P1 "JV'Wi j ' fff V 'V1 '"WJwrS s0 - J VfH&li' t J N -l t . Till-: HESPERIAN STUDENT. T5 v , D O II G IL il K H O IJ S K . jr. H .STKH'.flfT, !. Stage Olllce Tor all parts of the Stntc. J. A. FAIRUAKS, Clerk. Hot Hiitl Cold Salt Rath. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA K. IIALLKTT, DKA1.UK IK Gold and Stiver Watches, J EWELRY, SILVER. WARE. SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, Acv. A M E II 1 C A N WATCHES, AT FACTORY IMUCKK AmasaUomi, President. ). F. Sudhut, Cashier. W. P. Piiii.i.u, Vice-President. First, National Bank of Lincoln Authorized Capital, - - $500,000. Docs a general Hanking business. Makes col lections nt current rates ol exchange. Domestic nnil Foreign Kxehongo bought and sold. C5?Interest paid on Time Deposits. Authorized Agents lor the New Govern ment Loan. fcjFStnto. County and City Warrants bought and Hold. A Fine Selection of the CELEBRATED SKTH THOMAS CLOCKS. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired by ex perlenccd workmen. Engraving neatly executed. Remember the place llALLETT'S, O Mtreet, between 10th and 11th. south side. J. JL I. Newman, WHOLESALE AND I.KTAU. I1E.M.KKS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, and General Mcr- chamlisc, () Street, between 10th and 11th, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. 8. 11. GAI.KT, J. M. S1IA11TS GALEY A: SMARTS, ATTORNEYS AT E. A W, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Tultle & Ilartcood, ATTORNEYS A T I. A W, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. J. ,H. Bobinson X Co., ATTORNEY AT I. A W. LAND LAW A SPECIALITY. .v. g. Fntjrtuiji REAL ESTATE AGENT d- NOTARY PUBLIC. OMrc lu HrlKgft Block, Itooni No. 1. 2nd. Floor. LINCOLN NEB. J. W. II08JGIITKLIN A: 77, lMHHMUKTOHH OK Flour and Exchange itepot, llth street, between M and K, LINCOLN, NEB. HOL.I,INGER'S Unhrutllue fitfiarhig- mid Shauipoolnc Ho opt. SoutbS Ide O bticot. between 11th mVJ 12th. Lincoln Neijiusua, ' RWII& OPPENKEIMEH, DEALERS IK Olotlilne, VurnlHliliiK Good, Hat & Cap, Neckties, &c, A:e. South-east Corner of Market Space. i. MONTEITH, XAKurAcTUitr.il and dealer in HttHTS ...V SHtWS, Made from the bent material and warranted. Ho pairing neatly done on abort notice. North Hide Square. LINCOLN, NEB. JOH.V V. .net'OJSWKI.l., Dealer In Staple & Fancy Dry Goods AXD NOTIONS, No. 12. Hrlggs' block, South side O Street. t, M .V V , .V, JS'It H ttJ ,VA J. THE 0.VJ? PJtICK STttHJi HORWITZ &, DAVIDSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer: lu DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hatn, Cap, Hoot and Nhota, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC., No. 9, East Side Square. LINCOLN, NEB. Boicker, Kennard X ItVteeler, BANKERS, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, One door south of Pout Ofllce, L INCOLN, NEBRASKA McOLURE BROS., Have on hand i 'a COMPIiKTH ASSORTMENT OF G MS ,Y T S ' f v it ,r i s n r .r j g o o n s, HATS AND CAPS, COUNKK OK () AND 1 lTII 8TKKK.T8, IilNCOLN, - NUnilASKA. .. F. ADAMS, Post Odlce Dulldlng, i,ij't:oj4jv, - - v,JK.i.af.f, Dealer in School Books, Stationery, JIVirw, ami Confectionery, m-ippleti, Pears, And every kind of fruit In Itn season. STKRKOSCOPit' 1'IKU'S of the Nebraska STATE UNIVERSITY BUILDING. fcgEvcry ntudent cliould secure one at once. Parlor Oniiier ftt tirtmt arily. L.KIG1ETON dr BROWN, Mtrttgylsts, Booksellers, Stationers, i jr it b o oksf. 1. 1. : n s, Comer of O and 11th strcctf. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. W. MoAVHINNEY, MUItOHANT TAILOR, AND DEAI.KK IN ' KMW FURNISIIINO GOODS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Z3TNEW STYLES! Millinery and Ladle' 1'uriilwli InjC GoodN, At Ikr. O. M. JIktoalf'h. 11th St., One Door South of Douglas House, J. Martin &. Co. have removed to i( National Market" llth Street .s a. a o x, riKAi.Elt IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND GENERAL MEnciIANDISE. . No. IS! South Tenth Street, Lincoln, Nkh. PIANOS, ORGANS, Stclnway, & dickering, Whitney & Holines. STHVKTtt.X' K rJA'V, ) Dealers in All klndM of niuiilcnl luatriiiiicntN and Sheet TMiiNle. Corner Eleventh and M Streets, Lincoln, Nkii TICHENOR llOIJSi;, Ol'I'OHITK Uaimtml. Best Hotel in the Stale TOWNLEY & AlcELLIIlNNEY, Prop's. Fat Beef and Hogs. Wc keep the best of meat, poultry, butter, eggs, cheese, meal, and flour for sale at corner of O & llth streets. We pay emh fur the above named articles. J. Mautin & Co. Lincoln, Neb. O a nlTIM) MAY, Dealer in UEADY-MADK OLOTHINO, OKNTH' FUUNISHINO (100DS He has now on hand tho hcavlent stock of goods, In his line, In Lincoln. Students will do well by purchasing of May, as will all others. Store on O Street, Southeast of Square, LfNCOLNs NEBRASKA. VN1YERS1TY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. The University of the State waa opened for the second year September 12, 1872, under favora ble conditions, and thus far has been prosperous and successful. PROFESSOltS. The Faculty, at present, is composed of seven Professors, skilled in their several departments of Instruction. ADMISSION. Students ol both sexes are admitted to the University on passing examination In the com. inon English branches, If entering the Latin School; or in studies of advanced classes. If claiming an advanced standing. . TUITION. Tuition In all departments is FREE. There Is nn entrance fee of $5. Jtooks are furnished at rost. APPARATUS, Etc. The Institution is liberally supplied with Ap paratus, Cabinet, Library, and all needful facili ties for illustrating the subjects taught. The Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus Is espe cially large and valuable. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. The Agricultural College Is now open, and fur nishes a full course of instruction running through four years, or a partial course in prac tical agriculture, requiring one year. The com pletion of the full course entitles the student to a dejircc. HOARDING. Hoarding is obtained at reasonable ratca In pri vate families, or by renting rooms tho expense may be reduced to $2 or $3 per week. At present boarding in families Is from $4 to $5 per week. CALENDAR. Tho Fall Term began Thursday, September 12. Tho Winter Term will begin Thursday, Jan uary 2, 1873. Correspondence Is solicited by tho Chancellor from those intending to enter College. Tho health of our State and tho facllltlcii offered In the University, should be strong In ducements for those seeking health and advan tages for education. For circulars and other information respecting the University, address A. R. BENTON. Chancellor University of Neb., Lincoln, Nkr. or every description, Including Boots, Shoes), . ( HatH, CapM, , ' E Collar, i Oravata, "1 Necktlea, ; t Glovea, , i f Etc. ,.u. 23BfifiHfei