Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1872, Image 3

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    T5,' m
M AlUU, 1872.
. 1 " I '.'
)f our students are vpvv devotional
So.vi; :
going Jo church every day.
OnAXor.i.i.or. Bkxtox is building a line
residence, pu( 11 street betwicli 1llh and
Am. gone.. The board of ouifriond .Mr
. Be careful that you "do not take
Pr.oKrc.s30n Auohky deli'vers a' lecture to'
,!! olas, in Chemistry cvorjj morning at ft
o'clock. Tfie-o lectures are very interest
ing, and are much more appreciated by the
Mudsills than studying text hook.
- -. . .
, John (.L.Saxi:, the illustrious pocl,jleliv-
fJnlnf'InvL-n'a llftrtl- St.wn fv In V iImiiw' '"", ""'"""'"
fillml Vjmlio T,!tinl " linfiirn I ln if mloiif a
I'OBtoniee.aind sub-crib for tlvcfuDir.'' -j J .r , , J J ...,?
" Xx v ie.cuire asorinuon,.oii uc -uui uu. .vi
the close of the lecture, by request, Mr.
Saxe, rcpcatcd'sevoral -elected poems.
" The lecture although one not pleasing
to the many, was appreciated by all
lovcrs'of true wit and literature.
Pai.i.amax IIai.Tm Fr.unrAY Oin.
ljVrA'roV; A1U djfliy(r(tle nex'tle xorcls of tho' eyeuiiYg: wore jettuluetcjl
ire of the course about the last of this! Svft,i "" vigor "aml 'riicstficK The
dxt forgetto semi all item ,oiyintercsu
e "Situknt" it von wouldhavcalive-
to till
ly paper
l'ROncssois Manly, has been ill for the
last week, but we are glad he ia again able
to be. with us.
Fhom appearance it seems the Universi
ty .-cut a large delegation to attend the Su
preme Court last week." - '
Evkry student of the Univcr-ity, and all
the friends of the Institution should subscribe-
for the Stodkxt.
t .i
G. W. Thompson' has bccnXclected to a
Professorship in the Agricultural Depart
ment of the Institution.
Wk have received but few exchange this
month. ITow is this art financial ar
rangements interfering
Many, thanks to Mr.
Stone, who has so
kindly furnished our "sanctum" with cer
tain necessary articles of furniture.
Wk noticed several representatives of the
faifipex- wearing the badge of the "Phi
Society." Hero is (hi- ! Are girl- ad
mitted V
"Wi: are sorry to say the Library ha- not
been opened very promptly. We hope
those who have charge of this matter -n ill
correct this error.
Wk noticed some of .our boys playing
"soldiers" on the streets the. other'day,with
broomsticks for arm?, under oonunand of a
yery gallant ofllcoh.
Wk were glad to -ee one of our -Indents
out1 carpentering last Saturday. This is
good exercise, and other- might do well to
follow his example.
m mm i
Tur.ui: is no branch of study our students
are so deficient in as that of elocution:
Why should the Urgent- overlook this im
portant stildy Give us an Elocutionist.
Tin: Legislature appropriated to the Ag-J
ricultural Department, a farm of two -cc-tloinof
nice rolling land, B20 acres of
which are located s, little north of the
Miss Swuki" and 0. G.Whipple, the. ius
' Mociate editors, having withdrawn from the
Institution, Mis? Grace CI. Bontouand Thi
ther -Kuhlman were elected to till the
PitoiT.sson Auohky was very suddenly
&ifei IwiyVby' IWcifd cknDga ef iiii wife,lbuti
we wer,e,gld.to lparn. tli.atkcwasot se
riously ill and isiatt iprooent. in Lincoln
much irnprovedTnliCRlth. 4
programme was introduced "with a Duet by
Mies Benton and Kadmore, and all prc-cnt j
must admit that, the music added much, jLo )
tlie interest and enjoyment of the'evening.
Thiucstion for debate was : TlColved,' That
the liquor tralllc should be abolished. The
affirmative was well represented by Miss
Kellcy and C I?. "Woollcjr, while the nega
tKo was as ably discu-scd by E. A. Wool
ley, Hardy and Tovey. The debate being
thrown open to the House, several very
pointed remarks w ere made by Chancellor
Benton and others.
Palladiax Hai.1., FKniti:Ai!Y lflnr. The
exercises of the evening were opened bj- a
very able cssaj' by Mr. Dales, and was fol
lowed by a very interesting essay by Mr.
Grice. The regular disputants on the de
bate being absent, b was at once opened to
tlie Jloiisc, and. .10 doubt the most animat
ed debate ever witnessed in the Pulladiau,
occurred on this evening on the ques
tion ; llesolved, That the. Government of
the United States should accept war rather
than recede from her position.in rcforciiqe
tolhe Alabama claims. Among those, par
ticipating in the debate were Chancellor
Benton, Professor Mauley, and Profe-sor
Pai.i.aiian Ham., Kkhkuaiiy 2.'titi.
The exercises were introduced by mu-ic.
"Write me a letter from home." by the
Choir. After which, the society was enter
tained by select reading by Miss Benton
and Cregan. Tho question for discussion
was JCcsolvcd, That the pulpit affords a
wider range for eloquence than the bar.
Tho debate was conducted in an animated
and lively manner. Professor Aughey and
others engaged in tho discussion.
Yai.i: has r05 students and 15(5 instruc
tors. .
Amiikiist has reached the ago of fifty
yea-. t
ViMUNiA Univer-ity has only seventeen
Secret Societies. ' , ' ' ' i -
Yam: spends from (.000 to $7000 a year
for.photograph. ... , . .
I nr.ni: are attending Ann Arbor at pres
ent, about 1170 students.
' ll.vitVAV.n, the Arst American College
was founded in 10.18. Yale in 1701.
AMiirnsT- College 'lias confcnid upon
Horace Creely thetlegree of JL. 1).
Tin: faculty of Yale forbid student.- ap
pearing1 on the amateur stage in female ap
parel. ., "
The Methodists have -ixty colleges, the
most of any church in the United State-.
The Catholics next have fifty eight. i
Winrrnr.i: or not plug hat-and canes' are
requisite fur admissioii to Ann Arbor i- a
question akcd by all new students.
Tm: term rows -horter and shorter,
the lessons longer and longer. That's i
natural. Whew'! Coi.i.vxu: 1Ii:r.i.i. j
unu.Kit IK
GOI.ll AND Sl1.VKl.WAU'ailKH,.i
spKrACiJicni'TiQr, &o.
,f'",",n ' " Am1 factory prices.
i ,' -x x A Flue, Se:ctlou.of the x
WAtclic. ClocVi ami .lewrlrv i-ppslifit h.v pxiirtianc
pil woikiiH'ii. Kiiaialngiifcadv exi'culcd. .
lJcmenibor'tli? placc-H.VLbK.lT'S. '
O ftrrel. 1oIv,th 10th and lllli, touHt nitlo.
1 riiblislurt Monihl. In iho inlere-ls of (I I
Tj.nws p UBsnurnoN ;
Out' Ycnr,.
$. MoiAbr,'. . A ....... .
.75 cU.
Tin: Freshman, P. 12. Cos-d, who took if-i f ! ' ' 1J r '
cpriwin Iowa University, for" ;p:islhi"g I InixOrcrh flf NdhracUa
e be-t examination, was once a poo? ! UlllVCl bliy Ul llbUl dbKd,
By united effort, the theorist and the i
practical man may accompli'Mi much, ;
wnfcii neitncr coum.rticct.iionc.
Exvy i strongly characteristic of lit
tleness of mind; a truly noble and gener
ous man feels no enmity towards a success
ful rival.
Ax opponent of the public school system
insists that if vou leach 'aboy to write he
is much less'likelyto make his mark in af
ter life. ' ' .
Ax exchange advocates the abolition of
"sheep-skins," on the ground that "pul
ling wool,'1., or anything sugge-ting that
idea. 4s unfecholarly.
!' -- ." .
Wi: recognize goodness, where, er j find
it. "J'is tlie uame helpful intliieuce.'beauli
fying tlicTiiCane-t as the greate-t service
liv it- manners, doing most when least
consciou-. as ifit did it not.
f i j
, The t'nlvprHv of tlie Stale wan oiwnedlaiit Spptefi
bcr uiiilcr farnralle cftiidillon?. ml lliux far han bocn
pro?)ioriut- and iuxcsrul.
The Fuculit, at prt'Beut, I compoed of five frofen-
porn, rktlled in Uictr rcveral tli-ptrtmeBta of laBtrnc
tion. Tothenc tlicro 1H b atldcit no mir t tha
ojieiiiit? r the nuxt College jrar.
Students of 1othcexe are admitliMt to Ihc Univer
sity, on pan-lny ciainlnalloii n tbe cowaioa'JBcllili
brunches, IfeTitcrius tho I.attn Scbcxil; or la "atudica
oradranred ela'te, if clalmlngan advanced titandtnf.
..Tiiltinii in nil dri.-irLuietiU U KltKK. There la an
eniranee fee of $.1. ltookh are furniohed J I eoitt.
Furnas is Sons, Browuville, have conceived
an idea which we hope the directors of tlie
public schools ol this city will take up and
carry into execution. It is the setting apart
of the 10th of April," Nebraska's Arbor Day"
as a " Tree Memorial Day." And in addition,
it might bo well for some heavy nurserymen
to donate the trees as pioposed in Brownville,
by the subscribers of tho following card :
"If tho lUivcliitK of iho lltovalU' "Chooln will set
iiimit "Nebraska Arbor Duy" -tliu 10th of April uh n
"Trw Memoilnl Duy." and allow tho teuthcr and
HeholaiK fiieh to plnni it tree lit i ho rchool block, to
licar tho nnmu of tlie indlldiitil pluming it im it mi'in-
oital tiee, and leeoided in iibonk for thut nirpotv, mo
hereby ugruo to donute to each toadic mul echolur of
die rVl"Hl,'e forest pf fruit lren of Knl(ublouibc aqd
appropriHleile planted on the gionudB wu thut day.
j , lKA & Sons.
Thk candidates mqtty :
"I know not, 1 link not, if yon bo of note.
. r ITtuoWMHUII lovityou beciuiteyoiipfivoti:'' ,
Tjusctrtt in?Il4ivp aU!a:riOjYlew,
while iUousunds are. not nualif jetTtti es-
lm iheir'iifftan6oj.;r4 j r :s
Tnulbijal Geological Socictj of England
are intending to take measures to find out
whether Dr. Livingston is alive or not.
This thev hone 10 do either by ollering a
reward of 100 guinea- to any uVfnwiu m ho i
will livlinrli'ick -i letter in Dr. Livingston'- Tlal '""tlliiiiou Ullberallj inmilled wllhApparmuin,
W ill 1)1 lllg D.U W ,IUUI I ill vi . J'; n;'m , Cabinet, J.lbrar, iiud all needful facilities for.iUaii.
hand-writing or by eudiiig alt expedition tiatiu-'thoMtbJects taught. Tho rhilonnphleal and
to penetrate to the point where he Is f.iip- I Chrinieal Apjiaratu" i e.wlally large and valnabh.
posed to be. i
A loug time tigo a ,-tudeiit ol l ale re-'
celved a- Miuiinoh- from the President,' to ; .
............ t,n i.lKipin. nl h'ivliii- ! b-irrel if' In? proposed b ibflteeulr! to open the Afrienl.
answer the cluigc ol li.lMlii, .I o.urei oi , u 0;,' aMi,-,.cilIertImoprartlsabU probably
ale in his room, lie gave a- an excu-e , ftI tboopeijlugorilie next College year,
that he took the ale for his health, "And (
have vou derived any benefit V" asked the lifmmivf
President. "Well, ye-, sir," replied tin- BOAHDIM-.
student: "when the barrel Aa- nr.-r laicen
to mv room, some five days ago, J could
scarcelv move it ; now 1 can run up Ft airs
Avitli it." He e-capod. Tut. 1I(ivaim
re... m,,.kiv .WiiTiVd. iC l'!lirt'4Tl()X.
published at St. Louis, 'In it- la-t is?uc, ,
touche-a -vital point in our Public Suhpid 'Hi- -ij Ijj? T. i-m will brin Tburar. Vpiin, t-jra.
system. , ja. yu 'IVim will bc.'lu the urtoiidTliuifdiiy i.f
On the mailer ol "e-liimites,' the Editor Uei.tembMi.c-xi. . . .
iiv "cverv necessarv item -uuuiu uc in- t
cliidod, but whatever else is neglected do
not forget to make a liberal c-timafc for
iioardliiK I' obialneil nl reasonable rale In prlvata
fHinillijj-, oi- by tenting looitirt the expenbC iiiay ,bo
reduVertiofor53porweek'. At preenl boardlncln
fKiiilllet-1 twim t io t StPv'r Vteek.
Teneber's salaries. If you wi-li to ,-ecure
good!tCaelier you nm-t pay them liberally
Conespondeme 1. Hillelled bj the ChanceUor fiom
llmi iniendlns to enter College.
Tho health ofuurtilntv mid the. lacllltUt oflerediln
the UMbeit-lty, Miou'nl be ftron'a inditeemeBta for
mid punctually. TJ.eir -alarlcs hhould e - - - "" "-
ivild nromntlv at the clld Of fafch month." . yorChculaw and other Jn formation rpMpoctliiK tho
Several of thb leading jirhiclpalb our Nor- I VniverMty, .Mrw
Chancellor IJuiveralty, of,Kob.tt
msil.Hcliools contribute practical articles on
Mfftw to Tench." rrhro is more thaii the
m Mini vaaiclv of liducatioual. intelligence
"beside Jhc critical notices ofTiow jnibli-
' , (Chancellor University of-Nob., ll'
l ' "vp-m ' j? )(ia
I i t. bJKXt
' , . . .
?- -' f
T- "-
If. iSt
I AMomitx. Nkb. ., lr'
" ' -'? A w
X :7 J , idP :
... . "" - - imA
mr jtr-n r
itMTiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiwiiiii iigiiMiiiMimmi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTwiiiiiiiMiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim-ii n iimnii imrriniwi-iw irwi imhiii irainni iwin iiiinii i mr i-t