mm i.iiii I i J . iJyT,fr. ..,.,, .1lfln ' . fSSBSlj The Nebraskan-Hesperian : L :t : j A FHBLE 'WiWtoWtoWWmfrWmtoWWintoiM 2 " Slunq in Slang " - i ,-wrra BY JOHN H. KEES - -- Illustrations by Dk Hanskn With apologies to George Arte, Win. J. $ Aesop, ami Tohn McCulchen.- jj '- " - -- - J THIS PABMS OF THK HIGH BOY WHO COULDN'T CONNECT mvx'&i9W&M&wwii:i;i9iksA There was Once a Long Guy named i when he saw It. 9. I $. Porcy, that wont to School because his old Man had the Hard Rocks. He was Registered in the Classical courso but put in most of his Time playing Bottle Pool in one of the Temperance Billiard Halls. Hifl H H bpat H b H m H wH 1 H H y. R jl H H H B 111 HcmitPlmJI m HLflL H H I 1 He bought Things because thqy cost more, and had Tickets on six Ladies' and Gents' Sliining Parlors. When ho went into a Clothier's thev had a .Marked i up Komnant sale ami let him have the Roman Stripes of five years Back at a sacrifice to Percy. In the Jay Town where they Raised him, he was a Lalapalooser and if he didn't Hug the Girl the first Night well It wasn't Him. He know he was hound to bo a Social Success when the Mob know ho was Around, and rushed three Frats so they couldn't Rest and fed Them on 10c Cigars, but they Shied clear over to the Other Side of the Road. Before they Knew that he was a Crayfish the Fellows introduced him to Some of the Girls. They nearly got Dopey getting Square. Somehow some one gave him a Flopper that the Rho Alpha Omicron sorority was going to give a Party that would Knock the Hosiery off of anything Yet. The Long Guy hadn't got Knocked Down to any of the Rho girls, but there was One called Ethy lene in his Eng. I. class. The day after he Walked a Piece with her. He caught her in a long Block where there was nothing but A. B. C. and Schlitz Dispensaries so she couldn't stop in and Lose him. When. they got to the Corner, Ethy lene said, "The best of Friends must I Part. Hero comes .my Car." But Percy was looking for that Curve and Knocked a Home Run. "Well, ain't that singular?" he said, "I'm going plumb to the End of the i Line." 1 It was too late, or she would have forgot Something and went back. He called on Sunday before tney were through with Dinner, and stayed till the Girl said she Had got to go to Endeavor Meeting. It was the First Time she had gone for Three Years. He took her to a Hop. Before Eddie finished the introduction to the first Waltz, Ethylene's dress had four rents in it. Percy's dress suit was only rented in two places they didn't have a Tall enough Coat where he got the Vest and Pants. Their Wake looked like a Football Game after a Big Gain through Center. The worst of it was that it was just about a Standoff between Bumping around on the floor with him and sitting it out Some of the Damozellos did One and some the Other and Wished they Hadn't. The next Week there was a show He was. asked her where the Lesson Next day ho sat Back of her and asked what sho Got on Hor's, and Bald the Render couldn't tell Good Stuff stamped his feet and Cat-called a few. He had a three Pound box of Allegros and ate Most of it Himself. Ho laughed gt?od and Loud at the wrong Times and tried to make Fly Cracks at the Show while August put the soft pedal on the Orchestra and the Leading Lady got in her Fancy Licks. On the Way Homo, he asked her to go to everything for the rest of the Year; but it was Dark in the Hack and she couldn't See him. The next Day the "Request the Honor of Your Presencc"s for the party came out, but there was None for Percy in the Boxes nor at his ! room. He hung Around so s the Rho girls could Hand it to him if they Wanted to, but they Didn't Want He gave Ethylene a Hunch that his Bid had been lost in the Shuffle and asked for a New Deal. On Sunaay he Dropped out to Get Next to v ho Stood, but she Saw him First When she passed him on the WalK next Day he Tried to Have Words with her, but she passed him Up. She was trying to count the Stars on the Flag. Percy is getting real Ghummy with the Alpha Q's. They arc going to Give Something next week. It is u Hen Banquet, but he isn't on. Moral: One man's Coin is as good as Another's If You can Get it Loose. Graduating Presents You should see our line of BOOKSand PICTURES before selecting your graduating presents. We have both to please you. Wilson & Hall Booksellers and Stationers 1123 O Street MftNHHTTHN SHIRTS a NEW LINE JUST IN THE B. L. PHINE GLCTHING STORE "A Geed Place te Buy Good Glethe&" Ib U-H IH IH H IH H IH HH IH rB H HI iHI H H 1 l"l R "t-I fl H H IB 1 H Iwh b H 1 B 1 H H 1 lH i Hta IB H h H B h! ud jflrinft JHI wt BH Hl Jr v f rrrz gSK3pqi4fl ip J1I-aaB!S3lflFf STYIISIf WOMEN WEAR STYLISH SHOES "The Latest" !3 Shoe t I 1 V VA. Cui H m A l) jS ! H" S I j H wJtli a N Y Rep. in town. Prices were lioosted up three Notches. The Lengthy Percy read the "Free list suspended. Out ol Town orders filled as Received" con and took two seats at five a throw. He never had hoanl of the Actor, (('didn't romombor the Name of the Play n oi pronounce it if ho Could Hmr- Little Ethylene made him "wait two Days for hor Answer, hut Inside sno jum pod at the Chance to go All Right. She wanted to say She had Boon. Hor Solid was away and she didn't Caro to Touch Up tho Old Man (Papa Dear) Jdst then. Ho had to he kept jollied lor tho Party Dress and Assessment and Things, As they wont ji, He jostled the President of the Bank and 17 other prominent and substantial Citizens with tholr Wives. They wore going Up stairs. Tho Long Guy had a Good 'Time. Ho PERKINS & SHELDON CO. 1129 0 Street Mention The Hesperian Kodaks, & Cameras, and SUPPLIES t OFF ON 1 tKJ Promos and Pocos D. -M. "E)ePutroH -f 'ii?. North Eleventh' St. Opposite Ridmris Xlt. J Mi' ft . ' waufvf & S 1 V J j -i ,, jtL rr. J i IIot , ' .'?S