Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1872, Image 1

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    aWBWMBaalBrera!BaaMBMBiBIBBMfram;aBaBjBWiePi ;
i i TH Wrr m9i ay"'" i w hili tt J"i m utAi
-' mWiW -TLlBfiflKi "" fi M mi niwV z. I i a . "K ihiumb. mf&- t B
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University of Nebrasks.
. -I. :
'if - .!. , .. MT "V 4
ill i inniiii BUfc r ';t l Kl .
vV 'TW-Tvr H7V HVfWlH;
EIImmw) "
. ','.''
m U0 ty4Ac$t l&ytctf;
& forth, Utile Mnafer, ad be ei aTtid,
Tfcnh tlMMihy Ieks and cey M,'WfiW,
!Titi.Tftof Ml-Btadentortkfi'W'eirt. '
0'fc!rth, IMtlestmger, vltkwei' & of lore,
T)iit MtUrl fee like (ifctriw dov;
Tali UtMt riMsllorJ 6f out- kJoa M'&evt,
Ja tit' tend of y Wrt)iHinVr,tbt,
U.;tifV ejrjwfcrtKJy, rifk vwi ri Ar.
lytttMwfrita juv-ntnil, ad wsit the ,
. tiUwl TM-olfeorK. tlio flrct jiken,
AC.ikn Mkvmo tOfahotaeitftliftAVoal!
, -tilMerjmger.yrltUtidtfifbran,
Mmt.w fcwftrMBilUe.Uflj hall,
rSr.fi Wt e nciy jriU eloom thi gust,
' ' v " -'."i ' ' V.' .-HSViuTiA,
HmftKV tM-,ttite,.Foulty is coia-
'"' Cr . .-'X A . '
,v-, it-jt'.-
f be,-drirtc' "Mrtrt
i-jz-vii. . ...' Aui...it:!i.
ir'M " -.
w &f mmmH
riyt?r ' v..'X&.''M."'. .!. .. ,,r w
4m -' wwn ai jwi, wniwr jhhq
1ST -'.-' 'A - v-fcraasuhii- '- ' - ' - J:
" i ilj.u-V -Jl.r3 'A 1 it WinlJllin 'Tf i Till
. . "?iWJ ,. -' -' f i' ...-Jt. .-' ..... .-T-1
-. Hi . fw.vmwmm , y w yi "f fy- Fwgw
.'J 'i '.-. r -r u v tr
. -"MJr. .mm,mma, wr.
tk mind tlwt bfU us all; from Die kd ya,
km! roMttM of duty or secMwty, ad gim hi
the, ideal, the reflection of tlw infinite is the.
finite. ... s '
tio; M.ii$il,;r tbem bIonf , pwriyy toura
Uc Htwwtuna, I quote now frii'ikibM;
"Fiction itM io busiaoes to exlmkM i( ie
wore beautiful , tliak reality. C wiHlr-.tlic
KOMtmsitias f fiction may iMi tbundin the
H' sellers shops; you bu' tbctn, there lor a
certain number vt francs, and yotftalk of Uicui
for a certMn number of daydj bt they lteiM.
"place in literature, because in literature tfae
one aim ot arc is lite beaut t ml. UnceloM
HgHt, of. this, nndydu liave the were frightful
To me, this is a moH(Iet critic, .fei'
KU1MMN.U to 'witairwona.si.QcuoaKUWMa
. '. .. ... . '. v .V-
se, in tte itMMwra m Hit
tliat.tWe iHCriroitiBd1
lite drama are compatible,
oi intui. or-who cnwBoa-
ra .
. . "
I am ready to coacltMb, Urtretore; with tlie
aeecriioM, Um ,cukiTtk)k6f tUedranwitic.
Newlty.ao 1ega Udoce noiiinwW lee
eeHmie; a mejifattonof tkat 'ich he
begH. aiwiaalr efetilt ulaijH .. is not incompatible
fSfiifcb ldyt-firtrtl i?ATK
, fc.ywjf.luiuuaui II . - I IU. I
AttreeiiveMefw f iMMHCee.'
Yts, -there are doll andilolk; .and Ow cca
uionest, cheapest, hveaneet of them all has a
prospect tliat i? ilenicd to the llurcst. dattest
f handiwork of the sculptor's chisel. Noiif
tbd marble of Cytheria or PraxitckiS hwl been
handed dowa unscathed by time ornjorodc
ftyrtire religion, would a tithe of the human
lovpbe bestowsi Htwn it that .our little Fanny
lavishes, boutrby hour, and day; by day tipoa.
the. one-armed and mnch-balteretltibricof rags
ml hmn nht cull 'rikr."fto1W TbeM'la-
wifeetaijag deeper then the plunune of phitoa
pbbyiaa MbxNned.M.Utet.ailecUojB fOf wjiat
sln ;ghad0wl.paatqrk'i(utureii8h,iloll the
fefs taie. torjwfj'ae-.sbjs 'inveeU, ityrUh.Uie
ap;TrieniDce6, ad "dr jt through the inci
diuta of hor'o'WTi uxprwuce, af;8)ie raaheU,
fkkma it, takee ft cnttwldrirbr ridinr;8coWa
!. Tlft it wbifa it amd wute itibedMs ita
t i ' ' -;.'-?o ..: .. jii-v.-ii'i
.., "tht .fellflwtBR rkjmcl rcbslt of coaaken cr'rw th
lf6huncliKki cwiveji omo H,Rfiil hlHts: a '"
Tterc WMiiapirl, st f ho vm fair to eee, ..'
Wlis Clarke 'numrn w Xnr-dlC: . t !&''
iu muwK Miy, inoj;n p gataea.cenR,-
T ttsekfrerbol&i concealed a claw. .
A"Hrte wftsaad thought lib elii to-be1-
Tkuak'drKlns lsvers Into pynco)i.v
Hhe Aallerod ronw, tbongh nlwayt "sImo die,"
"Datll theyVero hll cfowiied vtth misery.
yhc d.iuced and waltzed, until qitito ,Iclc was .'site.
Tiler Uoddcus was Tenwlchorcl:
But ioon got well aud cat her liomlnj
With alftlic traelf hlfs of great Mel riotnene
Ir mind rontetlmc on Jupiter anil 1c,
wouiu uwciimixca m
Allltttwrh nrOB:to think WuTroBirh ad tktMMv.
l .... . . . . , . :. . f. -r -
isiiu jroui nor in to neara minc, . ;-
Do dnlxote, . JtV.-; '
ik Wtn roairh ad kalv. v
leif'a Hilfib. j,'.7
Waif rorta lire orld, and all Hwst lKim!
A walil eaeliadjjat. fiiir adiicr fre,
:infr iu inc. iHHBC.HwruvjBt::
Thla eooiBf!lle tkwgttit Brt(cK aVhrjue.
Tiiimch hrmllr96CAlhift.lcr "MuitW ai:
like fawrHn.wthor tm JmrtMFn
nliuv 1'
1 wMV--'', sjK:t V? -wt
.'adetfiAeaw' ""'- Y
mm' ixac&.t
(EH wttj!)wmbel
AadTtKnS owned
.' nwuu vnciinnNift
K, -TS
ritiii Bi
it; 3
he reasteUK
pfveni jf ll eotttfafafed ; Ikft it if jt 6cltyrif
lbs. Bated iaUeaJy eenerate iHd apart fteca
9 eep iRMla
ltr. tat with whet
way be. UieVbt,tb Weal.
frftt." gtprtl ttJiUpieHita for ne to eepeeaet
Hie hnaiHtaalMi amd:Vmittil .This may aeesa a
iinMHae won m numrr iitet, emwr naumuor
t.4Eul( :w
the mm 'WfaeJr jpe
maybe. PEfMltteJ
I ' xiy ' ' Mj'e)l : d eP!rfy', lun,i wouW be te
eaftwiU a eehmw from febeta, a caatle froea
M ftauhdeeiott.' Jt wbwd leaeaiy bt poeeible
JW eery om who bei nai -fcerceired or
ti a e aethia.to ee" a fcmhy ;
re.to pteiieoe a dajpaa ; aexiyet he may
ieWepfenntTiilaaaay tMefiv iuey lure attteHed
atflt the. ImarlBiiBBii iter Jjc Tery
i rm "
Baren aeya : "By flea eyelMpttof th'
power, we former perceptloMt mtfmtUiii
aeefletaeed i tboiifht, and eeKierl aete,
Mpratfuetteei, ljut aot, irii ta
lMHgndaxoLocontor to the oriainl
oMttlM fcctk akaply repeated, bat
to the labhi's mImL aiwU'. he
A ead iuacy ; yo.iiMt labile the grotiad-
v w aoetteiWuaf vhtek
-"j's- r. 'I
Xf ertteaemeJiei
'1 Hei'ln
SI 7' k
.11 .- iJte
Vfl - mlHBy
v- sH5eaWeBtteei
- 1 -sS -'MlSr'P
& . AHu vt Jt L, .BHeWBerJHeVBeWaWBHeWM
La -ir'
WK&'- -"
Vdt J. ii'lM 1J?K'fJt
wrf w.t i ii m ii n i'Bjipffcj
JBCT" m tMM.M object of
heetf, as il eMde1pelbf tbe 0mi
uerohILbut a craetieevetbe
"I,i ". r .jr .'
M ?J.I - ..--A. B M.'' 7.
eoooepuoMe necotae KMaf. tms le
ic its tfe mi proper eneeUe
ower of.tbe taieHL"
this mves447e po.wer.of .f he ieiel
A &.L. J kJ L. -. tJ.
.: JT,rJ?TTi..wj
' Vv,..-Xii
" .i -v
Is not jny dutyt'at present; to'iejr; hwoTerj
km Mnsr
WFX 1" a "W-.
?,er example, when Shekspear
, befere the inrentiea of gun
the edcatk)a of Hawkt at WMten-
y, before there were any each.
tetMryenUke. YewoahlH set bare
ae jpreic aa error, ,wl in the seme seaee.
am watmtk, for Ua te hare pet the wede of
set adsflaist man into the aieiHh ef ee entire
ly Jwlltiitu ef kwtaiac? Waa hinhwag; aaoee
thea remMahtf tree te hk whiie Weal f Are
these aei aaatters of cxtriaMC rather thaw, la
triaeic value Ithiak it mtiot''be conceedcil
that; they are; asd law ready to say with
Xsowell: "Anachroakeia aad tbcHkeareia
titeeieelmef no Mocoaat, and bfoae iaapor
taai oal.irhea tir Make a, gap )o, wi or
our Ukieiesi to cepea imcoascaaaelr. :hat k,
asWFT D eBBWlWXeierMMjB' WW . MniBHByr
JLJBw eVKH Vft, mv 9mTVJHm aw VVfeaWJVSw JBwV
C. ' . .' f T
fl 1
J g
borhha. aaden'oaeflanokV in iMrtka-
they him rtrlanik, and Mnuur bamk tof-
Iher, danced around him, tttnging-a chornf,
' ' .. VIWIIIT. UHlH41K.Vr
wmwtiwc iiMhjeimd ami blUrrinV,;-b4nitkert.Wttfc
by those cramped ana aaetutca cues. tMt by f jvw, - kwwi vnr.wi
throw stoKkrd. la the '4eedTlace, ife&
i..i t.t iu uur.hvi nr u- n.u. clrr: r"?rr!rirL .' rr,T ""J;
eeyj w w vow vnvi awi - T' S4"-
tiom, k the lese of txath ; ami when I hear per
sons alkiH that the drain alio faculty k iacom
palibk with the Ue of truth, I ua&rstaftd
tbepito mean that there k aoeae aaUpath j
exktiag: between the; two, ia other words, there
hlaoWtttiaff about the cultivation of thedra
HHttSe feculty whioh, Seada peweas.to a dkKke,
sad a yewnJ 4apagaW of nkteaOt. fipw
thk eaa be bhowa' to be tree, la sjmjply.fbrmiaf
aehaJaoter era sceae nailed 1o the fmitg
rather thaa to the rwrf, I eannot ttaderstaad.'
I can, however, undertaad bow peieoao adgbt'
- mm . -
MM uho aaacaroaiems aau laacoaraeies, M
jipf3?c sfajc?a,"wcTc strcctAnilJ-csscs, 'aad.
' waa ot uae son; sa ut som jor a
Sat oa the ettier head, the reeinient
the teetiaioniaidarapt make a foot of him-
as rectpkahi ueuajly do ; aau tbketrcum-
wvfHs miwxnou. ihc ocwna irom ine,
M-ntaee. Ia sayttal Diaees' inHreoklva
ipsa figure of a yoaar.Afrieaa k set up,
i enrb-stoae aa.a hHehhur-poat. It k
life-like; aada friend tetfins thai, it
haa a mue awfromak NSMtoneeoae
aforer aa woasec auraouoaibr
and its aower exteade id dkteacee.
whea hk owe Mttk oaes. ate mkaiair
fMsaliOMe. the first nteee to aeareh lor them'
If heooraer, where they go to shake hands
with the Bifger-bef frateraueattoa oa the.
paHof Yoaac AMstka elsewhere rare eaoaah.
The lag
-' ' v Aar 1sr.
jkithe ItM mailing of the ehmska State
Baaed, ofagikaltue, held at Liacohi, Jananry
$i tftt, the fjotRowing-, amoae; other jeeohi-
Uoas, were adonted:
. Mimiini, That WeJar, Ike kik Aty ef April,
1, JKi. ao Ike i Hert!y eepecUlly et apart
mti. fwcile4 tree pBtlg in tbe fJtate ofJJc
iMteyad Um State Board of AzriMUara' kerebr
BMlitvAMiMi?AT,a4arge hm tke people of
m ei0ie iae thm arnnee f irae ptaauag, m
efcr a 'tttfMjtrmfiiu'm.V of nm; I&n&rti Hollars
ne uaHnr AgnceiHuiM iwciery of imk cnaaty n
aWJ'&c rtax '
ipe ftaaeVValr our ; t-xij .
im or'tlae Fmr Wwt.
A corrapomkot of Die Springfield Jltpnb-
lice writes as follows from Xesv Moxico:
; Like all countries beyond civilization, tho
obesure, tbe garknd was adeof news low value pa hnmanlife kat first startling,
I SAek tell aaoa Met My pleat,
jiiVfuJ' mHr"pM
a JSifn
ms pahekr fcr hfj pleMnV' TubWde' trash. The aTc U4fc ?W h i
jWaMaMmja eanaM ,aM HSMnMi iMm mmmst law ev mmibl p mismvmmbw svk pn
. .v.-
w. .
A N'
t - f
aafciwwurtii ef fcwka to that pr&a who
s tall piaat properly In ycbWwnra tke
isMiMii thufeiti 1h ra
te awtnt oALit uc t ka th
r kisaaanl saaMiwakvrMrv JNw. tar.trt
inll flftfaaaettd aaSte T tWpMfS
' F
mt orre gets used to henr.ug over his morning
eoflfee. of some horror, with a tranOmTity ex
celled only by the' aalivee ; it becotaea merely
an e.rery day item to know that (be Apaches
Mwe martierea a rew useaie jaexieaiy
abeplwrda, or that -ibaiebodahad. sltoC h4 '
aeighbor ia the plant at Ix y eae ; the lfcKv
suiieoient, uhu. .
WalfcBjatsrslijV Uewi) bote through V-.-rs.
ftally cnacwt
i 'r
f.-. i
Thee ap. mi date4 oet
Aerocf ia
is no fiction, and there '
the drama of Bret Harte'i
give lines:
SaMed Mawwlr 1
Another curiovs UaWr ia frontier life U the.
expensive staar wMea ofcomcsntversaj: " 1
will not .! JBlAear barM'ri.ww speech; '
said the propef Member of oar patty, " why?
will Mas naai of a man's, nvmf oa the
n K k.aa 'a io say Pnrga
1 crkk. vfA sneek of eery-
f SMesees, from, tifceased lung to a
In; as aa oaP' Tot1i
with tbaweaseiaof fbreiea knd like
: tirtr eihee this dar,fwiea the sBmT:Mppir
Ajifcaitsii female asked ine, acroaa the1 steams
bent, taWe, to pass tneuk aaeeae.aad' mwm.
mo1asg3aT I hayehoaiitakfd at anthinir. Iwoahl.
erea enaaae'tof apealc'bf My jMDew: men as
'paaaiaw out A V or m? hels wll heea(V
(afjMAJfc or call whkkey ped: eye ' or ' kat-
wna 'MaurtBB Mirayer una'at.aMaa-.s
"Tf. T t ii i"P.-iT''"
mmb ear ai-
if wwv ". BiiuHih ' aav -v". . " . KftA
amsMMM, en auaav nawenjamees i naa wsmMMma iyi atfiLLanj
bmrwlMwtisb hninhy eMlsf eisr at- Ijwm
mm wmaa mmm a eaMMMVJBM? i- . i&mm
' - MmSHflnUrffii
vr - - -u - ' ' . .i. . r I A -. JT . . MW IMITJIV"
.. 5 . - ,. '." I ..- " - ."- KTi.TT','.
y V T - V . "I . - " ',. aW!RCT
" '- .i. J5 i-adSf?i
a - 'a - ki x . lji .. . '.MtiaafaBaaaaaaaaaE.tfjBaaaKrfBTa" vwv. w
J'IT3Tik2- i-.. - "- -'--- . . ,;r-, . , ... , iiril i- mi' - - l -r jfafc TTlnir-ii1
i i ilia fcMMirTiaaTTaHiiiiBeamaawBwanM,,M"w' '" fv?s?t.'mit
JlMa1!! ii'ijil la(wJKlBW(iPJ!llMalMMiaiittJ JMMMMMMMMMTlMMJBMFjMMlrMMMTPttBlin!ia!ro r ,:'r jVi'F-l'