The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 14, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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The Nebraskan-Hesperian
mmmmmmtmM "J?1?"
The men of company 13 were thv
gucsta of tholr officers last Saturday
night at tho Sigma Alph house. Ad
dresses wore nmrto by tho officers, re
freshments war served and a general
good time was enjoyed by every one.
Tho portrait of Dr. Edgron which
tho senior class will present to tho
tinlverslty Is now completed. It Is an
exceedingly faithful likeness, and the
class considers Itsolf fortunate In so
curing Miss Hayden to do tho work.
Professor Barbour has just received
a copy of Filipino military tactics
from Llentenant Lewis S. Ryan, a
former student In his department, who
captured them from tho quarters of
Major General Beleramero March 24,
Wednesday evening Miss Edith
Shaw was initiated into Delta Gamma
at the chapter houso on Eleventh and
H streets. Tho initiation was fol
lowed by an informal bprcad. All ac
tive and alumnae members wore pres
ent Plans have been made to give a sil
ver cup to tho best football punter
during the spring practice. Tho tro
phy is an exceptionally fine one, and
will be hotly contested for. No candi
date is entitled to compete until he
has been out to at least twelve prac
tice punts.
Students intending to study den
tistry will And tho Lincoln Dental
Collego thoroughly up-to-date, and
owned by Lincoln dentists, who are
sparing no energy or expense to make
It an institution of merit. For further
information address Lincoln Dental
Collego, 206 Richards block.
The Graduate Club of the university
meets at the home of Professor A.
Ross Hill, 505 North Twonty-fifth
street, on Saturday evening, May 18th.
All graduate students and members of
tho faculty are Invited. There will be
u. report of the committee on tho pub
lication of iho Graduate Bulletin, also
the election of officers of the club for
tho ensuing year.
E. S. Hawloy has loaned tho His
torical Society a series of views of Lin
coln in 'C7 and G8, which aro very in
teresting. Among them is a picture of
tho sole log cabin which marked tho
site of tho city In 1867. Also several
views of tho capltol building In course
of construction, which was started tho
following year and which was the real
beginning of Lincoln.
Plans aro being made to get tho
football team Into training by the
first of September. Tho team will
probably bo taken on a two weeks'
camping trip In order that tho men
may rest up and be leady to begin
heavy work boforo the Minnesota
game. It is also hoped that the man
agement will bo aXAv to proviJo tho
men with a training table during tho
coming season. Tho present prospect
for next year's team is tho best tho
university has had for sovoral years.
Delta Upsilon gavo an informal
dancing party at tho chapter houso
Friday night. Tho guests were Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Spencer, Mrs. R. P. R.
Millar, Misses Jusson, Millar, Wees--
nor, Davenport, Heacock, Hazlott,
f Harper, Mulr, Parks, Lumery, Mra
Roed and Miss Cooper of Holdrege.
Tho members present wore Messrs.
Pollard, Wills, Lussler, Strahorn, Wil
son, Kanzler, Clinton, Hall, Benedict
Lester, Walton, Steen, Hummel, and
Dr. and Mrs. Fling and Miss Barr
entertained at Walsh hall last Satur
day evening In honor of Dr. and Mrs.
Edgren. Dr. Edgron gavo an Illustrat
ed -talk on Stockholm, and UiIb was
followed by a number of Swedish songs
sung by Mrs. Henry B. Ward, accompa
nied by Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond. The
decorations were In tho Swedish col
ors, bluo and yellow, and Swedish and
American flags.
Captain Tukoy entertained his com
pany at the Phi Delta Thuta house
las: Tuesday evening. Tho cadets
fairly bubbled over with enthusiasm
as they listened to tho alumni officers
tell of tho legends and traditions of
the gray old company. The presont of
ficers spoke of the approaching com
petitive and tho urgent need of ex:ra
drills, to which all tho men promised
to "turn out." After tho yells and
cheers had been given tho company
"fell out" and went homo to dream of
that longed-for cup.
N. T. Hall jSuperlntendent of tree
planting In the bureau of forestry,
Washington, D. C, Is visiting the uni
versity this week for tho purpose of
consulting with the various profes
sors who are In the forestry problems
In Nebraska. He has made the de
partment of botany his headquarters
during his stay, and has taken tho op
portunity thus offered to Interview
students who aro expecting to fit them
selves for forestry work. It is prob
able that some of them will be at
tached to his party for field work dur
ing tho summer.
Modern Scientists and political
economists have demonstrated thai the
people of tho world can produce
enough in four hours' labor each day
to not only supply themselves with
necessaries, but with every luxury as
well, thus devoting the remainder of
tho timo to self-culture, amusement,
and recreation In any manner most
agreeable to themselves. Send to us
for particulars and we will teach you
ho to do this. See our add., "Educa
tion Is Wealth," on another page In
this issue.
The national convention of Delta
Gamma will be in session this week
at tho Lincoln for three days, begin
ning tomorrow. The thirteen chapters
of tho sorority outside of Lincoln will
bo loprcscnted by delegates and oth
ers. During their stay here they will
bo tho guests of Kappa and Kappa
Theta chapters, tho latter being the
local alumnae chapter. Tho social
festivities attending the convention
will tho tho most brilliant ever exper
ienced In university circles here. They
will begin tonight with a reception at
tho home of Miss Blanche Garten, 1213
H street, and will continue until Fri
day night, whon a banquet will bo giv
en at the Lincoln.
At tho regular meeting of tho Engi
neering Society last Wednesday night
a largo and appreciative audience
listened to somo remarks by Mr. M. E.
Wells, assistant master mechanic at
Alllanco, Neb., and Mr. G. W. Rhodes,
M. E., assistant superintendent of the
B. & M., with headquarters in tho city.
Mr. Wells spoke of some of tho rail
road problems that tho future englneor
would have to moot, incidentally giv
ing tho details of a now method of
cleansing locomotive boilers without
interrupting their work. Mr. Rhodes
spoko of tho essentials of a successful
onglntor, dwelling especially on the
fact that ontlomanliness and honesty
aro just as necessavjr as a knowledge
of tho profession.
The senior class had a meeting Sat
urday, at which a commltteo was ap
pointed to colloct 25 cents from each
member of tho class for tho benefit of
tho collego settlement. It was decid
ed to place Dean Edgron's portrait In
tho library on the wall above tho card
Professor Barbour has written a
pamphlet on "Sand Crystals and Their
Relation to Certain Concretionary
Forms," which has recently been Is
sued In the form of a bulletin by tho
Geological Society of America. Tho
paper was read boforo tho society last
LB I II'll'B
Tickets on Sale July 5th to 13th Inclusive. Return Limit
August 31, 1901
Tickets on Sale July 5th to 7th Inclusive. Return Limit can be
had to September 1st by arranging for same with
Joint Agent at Detroit
City Ticket Office
Corner 10th and O Streets
Telephone 235
H. W. Brown Drug Book Co.
All sizes of Nebraska Folio History Paper
and all other supplies for Students
We shall have all the best new-books
Phone 68.
Thecollejellrnc)lofthelntercollfflalel.l of 11m Y M ( A
fnrnUhetapleuant room for Its meiulwri Cli.cislclltrt)
muilclandtocUlfunctlouiiidvenlii(ntrUliiaienti. ru-
nUrlecture coarao one evening per month, band concerU, etc.
Corner Pourteentli and Davenport Streets, Omaha.
The course In this school consists of four terms of eight months each. The first two years
are devoted chiefly to laboratory and class room work; the last two to the more practical part of
medicine, consisting ntmost entirely of clinics and clinical lectures. For catalogue and further
Information write to U. C. DRYANT, Sec, McCague Building, Omaha, Neb.
Miss Martin, a graduato from tho
school of music at tho blind instituto,
Nebraska City, will be at Palladlan
hall Friday evening May 17, 1901. Miss
Martin Is seventeen years old and has
been blind for ten years. She has a
wonderful talent for music.
Tho superintendents and principals
of the state held a meeting In this city
last Thursday and Friday for tho pur
post of studying the correlation and
system of studies now carried at tho
high school hero. V. R. McLucas, su
perintendent at Superior, and A. C.
Fling, superintendent at Nebraska
City, woro In atendance.
Burlington Depot
7th St., between P and Q
Telephone 25
as soon as published. Call and see us.
127 South Eleventh Street.
Chicago College
Dental Surgery
(Dental Department ol Lake Forest Ualverslty.)
Ono of tho leading dentnl colleges of tho
world, located in tho great medical and
educational contor of Chicago, offers unsur
passed facilities to thoBtudcnt of dontistry.
Twentieth Annual Course
of Instruction betlai about Oct. Itt, 1961. Address
-j , Un..ln e rklnn
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