisely decerned and properly under
stood by the, frumors of the constitution
when they gave it into the power of (Jon.'
gross to regulato commorco. As to the.
n'iU of government to control commerce
there can bo no.cavil. in speaiuug oi.
tho Hiibjsot ol' Tariffs hereafter, I bimjl,
lrca of tho most politic nnd equitable
course to bo pursued. ' 1).
TEse ItllcrM coiivciitfon.
Tlio President suggested that while tho
cominitloo wore preparing their report tlio
members should givo expression to their
sentiments and feelings on tlio subject to
bo discussed. Jonathan Tardy wished to
ask the chair if tlioro was any law to com
poll students to bo in tlio school room by
tho timo 8cliool oponcd. Ho was called to
order by another member whoaid them
was no chair in tho convention, but that J
was agreed on that tho President should
occupy tlio stumj). Tlio member also lipp
ed "that tho dignity of the convention
"would" hot b6 abused any more. .' n"
Mr. Tardy again arose and expressed a
willingness to be corrected. Ho said ho
o"-vr-a.i-d" i. 4. . .
. --. jqrr "vrr mr T
r Trim-run rrmimnain irrf m r r i :n I iiT'i"
M X.
otttbw1wothwwm?ti Twrfn,'nnrwwwuw nw'iwniiniTwaiP.
7 r
or Ji'rhrcwbH.
wan Uile coming ii)to the convention and
thertjgbjdid not know that, the President
chair. He said chair wufl a general term,
hut slump a local necessity. He, would
now urge his quclion and ask if tho
slump knew it to he tho law, that they
must be in the school room at tho opening
of school. The 'tump said lie was not
prepared to answer th que lion, but as
far as lie was concerned, lie would go into
school when he pleased, ami would urge
tho members of the convention to do tho
same. ( Tremendous cheering.) Ebenezer
Book-huTui then said the sentiments ex
pressed by tho stump .wore " a good sug.
gestion." He was proud of his name did
not believo in "book larnin."
Jacob Nevcr-study thought teachers
were entirely out of-their spheres, when
.tliey'urged pupils to .study; that ho would
not bo ftvcod by any teacher Ac would
losetin litilo finger first, lie thought there
should lie a free-will acton tho part of the
pupil. If ho wanted to study, it was all
rigid, and if he did not, it wos nobody's
business. IJethoughlschool tiwher did
a great many things which didnrft meet
his approval.
fliey were alwuys inviting
iy&tlQrsyin to hetlgCbooh and lhtjjjl-
tT3 (.nine win-nan--whs otpn ,arAU,aim
) )t makes me foci Just like an o'd Intent
boot.' The teacher ought.at least to toll
them when vMtow werocotiiingthnutlJby
might be prepared for tl e n, as this would
better' represent tho school and leave n
butler impi sion on tl.u iniinid if v iii4rs.
Ho'thought Rjachev should he abolished.
( Hounds of applause.)
Tho committee on resolutions then an.
nounccd that they wero ready to report
nhd, would offor the following:
, WJusrcas, ,"Vu tho members ol'us con
vonlion, lu common with others, arc squt
evorydayto.u warm sch'o! luui: -, une,
tliero nernii'tcd to do inihiiu bet .- udy
tliero permitted to do milling
dull lossons and le:"n i
j Whereat, 'i c.:r ;
.ill" I
J '
' r
wo are wli'iv-d r, :
i. Lc
Hot enough i "- ' t .i ' ! "o,
sehpo! tol,,:'.
Then f -re Ji ' " 1 . .'
tlio whe ' v! ! : i
view ofU.. i' ' '
study io a- . , .. i . i
j:ioIoi.''!,':a'., '. '. i
hrrngs on w ;( ; . " i
duoo congesi' : ' i i
ll'Holml, Uul, T'i' '..
an unuucessal-y nn-mbv t nf
: : only
1 i i wi-
' '..a aster is
h iety and
ougiit not to li- tolerated.
Jkaoleed, 4th, That a committee olono
bo appointed by the stump to destroyf'all
rods and other instruments of punishmcut
tlio teachers may introduce.
' On motion theVeport was accepted, tlio
cominittec discharged and Jeranzuli Med
tllesome apjjointed as tlio committee pro
vided by tlio last resolution. Tlio con
vontion thon adjourned sine dz.', and so
dhjLJ, and i.SQon found myself v in lny
room meditating upon the poor apprecia
tion of tho teacher's efforts.
-" V''"-' a.jttriaii t.--jU.--yr
.'.) ij
jro. J).
JTaw wqmsvrp .s,qiexpressivo andliiyJL5
sucli a variety of significations to tiio stu
dent its application. For whether on on
tering school ho makes an application for
admission, or afterward ho so conducts
himself as to necessitate the application
of condign punishment, or, on tho con- .
trary, applies himself so diligoutlyo tho, ,
application of Algebra to Geometry, or
tho application of a theory to practice,
as-to impair his health, to. all these ap,
plications, tho word application is equally '
applicable. . t,
SVo find among students, a class who
make great application of hig'-so'unding
words and expressions in their arguments,
and others who apply arguments to sus
tain their uso of big words.
Again we, as students, nre often told to
praetieo diligent application to our stud
ios, that in after life wo may mako appli
cation of our knowledge in our various
Some men are continually making ap
plication to others for money 'ami aid;
others make application of such money
and aid to their own uses without tinv
nrnMous application to (lie owner.
win: m.iii u:is a Linuiiv uuuiunimii u nil
iijavranei comuuijrnvhlt-h'!u'ilHi you
to 111 ut Another hl u. lAuck apple-. i
(ion. oh rather mark of an application,
honictlme-. over one eyj and sometimes
over il. If other, v?liieh iio evidently wishes
h'-td nvt beeiitlllexl out. This latter appli
cation, vc an'iiappy to say, need .seldom
to bw applied to students.
Tint-we so that" the applications of
lids word are almost innumerable. 1 f you
oo nothing of humor in all lliis, . pluasu
mako an application of Shakeapiiar's ad-a-'i-e
:.nd consider It for its brovitv, "tho
,id of .L
White Blnnds.
n. s write us to say: -,,,,,
it of tho young m'uiVho
how to make Ills' hands1
-ugget his riibbing tlieni
v .
Hn inuii
i in.' after wa-liing (lioiii, .andj.
.i-.ild liavo the derived effect.','
w W....1
'I'.- '..:. hi meal -would uiidoubtodly
"! den i iio hands, though, after a short.-
-posuro to tlio air, it would-retidur thoni
Ii" why Phould a man .desire to have
uhiti hi.nds? Why should whiteness ami
delicacy in the hands of u man bo estoeni
ed preferable to tho brown, tlio tan and .
thcVtrenih vhieh como frpui cxposuro
ami use v We do not soe how a very deli
cate and very whilo hand can b& gonsis
tent with tho masculine occupations
v hlch become a man.
Whiteness of tho hands may be vary bo
coming to a woman : wo think it is. Her
life is comparatively in doors. Tliasame
tiling in u man is indicative of idleness,
and the avoidance of exposure Jittt is'
idleness cnmmondablo, or honorablo?
And, is it not the proper 'place of man fre
quently to'expoio himself to thoooinants?
George ushington had largo hands,
well bronzed in tlio service of his cbun- '
try; and wo never heard that ho was
as'hanied of them. He certainly had.no,,
reason to be.
It becomes a man to have his hands
clean literally and figuratively: "clean,
if ho bo in public, lite,. of tho various
.frauds .which hnvcL tainted go many p.f
lifted JButto have thorn browned by hon
est toil is no disparagement to any ono.
v JV. Y. Ledger.