Et'-4 f. The Nebraskan-HespepsIAn N I MB. , ,m 'MfiiiSL2i.l mbbw . - fi. mm a Have clothes. Weber Bros, fix your spring N. E. corner 11th and O sts. Mas Hullhorst of tho Lincoln high, school will spend hor summer at Cor nell in the study of German. The following officers were elected In tho Union Society last Friday ov ening for the fall term of next year: President, D. E. Thomas; vice-president, Ethel Masters; secretary, Ger trude Anderson; treasurer, J. F. Mi lok; historian, J. A. Maguire. C. A. TUCKER 1123 O STREET THE YELLOW FRONT For WATCHES and JEWELRY ' -r . MARKS GOOD ! PfAWlTT p,IOTOB I Per dozen rJfJL i 1214 O St. cai.i.andsuKmvworr jcb vfBwrisiKJiffnuEKss THE SHIRT TAIL PARADE. The usual annual shirt tail parade of the university battalion took place yesterday evening. The shirt tailcrs formed at the .armory at nine o'clock and elected Cap tain Klingc commandant. The parade -was formed in .two companies and marched down eleventh -treet followed by a large crowd. There were 160 men in the line when it left the armory. . The paraders were dressed in white ducks and night shirts and each man wore a white hand derchief tied about his head. The cele bration was utterly d void of the objec tid .able features which characterized that ofpASt year. The men wcra well behaved and obeyed the command-; of their offi cers. This was in a large measure due to the efforts of Capt. Kling'e, who had his men well in hand during the whole of the evening. A mock dress parade was held at 12th and N streets after which the boyp were invitvd to partake of refreshments at Rector's soda fountain. The paraders appreciat d this treatment as was i vinctd by the many lusty cheers that were given. When their thirst was quenched, the order . -" t . . r ; t - i-i -was given- oiorniTTin;igiit.s. in tins manner they proceeded down Eleventh street, zigzagging to the tune of "Hot Tinu-," and e er encouraged by the music'of the six buglers who led the pro cession. The paraders then went east on M street and invaded the lobby of the Liudell hotel in lock step. Dean Sher man was then made the receipieut of a visit from the gh stly battalion, which formed in double rank around his door step. Dr. Sherman was called for and made a .speech. He expressed his appre ciation of the call and invited the boys to partake of some refreshments, but they declined t iin osc upon his hospitality. The departed with three cheers for Di-an Sherman. Professor Pling was the next victim. The .hostly warriors cump.'d on the lawn and the professor was called for. He responded immediately. After pleasantly remarking about lite grewsome appear ance of his visitors, Prof. Pling expressed himself in favor of the amusement, so long as the men behaved in the correct manner. Then ufter reciting some of his own co lege experiences, he bade the "toilers" good night. The boys de purled with cheers fr Prof. I'liug. The white clad hutta ion then marched down Thirteenth street to O and along O to Ninth. During the march the interest of the onlooker, was held by yells, clieer, cake walKK, and many olh r mutuuvcis. Here lockstcp was again formed and the long line entered the Lincoln Hotel lob by. While here a flibhlight photograph of the as i mbly was taken by an artist who present. Wlii e preparing for ' this the cnthubi.tKin reached its height when u police officer who was present consented to be included in the picture. Three cheers for the po ice were called lor and given with vim. ing the Windsor hotel a visit, jnnecl and Captain Klinge as a mark of apprecia- mmaudaut. dti to Itnlil i I Hardware, Groceries, Buggies, Stoves, Furniture, and Supplies of ail Kinds at the Lowest Prices. FARMERS SUPPLY ASSOCIATION 130 H.13TH ST., LINCOLN, NEB. Send (or our Catalogue. PALACE DJNING HALL JULIUS OTTENS Proprietor The Best Equipped and -Most Popular Dining Hall in the City MEALS, - - 25 CENTS MEAL TICKETS, $3.00 D.urlng HOT WEATHER Use ;...BLUE FLAME COOK 5T0VES.... "NEW ROCHESTER' l9 wieKLBSS STIPE Cooking under these circumstances is a pleasure. The Rochester Lamp Co. stake their reputation on the stove in question. The best evidence of the satisfac tion enjoyed is testimonials galore and duplicate orde-s from all parts of the world. Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove and the New Rochester" Lamp. You will never regret having introduced these goods into your household. THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., 38 Park Place and 33 Barclay St., New York. RIGGS THE DENTIST, 141 S. 12th St., LINCOLN, NEB. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. Gold Alloy Fillings $1.00 Gold Fillings, .... $1.00 and up (laid Crowns, $5.00 BEST SET TEETH Nothing Can Be Too Neat Here It's hard work to keep everything spickntiil span all the time, hut thnt is what we're here for. Our tiiiincM ha keni on growing bccniiBe we've been particular that every lxt le. ever package, every process of compounding or manufacture, should be clean anil neat, Urine your prescriptions to hi. If you please. Perhaps it Ibc1ou.Iv when it should he clear in That sometimes happens when a ptescription Is not put up just right. Riggm" Pharmacy Oaf. O and Twelfth St., Lincoln Jhe Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen I ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON GARTER" Is sUmped ton every loop. The ";3 CUSHION, BUTTON CLASPi ; hhl uxs iiai to me teg never !Jpj, Tears nor Unfastens. 80L0 EVERYWHERE. JkinpU plr, 611k We. . Utllcd on rccrl tt of prtc. OCO. niOST OO.Utkm ' WMa, wu,, VM.A, t Isf-EVERY PAIR WARnANTED-3ftg Hendry's Restaurant .Steak, Chop, lJlih, Oysters, Qamo, KoU, Chlle-con-carno A SPECIALTY Private Dining Kooms lor PsrticJ. Open all night. Excellent CuUlne. . Prompt J5rvlc. Pbon 896 129 North Utk Strut Lincoln, Neb. The University of Nebraska School of Music Is Planning for greater things in all departments for the coming year. Students who contem plate the study of Music should enquire regard ing special offers. WILLARD KIMBALL D I RBCTOR H. W. Brown Drug """Book Co. All sizes of Nebraska Folio, History Paper and all other supplies for Students We shall have all the best new books as soon as published. Call and see us. Phone 68. - 127 South Eleventh Street. x. '. . . .myimrm?m4aB&A ARE YOU $ going CAMPING! WELL, YES! Have you thought of the good things the Ewing Clothing Co. have for your comfort on this pleasure trip? Remember, you want to be com fortable on this trip. Our Straw Hats, Duck Pants, Jersey Sweaters, Night Gowns, Pa jamas, Sox, are the little extras at little expense. Also those Rubber Collars that won't melt Jbe'Ve Been there. HAVE A GOOD TIME, BOYS And when you come home, see EWING CLOTHING CO. JII5-III7 0 STREET FOR FINE CLOTHES AND FURNISHINGS v s J a fKW4WW4SKtoKWS Chicago College "Dental Surgery (Denial Drpirlmtol of Uke Forts! Uohmlly.) Twentieth Annual Courne of Instruction will begin nlxuit Oct. lit. 11)01, outline uhout Muy Jut, 1UU2. lor cutuloKuo Klvln;r full Information rrffanlltitf coumo und fur duscriptivo book lot, ttddruna TtituiMiq(tinrrMcuur,tfuf iionth. DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY, Dean, Mrllon itl clMiOprliTKbiil(rork. WOOD & HBrrlSOn StS.v ChlOagO. "Jit . -.tft lnJia ij I 1 1 ? SIB fm I I i 1 ; wB m Hj 1 'fm T7T 7T " . T 7 1 Ml m T TtimiilflMIM in jMMMBMMMr,MWMMMMMBraMMWMlMMlilT-p- '- - Tula fT "" "XtMa iHiMMTinT m't 1 lli MWWt Hi III lnBHIH i J- J' JC j, M -,.t'T