MMHteNMMMtMM The Nebraskan-Hespkrian J OTfkUl JlMKONNCCmCMtS Sophomore party will bo held nt Walsh hall, ..arch 29. Junior class meeting will bo held March 12, at 6 p.m., in the old chapel. N.A. LOPHM, M.I. II. A ltritAun HYGIENIC CAFE STRICTLY VEGETARIAN Agents for Sanitary Nut FobdCot tf Battle Creek, riichlgan. 316 South Twel th Street You Are InvlteJ Tickets PurnlMted CHEMISTRY EXAMINATION. The examination for students con ditioned in Chemistry I, will bo hold in room 12, Chemistry Laboratory, on Saturday, March 1G, from 2 to 4 o'clock. The faculty has decided to drop the course preparatory to law and journal Ism from the curriculum at the cioso of the present academic year. The elective system makes such a coursel unnecessary. Tho faculty voted, also, that here after regular students must havo com pleted or provided for all entrance re quirements before they may enter up on college work, unless excused there from by the Examiner. Those studentfi who wish to change from an old group to the now elective course, must have their work reau justed by the examiner. There are over two hundred students who pur port to be registered in the elective course who have neglected this. They aro requested to attend to this matter without delay. Students entering the University from accredited schools will sccuro col lege credits for work done in the high school by written examinations at the timo of entrance. The total amount of credit granted for such work shall not exceed twelve hours. The number of credit points granted for work done in accredited schools shall be limited 'four each Semester. The following sub-freshmen and freshman subjects will be carried at the University next year as follows: Cicero, 3 hours each semester for one year. Virgil, 5 hours each semester for one year. German, 5 hours each semester for two years. French, 5 hours each semester for two years. Greek, 5 hours each semester for two years. Mathematics X, 5 hours for one semester. Mathematics I, 5 hours for one semester. Chemistry A, 2 hours for two semesters. When the above subjects are carried at the University as college studies they will be credited in full. When carried as sub-freshman studies they will be credited as follows: Cicero, 3 houra each semester, two points. Virgil and Ovid, 5 houra each semester, two points, plus 2 hours of collego credit. German two years, 5 hours each semester, five points. French two years, f hours each semes ter, five points. Greek two years, f hours each semester, 5 points. Math ematics X, 5 hours for one semester, one point, plus 1 hour of college credit. Mathematics I, 5 hours for one Homes ter, one point, plus 1 hour of college credit. Chemistry A, 2 hours each semester, one point. Hendry's Restaurant Steak, Chop, Plsti, Oysters, Oame, Roasts, Chile-conCA'iie A SPECIALTY Private Dining Rooms or Parties. Open all night. Ex-'el'entCiiMne. Prompt Service. Phone 896 29 North Ilth Street Line tn. Neb. The Lincoln Academy Cor. ntli rind Q Stn. CELEGEand UNIVERSITY PREPARATION , Alfred M. VUon. TPH. D. (Ynle), Trlrclpnl Photographer 1029 0 Street We hnve nil the Intent Sty'es of Mounts nnd FlnUh. CtnM and School Groups sol lei I rd. Liintern Slides made on short notice. Spednl rates to Students. Reference: Senior Class, 1000. Our ThHst C Jy. Trey Tot4 Choice CufTloivers 733 O Street Long Distance Pljenc S03 Lincoln, fleb. Hardware, Groceries, Buggies, Stoves, Furniture, and Supplies of all Kinds at the Lowest Prices. FARMERS SUPPLY ASSOCIATION 130 N. 13TH ST., LINCOLN, NEB. Send for our Catalogue. flood Work. , pPHlar Pfe STUDENTS FSPECIAtLY INVITED TO CALL, .,. RICHARDSON & FERGUSON barber - - SHOP IM4 O Street The Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON GARTER "Is stamped mod every loop. The CUSHION; BUTTON I .CLASPi Lies flat to the kg never ' Slips, Tears nor Unfastens. I SOLD EVERYWHERE. SumplBTxIr.StlkeOc. Cotton liSr. . Mailed on receipt of price. fOCO. PBOBT CO., Hilars - iHiiwo, SMI,, U.H.A, :very Pair Warranted- I ill Complete Outfitters OP Scbcoi laboratories Importers and Jobbers OP i)emi$!$' aJ(s$ayer$' ypM$ Write for Gttatocue. The Denver Fire Clay Co. Denver, Colorado. I w MMibovKffl)m 9 Or SPRING OPENING SALE Beginning Monday, March It, and continuing for a week. A special event Introducing the Spring Things, and placing the goods you need now, and will have to have very soon, at your disposal at figures not very far above the actual wholesale price. DOAESTlC DEPARTMENT. Dark Prints, full standard in remnants, worth 7c, sale price per yard.. 334c New Percales dark and medium, special price per yard 7c New Spring Comforts, light or heavy -weight, full size, covered with silkaline or sateen, price $1.00, 81.50, $1.75, and up to .2.25 LINEN DEPARTMENT. Linen Crash worth 10c, snlc price per yard 6c Double Satin Table Damask, pure linen, worth $1.00, sale price per yd. 73c Linen Towels good weight, worth 15c, sale price each He You ought to see our Spring Line of White Goods. Anything that Anybody Wants is here. WASH GOODS. New Spring Dimities, 28 inches wide, sile price per yard 8Jc Satin Stripe Dimity, mill ends, sell at 50c a yard in full pieces. Our price for these mill ends tin every way equal to regular goods) per yard 27c New English and Scotch Gingham, per yard 25c See Circulars for full particulars. &fefav&kewK&i(j You want the finest.. We have it! 3K CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY ' " &; & 330-332-334-336-338-340 OUIH ELEVENTH STREET. l5 V ;1 ItV Mri &5 :t m .X .J- . -iLi -?w- .