& j.Mia-' . "'-'- fr itfi'swiiimrfriMMWMnMHiMMm . , . Si.. - ..iT.i. .; . . . M.Jt,aa.-J., a.,! j - . . .. Alk.liJ ..iSlu . The" Nebraskan-Hesperian &&1 fvJt I Y. I NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN "A newspaper deroted to the Interest of The UnlTcrelty of Nebraska and the student body." Issued every Tuesday Noon. Published at 134 North Eleventh Street. Entered as Second-Class flail Matter. B. W. Washburn, I r T. 0. Hkwitt. f -....Managers HAL H. KOBEHTS EdItor-ln-Chiof STERLING II. MCCAW Asj-istant Kditpr Doard of Editors: Emily Jenkins, S. II McCaw, J. A. Manning, A. C. tec, R. R. Rainey. Clifton Carter, CM Cowgill, D. Hansen, Chas. I. Taylor, C. C. Wilburn, 11. j. iungc. Reporters: hlmer F. Hodges. T.J Hewitt, T M. Hewitt, K. 1'. Hill, N. A Hue. Clare Mackin, Catherines. Mclaughlin. Dan Gutleben. The Kebraskan-Hesperlan will bo sent to an; address upon the receipt of tho subscription price, which is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from alL News Items such as locals, personals, reports of rocct Incs. etc. are especially desired. The Nebraskan-Hesperian will be clad to print any oontrib uUon relative to a general university tubjecl. but the name must accompany all such. The Nehraokan-Besperian Is sent to all sub critiors until ordered discontinued and all ax-I-oanures paid. Address all communications to tho Nbbrab K4 UuarEBlAN. P. O. box 219, Llnooln, Neb. "i i . i i Telephone 479. The showing of the ball team in Sat urday's game was a most creditable one. Nebraska may well be proud of her nine. velopo Into good players. Dasenbrock, who filled the place in the Minnesota game, will be in school next fall. Left tackle, the position of Brew, last year's captain, is open. However, Kingsbury, an old player, will be out. Plllsbury may also prove a good man for the place. The ends on last years' team will be in school next fall. Cor telyou is now in California, working in the oil field, and will be in excellent condition when September comes. Ryons is not having any more trou bio with bis knee. Johnson, the sub stitute, will practice next fall. This summer he will try to grow some. Behind the line, Drain at quarter does not know whether he will return next fall. If he does not, his loss will be greatly felt. He was a hard, heady player. For the backs, Crandall, Plllsbury, Bender, Montgomery, Eager, Cook, and a number of new men will make a group from which the coach should be able to pick three stars. Several good players will report in September from the high schools of the state. The football squad should number sixty or seventy at the begin ning of practice. Last but not least, we have Coach Booth for next season, and it is six teen to one that we make a better showing than we did last year. Prewitt MAKKS GOOD 1MIOTOS LittlcOvals IVr dozen 35c 7 The final examinations with their troubles are again upon us. All there is to be said about it is "Wc are all in tho same fix." Sm z The cadets' ncampment at Fre mont was moat successful. The sun Burned faces are a testimony to drill and guard duty. This week of camp instruction is of more value than a month's drill. More than that, it adds a few days of pleasure and some tradi tions about which the alumni are will ing to talk. Hardware, Groceries, Buggies, Stoves, Furniture, and Supplies of all Kinds at the Lowest Prices. FARMERS SUPPLY ASSOCIATION 130 N.13TH ST., LINCOLN, NEB. Scad for our CataJegw. 1214 O St. CAI.I.andSHUmvWORK THE GLOBE DELIVERY CO. 1036 O STREET PHONE 1126 CLUB RATES TO STUDENTS fine Tailoring HSOPULAR B RICES FIRST-CLASS GOODS AND WORK THE VERY LATEaT OF FABRICS R. B. GETTEMY 1024 O Street fA rm sAGE DINING HALL' The annual election of Phi Beta Kap pas brings out again more forcibly that it pays to commence early In your work. Of course, all the senior class can not be Phi Beta Kappas, but it will hurt no one to have a good rec ord. The small number of boys is still noticable, three out of seven teen. One explanation of this may bo that the western boys spend much time in carrying outside work. An other may be that the girls are brighter and more able. Who knows which is right? JULIUS OTTENS , Proprietor The Best Equipped and Most Popular Dining Hall in the City MEALS, - - 25 CENTS AlIEAL TICKETS, $3.00 Coaplefe Outfitters OP School laboratories RIGGS THE DENTIST, HI S. 12th St., LINCOLN, NEB. THE FOOTBALL TEAM. Prospects for Next Year and New Men Coming. At the close of the school year every one is asking "What will our football team be?" A short resume will, no doubt, prove of Interest to many. Captain Westover is in better shape than ever before, and does not fear any trouble from his shoulder. Dur ing the last month he has had the men out on the field practicing in punting. Westover Is a hard worker and sets a good example to his men by playing good football. He will play in his old position, right tackle, during the next season. Koohler, center lor the last two years, will be in school again next year and hold down his old place. He Un6di his reputation last season by holding down tho big Gopher captain. Ringer will be out for bin position at left guard and with the last two years' experience will make a good man. The other guard is open, but several can didates have appeared who will do- PAINLESS EXTRACTION. Gold Alloy Fillings, .... $1.00 Gold Fillings $1.00 and up Gold Crowns, $5.00 BEST SET TEETH, . '. . . $8.00 Nothing Can Bo Too Neat Here ItV hard work to Veep everything Brick and span all the time hut that Is what we're here for. Our tiUoinrM ha kepi on growing lccaue we've bfcii particular that every hot '" wtr package, every process of compounding or manufacture, should be clean and neat. Ilrlng your prescription to u. If you please. Perhaps it isclouly when it ihonld te clear in appearance. That sometimes happens when a prescription is not put up just right. Rlggs' Pharmacy Oor. O and Twelfth Sim., Llnooln Osborn's Old-Book Store Osbom's Magazine Bindery 131 North Twelfth Street Originators of the "Nebra ha Folio," tho beat Loobo Leaf Note Booh Made Tahe no Other. Twenty-two Styles and Sizes. Quality and Workmanship Guaranteed on eaoi Cover. All Kinds of Booh Bought and Sold, General Binding Done, G. M. OSBORlf la porters aid Jobbers OF Chemists' annJlssaym' Supplies Write for Catalogue. The Denver Fire Clay Co. Denver, Colorado. D.B.Woodward, M. X). DISEASES Or TUB EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. dlvsset Carefully Pitted. 207-208 Kichnrds Mock. Lincoln, Ncbf. Resldcuco 1310 Q St. Phone 312. Office-1100 O SI. Phono 635. J. R. HAGGARD, M, D. Rooms 313 and 314 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NBDR. D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Trcatmont Electrical or Medical. 1224 M St. Lincoln, Nobr. PRIYHTE HOSPITAL DR. SHOEMAKER'S If yon are going to a hospital for treatment k will pay you to consult Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty of Diseases of Women, the nervous system, and all surgical diseases. Everything home-like Price reasonable. 1117 LSL LIN-OLN. NEB. P.O. box 93 Residence: 2548 Q street, Telephone, 05.r DR, REYNOLDS, SURGEON, Burr Block, Rms 17-10, Phone, 656. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a, m. to 12 M. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. Go to hrisr. BATHS THBT'S HLL Ceraer Ilth and V Streets. Office Telephone 301. Residence Telephone 55 "BOHANAN'S WINDSOR STABLES 1024 L Street Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable, Hack and Baggage Line. ED. I. BOHANAN, Manager. I WE WELCOME YOU f 5 t RArtK ROYS r - -- 3 ' -- --' 9 j I FROM YOUR SUMMER OUTING I I And offer to you, one and all, a A CORDIAL INVITATION to Inspect our Stock of FINE WEARING APPAREL Now is the time, ere you take your departure for home, to stock up. We carry the MOST UP-TO-DATE GOODS And the Prices are right not too high. Remember, here "IT'S YOUR MONEY'S WORTH" or your money back. Pleasant, chee.ful dealings always. EWING CLOTHING CO. III5-III7 0 STREET FOR FINE CLOTHES MD FUMISHMBS I $&tvwirVHWfru&nsawn J. f 1 t M 1 i WWMtlitiiiwnn IsV waww 1 1 .. . . A V ffWMm Jr 5ffWslMHglHIBaMlMaMlsis " a u m tmn tm,tum,mi,mti!ttvmimmmmrmKS 4 ,- wttt i i jiwywji'Ht ' ujiJMWiiiiir mum t