The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 23, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Nebraskan-Hesperian
Xocal ant) personal.
Dr. Wcntc, Dentist.
Senior Prom. '"$fy
Dr. Angle, Skin Diseases, 1215 O.
Dr. E. A. Carr, Surgeon, 141 So. 1?..
J. Riser, dentist, S. W. Cor. 10 & 0.
VestcrficlVs egg shampoo is all right.
Have Weber Bros, fix your spring
clothes. N. K. corner 11th and O sts.
Victor Romeigh has been pledged to
Alpha Tnu Omega. . ,
Tho largest lino of up-to-date neck
wear in the city. Wilson & Waters,
1042 0 st.
Nebraska hall is suffering from an
invasion of rats, which attack tho
growing plnnts in the laboratories, do
ing much damage. The old building is
padly in need of repairs.
Those King Edward VII. narrow
four-in-hand ties are popular among
the boys. Ewing Clothing Co. has the
most up-to-date line. See them.
The best place in the.. oityji.fot;satis
factory barber work is Westcrfield's.
117 N. 13th St. Give him a trial and
you will be a regular customer.
Tho department of 'botany will have
four candidates for the degree of Mas
ter of Arts at the coming commence
ment, but such is the demand for
trained botanists that Professor 13ps
sey is puzzling over the question of
scholars and fellows, lhe supply not
equalling the demand.
lion Cameron's lunch counter, 111
Sou ih Eleventh.
Let us give you a tip. Drink the
latest Newby Flip, at Hnnna's.
If you want a stylish hat, then see
us. Wilson & Waters, 1042 O st.
Guy Barnes is able to attend classes
again after a two weeks illness.
Miss McCorklo will lead tho noon
prayer meeting during this week.
Miss Venus Pool was called home by
the illness of her mother. She will
not return this semester.
Tho pink shjrt says, "I am in the
pink of perfection." The blue shirts,
"I got tho blues." While all other
shirts at Ewing Clothing Co. store
echo to the boys, "Wo can be done up."
Mr. Cros3 has been trimming tho
:recs on and about the campus. Their
apearanco will bo much improved.
Miss McCorkle will give an address
at tho regular weekly meeting of the
Y. W. in the old chapel Wednesday at
Tho work in the astronomy depart
mont has been greatly impeded by the
cloudy weather of the past weeks. It
Is 'hoped that'-the clouds will roll away
before many days more are lost.
Students intending to study den
tistry will find the Lincoln Dental
Collego thoroughly up-to-date, and
owned by Lincoln dentists who are
sparing no energy or expense to make
it an institution of merit. For further
information address Lincoln Denial
College, 20C Richards block.
Professor Fossler delivered a lee
turo on Tennyson's "In Memoriam" be
fore the literature department of the
Woman's club at the last meeting o'f
tho year, held at the club room last
UR PURCHASE of the "FAMOUS" stock of
L Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, and Hosiery,
at a price that enables us to offer it to our customers at
joe on the dollar and less. These stocks arc noiv on sale
at our store. Miss L. L. Croivc, the manager of these
departments, with her entire force of salespeople, will be
in attendance at this sale, and 7vill be especially pleased
to greet all oj her old customers.
the "famous" stock of kid gloves
at these Prices
$2.25 and $3.00 Kid Gloves Absolutely the finest qualities, made by
such firms asTrcfoussc, Pcrrin, Prcres, Dents, and Monarchs,
Famous Sale Price, $1.25 pair
$1.50 and $2.00 Kid Gloves Including such makes as Trefoussc, Dent's,
Perrin's, etc. Famous Sale Price, 95c pair
$2.00 Kid Gloves Including odd lot of colors in all sizes. Best quality
Lambskin and French Kid. Piques and Overseams
Famous Sale Price, 59c pair
For Sale Here
and Here Only
Selma Wiggenhorn attended the Phi
Kappa Psl party Friday.
The college carpenters finished the
herbarium case for the reception of
tne collection of lichens belonging to
the es:ate of the late Thomas A. Will
iams, deposited in the University by
his widow. On opening the boxes the
collection w?s found to be much larger
than il was supposed to be, and it en
tirely fill& tho large case. The books
include many rare and expensive
works, and will constitute a very val
uable addition to the working library
in botany.
The fine collection of Philippine
woods in the shapo of a dozen cano
sticks presented to the department of
botany by Major John J. Pershing, has
just been put on exhibition in tho bo
tanical lecture room in Nebraska hall.
The labelling and arrangement of the
canes was done by Mr. Rebmann, who
is much interested in all things per
taining to the Philippine islunds -since
his experience there with tho "First '
Nebraska regiment.
A. J. Mercer, a student in the Amer
ican history department, Is preparing
a series of maps outlining the changes
in boundary of ev6ry state in the
union from 1783 to the present time.
Each map is accompanied by a history
of tho change.
Alpha Tau Omega gave another of
:heir series of informals at their chap
ter house last Wednesday evening.
Dancing, cards and billiards were in
dulged in. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fol
som chaperoned.
There's satisfaction in purchasing
fountain pens, history paper, students
note books, pencils and other school
needs where you aro absolutely certain
of getting the right things where the
best values for the leasi. money are to
be had. That's tho way it is in H.
Hcrpolsholmer & Co.'s Book and Sta
tionery Dept: ' '
Miss Meade entertained her sister
for a few days last week.
Those spring sweaters have just ar
rived at Ewing Clothing Co. store.
Uni colors.
Mr. Lew Cortclyou, of Omaha, visit
ed his brothers at the Alpha Theta
Chi house over Sunday.
Laura Whaley is slowly recovering
from a two weeks' siego with the grip.
All the girl's gymnasium classes sat
for their pictures in the Armory Mon
The Y. W. girls have given up hopes
of Miss Henderson's return this se
mester. She was a zealous worker and
has been greatly missed.
High grade shirts that aro custom
made cannot help but pleaso you. Wil
son & Waters, 1042 O st.
Miss Archibald rendered a piano solo
in chapel Friday, accompanied by Mr.
Ames, second piano.
Several of the civil engineering stu
dents meet every morning at 7 o'clock
in the drafting room of tho depart
ment for an hour's practice at free
hand lettering. As this is one of the
first requirements, of a draftsman,
they will sooner or later be repaid
for their trouble.
The American history seminary Is
at present engaged in the study of Ne
braska history. Professor Caldwell
intends to devote two or three years to
this work. A study will be made of
the lives of tho first settlers and all
men who figured prominently in tho
early development of tho state. All
the material will bo kept and at tho
conclusion of the work the depart
ment will bo in possession of an au
thentic history of Nebraska.
Eddie Gordon, who signed with the
Omaha Western league team, created
a very good impression at his initial
appearance in the box last Tuesday In
the gamo with Des Moines. Tho Om
aha Bee spoke of him as follows:
"Gordon, the university pitcher, oc
cupied the slab for Omuha during the
last half of the gamo. It was his debut,
and ho mado a first-rate impression.
Ho pitched well and displayed splen
did handwork. In tho five inning?
that ho pitched only three hits were
made and none of them resulted In
tallies. Ho showed up well at the
bat. In two times up he made a good
hit and corrnlod a braco of runs "
Those new swell Windsor ties have
just been opened at Ewing Clothing
Co. store.
Miss Letha Daniels gave a breakfast
last Saturday morning for a few of
her friends.
An unusually large number of ap
plications have been made for sum
mer school bulletins and It is believed
that the attendance will be exception
ally large.
Tho juniors had a class meeting
Wednesday afternoon, at which they
considered the final arrangements for
the party to be given to tho seniors
Friday, the 2Cth.
Mr. Cross is having the ground,
which was disturbed by the erection
of Memorial hall, sodded and seeded
down to tamo grass.
Miss Hartzough, who was obliged to
return to her home in Minden on ac
count of sickness, is back at the Uni
versity again.
Miss Conklln will not conduct the
French work in the summer school this
year. Sho will spend the vacation.put
of tho city and will leave'as soon 'as
the University closes.
The boys in the shops have sent
about fifty wooden U. N. souvenir but
tons to the secretary of tho "Nebras
ka University Club," Chicago, for dis
tribution among tho members on the
occasion of the annual banquet given
last Saturday. li
Miss Gertrude Aldsnbruek, a for
mer student at the conservatory, ex
pects to start on a trip for Europe
next Tuesday. She will be accompa
nied liy her tnothur.
A basket ball team is being organ
ized by the sophomore girls, and also
ono by the girls of the freshman class.
Tho two teams to-ill ijompote for tho
championship of the two classes in the
near future.
Herman Miller until recently a grad
uate student in the chemistry depart
ment, has gone west to find employ
ment. He will probably go into the
mining business. His first stop will
bo in Donvor.
Tho candidates lor the track team
will begin outdoor practice as soon as,
the weather permits. They liavo been
engaged In Indoor work for the past
two wenkc under tho special instruc
Ucm of oirelrTTooUi. ' tievflHlHJlLUw
now man are showing up well in the
shot put .and polo vault. Tho team
aoms to be weak in both tho long .ana'
fhort distance men.
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