SAMMSbHn . t &, 8 The Nebraskan-Hesperian '! wn br kfl r ycpt Photographer N. A. tOrER. M.D. n. A. HHtlARD 1029 0 Strcct We have nil the latent Styes of Mount nnd Finish. Class and School Croups solicited lantern Slides made on short notice Special rates to Students, Reference: facuior Class, 1900. AR.LJN ttfe Mm 1 wBfesuM ft MJfii - i if I' I whiS MARLIN REPEATING SHOT GUNS For Trap or Fir Id Shooting, combine the clccsnce i of outline, perfection of balance, esse of taking apart and quality of ilmsn ol the best uoumccuiik with thesupertorm In slehtine and sliootine ol i the slagle barrel. and also possess lh' raplditt of tire and magazine capacity of PlArtl-IN REPEATING RIFLES. 120PaCecat. aloe of arms and ammunition, colored cover by Ostheus, mailed for 3 stamps. MtRUN Fine Arms Co., New Haven, Ct. 2hris., BftTHS THAT'S Corner 11th and P Streets. S1SIDLES CYCLE CO. For the Finest Repairing in the City. Agency for the World, Olive, Adlake, Halliday, and Aetna. 110 and 112 North Thirteenth St. HYGIENIC CAFE STRICTLY VEGETARIAN Av:cnt f"r nniti; N '- 'td Co., of Battle Creek, Hichlgan. 316 South Twelfth Street You Are Invited Tickets Furnished Nothing! Can Be Too Neat Here If hard work to keep everything spick and span nit the lime, but thntls what we re here lor. Our business has kept on growing because we've been particular that t very 1"t' lc. ever package, every process of cntniKititiditiK or lunuuliicturc, should be clean and neat. UrtiiR vour prescriptions to uj. if you please Perhaps it isclnu ly when it should be clear In nppenwnce. Thrft some-lime happens when a prcscrlplion is not put up just right Riggs' Pharmacy Cor. O and Twelfth Sts.r Lincoln Jhc Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gcntiemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON I GARTCR" is stamped Kon every loop. The CUSHION , BUTTON! CLASPi tics flat fo the leg never' SIips, Tears nor Unfastens.! SOLD EVERYWHERE. Sample pair. Silk Me. Cotton Sfte. . Mailed on receipt of price. " 5GEO.niO8TC0.,Maiera ; iioavoa, Bui,, u.a. 'Every Pair Warranted Complete Outfitters OP School Laboratories Importers and Jobbers OF CfaliiSiS' fljsayers' Supplies Write for Catalogue. The Denver Fire Clay Co. Denver, Colorado. iBaiiiiK rfllflV S3 EPWORTH LEAGUE EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA, $45.00 Tickets on Sale July 5th to 13th Inclusive. Return Limit August 31, 1901 N. E. A. EXCURION TO DETROIT $23.05 Tickets on Sale July 5th to 7th Inclusive. Return Limit can be had to September 1st by arranging for same with Joint Agent at Detroit RATES AND LIMITS, IUFFAL0 AMI RETURN, WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER City Ticket Office Corner iOth and O Streets Telephone 2.15 Burlington Depot 7th St., between Pand Q Telephone 25 mmmtaumam rnmrnm win hiimmimmimiimm P EMMA CALVE, cf the Alley & Grau Grand Ufrru Co., say: 1 hac never, in all my travel, found any thing that seemed to me as near perfection in the Say ol a Mandolin as the Washburn. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock of Washburn Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. We have some beautiful specimens as low as $15.00 Do not fail to Secure One. Beautiful Catalog Free r.K-ludvr Washburn features ate- New and perfectly balanced model. pial prores oi wasonme all woods used; patent construction, murine treat Mrrncth: fingerboards abMlntel correct in all positions; inlavinr all done bv skilled workmen, patent bead far superior to ordinary head. ! ens alwrs in pood taste iwrfrtl stein oi ritibinj;: polish termed by thnrrm.h courses ol hand rubbing every nut, t icw and pec of the ery highest (u jlit Sold by Leading Alusic Dealers Everywhere. LYON & HEALY, Mfrs., - Chicago. You want the finest.. 3 We have it! CLARK SON LAUNDRY COMPANY 330-332-334-336-338-340 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. S : .r- V SI Mf we d