The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 07, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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The Nehraskan-Hespkrian
, I
v.v ...
"A newspaper dovotcd to the interents of The
University of Nebraska and the studenl body."
Issued every Tuesday Noon. Published at 134
North eleventh Street.
Entered as Stcond-Clnss flail Matter.
T. J. Hewitt, f Managers
HAI, H. HOBEUTS Editor-ln-Cliiof
STERLING 11. AICCAW Asxlstntit Editor
Board of Editors:
Rtnlly Jenkins, S. 11. McCaw,
J. A- Manning,
A. C. l,ce,
R. K. Raiuey.
l'.lincr 1'. Hodges,
T.J. Hewitt,
T. SI. Hewitt,
It. !'. Hill.
N. A Hii'-e.
Clifton Carter,
O. M. Cowgill,
I). Hansen,
Clins. I. Tnvlor,
C. C. Willnmi,
H.I. Kiiimc.
Clnre Mnckin.
Catherines Mcl.miKliltn. Dan t.utiriwn
The Nebraskan-Hcspcrlan will bo sont to any
address upon tuo receipt of tho subscription
price, which Is ono dollar a year.
Contributions are solicited from all. News
Items such as locals, personals, reports of meet
Incs, etc., aio especially desired. The Ncbras-Uan-licspcrtnn
will be clad to print an) oonlrlb
ution relative to a general university subject,
but the name must accompany all such,
Tho Nolira-skan HoHpnrlan Is nont to nil sub
ecnlx.rH until ordered dlaeontinuud and all ur
roaruuos paid.
Aduross all communlcatinns t tho NimtiAS
k&n Uuhphhia.v, P. O. box -ID, Lincoln, Nub.
Telephone 479.
Help out the athloMc board In the
plfinrinn tomorrow liv rtnvincr vour two. 1
bits at the polls.
Missouri fell a victim to our athletic
skill both on the gridiron and the dia
mond. Friday night will tell who is
superior in "vocabularology."
The debate wi h Missouri comes
next Friday evening. The association
has made great preparations for the en
tertainment of tho audience. Every
one should now show his appreciation
and "turn out" to the contest. The
souvenir programs are neatly and ele
gantly prepared and will make an ex
cellent memento of university life.
What' has become of track athletics?
The result of Ia3t Saturday's meet was
certainly discouraging for this line of
athletic work. But the students who
read of the defeat should not be sur
prised, for it is the most natural re
sult of the lack of spirit shown by the
student body. In past years the sup
port given to track work has been
poor, very poor, but this year the spirit
has entirely died ottt. Tho bare, star
ing bleachers of Saturday wore a dumb
warning of the fate which awaited the
men as they stepped upon tho Hold.
How can wo expect to attain any stand
ing in track athletics If no better sup
port, can be obtained than that mani
fested last Saturday?
It Is now, it seems to me, an oppor
tune time to say something for tho
good of suffering humanity in such a
great progressive educational center
as our university. It rests upon the
students themselves as to whether
they intend to be comfortable or not.
As tho warm weather has come upon
us and tho fair box unload themselves
of the clothing which is unnecessary
for comfort, why should tho same priv
ilege be denied their brothers? Why
can not the man tako otf IiIb coat when
it is hot, as well as tho woman, and
don those thin, filmy things, through
which the slightest kind of a cooling
breeze can sift?
Th nnwKpapors of this enlightened
country have pleaded and pleaded lor
the comfort of the male sex; but to no
avail. Still tho women demand that
the men keep on their coats and suffer,
because they do not like to see them in
public in their shirt sleeves.
There ought to be a rule in tho 'ini
veisity that when the weather is mu
ondurably hot, and there is lots of
hard study ta bo indulged in, tho
man might bo permitted to remove his
coat, oven in that sacred place, tho li
brary. It Is a very peculiar state of alfairs,
it scorns, that when a man is hard at
work studying with tho mercury in the,
thermometer trying to climb out at tho
top of tho tube, the representative
of tho sterner sex should have to iaoor,
with bends of porspi ration resting on
his brow, nnd his outer gnrmonts still
on, whilo his fair, cold nistor is enjoy
ing herself in her comfortable habili
ments. It is not the writer's intention to bo
unnecessarily harsh towards the fair
sex, but he realizes the uselessness of
anything being accomplished in this
way without tho co-operation of the
men. It would be a strange thing for a
girl to ask a man to remove his coat;
he iirst has to assort his own ideas and
then ask for her support. If a man
has on a clean shirt, why shouldn't ho
display it, provided it has a pretty pat
tern, as well as tho lady hers. On tho
other hand, if tho shirt has not the
desired freshness, it would be the
proper thing to keep on the coat. ,iitcr
a few uxperiences the wearer would
then, without any doub. be willing to
equip himself in the proper fashion.
These ideas arc only "a word to the
wise," and it is hoped that they will
be appreciated. United wo stand, di
, vided we fall; that is, if wo all take off
our coats, wo will all be comfortable.
Hoping tho authorities and students
j will take this kindly as a gentle hint,
the writer, in tho meantime onjoys tho
i pleasure of roasting in his coat.
John Disown.
The following editorial from the
Daily Palo Alto bears particularly on
the plan for a stock company for col
lege dailies:
The plan of having the Daily Palo
Alto controlled by a stock company
has been discussed considerably during
tho past few days. The idea is to have
ono hundred shares and to sell tnem
to different students at five dollars
apiece. This will give a fair-sized
working capital. In all probability
the shares would be taken by persons
interested in the welfare of the Daily,
and tho best men would be chosen for
editors nnd business managers. It
often happens that the man who has
spent two or three years on the paper
working his way up from an assistant
to managing editor is easily defeated
for the oflico of editor-in-chief by some
more "popular" person wno has been
on the paper only a few months, t-n-der
the present system there is no in
centive whatever for any one to pre
pare himself for business managership,
as during recent years tho office has
been Invariably given to some popular
1 athlete who needed it to pay his ex
j penses, and tno abilities of candidates
have not been taken into considera
tion. Such a policy sis this has been
ruinous to the paper; and if the Dany
I is to be a success, business managers,
' as well as editors, will have to Lnk
of the future instead or entirely the
1 present. If the paper were turned over
to one hundred students they would,
1 It is reasonable to suppose, bo interest
od in its future and would select men
1 for tho oflices according to their ability
I and preparation and not according to
I their popularity. Wo hope that tne ex
I ecutive committee tomorrow evening
will give this matter the funest conid
i oration and will prosont an amendment
to the constitution along these lines
so thai the views of tho student nody
may bo obtained.
DATES. I do horoby uiinoimeo myself a can
didate for tho nthloiic hoard.
S. D. Clinton.
It is my Intention to ho In tho uni
versity next, year and I hereby an
nounce myself n candidate for election
to membership on the athletic board.
D. E. Thomas.
1 announce myself as a candidate for
tho athletic board.
H. 1). Kingsbury.
I .announce myself as a candidate for
thr'athletic board. Bert Doan?.
I announce myself as u candidate for
the athletic board. J. P. Koehler.
I announce myself a candidate for
the athletic board. V. M. Sanders.
I announce myself as a candidate for
the athletic board. 0. G. Home.
i I announce myself as a candidate for
'student member of the athletic board.
V. G. Hiltner.
I do hereby announce myself as a
candidate for member of the athletic
Dean llinger.
I announce myself as a candidate tor
the athletic board. W. P. Wallace.
I do hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the athletic board.
.1. Hays Holl.
I do hereby announce myselt ns a
candidate for the athletic board.
S. V. Lortelyou.
Weeks of
School &
means five more weeks to vchoose
summer pleasures, or business
pursuit (no odds which) you
will need a wheel, and you
can't make a mistake in seeing
our stock of Clevelands and
Crescents before you choose.
331 South Uth
Education is Wealth; But
Wealth is Necessary to
Obtain an Education
Do You Want an Education?
Do You Desire Wealth?
We will advise yon how to obtain both
with ease and respectibility.
Our representatives, both women nnd
men, are earning from three to ten dol-.
lnrs per day, and even the younger ones
who put in a few hours night and morn
ing and a half day Saturday are farniug
men's wages. During the long summer
vacation nothing is easier than this most
j profitable bttsieiiss.
I Do You Want to Know Jlbout It?
! We will say briefly that we are maiiu
! facturers' agents, general distributors.
and wholesale dealers in reliable special
ties. We represent and carry in stock
chiefly over forty of the most useful and
salable articles obtainable for household
use. Uvery article is first class and a
known and tried success.
We furhish 'ice outfits containing a
j number of articles and instruct you how
! to sell each one of them.
Write us for particulars and learn all
about it. 1
The Nebraska Novelty, -Co.
Room II, U. S National llunif Hide.
OriAHA, NUB. (
: Wo carry only the cardu of remitablo 3
men, and Htudenta will And represented a
In this column the bout phyuloluna and a
dentists in the city. a
iimnimiiimuAUiiMmi iwimuuwuitf
E. B. Woodward, M. D.
(Humes Carefully Pitted.
i Rooms
. Lincoln, Nebr.
, 207-CftS Richnrds Hlock. )
Residence 1310 Q St.
Phono 24i
Phone 633.
Rooms ai3 and 314
Richards Block,
D. H. MUIR, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
1 Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical.
1 22-J M St. Lincoln, Nobr.
If you are going to a hospital for treatment It
, will pay you to consti't Dr. Shoemaker. He
1 makes a specialty of Diseases of Women, the
j nervous system, nnd nit surpicnl diseases.
1 Everything home-like Prices reasonable.
1117 L St. LIN.OLN, NED. P. O. box 93
RE3IDKNCK: 2548 Q street,
Telephone, 05fi
Ihirr Mock, Rms 17-19, Phone, 656.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m. to 12 M.
3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5.
HI S. 12th St., LINCOLN, NEB.
Gold Alloy Fillings, .... $1.00
Gold Fillings, .... $1.00 and up
i Gold Crowns, $5.00
Legislative (Sailers
ISO South 11th Street,
.... Chocolates
At flector'a 9harmaai
N.W. Cor. 12Ui na N Sta. Lincoln. Neb.
noli (i Londscaae Pip.
r -
.iminmM mmmtmmnwm mm !"' "g- muJ3JUjfl0W
iff nr-wr-wmmtmnnm MmAimSU