f 5SSBSaSwluMmiw TW r ? -TVfT . Nf & 6 1vhe ebraskan-Hesperian T L,. . a MMnten ocal anfc personal. : Dn Wentc, Dciitist. Dr. Angle. Skin Diseases, 12)5 O. Dr.,E. A. Carr, Surgeon, 111 So. 12, J. Riser, dentist, S.'W. Cor. ID & 0. Wcstcrficld's egg shampoo is nil right. Senior Books on salo at tho Co-op. Gco.'E; Cons'tancor, Barber, 1010 0 street. Tho Zoological Club Will meet on Thursday evening. ' Mr. Greenwnld has been pledged to the Sigma Alphs. See the'noveliiea in neckwear at the Ewlng Clothing Co. hi L '- C5pies'of the senior class' book may bo obtained at the Co-opt i Mr. Crabtrco Inspected the Aurora High school last Monday Many Inquiries are coming into the recorder's " office for teachers. '"The kappas will give a dancing party at the Lincoln on Friday. The senior class will give Its annual prom, at the Auditorium on' May 3. Have Weber Bros, 'fix your spring clothes. N. Iv. corner 11th and O sts. Professor Grummann has been called to Indianapolis by the death of his father. Miss Helen Lowerle entertained a few of her .friends at her home Tues day evening. Rev. Asa Sleoth, of Plattsmouth, at tended the Phi Gamma Delta banquet Friday evening. Corset bargains at The Evans-Malone Co., 1230 O st. Summer net, 25c and 49c; batiBte, 49c. See those Craveneit overcoats, for rain or dress coat; never wet" through. Ewlng Clothing Co. Jack Best Is able to resume his work In tho armory after an absence of three weeks on account of sickness. Miss HartBough, of MInden, a mem ber of the sophomore class, is ill at her home with an attack of smallpox. The Junior Annual board announces that Tho Sombrero will make Its ap pearance on April 30th; at 10 o'clock. It has been found Impossible to ar range for a game between Pennsyl vania and Iowa. No Buttablo dato could lie found. Professor Hodgeman haB so far re covered from an attack of rheuma tism .as to be able to meet his classes this week. The engineers nro contemplating having uniforms, next year, consisting of Stdt'son hats,' blue flannel shirtsand. corduroy .pants. This is tho custom of the Colorado school of mines and many other, institutions of tho sort. - 1$. A. Kemmlsh has been obliged to leave srthool owing to tho illness of his father. He will not re3umc his studies until next fall. Let us show you our oxcluslvo line of negligee shires and all, tho novelties in the tio line. The Evails-Mulono Co., 1230 6 street. The best place In the olty for satis factory barber work Is Westerflold's. 117 N. 13th St. Give him a trial and you will bo a regular customer. Will L. Unzike'r, of Omaha, came down Friday to attend the Phi Gam ma Delta banqdot. Ho Is being enter tained at tho fraternity house. Prof. A. Ross Hill visited Professor Patrick at tho University of Iowa last week. A dinner was given In his honor by President and Mrs. MacLean. Ewlng Clothing Co. .are tho solo agents for Stein-Bock Co. clothing, the best made; suits from $15.00 to $25.00 better than can be purchased for twice that money elsowhere. Tho April Kioto will be out Thurs day. Tho cover design Is by Edgar Sliaw. Among other tilings tho issue will contain a poem by Elsie Blandln, and a story by Isabel Hamilton. The, -arrangements for the senior promenado are progressing in a most satisfactory manner. H. A. Tukey is chairman of tho committee. Many alumni from out of town are expected to attend. Rev. Thomas Morey Hodgeman, father of Professor Hodgeman, died at his home In Rochester. N. Y., April 1. He was a prominent minister of the Presbyterian faith and held the pastor ate of one of the leading "churches of Rochester at the time of his death. Students intending to study den tistry will find the Lincoln Den:al Col lego thoroughly up to date, and owned by Lincoln dentists who are sparing no energy or expense to make It an In stitution of merit. For further infor mation address Lincoln Denial Col lege, 206, Richards block. A meeting of the board of officers of tho Historical Society will bo held the latter part of this week, for the pur pose of transacting important business connected with the appropriation re ceived from the legislature. The ap propriation of $10,000 is very satisfac tory, as It approaches the society's es timate of $13000. The Tennis Association met Wed nesday afternoon, April 3, and elected the following officers: President, Will Holt; vice president, R. T. Hill; secre tary, Walter Hlltner; manager and treasurer, Earl Farnsworth. The asso ciation will hold a series of matches the latter part of April to decide who shall play -in the singles and doubles in the return game with Kansas. Games will he played with the Y. M. C. A. and other local teams. There is a possibility of games with Wisconsin and Minnesota. Tho announcement has been made by Chancellor Andrews that" Brooks Adams will deliver tho commencement oration before the graduating class Juno 13th. Mr. Adams Is a. lawyer, traveler and lecturer of considerable note. Hi's subject will be "Tho Rela tion; of a Written Constitution to an Expanding Empire and tho Position which the Next Generation Will Hold to Nineteenth Century Ideas." All studonts who wish to havo their work adjus od to tho Collogo of Liter ature, Science and tho Arts (elective courso) should attend to tho matter at once. Nothing will bo gained by waiting until next fall. After this yeur'no advance credits from high schools will bo given wan out oxamluntlon. Ei.i.kn S.Mini, Itcuislrar, A vnluablo .donation has been re colvod by tho librarian, consisting of ihe private library or Simon Kerl of Oakland, Neb., .lumbering abput 2,000 volumes. Tho collection contains a number of valuable works on history, lltcraturo and education. Mr. Kerl was a scholar ot some jioto thirty or forty years ago, and is the 'author of a mini bor of works. Tho library Is now being catalogued and will bo do3lgna ed by a specially designed plate bearing tho inscription,- "The Simon Kerl Library." Commandant Brown returned from Fremont 31ondaj, whero he had been, to make arrangement for tho cadet camp. .The business men of Fremont, under the leadership of the Knights of St. Eob Rugus, havo shown a great In terest In the encampment and It prom ises to be one ot the mos. successful over held. A grand ball will probably be given home time during tho week. Camp will begin May 29 and will last five days.- The proposition was brought before each company to buy campaign hats, leggings and blue flannel shirts instead of duck trousers, and seemed to meet wi.h general approval. The Junior Annual, The Sombrero, is now in the hands of the printer. The proof sheets give an Idea of the excellence of work to be expected. The typo faces are all of the latest designs, which enhances the effect of tho com bination of fine halt-tone engravings and zinc plate etchings printed on the bes: of enamel book paper. The press work will bo of the usual high grade of that well known Arm of Jacob North & Co., and the fact of its being In their hands guarantees perfection in Its typographical construction. Tho cover has a unique and original design stamped on its front surface, and It Is needless to say that the binding will bo such as Is to be expected of high class journeymen of that craft. Captain Daly of the Harvard foot ball team had recently received an ap pointment to West Point. SENIOR CLASS MEETING. At tho tenior class meeting held last Thursday the Invitation to attend the reception by th6 juniors was accepted. The recoptlon will take place On April 2Cth. Preparations for the Ivy day program were made.. A large number of girls attended tho meeting and car ried a motion requiring the boys to wear caps and gowns on commence ment day. Tho boys say that the mo tion is In vain. STUDY OF-NEBRASKA TREES. (By tho Department of Agriculture.) Washington, D. C, April 6, 1901. The Division of Forestry of tho U. S. Department oi Agriculture has decided to mako a thorough examination, dur ing the coming summer, of tree growth In the State of Nebraska. Tho object of this examination Is to determine If forest production on a large scale Is possible In this region. Throughout the greater part of Nebraska there is but a sparse timber growth, while por tions of tho Stato are practically tree less. Fromthe results of tho proposed investigations tho Division of Forestry hopes to devlso means for improving and extending tho present forest growth, jxml, in tho case of tho treo less regions, to formulato a plan of tree planting wheroby tho waste lands may be reclaimed. Tho bo3t methods of tr.ee culture will bo considered and a careful study will bo mado of cli mate, soil, and the natural enemies of trees in this roglon. For several yeai'3 past the Division of Forestry, through l:s Soctlon of Treo Planting, Iui3 been Investigating the forest growth In sovoral of tho Mid dle Wc3torn States. Tho agento se lected for tho work to be done In Ne braska v,hl3 summer are men who havo a practical knowledge of the existing conditions, and aro well lit tod for tho task of making an exhaustive study of tho region. 1 ho results obtained from this tour of Investigation will bo of value to several of the neighbor ing States, for in Kansas, South Da kota, and portions of Eastern Colorado, nnd Wyoming much the same condi tions exist. Tho valley of tho Plat e River, from Plattsmouth to Kearney, and tho en tlio western hah' of tho State, will constitute tho field of inves:lgatlon. About May t. two representatives of the Division will begin work at Platts mouth and go up the river examining and classifying tho growth of rees. Especial attention will bo paid to the distribution Of specie3, and to all ef forts to cultlvato considerable bodies of timber. In tho inves.lgation of tree-planting experiments the failures as well as ths successes will be noted, for it Is desirable to obtain all possl blo information on tho subject. It Is expected that Kearney will bo reached before July 1. At this point the party will be increased to six mem- bors and will bo equipped with a com- pleto camp outfit and saddle horses. Tho following four months will bo spent in work that will practically cover the western half of the State.. The line of travel will be from Kear ney to tho western boundary of the Stato, along tho Platte, thenco north east to Crawford, and then In a gen eral southeasterly direction through the sand hills, and down the Middle Loup River to Loup City. A wide strip of territory can bo studied on each side of the route, as tho party will be mounted, and partic ular attention is to bo given to tho distribution and reproduction of the Yellow Pine. Nebraska is tho meeting ground of the plains and mountain floras, and for this reason much val- uablo and Interesting information is likely to bo obtained. Cooperation by tho people along tho route to be taken by tho government party will greatly facilitate tho work. Tho Division of Forestry has receiv ed sufficient encouragement from work already done In Nebraska to warrant tho thorough examination that is to bo made this summer. Tho fact that many treo growers In tho Stato arc already realizing substantial profits from planted timber is noteworthy. A number of men who have had wide experience in dealing with tho prob lem of forestry In Nebraska havo writ ten to the Division of Forestry stating that there Is no doubt in their minds of the possibility of Increasing tho present scant growth of trees, and agreeing that oven tho sand hills can be forested. Among those who havo- expressed such an opinion are Ex-Soc-fetary of Agriculture, J. Sterling Mor ton; Prof. Charles E. Bessoy, of tho University of Nebraska; C. S. Harri son, President of the Nebraska Parle and Forest Association; and E. ' F.. Stephens. The rapid spread of interest in for estry wjll soon bring landowners to realize that timber may bo considered ' r