ir 4 s THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. HESPERIAN student LINCOLN, NEBRASKA.. iiAiton. (Will TIIK STUDENT) Once, In a little western town, Thero lived i man of no renown, Except for sawing wood; It seems ho hud no other trmlc, Or elso ho chose thin as an aid To got his dally food. But let this ho an it may he, As reg'lar as would come each day, lie piled tho saw and axe; I've seen him In a pile of wood, Enough to fence a neighborhood. Or pay n farmer's tax. I've seen iho people pasa him by, Yet never ou".c, alas I have I Observed them sput.1; tn him : .They rather laugh at his low lot. While sawing through some stubborn knot, That grew upon tho limb. Nono seemed to question whence ho came, Mono seemed to care to know his name, Uncared-for tolled ho on ; Obscure his business may have been. Yet thero a moral was within Tho wood that ho had sawn : This life is but a knotty life, And, In tho unrelenting strife To gain a livelihood, The toller should bo eulogized, All labor Phould bo highly prised. If only sawtng wood. WIM. 1. FKIIIIEK. " 'Twns tlic Most Unktudcxt Cut of All." bio "cut" muy lmvu nearly extinguished your hopes, do not give up. You know the "roughs," (diamonds) after being pol ished, are frequently the most costly and brilliant. We shall probably outlive the shock of that earthquake to our, hopes, but surely, '"Twas the most unktndest out of all." Pi.Kin:. Obituary. One of the young lady students, but n short time since, was asked if she intend ed to join the literary society, to which she replied: I don't know; there lias been some trouhlc'm the society which has finally resulted in the dissolution of the old Palladian, the gentlemen having with- drawn and formed another society, tho Rouglis remaining in charge of the former. Wo are well aware that, in the few woidswemay say upon the subject, we shall in no way injure the feelings of the one who made the remark, nor others who might bo equally lady-like; for doubtless, the opinion of one of the "roughs" would nmount to but little in their estimation. We do not take exception to the word "roughs," for, in one sense of tho word, we are obliged to acknowledge the truth of the young lady's statement that is, figuring from the lady's standard of a gen tleman. Wo may not bo "Oh! no nice!" nor wear a necktie that is " so pretty 1" nor "lift our hats so genteelly!" nor make "sucJi a polite bow!" Yus, if those are the necessary qualifications for a gentle man, we arc " roughs." Our society is composed, to a great ex tent, of young men who came here with out hitherto cither from inclination or poorer circumstances having enjoyed the advantages of associating with tho class of society to which theyoung lady belongs. We may be rustic in our manners, though we trust that the opportunity afforded for an education, and the many advantages of our society will be and are appreciated ; that we may have some higher aim than to bo known as gentlemen, simply from the clothes we wear, or the manner in which ivo lift our hats or make a how. This is not intended to cast any reflec tion upon the young gentlemen who have withdrawn from the Palladion. Many of them are particular friends, and all of them young men for whom we have tho . highest respect To tho members of th j Palladian one word; though that terri- The Student chronicles in this issue the death of Amok 0. Webster, which oc curred Sunday the 21st inst. Miss Web ster was a student of the University at the time of her decease, and is the first case of death amonjr the students since the opening of the University. The death of Miss Webster is a severe afiliction not only to her family, but to so ciety and to tho University. Her ns-ddu-ity and ability, as well as her fidelity and correct deportment made her greatly es teemed by her instructors, and her pres ence was a healthful influence in the Uni versity. Posesscd of a quick and active mind she gave promise of excellent schol arship, which can now be completed only in a higher presence, and under more fa. voring circumstances. She died in the firm hope of the better life, and with tin shoakn trust in the Savior's saving power. The sympathy and condolence of the Faculty and students are given to the family so suddenly and grievously bereav ed. Let us as students remember her vir tues and emulate her example. Indians! fi the mautlate Again wo are startled by that horrifying word, "massacre." Again has gone forth, "vengeance, "extermina tion." Again tho poor, oppressed,! de spised and persecuted Owners of America "1'ist flee, hall clad, to the icy mountains for safety. Already they are driven from their homes in tho forests, and made to wander without purpose, object, or hop on the barren plains of the far west. Yet, still, tho steely heart of power is not sat isfied. New conquests will add to the luster of glorj'. And now tlic decree is Hashed across the wires " extermination " Great Heaven ! What does that imply? Docs it sanction the wholesale murder of fellow beings the taking of lives that none but God can givo t Yea and whose, immortal souls will appear before a just tribunal of awardment. But why this terrble intelli gencethis proclamation of death V Why this last barbarous blow to the remnant of a once prosperous and happy people H A hero has fallen. And for the cowardly deed of a crimson stained fiend yet a just retribution a whole nation must suf fer. What burning thoughts of vengeance must fire the desolate heart of the Indian, when for a moment lie contemplates his mighty wrongs. But meekly ho bears his misrepresentation and patiently awaits a redress in the unknown future. FONTENELLE. Soverul or our Professors wore out of town dur ing vacation. Subscribers changing their Post Otllco address will savo trouble and annoyance by Informing us Immediately. Mr. Stone, who has been for some tlino Janitor of the University building, has removed. His place Is supplied by Mr. McLalu. Tho Spring term commenced on Thursday Ap ril :$nl, with tho usually full attendance. Wp woro glad to notlco quite a number of now students. I'ho library is now odoncd from 12 to i! o'clock, on Fridays, that the studonts In tho colllcgo classes may tako out books, and all day Saturdays for referenco and reading. W were pleased to recolvo from Gov. Furnas tho Premium List of tho Nehraska State Horti cultural Society. The nxibltlon is to bo hold In connection with tho State Fair, September 1st to Oth, at Lincoln. Prof, Aughoy has of late been engaged in sev eral geologising expeditions to different parts of tho state. Tho frequent calls upon him for this work and for analysing various substances show his services to be very valuable and appreciated. If there is anything that appears llko a "blind lead" In this Issue of tho Stuijknt, It may bo at tributed to tho fact that "ye local" was sudden ly deprived of his "helps to read" by tho gcntlo zephyr that lately visited our city. He has recov ered, however, from iho effects of tho accident and looks as smilingly as over through a now pair. We aro happy to chronicle tho organization of a society, by the lady students, with tho poetic name, Pierian. From our acquaintance with tho young ladles of which this society is composed, wohavono hesitancy in saying that they will make It a success. Tho officers elected for tho term arc as follows. President, Ada Hurlbut. Secretary, Kate Moncll. -Treasurer, Molllc Uolrd. V Mnrshnll. Fnnntn O. Mi.trnlf I ';.".:" ..n i ursuuui iu uiijuunimciu uio rauaaian society held a special meeting April 8th, for tho purpose of electing officers for the present term. Tho following was tho result of tho election : President, J. F. Hobbs. Vice President, V. L. Sweet. Ilcc. Secretary, O. II. Hohmann. Cor. Secretary, A. W. Fcilds. Treasurer, C. L. Rogers. Critic, W. II. Sncll. Usher, A. A. Camming. At a special meeting of tho Adclphlan Llterray Society on Monday evening April 21st. tho follow ing officers were elected for tho present term: President j. s. Dales Vtco President C. C. Draco Rcc Secretary II. M. Thurston Cor. Secretary CM. Cropsoy Treasurer U. II. Mallck Chorister F. P. Hurd Critic G. K. Howard .Marshal J. M. Stevenson F. W. IIOIIIHANN, Dealer In CAHPKTS AND OILCLOTHS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS t s ft. C3 y tu a X 5 . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO 8TUDENTS O Street, Lincoln, JVebrttskH. Wholmnlr, KttmU; BOOTS SHOES, LEATHER FINDINGS. For Canh-Ono Price Only. Chcapcnt Houko lu tke City. Custom Work and Repairing Dono to Order. WEBSTER KIDD, Southeast corner of Square, LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. GEO. T. HULL Druggist, and Dealer In 'alnts K Oils, Stationary Ac. Prescriptions a Speciality. East Bide Market Square, LINCOLN BSOms DaYi and Night. IiOcalM. Ono of tho "Sophs11 seems to think that tho chief feature of French literature is leaving out lotterb! No weight nor mass nor beauty of execution can outweigh oue grain or fragment of thought. ' Ruskln. College Item. The Annalist, Just received, Is among our best exchanges. An eight page semi monthly paper. It is a credit to Albion College and tho college press generally, Tho Chronicle says a sophomore the other even ing, was assaulted by four freshmen. Ho drew out a leather pocket-book and threatened to shoot them all down and they fled In dismay, The Denlson Collegian is a now exchange in a pamphlet form which we welcome to our list. It is published at Denison University Ohio, and has a neat appearance and excellent material. Mr. Froudo will begin a course of lectures at Cornell University In tho latter end of October on "English Rule in Ireland.11 He will spend this winter lecturing before lyceums and lecture asso clations throughout the country. Tho Societies or the Illinois Industrial Uni versity have formed a Senate, and as the ladles aro taking an active part, they propose establish ing a Grand Millinery Department, to bo under the supervision of a Millinery General-ess. -TT- - o I " Q a M I a si I B 5 S g g w 2 g ! I " 2 ' o o a a ED T. C. Kern, Dentist. tHer, Brlggs1 Building, O St.Bet. 10th & 11th LINCOLN, - - MEBRASKA .EgTAIX WORK .WARRANTED. EM.I.IOTT & TURNER DEALERS In liruf?, RooU ana Htatlonmry. University Books at Cost South Side Market SquARE BARBER SHOP. SOVERN & STORE R. South Sldo of Market Square. zijrcoLjr jveb. ,W. MJKMMS n e jr t is T Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Rubber All Work Guaranteed, Office over Newman's store on O Street. (Between Tenth and Elsvcnth streets,) LINCOLN, NEBRASKA MM