The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Nebraskan-Hesperian
adjutant calls, "Form battalion at tho
guard house."
"Fours right, column right, double
time! March!" commands the cap-
Tho following visitors came down
from Lincoln: Mrs." Cady, Misses
Cady, Thorps, Bonnoll, and Cunning
ham, and Messrs. Collet and Capt. P.
tain, and tho half dressed men move James Cosgrave.
out of tho company streets and form
at tho guard house, where tho major
takes command and tho battalion
moves off in double time. A skirmish
line is soon formed and charges
across tho field at the enemy, -which
is soon routed, and tho victorious
companies return to camp and imme
diately fall into a sound sleep. When
everybody has fallen asleep. Lieuten
ant Hull, who is officer of tho guard,
sets fire to a pile of rubbish in tho
battalion street and tho camp is
soon lighted- up with a red glare.
"The Guard! Fire!
Blanket tossing was tho principal
amusement in company A street.
Company D furnished threo order
lies for tho commandant.
Tho people of Fremont were very
hospitable and every kindness was
shown to tho visiting cadets.
Tho shirt-tall paido rather aston
ished the natives. They hardly know
how to take it.
(Continued from 1st page.)
next to bat, and every one hoped he
Post number . woul(1 rto something. Ho hit tho oall
two," calls the sentinel, and tho tired j all rlgilt but the Minnesota loft fielder
guard are routed out of their blankets got it. The tenth inning was done,
and brought at double time to the an( stni the score stood three to
scene of the fire, and the tired men
are turned out again to help suppress
the conflagration.
When the reville blows at. 6 o'clock
nothing but snores are heard and no
one stirs. Again the notes of the
bugles ring through tho camp, with-
Tho Gophers won tho game in tho
eleventh inning. Varco hit safe. Ply
mat bunted along the third base lino
and reached hrst before the ball was
fielded. Freeman hit to Right, what
seemed like a safe one, but Bell just
out awakening any one. Finally, just ; r0ached out and took it in. Cameron
as assembly sounds, the alarm clock j hjt a ,ot ono to H0od, who was some
in the first sergeant's tent goes off and i whnt siow jn getting his hands on' the
ball, and when he did he made a poor
throw to second. Varco scored and
Plymat wont to third. Metcalf sent n
fly to DePutron, who cinched it, but
Plymat reached home before tho ball
did. Allan was caught at first. The
he wakes up with a start and thrust
ing his head out of his tent com
mands, "Company , fall in!" The
mon roll over and go to sleep again,
and it is not until the sergeant has
ontered each tent and routed out the
sleepers that any one will respond to
the call. northerners
Sunday was spent in recuperating j Tno xeln.askan8 went to bat determ-
md making iw lost sleep. Captain ine(1 to acain tie tne scorei bnt tnat
l'5lge ffaW'F --r-Jt'the dSiv nnd T3iXT-l ,u ,....,.... ,., ii j..t .i j J
ii T. Z,. "- j '- - -" T "S.111I "- " -" f. mat, uumiiiiiiia"1
tua,.i 0.. o.rer 01 me guard, i ne , tlon.pTliey went out ii 1-2-3 order, and
turned to Lincoln tired, footstore, and
fooling tough generally.
teaching and has ever boon on tho
alert for progress ami scientific ad
vancement. Tho trustees have planned a group
of buildings for medical work to cost
a million and a half dollars. This
group will consisl of a medical hall,
anatomical building, and laboratory
building, which in addition to the pres
ent structures will form ono of the
most extensive systems of buildings
devoted exclusively to medical teach
ing in America or Europe.
Work on tho laboratory building will
bo proceeded with immediately. This
laboratory will cost, exclusive of
grounds and equipment, over half a
million dollars, and in point of com
pletonoss will be without a rival in
this or other countries. The building
will consist of two stories and in ad
dition to the laboratories will have
two large and two small lecture rooms,
with a seating capacity of 400 and 140
Tho first floor will be occupied by
tho laboratories of physiology and
pnarmacology, while tho entire sec
ond floor will be devoted to pathology.
Hero will bo found rooms and lab
oratories for histological, advance,
comparative, neurological and surg
leal pathology. The museum of path
ology is on tho same floor in order to
make available its large collection of
Ono of tho most Important features
is tho provision for fifteen private
rooms, where follows in pathology
and thoroughly advanced studonts can
carry on original work.
T. J. Hewitt and H. G. So'nger were
initiated into Phi Delta Theta frater
nity Tuesday night.
lost tho best game ofM.ho season, after
some brilliant playing.
The score:
Minnesota. B.
Plymat, 3b 5
Freeman, p 5
Camoron, ss 5
Metcalf, lb 5
l.urley, rf 4
bolem, 2b .: 4
tarco, cf 4
The representation by companies
was as follows: Company A, 3 officers,
34 men; company B, 3 officers, 32 men;
Company C, 2 officers 29 mon; com- I Allen If 5
pany D, 2 officers, 44 men; band, 22 t pooh o a.
Geo. Bartlett had more handles to
his name than any other officer in
camp. He was quartermaster, sur
geon, commissary, chaplain, first lieu
tenant, and chaperone.
Tho cadets played a game of base
ball Saturday with tho Fremont Nor
mal. Senger and Ringer were the
battery for the university, which won
with a score of 1C to 8.
The boys appropriated a variety of DePutron, cf 4 0
signs irom town ana decorated tneir
0 12
2 3
Beautiful Fancy Parasols
No Two 7llikc
Wc receive yearly the Entire Sample lines of three of
Fo lmer Clogg & Co.'s Traveling Representatives,
livery conceivable color combination in Parasols pro
duced or this season's trade.
If you desire a Shade to match your dress you can
find it here ... If you wish a Parasol different entirely to any one else Its
yours if its purchased here ... If you want to save one-half the cost of your
Summer Shade By buying here you can do so ...
These Beautiful Parasols come in
Plain and Corded Taffetas
Plain and Corded Wash Silks
Plain and Fancy Black Effects
White, Plain and with Beautiful Ruffling
Plain Colors with Battenberg Borders
also A'dohI 2o lIiie,Carriaje-Prnsols in Mack fliid Fancv Colors elaborately
trimmed ... A very large fine'of Sample Parasofffor Children
Totals 41 5 8 33 13 2
Nebraska. B. R. H. O. A. E.
Hood, 3b 5
ilell, rf 5
Gaines, p 5
Townsend, 2b 4
Rhodes, ss 4
tents with them. Ono tent had tho
notice, "Rooms for rent. Inqui.o
within." Another announced itself as
"Conservatory of Music. Hours 9 a.
m." "Board by day or week," appeared
on another.
D company boasts that it is the
only company which had every man in
tho guard house.
Sergeant Clinton was known no
Sergeant Pshaw Ptolomy Clinton. Ho
was severely wounded in tho battle
on Sunday morning.
Private Bell made a record as a
sontlnol by waking up tho wholo camp
when ho called tho hours during tho
Captnin Langer is too soft hearted
to make a good officer of tho day. rio
can not resist a fair maiden's request
J.o got insldo tho guard linos.
Cadets Harris, Lau, Hrms and Witt-
man woro known as tho "Run Easy"
nor and responded to tho names of
or An null, cww, and TDog, reapeg. I
G. M. Hamilton, battalion photogra
pher, , took several fine views of uio
Raymond, lb 4 1
Reodor, If 4 0
Doano, c 5 0
2 12
0 5
1 5
HI! at Just l2 the Regular Price
$20.00 Parasols for $10.00
10.0&Harasols for 5.00
5.00 Parasols for 2.50
2.50 Parasols for 1.25
1.25 Parasols for 63
livery Intermediate Price to suit any size Pocketbook.
Totals 40 3 11 33 14 S
Scoro'by innings:
Mlnnosota 2000001000 25
Nobraska 0000020010 03
Two-baso hits Raymond, Cameron.
Tlireo-baso hits Raymond.
Struck out By Gaines 4, by Free
man 3.
Bases on balls Off Gaines 2
Freomand 3.
Wild pitch Gaines.
Hit by pitehor By Gaines 2.
Umpire Scott.
Time 2:00.
Dr. Angle of this city rocontly re
ceived a communication from Provost
Harrison of tho University of Penn
sylvania, which may bo of Interest to
Irrespective medical students. Tho
University of Pennsylvania al
ways stood for seholarahlp ffiid uni
versity methods as applied to njedlcal
If You Have Money to Burn!
The fact that we sell our Excellent Ice Cream Soda
for 5c, may not concern you; but if your dollars
come hard, 5 cents is worth as much to you as any
one else.
206 S. 11th Street and 1426 O Street.
Chicago College
o Dental Surgery
(Dental Department ol Lake Forest University,)
Twentieth Annual Coarse
of IriHtriictlon will IickIm nbont Oct. lot, 1001,
nndltiff about Mny IhI, 1902. TIiIn U iimonjj
tlm oldest, ii nil In ono of tho loading Dental
Concern of tho world, An nntiomici merit
frlvluff (ho Itiil!n of inlructlon nndnn IIIiib-tnitodhooklntrinMcrlhliifftlifihuIldinnfimliti
oqulpmnri twill bo unfit on rofjni'Ht. Addrosu
Ttifi Foot niiUTtmrn tins ImM the Intnr-j DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY. Dean.
colloffinto Dontal Gtiallenfjo Oup durlu tho , m.71 . 7 Jl, , wn
pwttwnMuuionH. Wood A Harrison Sta.. Chloaso.
H- jr- m
i j yj