Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1873, Image 3

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All hall ! llttlo student,
Wo wolcomo you now i
Though tho dow of tho morning,
la still on your brow,
For a circling year,
You'vo stood well tho toat;
And wo bid you nil hall I
Student of tho west.
Though timid in your look,
And soft In your tread;
Stand forth with your oldors,
You'vo nothing to dread,
As now fully equipped, -
And tidily dressed j
Wo award you a placo,
Student of tho west.
Thon gird on your armor,
Tho world Is In ncod;
Bo valiant for tho right,
Though small bo tho mood,
Nor soon bo dlshoart'nod
In doing your host,
Your reward will bo suro,
Student of tho west.
Thon forth on your mission,
And no idler prove;
Bear to dear onos afar,
Your bnrdon of lovo; ?
Then you'll provo to thorn moro
Than a stranger guoat
An angol unaware,
,8TODFNrof tho West.
Palhullan Again.
. sydvja.
oinco the outside of our paper was
printed, another election has taken place
in tho Palladiun and tho events that trans
pired in cannectlon with it, exceeded any
thing, that has heretofore happened in
- pojnt of oxcitement and local interest.
. The facts in brief are as follows: Candi
dates were chosen and the usual amount of
electioneering was carried on even to the
timo President Howard called tho meeting
to order. Instinctively each party had
taken opposite sides of the room and now
eyed each other like combatants thirsting
for blood while excitement closed their
mouths and silenced reigned! but for a
moment,howcver. Then nominations were
made and a vote was taken. Before tho
result was announced votes were chal
lenged, these were followed by others,
and these again by others, until a general
uproar was beginning to prevail. At this
juncture an unlooked-for and unprecednt
ctl circumstance occurred which created
a lull in the storm and good order was re
stored. This was tho withdrawal of tho
two opposing candidates from tho field.
A motion to adjourn was then lo3t. Soon
after this" tho President, fearing another
outbreak, declared tlio meeting adjourned.
About half the members considering this
an illegal adjournment, remained in the
room with tho Vice President in the chair
and proceeded in a cool and orderly man
ner to elect olllcers for tho ensuing term.
The other half, however, did consider; tho
adjournment legal and proper; whereat
they immediately proceeded to an olllcn
in tho city and called a special meeting
with tho President in tho chair. They
also elected dfllcors for the Palludian Bo
ciety for tho ensuing term. Here was a di
lemma. That there were ofllcers enough,
was certain ! Neither party would give
up and they were equal in numbers. It
was finally agreed to leave tho decision to
arbitrators each party to choose ono mem
ber of tho Faculty, and these two to choose
Jtthlrd. Those chosen were Professors
P E. Church, S. Aughey and S. H. Man-
ly. Each party then choso two of its num
ber to present the case, as follows : by those
who left the University, J. S. Dales and
G. A. Watson; by those remaining in the
Hall, W. II. Snell and II. K. Motcalf.
Tliis nowly installed Court was held
on Friday afternoon, and at a regular meet
ing the same evening, tho following ro
port was niado by tho committee and
adopted by the society :
March 21bt, 1878. Tho members of the
Faculty to whom was submitted the settle
ment of tho trouble which has unfortun
ately arisen in the Palladian Society, here
with render decision and make recomend
atlons as follows: 1st. They cannot re
gard either of the elections as valid, lor
reasons which appear to thorn as sufficient.
While they do decline to give an opinion
as to the legality of tho adjournment by
the President, t ?ey are clearly ot the opin
ion the meeting afterward at Dr. Bur. '8
office was unconstitutional. 2nd, That
those members reported as expelled from
the society were realy no more deserving
of expulsion than others not expelled, by
reason of a non performance of duty on
the part of certain officers. They there-
lore reccommenu that all students then m
in the University who havjo been admitted
as members to the society shall meet on
tho first Tuesday evening of next term
and participate in the election of officers
for the society. They recommend further
that the Chancellor of tho University be
invited to preside at such election. The
members of the Faculty earnestly trust
that these unhappy divisions may be speed
ily, amicably adjusted, and all the mem
bers of the Literary Society may work
together in future, zealously, harmonious-
y and unitedly tor mutual ueneilt and
( O. Js. Umnioii.
Signed Sam'l Auoiiey
S. II. Mamly.
On tho evening of February 23rd, in tho Unlvor
uallet Church, Prof. Church dollvered an admlr
ablo address on the subject of Llfo and Character.
Tho Piofossor has a very ploasant stylo and uses
puro and ologant language. Ho earnestly exhort
ed the young to load a real and noblo life, as this
is tho only way to roach true success.
Wo clip tho following paragraph fiom tho Stato
Journal of Llncolu. It Is only ono of mauy simi
lar kind notices which wo recclvo from all parts
of tho stato:
Tho Hesvewan Student, edited and published
by tho studoutB of tho Statu University, Is out.
Its typographical appcaranco will coniparo favor
ably witli tlio best work dono in this or uuy other
country. It is odlted with marked ability. Suc
cess to it
Lost. Somowhcro botweeu Sunday nigh, and
tenth stroot, a wife. She has auburn eyes nud
bluo hair with a molo on the right side of tho chin ;
also red tooth and very white lips. When last
seen sho woro n green hat trimmed with a black
leather, a yellow cloak of a crimson shado, a lorn
on colored dross and no shoos.
Tho llndor will plouso rctr,rn the same to tho af
fected husband and rccoivo a suitable reward.
Any ono who can glvo any information which will
lead to her recovery tll.plcuso address tho samo
to Godfrey m. Beatwife,
College Items.
Tho rulo forbidding smoking In tho College
yard at Harvard has lately been abolished.
There aro seventeen universities In Italy, atten
ded by 7,201 studouts, besides Naples University.
Ono of tho wisest rules that can bo observed In
study. Is to eschew those subjects which afford no
footing to tho mind.
A dictionary, Just published, containing no
words with loss than live syllables, la entitled the
Sophomore's Friend.
Union Collcgo, Albany Law School and tho Al.
bauy Medical Collcgo havo consolidated to form
thoTUnlou University of Now York.
A Piep. on seeing a picture and description of
tho old elm on Boston Common, said, "Was that
tho tieo tho Charter Oak was hid in?'1 Ex.
Doalcr In
0 Street,
XiincQln, Nebraska.
Hit all.
The question of 't no day:" Who has tho door
kribbt" .'.
Charity gives itsolf rich, but covotousnoss
hoards itself poor.
A man may bo ashamed of tho fahlon of his nose,
although ho follows it.
Tho secret of making one's self tircaomo is not
to know when to stop.
Bad manuscript makes an editor think some
times that ho keopS'a houso of correction. Ex.
Moro than half the Presidents of tho United
States havo pursuoia regular colloglatc course.
It requires $13,000 to conduct servlcos In Ply
mouth church for ono year, of which Honry Ward
Beechcr rccolvos $20,000.
Our beautiful chapel chandollor was literally
smashed soma timo since by tha falling of a por
tion of tho (un)stucco centor-polco of tho celling.
It Is a sad sight to see our noble Juniors strug
gling with weak mustaches. Have courage boys,
pcrhapB by gentlo carosses during the day and
sticking-plasters by night you will succeed.
Nebraska's aroa of 75,033 squaro mllos, 48,030
800 acros extends from the Missouri westward to
tho Rocky Mountains, its extreme of 412 miles ta
pering toward tho southorn border to SlOmilos.
Tho first nowspapor In North America was tho
Boston Nows Letter, established April 21, 1701.
It was a half Bheot of paper, 12 iucuoj by 8, tWo
columns on a page. B. Oroon was tho printer.
Dr. Wost whoso wife was Experience, daught
er of Consider Howland, and was a very tall wo
manused to say that "ho had learnqd trom 'long
Exporioo', that It was a capital thing to bo mar
ried." Our old friends, W, L. Sweot and Frnnk Strcot,
aro attain in tho city. Wo regret tholr intention
to remain from school, as of yoro thoy woro bright
lights In our various excitements and revolutions
Gamma Sigma Phi &c &c.
Wo wcro much ploasod to recolvo a' call from
Mr. Boardsloy of tho Lincoln Leader, a fow days
ago. Ho cxprcssod hlmsolf pleased with our ar
rangements but thinks wo should havo a press,
which opinion wo heattlly ondorso.
A man who boastod that ho know how to em
ploy his timo to tho host advantago, told a frlond
that ho novor walkod out without a book In his
hand. "Woll," ropllod tho other, "that is tho
best way to road without advantago and walk
without ploasuro."
The orpenses of Shurtlwff Oolluco In Illinois are
$13,u9vV,jhllo tho income is only 8,800. At that,
rater incy won't nave a jsnurt-jomi; in u muu
while Ex. A .
A novel snow-plow has boon invontod by a man
In Virginia. It consists of a ilamo of great In
tensity, controlled by proper appliances, by
means of which it is proposed to clear tho track
at once of Ico and snow. Lx.
Wo wolcomo among our exchangos "Tho, Colle
gian" of Cornell Collogo, which prosonts a efj
neat and tasty appearance. Wo congratulate Cor
nell on her success in securing ono of tho twenty
Professors of Military Sienco aud Tactics
A gallant school boy's toast:
"Tho girls 1 may thoy add charity to beauty sub
tract envy from friendship, multiply gonial affee
tlons, divldo timo by Industry and recreation, re.
'luce scandal to its lowost denomination, and ralso
virtue to its hlghost power!" Ex.
Tho whole number of normal institutions in the
United Statos is ono hundred and fourteon, which
are distributed among all tho statos oxcopt Texas
and Novada. Thore aro ton thousand, nlno hun
dred aud twenty-two pupils In those schools, and
fonr hundrcdandforty-ilvo teachers. Nearly ono
tenth of all tho normal pupils In tho country bo
long to tho Female Normal Collcgo of Now York
City which has been established throe years.
For Oasli Ono Prlco Only.
Cheapest EIouho In tlio City.
Custom Work and Roparlngr
Dono to Order.
ot'hjjst cornar of ciuaro,
Druggist, and Dealer In
JPtthiis &Olls. Stationary c.
W". "i&K-
M .
Prescriptions a. Speciality.
East Side Market Square,
gg'-OrKH Day and Nmut.
T. C. Kern, Dentist.
oaice, Brlggs' Building, O St. Bot. 10th & 11th
3Jalij womc watuianted.
Millinery and ladles' JFurmsii-
u 8
s h
. . . .
Id Jl
o m
" , Hi
- Mm
cq in
DEALEHS in 'ffifflfb', (MmM
Drug-) llool.i and 8tatinHrjf. tmlSAwtS
University Books at Cost iMmrffwwG$w
South Side Mabket Square MmB; jfl'1 . V. , .
South Sldo of Market SaotfaM1vy,'vMf'! vavt
. ,ii. hunhmk, JBMMRHWjArtCMV'?
mK Gooda, iiEjrTjri!r. mmmmWmS&uJsmS.-'mi
At Mrs. O. M. M-etoalf'b. Teeth inserted on GoBSiKlM
llth St., Ono Door South of Douglas nouso. mmmWMi 'WW 'AH ? Sr.
Office SBSSSSfiPwaWTsaJ 'yf"'-' i-t i V'-)
J. Mnrtln & Co. have removed to (itnHilK Iferi'jl'Atfft''
"National Market" llth Street ggKKK$A
11 "MJIfffi MlMJ mw