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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1873)
Hnm 7 1 4 n'unu'waiTin Til 13 HISKI'HKIAN STUDKXT. i'7 m HESPERIAN STUDENT. LINCOLN, - XKl'.KASKA. Tilt! Idler's convention. hie selinnllmime. notnnelleri to sil cm hard It happened In bo my lot In visit tlu- , n,.cill?S un(1 , stU(ly dry ,)0okg. w0 havi. Inwn nl" C lit one ,i5" the IviMcrn S.lntc.s. mv U(nm, t(,,,t.,lu,,. t() ,U.rvl, som luoims Hit: first low days were spent in examin ing the peculiarities of the. place, male ing observations on the location ami vis. strike out tho word "chair" and to insert That which tho rountnlu sends forth returns "stump," as there was no chair tlu-n-. ." t"1 ftiuiiinlii. lMlloneo: accomplish thy ,,,, . , , ,, , ... ,, luhor; accomplish thy work of allcctlonl hurrow 1 Ins was agreed to and accordingly NV ell- i ltll, Iklu.l, nro eril1Bf nlH, ,mtlnilt oll(llIrilIll!0 , ington took tho stump, lie then arose j,.odllko, therefore necoinplsh thy luhor oflovi, and said: Gentlemen of the. convention, j till 'lie heart Is made godlike, purlilod, strength every day we are penned up in a mtsora-1;'"1"1- pi;rfoctuilui.uid rendered moro worthy of ill l I'll. iting the public institutions. It was a pleasant day in .June that 1 visited the public schools. There I found those on whom the inlorest of the communilv were for u redress of grieveances and I now give place to any one to propose measures to he acted upon by the convention. Tho President resumed his stump amid almost, deafening applause. II was then moved that a committee of three be up- pointed to draft resolutions expressive uioii in r-m, mm i uiiiuiiuu uiiu i-iipii- ,)f 10 iSni11U'ntS of ,,. ,.Mvention, noss their preparation loV this great res- ; ., . , , ...... t,,,,,,,!,,..,. c,.,..... .....-,. ................ ..... .. j . , jionsibility. The teacher pttrMi d his rou tine of duties with calmness and I was permitted to mv the " Inside of the teach ers profession." I could see that he was moving springs might move the world; touching chords that would vi brnto in eternity, making that were moio durable than the hills and adorning characters to h.t ushered into the amphitheatre, of heaven. I also s;V that some of the pupils were walking in the footprints of tho great and good, find were endeavoring to tit themselves for life's practicalities. Hut with jviin anil regret J saw that others were forming habits thai would surround them wiili want and clothe them with rags'. The days work was done, and I fancied that I had seen Ihe secret woi kings of iiistructhln, and the "wheel within u wheel" of education. I knew not that -lltuwi-Wta-yt another scum bohind the curtains that I should contemplate. But so it happened, as the sequel will show. I Was taking an evening ramble along ; Ike .Smart, and t'assius Busybody were appointed said committee. Uradshaw. (to hu concluded.) Local. Tho seniors nro coinhrg out la kid gloves end id n s; hat ! rFiioiUDnsT Is for sale at 11. J. Newton & Cn's .No. ;i!j $) street, i.iucniu. TTtostudoiitrt should give their pntiunujc to those who aihortiso In ttiu Stuiiu.nt. A truo gentleman Is never afraid of lining mis- taken lor anything else.,). U. Ilollaiul. To develop In cadi Individual nil the perfection of which hu is capable, U theohject of t'llucii.iuii. Tho conclusion nl'"lloiuco Mann" will n p ur a our nexl nuinher, whlcli will he the Ins. ot this olumu. "lie noble! and the uobleaes thai lies In other in j i, sleeping, out never dead, will .irisj in lutij-e-ty to ineoi iliiue own." The Hist dally iiowsnnner In the Kuullsh lan guage wtts pulilUhetl In London .lLaii i., I.o. .Miu.i.-.eiM paper spoiilta of a duel between iwo anil was called the Couraut. lIV ""' "",i,"'"l ,1Hlh tl"" IVofehXor: "What kind of abirdlsicprvtMiti'd ' 'i'.ei ( olicgjun and Westminster i aeetimpanyl.ig lite gnddos .hino" Htu.lun : .'It... lb j uiv itoolod; liuiu aro excellent. I. luii i no "in.. s" ol n pool book the hist words The following Is the programme ur commence mem oorclsei: btiiuluy 2-Jud, llncealatirlato Address. .Monday eve. til, l'alladlau Exhibition. TucMlay 21, fleeting or Hoard of llegenfs. Tuusdnyove. St, Address by Hon. L. Croiinso. Wednesday s.'i, Uominenceinont Uxorctsos. Wodue-dnj eve, So, Adelphlau Kxhlbltlou. 'I bo following Is the list of olllcors ol the vari ous societies of Hie University: 1MKUIAX. ProIdont, Ada Httrlhut. Secretary. Kutu Mouell. 'treasurer, Molllo Ilnlrd. Mai shall, l'auule O. .Metcalf. PALLADIA N. President, .1. 1-'. llobbs. Yioo l'lesldont, W. L. Sweet. J(eo. beeretury, 0. 11. llohniann. Cor. Mieietary, A. W. 1'leld. T.viibUier, (;. t.. Holers, i r.lle, W. II. Midi. I slier, A. A. Cunnnliif,'. ADKI.IMIIAN. I'lvldetit ! . S. Dales Vice President U. U. Drace ltee. ijcciotury II. M., Thurston I'm1. Secret ury U.,M. Oropsoy T.ciiMinir U. JI. Muliek v I'. 1. llurd Ouile ...(!. K. llowaul .ia.Biiai W. M. .Steeiisou if. v. noii.iiA Dealer In CAUPKTS AN'I) Otl-CIOTIH STAIM2 AND FANCY DKY K) i :rt 'w SPKC.'AL INDUCKMIl'S '10 STUi.NlX O Street, FJnraJH. UVtolrnntr. It i'olleu Items. An enjilui'eiliiK college la about to be establNh cd in Veddo, .Inpan. , ii tti mint. I I II. .' .il 1. 1 1 II w a It M II t III L'l. ." ., ., , , , , , , 1. 1. .....I ."J ii.iniwj. , ,... . .. , . npuui mm. Him ... .. iiihi. ''., .,,,,;, ., I, . awHoiiii,iu. Ills Lest wo.ds ill IIIVIVriiiiiiij,ui Kim uiii.vidii; . . t r. . . Jirw. Lioiy turns as the Meandras. The grove skirl inu: the eastern suburbs was at my right; the sun had just sunk below the hori.)n, li.U had not wiihdrani itis golden tinges Irom the lop of 1'ie oak monarclis at my side. The stillness of tho evening en chanted the richness of the scene around me. The x.ephyers, hearing the minglol and commingled fragrance of a hou.and llowcrs, were making niu-.b'. mnong the trees, as if vicins; with ciicIk tlicr in delicn cy and .sweetness, and Iho tones of nn. tttrets choicest Syntpliouy greed d wj ars with tones tiiut exceeded, by far, those of an vK ilian liarp. tin. been coniuie iced ar. yoi, it is iiilte prohab!e that all the couiiueuceiiiuut excicisj w.ll he ..el., in some other hall tlia.i ihe ('hapel. Woellptho follow! iii; from no excliane, but would lileo to add to il threefold emphuais: A bore the man who always asks u wjik loo soon "when will tho paper be mil 5" Our Senior class Is looking foiward to" slicop skluilay" with eltwiiit! eyes and leelinj hearii. The class as a whole sport hunisldcb and ciiluuo.r witli mi occi.sioiul upper lip adornmetit. A iiiv teiniierancii.paper, "The l.lncol. Messen- LISATIUR C FTXMXGS. For CjisIi 'iia Prlco Only. tit the ".ty. CuNtoiiillVorkraixiaiCopulrriis: Douo to Orilo'. wicnsvE II C K ! J J) Southeast comer of Sqim- , I.INC01.X. - - M-P1Al'KA GiiO. T. HULL Prof. Agasl., Pre-ldeut Hlllot of Harvard! Iii. V i.ii.u.i mi.inor, luixu o.profod iheiuseaes a.- .p,ni5uii to cti-ouiiciuioii, j,hx. 'I In wor.-t luhtancti of heaitless Hilling Is gei tin iii ti.nis uit euaiuuled paper, whli an etnboss ed monogram, the siipeiscriiitlou being in a deli Cite leiiniiu liaudi h.N. s o liao roeolved iho Kcho and Nn'ollan Kevlew l.oiii i.o' L of Callloiula wliich uiaue a .fii'tiiiieii uiiuiliou to oiirlibl ol e.cliuii;es. Ta.-r.) lias uooa niiieli talkaiiioiigoitreNcliaugc.s I ltESCUUTioN's a Si;-: i v:. r . LINCOLN J-'ast Side Market Square, 3f"0iMJN Day and .niiir. Ker," has been startud, and Is Issued lioin ihe j tini a tioiieo eiiiional convenuoii, but as jot KiTiinM'otllcc. 1 his Is an euierprn-e ilml has m'tioa did neeu lake.i. Wo hope Ibis may be buju much needed lu our state, ini.i the-tuui) aiiej peojile should aid In making il a success. Professor , after putting lonh I'tl'orl to The sylvan ret re tit at my right was very I make plain a principle in science, biiiinnoHM.iiiK- invitili" and there I could commune with ! wl,al lintatedailhiistiulent sstupniltt, i n tsir s i,i,, ot lliai she did not propose to swear any t. llll till IUII II1U ll.ltt lllll (I ll.t.ll t i. 1 l.U ,,.... i1iiI1.1..11'.ai dtisie, nir jjiviu lio.ilnt may be denved by It. A aii Miiilem on bulir,' asked to decline the win-., "..muutiiu," ilnlshed nliout half tho (melon hiu. i ana uiii.i stopped, quictiy lnloiiulu the naiure in her wild yet charming form. I was soon nrotued from Ibis revet ie of pleasure, by a sound as if "IH'ty furies had just broke from the ; ra ; of Pluto" and littd come to earth to lunp their im jirecalions on some object of their dis pleasure. I stood spell bound' but seeing that I had not attracted the t oliuu of the parties, 1 ventured to steal my way u little nearer that I might discover their o jeet in thus collecting together, as I already doubted that they were safe members of the community if they were members at all. I soon found that it wa a p-irty of tho scholars, of tho school I had visited during tho day, and I recognized litem as Komo I had seen idling or engaged in mis ehoWous pranks. Tho object of their oniing was yet mysterious to me, " Con fusion reigned supreme." Uut soon Jeri nnzah Meddlesome arose moved that the convention come to order by calling Wellington" Peepabout to tho chair Joseph lJolittlo tillered an amendment to out brain" Student with though. nil lace ie piled: "How old are you J" .Much Improvement has been made on our cam- J)i. i ,ui) of the N. Y. Advocate says of his siaU: Mi' can and should educate her own voutli, and we suould resolve to make horeolluK pus this spring, a lnro number 1 1 trees i.l ar- i 08 jyClb (ll uieir lose and pride, and Instill Into lolls kinds ou, and Ihe grounds I ,,0 MH,t t)f parents thewUdoin of that policy sowed to yrass. If the w.uul walks had been I t)ll ()Uil yntl l)ium U) use their putronae and transplanted outside the lonco soniewliein H I p,,0llU, la this direction." would have met the approval of all the stiii.iaiH. Tim chali man of a Igllance committee, which A iuii.anck fojuMirniK-We proloss to bo ', . . .,lK)itUil tiiduckanobuoxloiibeuD'.on, civilians, but when any student will take upo . j , "Wo biinself the responsibility to ask six innocent ynuuK ladies In succession to attend a social, we deem It our Imperative duty to call upon i u number ot able-bodied students lor tlieir futtiro protection. Found. At the beginning of our present term wo noticed that one of our enerj;iitic studoii h did not muku his appearaucu as was expected b bis many friends In the institution. Keceutly, how ever, his foimor room-uiato received a letter post marked, California and to his surprise found It to be from .Mr. K. it. Ireland. Wo all felt relieved to learn of bis whcro.abnuts lis ho was a good student and an acUo member of the Adelphlau Literary Society. "Talk not of wasted nllectlon, atl'ecllon never was wasted; Kit enrich not die h-urt of aiioth or. Its waters, returning' back to their sprinri-, like the nil a, shall ill I thum full of, took (lie down to mo river, iiiaue u nine in Hie ice, and proceeded to duck hliu : but ho slipped through out hands, and hid under the Ice; and, as ho Inib been thete oor eight hours, It Is supposed lie Is droivued." SUBSCllIBE POU TIIK "fll li S P E It I A N STU I EWT, Z&"2TJi!r STYLES! IHillliiery uiitl Iiiulles' IfurnlHli- ill JOOtlHj At Mits. 0, M. Mp.tcalp's. IUU M., Ojo Poor South of Douglas Houao. o a v S 2 bi S g a w W 5 5? H 5 M " : "8 g rl o f w .JI. H.l!tIUS n s-2 .v rsr, Teeth inserted gn Gold, Si'rrr - ' Ilyhltr All Vork Guarunlo d OfllCQ ovorNuwimui'H fetcro on 0 Street. (DoiWJi'ti Tenth and Klovonth utrvote,) IV. JB. II ARLO Hr. Oonfoctlonory luo Or on. 'it, IiOtiM.sintto, Boarding by lite day and wi i k M Enaj O street, 1tv-iuv. T. C Item, BieiUlst. omer, llrlggs' Bul'.d:n', 0 StJlet. tMh & tb LINCOLN. W.BiVAnu WX" k f I KTiU wowu VAUiiv;ii.ui. 1 it V