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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1873)
HHi ' ff (7-? H ft uyRARY L' II HHt 1 it , WrN J) I -J LINCOLN. NEHKASKA ' V V f HH k vAo i tNVy V -J'" X 1 Hesperian I Studeni i tO I,. 2. .ttj:i, Z'nlvcrsUy or Qui aion Iro licit. Doilolt. The Good Time Coming. (BELECTKlO "'1imi whiskey rlnp have cono up; "N lien no more bond nru ilinwn up; Whim folk theft pod. don't pawn up; When ti;:unboiite eetitfo to HUiah up, Ami Vnnderhllt to liueli up 'l'lu folk., llmt ho limy lauJt up Tim road to wealth, wo're nearlng, then, "Tho Oooil TIiuo Comln:." Whim firearm nro tncked up; When no more urn blacked up, Awl mguos no loimar crocked up: When tlio lad Jury mmlo tip; Wlitin fiery debt U paid up, And pwd men Join to aid up The. poor or nil thu world, wu'ru lienr, 'TIio.OoimI Tlmu Coming." When the lut "reel" If wound up; And point of doctrine hound up; When tunia of concord hoiuiiI up; "When iiiIUp thenipelies don't ptiek up; When ho mid lrl don", clliitiu up, urol."(ilil Nick" up, n. be) oud u doubt will he, od Time Cciiniiiy."' ,-jAlwUrv IiliraI Jlconouiy. ami:. tject of Political Economy is mil properly diviilcil into many only be tin Al'mul a B, but there must also be ownership or property in the thing or things desired to bo exchanged: other, wise no legitimate transfer can be made. An action of exchange is also necessary to 11 x Value. Though there may be n prospective exchange of commodities be tween certain parties and even a contract made to aid the same, yet no value can properly be said to attach to any of the tilings about to be exchanged until they have actually parsed from one person to tne other: inUil A, or It, can say", this thing is mine: it has cost me such an a mount. Perhaps we can best study Value throuuh the term service I mean one service as exchanged for another. If, by this means we can show that value i al ways and everywhere the same thing; is always and everywhere the relation of mutual purchase estaldiedi-wjen two services by th&r cxohdngiS't ho great atunu bliug block is removed and we ee thii science of Political Economy inlTs sim plicity. And this I think is not dilllcult to show. The lawyer -serves his lient and is serveK in turn. Tlie doctor serves his putlcnf and receives his service. So, Ji'cbrttHka, competition is increased and market, val ue i said to rise. If, on the contrary, de nial 1 is sluggish, supply remaining the sanp there Is a desire to dispose of stock on (and and market value tends to sink. Thisnmu is true of supply. With this im .Tl'ect analysis of Value I leave the suji :t for the present and will have more to ! y upon the dill'erent phases of Politi cal ieonoiny in the' future.' 1). I. (From thu Geruiiiu cNew Years night, s window and look of jltrl'u ?.., A. Kcw Years Night. (From thu Geruiiiu of Itichtur.) . an ld man stood ked with a glance dispair up to the' immovable, ii'jl'.ding heaven and down on thu still, pditj white earth on which, now, there wdsiio one so iovlcss and sleepless as he. Fprhis grave stood close by him, .it was eo ed on'y by the snow of age, not by thai erdnreof youth, and he brought with liiit out oT luwhole rich life, nothing but erris, sins aiidleseases,".,a wasted body?, a dsolntc soul, a heart lull ol poison and an Id age lull of repentance. The hap py-fays; of his youth returned tu-tlay, tisl putrcs, and brought him back again. 'to features raised up, and by means of Vk superstition which on New Ycar'a Jg sees gliosis amMuluro events, it was J last changed into a living' yputlr. Jjfc could look no longer, he cohered his eyes, :i thousand burning tears sticamptj, down and fell upon the snow. In Accents scarcely audible he sighed disconsolately "Oh days of my youth return, return" And they did return. It had, only 'Hecn.,, a horrible dream. Ho was yet a' JtKlrt. but his errors had been a radUyLaBPti. Jit, Y ' K 4.? ST V 3J -m A m mi .im ?" thanked God that he yet hi could turn from the degrading vice and return to the sunny path leads to the laud of hut vests. with him young reader, if thou a vuriUi, ffricssof iWiucV' iMirii. hou aiij Va"c"Jr' lest I'tlcaiu$Ur ty. mir iii tlio saiiii! Minliil null Inst ImR tlrmi become at somu future time thy reajlty, ,v,f lor it thou llnullv, lull ot anguish, ciy w, "Ik-turn oh beautiful youth" Uiqii it not return again. , V. ' A KdiicaKikH and 'Aecomi mpnts. The men who gnuluatc? from Uo not go through Ulbcoasiructin tl.ul uenionstrutini' nrolicuis m will perhaps be of greater inter- mine exhatihtlvu discussion of tlie )lit alone. As a basis from '. liicit to argue these (luostjons, I derine Political Economy, as, "The Science of Exchanges or Value." "When Adam Smith taught Political Econ omy in the University yf Glasgow, he re garded it as a branch of Moral Philoso phy, and classified it among "those politi cal aiid social relations which a if founded on expediency. and which tend to iucrcabc the prosperity and power of the state." Util expediency and moral obligation or di3' are so decidedly distinct that, it is not worth proving llial Political Economy is no part of Moral Philosophy at all; un less, we accept the theory that self-interest and expediency arc Hie motives to all human action. I begin with the first named topic, i.e. Value. 1 dclino the value of any econom ic quantity, to bo "any other economic quantity for which it can be exchanged," a definition which stands the severest test and divers all auomolous cases. "Wo find this term value, troublesome and dilllcult to comprehend because it is "t a quality of any object and is in uo vHh juu to tuo 8(;n8CS5 ),ftt wc constant- 111- n, . ll it were so, when wo say such y ' " . mis so much value. The truth L ,'alue is a relative term, indicating I . i...1..ll.i. ..I.W.I, nun lw..ii A .... . i .. j i uiiiiiwii itii;ii tiiiu milieu; uuiiid iifiu kNA' 'her or a number of others, and llUVtf ' lv wn filieni'ci nvirnuii vtilnn tfinua fi "' " Minethiim ehe. Value, then, kunlltal Vri ' I' l f.'-P njiarisoii: anu luucu more uesioca vo persons and two owners are ncccssa. fix val'ie. If A desires to exchange ,) tiling whatever with B, there must not l I I -IS 1 mm Then IL'JaWl It in 1 then erase i tween sen ices and commodities? I do so far as valuers cou((erniyl. I ue ser- vice in lis broailest sense ami mean uy u (he ivhilmiiif of an ythinpfor which inethi)uj is (leiniaukd iii return.! Sometimes people render what they i"serv;ce.t, out ol sym pathy, from benevolence,, from duty; but the peculiar characteristic of' these is, they are free. Nothinir U demanded in return. These therefore fall properly in the sphere nl( .....1..I-. ....! m.. ..ultfiiln lC ltl llfllo 111 ill lllimus.u in mi' miBiiiH. ' i" - Political -yVconomv. There is no sucli thinirnsnn exchanj: proper 'vithin the i ..."- . . . . ... .,... Held of morals and there is nothing eise but exchange proper in the field ot econ omy." iJut, is there any perfect standard ol Value attainable? Most certainly not. Exchanges, and consequently values, de pend mainly upon four things: viz, two desires mid two 'ellbrts. A bus a desire for mrinethiug which J, possesses, and has something to exchange for lrrr. vco vcr- ii. Tliev each make an cllort, to Lcrattlv the desire of tlte other. Now it'TS'cyidenti that these desires and efforts must be as v in on ar im ks of vice, into u black cavi .hipping poison, full of serpents it upon their prey, audot dlsmaj ... - . u oer. AHiMtiiie iihiw nu uiln his breast and the drops o oiciis tongue, aud he now knov Inivas. Distracted and with unsp f he cried to Heaven; "Give n youth I O Father; place me agit he cross-road of Hie, that I mayfi Hit." But his father and his c oast long ago. lie saw pi lit its dancing upon the marshes a ap earing at the church-yard, and 1 '1 ey are my foolish days." He eaw ft stt shoot from heaven and, glittering in its all, vanish upon, JJio earth. "Heboid .in Jinblem of my Tile," said his bleeding he t, and, remorse with its sferpent-icclU du deeper into his wounds. His glow-, injj Imagination showed him. spectres iiujiiiir about on the 'roof, 11111111 skull lAjh had been left In the empty chttrncl-. lio wo by degrees assumed his o 11 feat tirti. 'n the midst of this confusion the nvX ' the New Year How ed clow n trom I'm t. like distant church melodies. became less agitated, ho looked horizon and over the wide thu m invun 11 ni'Vllll . ... wever, cert!lnoc'iiiii"'i'iii" , and thought of the friends ot his th are clennitelu"',"", ""-trK' m who now, uuppicr mm ucuu t . . . J Pl 1 -f .1... ....H.l. r..ll.H.i mP li.trt:-,,. ..nfinlKi no lilllmin iKiliirn t lon!,"-'-J'',W! tl)c cascntlal oeuicnts of VaW, wk ,u ,;,,, vary withtUfljjv Vnttei,.i M.cim. i"' n 4 iiriujjnB ni V11 iumui nrn inn i " "-ifr, wi.toir atiiBvi noif-nt it in ii. ' " 'ciA... leiicbeis of the earth, fathers of happy As m&it .nonBl. X ' '"1 .of on! hnd l"? "tt,d MlQw: A Oauand aiuUiwirexM'Cod W'- u lalsomlghtsluiuberwiiliietu. (.tearktftlvaluelsthelutiou. Jtuic.tiy, hmA '; lu "'"a 'li A " atplallt' sunnly: thr " "-iu iuiihi uiouurp- ii. aui ukiuvim iuuiu, " wWdju8tec",a "a to ",s Bn'iUu fuuna'-i ; ca to thy instructionB, I too rvU'tobltWllottnl to learn qChir iiMl uugni aivo ueen nuppy. 1thvn8afc'0oiltudimtnna'a. In this Amid these leverish reminiscence 01 wayfippi" A,"u'ldii f.Ut.riuj'a estahlishea lis youtlV, it iqipeared to him as if the If1tbraaV.klmlorwM'w'.d is qulckom?d, jkulliu'Cuo chtancl house bearing bin ' H-ilj Ifkciri 1 .Ai'rH. rctiiriihl -VM . VUI4UJ iHlMltt, .ww,,-----,. - . iL r:a s. Its of these sevcKl studies tfo i..i !.. i'miiii-ii iiA-ociim'iif'an . applied whenever requijeu. cduciued woman win uunu tcdlculous by talking La K the Greek Anthology. too much cood sense for cs as these. But her college drill iveher.the strength, tho'Vigor of the training of faculty and win, rterial and the standard fiycoinpar ivhiuli she will find of Incalculable I il k.ilMti1.ka llfl ll ICo in an sue ever uuuuuiui... - complishcs. The house Is not the ies3 tasteful and elegant for resting on a rocu. What women need is not less accom plishments, but more of tlio solid educa tion, thorough tralning-whlch serves as the propel- foundation for all graces and refine-' -uients. To-day women are accomplished ' to death. They have been taught to think that graces, aud refinements, and elegan ces, are everything. They waste' their lives in adornments. It is an rumo aim no garment. To sing and play the pluno, and .dance, and knit, and sketch, uHd, clmiri nd dress, and' entertain company, mid visit, and the thousand other nothing that wo have not the patienco to enumer ate. These make up the sum of u fashionable woman's existence: and underneath it all there Is the weakness ot unuevciopcu powers, the vacuity of an uustorod mind, the listlessness anil irivollty 01 an lmrna ture soul a woman In years, but a child in eveivthlnir fnat pertains to tlio real cle- . ".. t il inula fif lior l!tl nienis oi ncr iiuiHio """ " , ., "VHM! KEWtASfcA I IJV in(jKTsastB Brevity 16 to s)'0LlWM?r, M UNCCtN. tIU'APK r PtA " - , nSwww jf M xi 'xu, Vouti WAaaA:u-Kn. - 'S ?trs. ,i KA IV 10 "TM? 1 V .11 .'.-a r-ia .-rf,rT 4. ' , T a4J isi if i - s rjMh . j .. iiiim ii iiifli waii'uMHi n iiii ii ' linn 'i 1 1 i i i ii mi i iiiiiirMiiTfTiimi"Wir'nwia"M""" I liiiBHrwillriBBHWMriwBMrMliilBBMHH