The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Tim Nebraskan-Hespeiuan
Your sisters now unlto and nil In
great delight,
Cheer for Uota Mu, of Kappa Kappa
"Oh, K. K. G., Oh, K. K. G., tho frat
that 1 adore; .
Oh, K. K. G., Oh, K. K. G., I lovo thee
more and more.
Thy badge It Is tho golden key,
Thy llowor It la tho ilour-de-lls,
And thou'rt tho only frat for me,
Oh, K. K. G."
"Oh, hero's to U. of N., drink her down,
Oh, here's to U. of N., drink her down,
Oh, hero's to U.'of N., with her women
and her men,
Oh, here's to U. of N., drink her down,
down, down,
Oh, here's to U. of C, drink her down,
Oh, here's to U. of C, rich and pros
perous as can be, etc.
Oh, hero's to D. A. A., drink her down.
Oh, here's to D. A. A., who has made
our trip so gay, otc.
Oh, here's to Beta Mu, drink her down,
Oh, hero's to Beta Mu, with her keys
so bright and new, ec.
Oh, here's to K. K. G., drink her down,
Oh, here's to K. K. G., she's the only
frat for me," etc,
The menu cards woro decorated with
hand painted fleur-de-lis and on tho
table was a profusion of roses, Inter
mingled with the blue and blue.
Monday tho girls returned to Lin
coln, leaving good cheer behind and
bringing with them the fondest of
Tho first game of tho season was
played Saturday with the Lincoln high
school and resulted In a score of 19 to
5 in the university's favor.
Gains pitched tho entlro game and
held the high school down for the first
seven innings His work was very
"satfsfactory. Maloney and Doane
caught. Bell played first, Reeder sec
ond, Hood and Johnson third, Captain
Rhodes and Crandall in the Infield and
Raymond, Do Putron, and Brittenham
In the outfield.
The first games of tho regular sched
ule will be played with tho Omaha
league team on the campus this after
noon, tomorrow and Friday. These
will ho among the best games of the
Raymond L F Carter
Rhodes S S Toman
Bell R F Letcher
DePutron C F Reid
Gaines IB Calhoun
Reeder 2 B Stewart
Hood B McAndrews
Doan "1 C Lanzon
Malony Giade
Gaines "1 ( Graham
Townsend I I Freeland
. Tho schedule for the remainder of
the season is as follows:
Omaha, at Omaha, April 22, 23,
May 4.
Simpson college, Indianola, May G.
Iowa State, Iowa City, May 7.
Notre Dame, Notre Dame, May 8.
South Bend, South Bend, May 9.
University of Indiana, Bloomlngton,
May 10.
Purdue, Lafayette, Intl., May 11.
Missouri State, Columbia, Mo., May
Missouri State, Columbia, Mo., May
Missouri Wesloynn, Cameron, Mo.,
May 15.
Kansas .State, Lawrence, Kas., May
Washburn college, Topoka, May 17,
St. Marys, St. Marys, Kas., May 18.
Manhattan. Manhattan, Kas., May
On' the Homo Grounds:
Missouri, April 19, 20.
Knnsas, April 2G.
Washburn, April- 30.
Highland Park, May 22.
Minnesota, Juno 1.
Mrs. F. M. Hall will address tho Y.
M.- C. A. Sunday afternoon upon the
subject of "Art In Religion." This Is
the first of a series of special addresses
which will bo delivered during the re- i
mninder of the year. Tho entire series
was outlined In these columns last
H. W. Brown Drug Book Co:
All sizes of Nebraska Folio History Paper,
, and all other supplies for Students
Wc shall have all the best new books as soon as published. Call and see us.
Phone 68. 12 South Eleventh Street.
BATE. The following persons have been se
lected to represent Nebraska In the
debate with Missouri and Colorado:
With Missouri, Nebraska will havo the
negative; Messrs. Berkey, Craft and
Cronin will debate for Nebraska; with
Colorado, Nebraska has tho affirmative
and will be defended by Messrs. Paul
son and Flnson and Miss Anstlne.
Tho samo question will be debated
at both debates. The question Is, Re
solved, that the United States should
construct, own, operate, and forilfy
tho Nicaragua canal.
flSNvlBusSRlinlli Ifi 1 1
Kodaks, & Cameras,
J Premos and Pocos
Phi Gamma Delta held their annual
banquet on last Friday evening at the
Lincoln Hotel. An eleven course din
ner was served. The toast list was as
R. E. Moore, toastmaster.
"The Founding of Lambda Nu," Ed
R. Harvey.
"Lambda Nu in the University of
Nebraska." Leonard Hurtz.
"The Ladies," Arthur Chester Pan
coast. "Advantages of a Chapter House,"
Walter M. Hopewell.
"Fraternity Ideals," Rev. Asa Sleeth.
"The East and the West," Professor
"Our Fraternity," Dr. Ross.
"Alumni Organization," 'Francis J.
Informal toasts.
The following graduate and active
members were present: R. E. Moore,
toastmaster; Dr. E. A. Ross,, Rev. Asa
Sleeth, Prof. T. L. Lyon, W. L. Unzlc
ker, A. H. Sheldon, Francis J. Plym,
Charles E. Barber, W. M. Hopewell,
A. C. Pancoast, George Kimball, C. H.
Adams, Professor MaggI, Charles E.
.ells, Roy B. Adams, Edward R. Har
vey, Tannics Johnson, Charles F. Mann,
James McGeachtn, W. R. McGeachln,
Leonard E. Hurtz, Claire R. Mudge,
Fred F. Hurtz, and Fred M. Sanders.
An alumni association was organ
ized, of which R. E. Moore was made
president and Francis J. Plym secretary.
D, E. DePutron,
17 North Eleventh St. Opposite Richards MUck.
University of Nebraska School of Music
Is Planning for greater things in all departments
for the coming year. Students who contem
plate the study of Music should enquire regard
ing special offers.
Bring Your Wheel Out
Have it cleaned and repaired at the Lincoln Novelty
Works and save time by riding to your eight o'clock
class. If yon have no wheel come and buy one.
Any price from 20.00 up to 75.00.
Cleveland 10.00 to 10.00
Crescent 25.00 to 85 00
Stearns 40.00 to 50.00
Al-Ard 45.00 to 50.00
riodel Making and Repair Work of All Kinds
23 1 South nth St.
Lincoln, Nebraska
The Lincoln Novelty Works
JOHN LOVE, Proprietor
Alpha Theta Chi gave a dancing
party at their chapter house, llll H
St., on last Thursday evening. The
decorations were palms, carnations,
and fraternity colors. The programs
were tied with the colors. Ices were
served during tho ovoning. Those pres
ent were: Dr. and Mrs. Pound, Misses
harper, Edgren, Foster, Miller, Shaw,
Davenport, Manrid, Daniels, Sedgwick,
Howell, Henry; Messrs. Martin, Long
ley, Brown, Lawler, HIgglna, Roberts,
Story, Piper, xVndrews, Hill, and Dr.
The California Route
Is via The Burlington
A Tourist Sleeper leaves Lincoln for
... Los Angeles ...
without change.
Leave Lincoln every Tuesday 10:55 a.m.
Leave Lincoln every Thursday 6:00p.m.
Remember, the through car line If THO BURLINQTON.
City Ticket Of I ice
Corner 10th and O Streets
Telephone 235
Burlington Depot
7th St., Between P and Q
Telephone 25