The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 30, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Nebraskan-Hksperian
UtmtWWaBUiMii HMiiiahwMiwmo hmhhimi
1 i
Great Special Furnishing Goods Sale
We Purchased the Entire Stock of Evans, Malone & Co., of Men's
Furnishings. This Stock was all new, clean, and up to date, 75 per cent of which
was bought for This Season. We are Selling This Entire Stock off now
at 25, 35, and 50 Per Cent Discount
Corliss Coon 15c Collars "C
Corliss Coon 25c Collars IOC
Latest King Edward Neckwear OyC
Latest 25c and 35c Eeckwear 1 VC
Men's Union and2-piece Underwear, rcgular$2.50 values, p 1 4o
regular SI. 50 values, VoC
regular 75c values. . 4VC
regular 35c values . . JL 1G
Men's 50c Hosiery
Men's 35c Hosiery
Men's 2oc Hosiery
Men's 15c Hosiery
Men's 50c Braces .
Men's 25c Braces. .
9c ;:j:
Xocal anfc personal.
Dr. Wente, Dentist.
Senior Prom. May 3.
High grade shirts that are custom
made cannot help hut please you. Wil
son & Waters, 1042 O st.
Dr. Angle. Skin Diseases. 1215 O.
Dr. E. A. Carr, Surgeon, 141 So. 12.
William P. Anderson left for the
west last Wednesday evening to take
up a position offered him at Sidney,
A number of Omaha alumni have
written that they will be down to the
sonior prom, next Friday evening.
J. Riser, dentist, S. W. Cor. 13 & O.
WestcirfichVs egg shampoo Is all right.
De Witt Hanson visited friends in
Omaha las: Sunday.
Have Weber Iiros. fix your spring
clothes. X. 15. corner 11th and O sts.
Fred D. Stratton has been suffering
from the mumps during the past weok.
Lot ns give you a tip. Drink the
latest Nowby Flip, at Hanna's.
The seniors had a class mooting
Thursday to soo that ovary one had a
moans of transfer from his home to
tho armory for the reception Friday
The U. of X. fountain pen is fully
guaranteed. It is without exception
the best value for the money obtain
able. Price $1.00. To be had only at
H. Horpolsheimer Co.'s hook and sta
tionery department.
Chancellor Androws addressed th
graduating class of the Omaha Medi
cal College at thoir commencement
oxorcisoe last Thursday. His subject
was "Medicine and Morals."
Students intonding to study don
tistry will' find the Uncoln Dontal
Collogo thoroughly up-to-date, and
owned by Lincoln dentists who are
sparing no energy or expense to make
it. an institution of morit. For further
information address Lincoln Dental
College. 20C Richards block.
It is reported that Major Edgar S.
Dudley, judge advocate general in the
department of Cuba, and formerly
commandant of cadets in the univer
sity, is soon to be detailed as profes
sor of law at the West Point Military
Tho musicalo in chapel las. Monday
was one of the most interesting of the
year. The choir from the First Con
gregational church rendered t"wo selec
tions. C. W. Kettering sang a solo,
which was enthusiastically received.
Miss Noll La Selle of Beatrice visit
ed hor Kappa friends last week.
Miss Edith Jackson wont to Omaha
Thursday for a short visit.
If you want a stylish hat, tlion see
us. Wilson & Wators, 1042 O st.
Tho schools of Boone and Fillmoro
counties have boon placed upon tho
acorodltod list or tho State Agricultu
ral Collogo.
The host place In tho olty for satis
factory harbor work is Westerfleld's.
117 N. 12th St Give him a trial and
you will be a regular customer.
Moiwij. Morgan and Thurman of l!ho
Missouri 'university hangnail toam
Hfitmt Saturday and JSunday at the
Sigma Chi ihouso.
The track toam of high school will
moot the university team on tho cam
pus May 4. This will bo tho prelim
inary training for both teams for
meets later in tho season. An admis
sion of 2f cants will bo charged.
Thursday evening Professor Bar
bour gave a s:crooptieon loeture at
Trinity M. E. church, cornor Sixtoonth
and A streets. The views wore of
flconory in tho Black Hills and Yel
lowstone park. Tho lecture was free,
and was wall attended.
Professor Lyon received a letter
asking for tlie name of a graduate ag
ricultural student who could accept a
position as ranch foreman. The sal
ary offorod is $1,200 per year. One
"Wlio lius "had experience on the Tango
nnH JlcnowB something ot Irrigation lo
The regular meeting of the Zoolog
ical Club was held Tuesday evening
inscead of Thursday, as is usual. A. B.
Lewis discussed the modern method of
lake investigation as set forth by F.
A, Forol in a recent handbook on the
subject. Mr. Forol was a pioneer in
this field of biological research.
J. S. Moore went to Norfolk last
Saturday afternoon' to organize a V.
M. C. A. The work -was started hy a
Young Men's League, and Mr. Moore
organoid it iut)j a Young Men's Chris
tiai. Association, thus bringing it i:i
touch with ' that organization in the
Tho regular meeting of tho Engi
neering Society was hold last Wed
nesday ovoning. C. S. Orton spoke on
pnoumatie mall carriers; S. D. Clin
ton reviewed the life of the eminent
engineer, J. B. Fads; Dan Gutlobon de
scribed The construction of tho foun
dation of tho Eads bridge. St, LptiHC
and Elmer Shinbur dosorilnju' the
Hawlfsbury bridge fin A'liwtrulla The
program con clud o4jw3 .V. mi Informal
discussion 'otUrTgOB. ""
Fred Carver, a junior law at the
University of Nebraska last year, is
now in Washington, D. C. where ho
is attending the Columbian Law
School. Ho is attending Prof. James
Schouler's lr-eluror. on "Wills." In a
recent loiter, speaking of Professor
Srhoulu-'s lectures, he says: "Although
a notfd lawyer and historian. Profes
sor Sfhonler is not as good an instruc
tor as Prof. C. A. Robbins. of the Uni
versity of Nebraska."
C. V. VJckery spoke las: Sunday In
tho old chapel about ftudont campaign
work. Mr. Viekcry was college secre
tary of the Xebrabka Y. M. C. A., is a
graduate of Weskyan university, and
is at present taking work both at Yale
uuivcralty and Drew Theological sem
inary. He is interested in student vol-iinic-pr
and campaign work in the in
terests of the Motnoilist church. Mr
Virkury is one of the strong men who
have been sent to encourage and In
struct our, V. M. C. A. boys.
Owing to a dolay in binding the
junior annual will no. bo out until tho
8th of May. The new features of tills
annual are many. A large photograph
of the chancellor is the first thing to
strike the eye. The engravings aro
hotter than any that have appeared
before. Tho fratorni;y pictures and
most of the other group pictures are
finished Jn Ijanuloblcd borders. Thore
is more serious material, also, which
jwill be apprealatod in after years.
The' issue of the Xebraskan-Hesruirian
of 'the 7th of May will contain a r.
viow of tho nook.
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