'ii.'V 1 tii. in UMlVKwSlTY OFM-uKaSKA LIBRARY LINCOLN. NEBRASKA " 1 cK .? , .mmMii'jaimmt . - I 1 y.' I U .J V ESPERIAN STUDENT. LINCOLN, F13MIUARY, 1872. EvEitY one In the University should sub scribe for the Studknt. SubscwptionswIII be received at this ofllco for "Wc? ley's" now edition of the constitution, in Wk understand there is some talk of forming a ladies' Literary Society hew. Wo think this is a good project, and wish it success. It is amusing to step into tho Reading Hoom and see with what velocity certain students read some of the largest and most scicntitic works in our Library. Thr University inaugurated its second term on the 7th, with from 25 to SO new students. This speaks well for the management of Chan cellor Benton and his noble corps of Profs. - Wk have known students to take up a Congressional Globe, read It through, and be perfectly satisfied, in five or ten minutes. Wo hope tho students won't bo greedy in this matter, and read all tho books through at once. HI On account of certain irregularities in print ing arrangements, this number has been de layed even beyond our expectation. To our subscribers and exchanges wo would tender our apology, hoping hereafter to furnish the paper at its appointed time. Tiik iitudcnts of the University being desir ous of some ajnuscmentduriugthc long winter cveaings, huve ordered some of the best i in the country, aad are now conduct- JI4o1b Lecture Course. We hope fbeJritWttM ?Ht Csftcounge this, catetiiriM J I Mia the past. COKLEGE ITEMS. Tint Reading Roemof this institution is bow fitted up, and will open from tl a. m., to 3 p. m., each day. Tho students will find, in tddition to a large Library, a number of tho moat prominent periodicals of the day. Wc know of no place where the student can spend a few hours more nrefitable and pleasant, than in the Reading Room. J Thk Palladian Literary Society hnvc elect ed the following officers for the present term : J. S. Dales, President. Miss Sweet, Vice President. Step. Kinney, Recording JJoc'y. Frank Hurd, Corresponding Sec'y, W. M. Stevenson, Treasurer. W. L. 8wcet, Usher. The students of tho University assembled on tho 12th inst.,and formed a Paper Associ ation. After some discussion, on various top ic, the following persons wcro elected officers for the year 1872: W. L. Sweet, President. Miss G. E. Benton, Vice President. H. K. Metcalf, Recording Sec'y. J. S. Dales, Corresponding Sec'y. C. W. Roads, Treasurer. Tho officers of the association will also con stitute tho Board of Managers. Mr. W. H. Snell was elected editor-in-chief, and Mr. O. G. Whipple and Miss Sweet, associates. Ovku one hundred ladles arc studying law in America. Gaukkt Biblical Iustltuto loses $02,000 by tho Chicago fire. Dartmouth College has 100 new students this year. JCx. Well done. But the Nebraska State Univer sity had 100 last term. Thk Williams College lievieio Is vigorously agitating the Mixed School question. TnK loss of the alumni of Williams College by the Chicago fire amount to $677,000. Thk friends of Rev. J. P. Thompson arc pressing his name lor the presidency of the Yale. Tkkkk aro 801) Colleges In the United States and have been 35,000 graduates. College Herald, Coiixkm. students arc disappointed at the poor run the small-pox is having there ; they want to go home for n few days. A Jukioh at Yale returned a book to the Library last week, w ith a hair pin in it as a book-mark. Comments arc called for. Coi.vmiua College pars its president -$3,000, and its professors $0,000 per annum. Its property is worth more than three millions of dollars. Thk question of why the forces of a hyper bola can have a center, Is a very troublesome question to the mind of a Soph, in the Ripon University. TnKY propose to do away with Sunday services down at Yale, and devote the Income of the college preacher to the Boat Club. Harvard Advocate. Thk annual expenses of a College student in this country range irom 9330 to f 1,500. in cluding the preparatory coarse, the average cost of a collegiate education is $5,000. i Thk Literary J&eM, af jatMary, appears in a new form. It has been changed from a sixteen to an eight pare sheet. In its new form it presents an Inviting appearance. A Williams 8ophomoro handed his class officer the following note from his sinter, sup posing it to be a doctor's certificate : "Come over and see me ; we've got a lamp that we can turn down, down, down. Come over and sec me." nob received in time, this year, there need bo no good reason for any school officer's falling to report In season. Il Is to lyi honed that County Superintendents will carefully look after this matter. While it is the duty of each district officer to see to It that his district is properly represented In tho report of his County to this Office ; Superintendents should feel that St Is their especial duty to sec that no district falls to mako a proper report. While most of tho County Superintendents sent in their rcportB carefully prepared, and in the main correct, there wcro some who failed to represent their counties, except, perhaps, In sending in the enumeration returns. The County Superintendent of Cass county, W. A. Patterson, representing one of tho most populous counties, and receiving $:110 SO more than any other County Superintendent In hc State, for some reason uttcriy failed to ifiakc any report, except the enumeration of child ren of a proiwr school aire. Thus, in order to make anything like a fair showing for tho county and State, I have estimated all the other items, taking as the basis of my estimate Nemaha county, as both Cass and Nemaha have nearly an equal num ber of school children. May wc not look forward for better things th6 coming year? COl!.NTIK. Xo. m- X. chiMrsn bfl - Mt. V'cm&lci. Tdll. TaUe 1, Showing the nmtibor of Districts the number of children between tho ages of 5 ami 21 years lttifl'alo 2 Hurl ,..!W llntler 27 Caca 74 Cedar 11 Colrav 17 Cuming 22 Dakota... 17 Dixon 17 Podgo P.7 Douglas 33 Uatro -11 Hall r, Hamilton 1 Jefferson... ..tl Johnson 0-2 Lancaster 57 L'cauqnlCo'rt 2 Lincoln 2 .ladlson It I Merrick 10 iseninim vi Otoe ta Pawnee 40 Platte 14 Kichardpon...87 Sarpy 25 Soward 40 Sallno St Stanton 7 Saunders 51 Wayno 3 Washington.. 42 York 13 Polk S 08 thonum 2 the vcar--thc number of days, school ban been tanglit by a qualified teacher the number of nrlvate school?, and the mini- scholars attending private ecIiooIp, In each her of connty 007 MX) 710 2.1 M!) Ml ISM (Vi SI 239 120 20 It 815 2070 M7 9J 635 2125 (Ml 10 403 TIKI lots 44 6-H 210 0-2 1820 70S 1089 401 M5 820 s3 70S 145 731 27 710 145 Total.... 1028 Thin county wan not reported, except in regard to tho enumeration of children, hence all the otlwf itcniH are estimated. K s tlmated partly. - W W W. . ft Showing the number and kind of Public School IIouhcs, also tho Valuation of tho same, with the value of tha Site and tho value of the Apparalns, in each County. No. School Houses a Material of Construction. cwntikh. Stone. Prick. PnflMo, Bnrt, Putlcr. Cass, 10 Cedar. . Colfax, Cuming, jj&Koia, - WB, Vramc. Log. Sod. Total. Value Valuo School House. School Site. Wk arc sorry to 8ay that a good article for this copy of the "Student," by Prof. Innly, entitled, "The Influence of the Iblc on Language," has been unintention ally omitted. It will appear in our next issue. Report of Siato SaperlHtcndcnt zic BVUCATION IN NEBRASKA. McKcn- un. Imst., ) lUASKA, y fith, 1872. ) "IIkspkrixn Student" is the name of n aun muuiiiij jiuuiioiicu ujr tun x niiuiu xi.-a erary Society of Nobrauka University. IthnC very presentable and spicy sheet. Nebraska State Univ6rsity first opened its halls to stu dents on the 7th of September last. One hun dred students are in attendance, among which we see figuring prominently in the Friday evening Literary Society, the namo of J, a. Dales, a former student here. Prof. A. R. Tljfnn fnrmorl? nf AHIbtioa Pllftr a a SaefiMBrtw of the faculty 5 Literary Advance. Okkick ok Statk Sui,ttof Pun. Ijfur, IjIiNCUI-n, XXUUKAMKA February The following report is, through the cour- teiy of the press throughout the State, laid before the people. Tbe law ty provides for the publication of tho Report, of ihe State Superintendent of Public Instruction, once in two years, and as this makes much of the matter of the present pear of little importance, when presented, I avc drawn on the generosity of the press, to d me in placing before the people the Educa tional condition of our Slate, up to the close of year 1871. The following tables exhibit only npproxi- lately tho real condition of aflairs in each iounty. Verv rnnnv distrlctB failed entirely to report r : . . . - . - . to their Oounty Dupcnntcnuent, anu as a con sequence, do not appear in tho aggregate. Thoro was son.0 reasonable excuse for this last Spring, as very many districts were with out copies of the school law, and those that they had, contained no forms for the reports required ; but this oxcuso has, I trust, been taken away, as nearly 5,000 copies of the school Ihwh, containing forms of all reports necessary to be made, have been distributed throughout the State, so that in case blanks be v AJWkfiWlt Caw, 3 Hall, Jefferson, . Johnson, Lancaster. 1 L'oati qui Court, Lincoln, Madison, Kcrrlck, Ncciaha, 1 Otoe. l Pawnee, S riatte, Richardson, 1 Sarpy, 3 SewapJ, Saline. Stanton, Sanndera, Wayne, WaehingtoV York." Hamilton, Polk, Total, U 'Kstlwjttetl. 1 1. 3 1 C 8 36 14 1 30 3 4 7 ,6 ,1ft S3 7 5 a 19 10 1 4 2' 88 41 20 C 4f, 13 0 1 3 9 17 , 873 t 3 13, 4 1 n 6 4 6 1 1 1 I 5 1 7 3 14 1 4 10 11 S o i in 23 TA! 18 0 40 3 6 9 18 r.7 5i 39 88 G 11 29 17 1 1 G 3 60 61 29 0 G3 17 SO 13 3 12 21 5 1 659 7840.00 &70.00 20000.00 240.00 1305.00 7260.00 0825.06 COQP.QB vnxmxa 67921.22 13797.91 H900.00 3890.00 9349.2G 6728.12 G76.GJ 160.00 1129.M 1029.08 20726.96 101398.43 11580.05 6200.00 339!3.0O 1I882.CG 2-1K5.00 1075.00 2200.00 25)8.15 8070.00 525.00 100.00 147.00 1W0.00 SI M 1M0.00 T4a.0 96403.00 310.00 610.10 208.00 430.00 4129.60 75.00 51.25 119-2.00 2225.00 621.65 400.00 1274.80 310.60 305.00 G5.00 75.00 G0O.OO 650.00 J374270.83 $44318.70 $2347.08 f420938.67 IiK 3 Showing the number teachers for tho :&. Qualified TeacheraKmploycd of qualified teachers employed; RPTKat0,num)wo,Jt,.y?-,"nK!,LL.oi1n.it? year; and the number of days tward given them by tne districts, in each comity: AgeTCgatoNo. IVB Tl COtWTIKS. Tav Qualified uuclit by all teachers. Total Wagea of Tcuchcra for tho Year, Buffalo, Kurt, liutlor, Casa, Cclar, Colfax, Cuminr, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Douglas, flatrc, Hall, Jefferson, .TohiiKon, Lancuntcr. Lsau qul-Court, 1 lilucoin, Madieon, Merrick, Kcmalm, Otoe, Pawnee, Platte, Richardson, Sarpy, 8evar, Saline, Stanton,1 Snunderri, Vayne, Waahtngton, York. Hamilton, Polk, Malea. Females. Total, 1 1G 10 60 G ,li 0 11 4 14 25 9G 8 17 26 30 3 3 4 60 44 24 S 57 30 20 17 6 15 9C 6 1 2G 10 38 2 4 9 8 G 24 82 12 13 33 30 & (i 38 GO 23 8 44 15 19 3 11 82 7 1 2 42 20 88 7 16 18 19 10 38 67 38 8 30 $ 1 3 8 10 as KM ' 47 13 101 85 39 80 G 26 54 12 1 Males. 72 1191 672 3738 423 850 m 9G1 180 1072 238G 2092 1024 1023 1711 2077 33 2-10 295 3738 3161 1950 4081 1471 1183 1150 1052 18G1. 2G8 120 Estlraa'ad. 360 Female. 120 1G82 020 2877 171 216 982 G89 435 1990 392(5 720 911 1827 2131 440 859 2877 3052 1G7G 2792 887 1041 2-10 G24 880 5073 333 ""72 SGO-J! Total. 192 2873 1192 0.15 594 1071 1812 1G60 G16 3008 11312 2812 1024 1931 3538 4208 33 G80 G5t GG15 G203 8632 GS23 2358 2221 1390 624 1932 39JV1 C0l 72 120 Males. . 114,00 1771.28 817.75 8700.28 825.00 1814.60 2001.60 1841.60 693.00 1811. 7G 6098.63 8575.G9 2344.60 1097.79 2396.98 3193.40 . 48.75 911.00 390.00 4G1.0O 8700.28 6980". 63 8162.05 300 .'00 7630.80 3810.90 2-120.88 1475.38 1107.a 1609.25 3738.64 802,50 160 00 W12IH.7!1 Females. 200.00 2296.63 700.00 6180.60 243.00 4.72 1529.00 1638.75 6!.60 2C90.tW' lOOlMlfi loiaToo ' ' 1073.C0 2P34.C5 3215.45 6S0.00 454.90 5180.60 1(085.32 - 2097.68 17G3.(Hl R?29.25 1603.0(1 1297,25 198.20 1078.00" 3li.70 136.40 "",00 5'i9f74 ,. k 5i 5-x v. a H ill 8 ItS 2873 1192 6000 sot Ml 1417 1M0 014 2910 3170 8912 1024 ?2 1703 3538 4108 32 280 500 05 1 5570 6047 3000 109.3 6740 2070 8501 130fi tV24 1832 3750 M 1087 005 3315 357 453 H'.i 801 650 13-V2 4 515 13tl 318 30 1012 1501 2300 107 130 417 221 3188 3801 1013 M5 3873 1018 1217 1014 274 1500 50 148t 801 70 7M 200 II 6 1800 103 221 ait 027 208 7M 21(11 764 18(1 15 400 707 llti-2 15 103 151 02 12100 2202 1005 285 sraii 702 697 514 130 539 011 171 39 t 35 31 30 460 80 81 195 15 21 14 113 23 67 (TO 180 41071 23265 71912 46 1100 Paid, BooIjs . Apparatus 7.60 ' 10.00 109.W 16.M 48.W 1.HS 4.00 is:io 450.10 73.70 121.60 27.65 31.75 215.57 Total. 7974.50 680.00 S1M0.M SB6.S0 14M.8H 711 ,8C 84W.W 1),OII 2M79.17 84780.32 14181.04 G531.GO 4125.65 981101 16073.19 750.M 160.0 11M.30 I19S.M 21925.80 1PC7O0.63 12I2G.OO G163.40 353G9.45 126,01 2810.00 1278.S5 a5.oo 3140.00 6147.81 625.00 100.M v-U 112.00 6.85 83.09 21.40 553.40 101.(15 32.85 20.00 133.25 21.85 127.15 wagea of No.daya boara by Total. DiatV 314.00 4067.81 1131 1S17.75 1M 13880.78 ,, 1068.00 1718.22 60 3630.60 3380.25 1283.60 1M 4532.01 Wi 10613.19 4583.(19 8fI5 2:M1.50 174 2770.79 100 4731. (ft G738.fll 48.75 9-11.00 970.(0 915.90 13880.78 10305.85 102t 5250.53 1409 2123.00 11259.65 5S0 M.2.90 :4 8718.13 7(15 1073.68 im 1107.95 " 2587.25 30. 6921.21 793. !0 7. 48.00 '337257.47 7131 : WKi W"' !SBK V ' '