.v;; v .. l , . WJrtMfcrnpwii ifiiwi " -rni iiniinmi m iiiiiimi Miamii iimihimhihiihmhhii mmmiiii i w rf n a TSIIS HESPERIAN STUDENT. -J dovolas house. r. ir. sTnw.titT, rrop. Stage Onicu for all pruts of tlic Statu. J. A. FAIRBANKS, Clerk. - Hot uutl Cold Salt Baths. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA E.IIAliIiEXT, " DEALER IN Gold and Silver Watches, JJ3WELKY, SILVER-WARE, SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, Ac. A M e'r ICAS- W A TCIIE S. AT FACTORY PRICKS. Ajiasa Conn. President. J.F.SirmiUT. CnHhior. W. P. Piiillii's, Vice-President. First National Mtank of HAncoln A Pino Selection of the CELEBRATED SETll THOMAS CLOCKS. Watches. Clocks and .Tnwolry repaired by ex perienced workmen. Engraving neatly executed. Rumdmbcr tho pliico-HAI MITTS. O street, between 10th mid 11th. south sld" . n I I I I. li III I.I I I I J. & D. Newman, WHOLESALE AND 1IETAIL DEAI.EUS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Boots, SIiock, nnd General Mar- ciiaiiditic, 0 Street, between 10th find 11th, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. 8. R. OALE-Y, J. M. ill ARTS GALEY fc SUA UTS, ATTORNEVS AT LAW, LINCOTX, Nebraska. Tattle if Haywood, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. .. JST. Robinson St Co., ATTORNEYS A T L A W. -LAND LAW A SPECIALITY. jr. g. FitijrKLWJ REAL ESTATE AGENT & NOTARY PUBLIC. V Olllco In Brgg' Block, Itooui No. 1, 2nd. Floor. -M-NCCLN NEB. to Br,v n0UGHTELIN & CO., "8lv ''"' TltrnnTT?n.rTia rwr. i vi iiiiuun ur ind Exchange Depot, ' ..7.fnnd N. LINCOLN, NEB. LUNGER'S If una nnaiminoiiiff ,9tb. 5& WB M Sa '.MiSt 'lSrttHMHGOI19MHHHk. l flnrt iwntwIlfumWwimMtWrimi wX& iwVRIIHKnfflr WJVfnnEtsA Anlu T J LiMJTfSn JlLiclBr itomiisw&Myr&KmmwtMSEBmKiv' 'BJIICTiJi.VfH i'S't yiif BOTTT'J.HfT,VtJiaCllWFli :, wi MWlffiMSMr ' Authorized Capital, - - $500,000. Docs n general Bnnklng business. Makes col lections lit current rates ol exchange. Domestic nnd Forolyti Exchange bought uud sold. fST-Iutcrcst paid on Time Deposits. Authorized Agents for the New Govern ment Loan. 1.27-Statc, County nnd City Warrant bought and sold. ltWII&OPPENIIEIMEIi, DEALERS IN Clothing, Furnlsliliijr Goods, lints & OnpH, Nccktio.s, iVc, Arc. South-oust Corner of Market Spnco. .71wote"itTs7 MANUFACTUltEIt AN1 DKALEIl IN HOOTS ,iJ'It SIIOVS, Mnde from tho best material nnd warranted. He pairing neatly done on bbort notice. North side Square. IjINCOILN, NEII. Dealer in .Staple fc Fancy Dry tioos AND N 0 T I O N S, No. 12, Brlgsa' block, South side 0 Street. f r. : ,y v o i, .v, vj: it it .i s ?.. THOMAS SEWELL. WHOLESALE AND IIETAIL DKALEll IN G II O CJJMU KN, I it O 'SSI 4M8, Wooden-Ware, Country Produce, Sec, Southeast corner of Market Square. Lincoln Neii. tuj: o.'i; i'hwi: ntoiik IIOHWITZ & DAYIDSON, Wholesale and Betnll Dealers in DRY ?OODS, CLOTHING, Hutu, C'ni, Hoot ami Sitae, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC., No. 0. East SIdo Square. LINCOLN, NEB. MXowficr, Kcnnard if Wheeler, BANKERS, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. CXI .Vjrc .y PHOTOGRAPH 2 O O Iff , One door couth of Poqt Ofllco, LINCOLN, NEBRAS . W. MOWHINNEY, ITIEnOIIANT TAIXiOII, ANII nEALER IN GENTS' FWItNISIIING GOODS, LIN00LN, NEBRASKA. McOLURE BROS., Havo on hand A C0.MrLKTE ASSOUTMKNT Or G JB JT T S f uiurisiiijrG GOO JOS, HATS AND CAPS, COItKCU OF 0 AND llTH 8T11EET8, MNCOIiN, NEIII'ASKA. J. F. ADAMS, PostOfllce Unlldlng, x.vroji.v, - - Yj:Jiii.isiAr, Denier in School Hooks, Stationery, .Vcirs,' and Confectionery, vlpnlcs, 1'cars, And every kind of fruit in Its season. SVJlllIiOHVOPMC J'111 US of the Nebraska STATE UNIVERSITY BUILDING. 53?"Evor.v student should secure one at once. I'ai'lor ItmifN In Orrat I'arUt, LEIGHTON A: 1IKOWX, Dritfylsts, HooUscllcrs, Stationers, 1 NI "Jt OOK.SE LLEit s, Comor of 0 and 11th streets, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. f Dealer In READY-MADE CLOTniNO. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of every description, including Boots, Shoes, XTntn, Crim, Collars, Cravats, Ncclctlos, Gloves, Etc. Ho has now on hand the heaviest stock of goods. In his lino,' in Lincoln. Students will do well by purchasing of May, as will all others. Store on O Street, Southeast of Square. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. S. A. 0 0 X, DEALEH IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 13 South Tenth Street, Lincoln, Neil PIANOS, ORGANS, Stcluwny, & Cliickering, Whitney & Holmes. STUCHTOJ' A aowijs; Dealers In All kinds of Musical Instrumoutw and Shcot Music. Corner Eleventh and M Stftets, Lincoln. Neb TICIIENOR HOUSE, OrrosiTE Capitol. Rest Hotel in the Stale TOWNLEY & McELLTIINNEY, Prop's. Fat Rccr and Horn, Wo keep the best of meat, poultry, butter, eggs, cheese, meal, nnd Hour lor sale at corner of O&llth streots. Wo pay cash for the nbovo named articles. J. Martin & Co. Lincoln, Neb. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Tho Uulverslty of tho State was opened for the second year oeptembcr 12. 1872. under tavora ble conditions, and thus lar hns been prosperous uud succeusiul. PROFESSORS. Tho Faculty, at present, is composed of seven Pro!0B8ors, skilled in their several departments ot Instruction. ADMISSION. Students of both soxes are admitted to the Uulveisltv on passing examination In the com mon hntlllsli uranencs, il entering the Latin bchool; or In studies ol adance(l clauses, if cltiimlug an advanced! stundlug. TUITION. Tnltion in all departments Is FREE. There Is an entrance lee ot $5. Books are lurnlsbed at :ost. APPARATUS, Etc. Tho Institution Is liberally supplied with Ap paratus, Cabinet, Library, and all needlul facili ties ior illustrating the subjects taught. The Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus Is espe cially large and valuable. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Tho Agricultural College Is now open, and fur nishes a mil cjurse oi Instruction running tiuough lour years, or a partial comae In prac tical agriculture, requiring one .tear. The com pluilo'n ot tue lull cuuiao untitles tun student to u denrcy. BOARDING. Boarding is obtained at reasonable rates in pri vate iamllies, or by renting rooms the expense may bo reduced to $2 or $i perweok. At pieaent hoarding lu iamllies Is irom j$4 to SB per week. CALENDAR. TIo Eal Term began Thursday, September 12. The Winter Teim will bogin Thursday, Jan uaiy2, 18. a. Correspondence is solicited bv tho Chancellor Irom those Intending to enter College. Tho health ol our btato nnd tho facilities olleredin the University, should be strong in ducoments lor those seeking health and advau tagos lor education. For circulars und other information respecting tho University, address A. R. BENTON. i Chancellor University nt Nob., av Linciln, Nssp - f