!9HHHKffliBBHnsnHHIHBHBnWH9BKiHHHMHit!4i vVjiy.i y", i 63ee3C I FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE. I 5SB" 'f Th-K raskan-Hesperian . ' 4t VaaaaaFf- i - v M t . . BP FGoingto Take That Wheel ' WSm, Along This Summer? sUm Of fAiiro Ymi Arp.t J t 5 I ' i-rlBfe ijyjg iJS-hll '' i-.f -lBT " 7T. f. 31 M UJiluI Wil'-JUl' HWUWIJS fliliQk 5 Better come around and let us put a crate on c $ ffljK ' it. The cost will be but a trifle and you will be ffi ! saved a whole lot of trouble. S & 11 The Lincoln Novelty Works lift 331 South Eleventh Street $ vflfll j . i j CRBIGHaxyNMKlDICAIv"C0ILEGI3: VtffiB Corner Fourteenth nnd Dnvenport Streets, Omnlia. to SSH ' - , If hIjHISMNk tSUfp'J - --.. .riJLJSggTSarjKaBKg! ISM to 11 ii ..." ' '" ' . I HI w " ' - F - 'ife TftirvSi'sityJISnncsc - 1 The course In this school consists of (our terms ol el(?ht months each. The first two years are devoted chiefly to laboratory and class room work; the last two to the more practical portoi medicine, Consisting almost entirely oi (.units unu ciinikm ictiurci. rur ""iKut , l ill CIH Information write to U. C. BRYANT, Sec, A'cCague Building, Omaha, Ne atvi-X I JSri-tL iiVcrity75fiKsnic College of Medicine and Surgery tttt$ttttn The thirteenth Annual Course of Lectures will commence on the 19th day of September, 1000, and will continue eight and one-half months. The course is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Science, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and the Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the Cam pus. The clinical opportunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the command of the College. For out door clinical service a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OV MINNESOTA, miNNBAPOLIS, MINN, B to to to to to to to to to to to Just a little over a year ago we became a co-operative stock company, and the success of the change has been so gratifying in every respect we feel justi fied in celebrating in every respect the anniversary of its advent; celebrating it in a substantial fashion, in a way that will interest you and make it worth your while'to participate, we have inaugurated our FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE, to begin on Monday Morning, June 3. This is more than an ordinary special sale. It's the initial one of its kind and we want it to make a lasting impression, that the Anniversary sales to come may enjoy the fruits of this one's reputation. See special circular it tells all about it. en)$dbJmmm& CT7 The Northwestern Line Will sell Tickets to ". 'X 1&" AND RETURN For ooo ylLuJv ooo On Jiijy 5, 6, and 7 Return Limit may be had to 7 September 15 City Ticket Office, 107 South Tenth Street" H. B. MOSHBR, C.T. A. Depot, Ninth and S Streets E. T. MOORE, Ticket Agent R. W. McQINNIS. Oen. Agt. THE FAVORITE LINE To the EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION San Francisco, Cal., July, 1901 Will Be The Union Pacific ALL COnPETITION DISTANCED The fast train of the Union Tadfic reach San I'rnnclsco thirteen hours ahend of nil competitors. If you are in no hurry, lake n slow train by one of the detour routes, but if you want to get there without delay, take the historic mid only direct route, the Union Pacific. $45.00 From Missouri River, with correspondingly low rates from iiiteiior points on the Union l'ncific. PAMPHLETS All About California and How v " to Oet There And full information cheerfully furnished on application. mU- E. B. SLOSSOiN, Agent. '-"f&wr -'4iT We have it! C uc CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY 330-332-334-336-338-340 SOUTH ELEVENTH OiliLaL to to to to to t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1"' '' v 1 'H yf at- 'm94&H1.lt WHO r . -.... ajgijaiiiiaWaaalWaaWWW F W fc