I .... I Mill HIP llyM 1.1 ! WfHiWHH.111 .f "lp"PP" The Nebraskan-Hesperian BBPfo T flL.'. n TOwffHBBMBiiii 44afHia's Drug Store, 14th and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb. The home of the famous "Newby Flip." Xocal anfc personal. Dr. Wcntc, Dentist. Dr. Angle. Skin Diseases. 1215 O. Dr. E. A. Carr, Surgeon, 141 So. 12. For a neat shino go to Edward's. Cor. Eleventh and N sts. Charley Nesbot of Tekamah, Neb., has been visiting old friends at the university the past week. Miss Eola Auld returned from Iowa last Wednesday, where she has been visiting for the past month. Clair Funke visited in Omaha the early part of last week. ! Let us give you a tip. Drink the latest Newby Flip, at Hanna's. Miss Teressa Salle of Beatrice Is visiting in Lincoln. " Have Weber Bros, fix your spring clothes. N. E. corner 11th and O sts. Constance Sarbnch spent last week In Lincoln and at tho university. Extra drills for the competitive be gan Monday morning at 7 o'clock. Miss Auman is slowly recovering from an attack ot-acarlet fever. Frank Manchester has returned from Omaha. Ho has been 111 for the past week. About fifty girls from tho gymnasi um classes aro playing tennis this spring. Attend tho Special Sale of tho Ev-ans-Mulono Co.; now located at tho "Famous." There aro now twenty-seven coun ties and sixteen village schools accred ited to the school of agriculture. Homer Hatfield, Hal Miner, Judge Davidson, and Pete Milans visited at the Sigma Alpha house this week . The operetta "Genevieve," in three acts, was presented last night by the girls of the Union society. It was given under the direction of Mrs. Raymond. FIvo head of pure blooded Aberdeen Angus cattle were purchased for tho farm at tho combination sale in Om aha last week. A vocal recital was given at the uni versity auditorium last Thursday even ing by Mrs. Carrie Smith Hart. Tho Y. W. C .A. will have a general secretary next year. If Miss Hender son does not return another choice will bo made. Tho tennis association will hold a tournament this week among its members. The winner will bo award ed a medal. The Palladian society rendered a German program Saturday night. The entire program, including a play, was In the language of tho "vaterland." Tho best place In the city for satis factory barber work is Westerfield's. 117 N. 13th St. Give him a trial and you will bo a regular customer. A sampling machine has recently boon put into tho assay laboratory. It consists of an Improved form of crusher and grinder to tako tho place of tho old ones. Miss Bessy Butler of tho senior class has been elected assistant principal of tho Superior high school, The regular Y. W. C. A. meeting will bo hold in tho old chapel at the usual hour on Wednesday. Mrs. H. II. Wilson has been asked to give tho address. Mr. Clements, the photographer, has. presented the Historical Society with groups of the photos of tho members of the late House and Senate. Ex-Chancollor Maclean, during tho past few days, has notified the princi pal that the Lincoln acadomy has been put upon the list of Bchools accredited to the Stato University of Iowa. Mrs. Samuel Avery of Moscow, Idaho, has been visiting in the city tho past week. She expects to spend the summer with her parents at Crete, Neb. Dr. Ward delivered an lllustra ed lecture on "Tho Life History of the Malarial Parasite" before tho Nebras ka Stato- Medical Society last Tiles-day. IT. T. Clarko of Omaha, ono o'f the pioneers of Nebraska, and an active member of tho Historical Society, was a caller at the society rooms last Friday. Vocal selections were rendered In chapel Monday by a quartot composed of Miss Shute, Miss Reynolds, Mr. Ket tering, and Mr. Martin. Mr. Ketter ing also sang a solo. Mr. C. A. Fisher has been con ducting various tests on tho building and paving brick of Nebraska and neighboring states and has just fin ished a paper upon tho subject. Mr. G. C. Watson, who ha4 been do ing major work in seoloeyfor his Mas ter's degree,! has rocelvqd a fellowship at Cornell university, For Gradua'es Tho most completo lines of books and other appropriate graduating favors we've ever shown aro here now. Book and Stationery Dept., H. Hcrpolsheimer Co. Tho girls' basket ball team goes to Omaha next Friday to play the Y. W. C. A. team there. Tho occasion Is a gymnasium exhibition, and the game will bo the main feature of tho program. At a special meeting last week tho athletic board made provisions for providing tho truck team with now suits. It Is hoped that In tho future move men will take up this kind of work. Tho election of student members of tho athletic board, held last Wednes day, resulted In tho choice of J. D. Ringer, S. V. Cortclyou, D. E. Thomas, Bert Doane, and J. P. Koehler. Tho olection called out the largest number of votes on record, 408 being cast. This will add $117 to tho athletic fund. Tho Interest taken by tho young ladles was much greater than at any previous election and accounts to a great extent for tho largo vote. Tho girls of the Dolian Literary so ciety gavo a special program last Sat urday evening. Tho numbers included readings, vocal and Instrumental mu sic, i story and tho entertainment was closed with a pantomime. ALLEGRETTI & LOWNEY . . Chocolates it flcctor'a 9kama:u N.W. Cor. !2tb and N SU, Lincoln, Neb. 'H. i 3 VI . A v i "B'tpSI "0$. 00tetme snssssssssss WltlHiMwaygwciauM