THE NEBRASKAN-HESrERIAN 1 I f L J. A. Woodanl visited at his homo in Aurora over Sunday. Miss Ztnsor is still absent from school on account of sickness. Miss Edna Harley, after a week's Illness, has returned to school. Nathan Kemmish visited his parents ot Woodbine, Iowa, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, of Palrbury, visited their son DcWitt last week. Dean Ringer attended the Y. M. C. A. convention at Evanston, Illinois. Miss Anna Edgren will givo a danc .ng party Friday evening, March 15. Miss Clara Smith was called homo last week. She will not return this semester. Miss Chamberlain, of tho German Department, spent Sunday at hor homo in Ashland. Senior themes arc ready for distri bution. Tho grades this year aro un usually high. Professor Lyon and Professor Bur nett addressed tho farmers' institute at Gerlg last week. Tho hats of tho Senior class are surely attractive and will prove a dis tinguishing cmblom. Miss Inez Manrid, who has been qr.ito ill for the past few weeks, fs back in school again. Russell Thorpe and ".Tudgo" Cooley, former students at the University, vis ited tho Betas last week. Dean Reese .was unable to meet his classes last Friday on account of an attack of throat trouble. N. M. Davidson '99 of Tecumseh at tended Co. B hop. Mr. Davidson vis ited at tho Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. Mr. Cross expects an appropriation by tho Regents this year to enable him to decorate tho campus with flow era and shrubs. Upon tho invitation of Chancellor Andrews, the committee on Fnanco, "Ways, and Means of tho Senate and House visited tho State Farm last week. The class in "Cities," under Pro fessor Ross is making an examination into tho location, street system, etc., of tho principlo American and Eu ropean cities. Profesor Taylor is giving a course this semester on tho History of Eco nomics. At present tho class 13 en gaged in a study of economic condi tions earl in tho seventeenth century. T, J. House, a former instructor at tho University, is In tho city visiting his brothor, Homer Houso. Mr. House is at present engaged in educational work at King Fisher. Oklahoma. Active work in bird study has been begun In tho department of entomol ogy. Tho local bird club meets In tho rooms of this department every Wed nesday night. Any ono interested is invited to attend. North Western University has re fused to play at Lincoln on next Thanksgiving. A most flattering of fer had been mado by tho local manage' mont.but the Chicago people did not ceO' fit to accept. " . " Dr. D. E. Pftlllips, professor of Phil osophy and Psychology In tho Univer sity of Denver, visited tho university early last week. Ho was tho guest of Professor Luckcy. On Monday ho lec tured bofore tho class in History of Education. Several of tho studonts received let ters from Miss Ileppnor recently. She Is still in Paris attending a university. After Easter she expects to go to Ger many, where sho wll spend tho re mainder of her timo until her return in September. Tho llnanco committco of u.o legis lature has rccommonded an appropria don or $589 000 for tho University 1 his includes $276,000 for salaries am 3i4,000 for expenses and new build mgs. It is probable that a wing o. tho new physics building will bo con structed. Tho Department of Bctany has just received a fine portrait of tho grea. naturalist, Charles Darwin. It is pro nounced by thoso who have seen It, to bo i-G best representation of this cm! nent man ever produced. It is a pla tino-type from the painting, by Collier, now in tho national gallery in London. Tho Historical Society has received a valuable consignment from Col. Ed ward Daniels. It consists of old bocks pamphlets, and valuable papers. Col Daniels was prominent before tho civil war in tho attempt to secure Kansas to tho sentiment of tho North. Aftei the war he was editor of a newspapei in Richmond. Professor Ward has recently receiv ed inquiries In regard to students who are capable of filling positions in zoological and physiological depart ments, from three of tho strongest mil verslties In the United States. This is a great showing for Nebraska stu dents ana tho department of zoology in tho University of Nebraska. At tho meeting of die Dolian Liter ary Society last Wednesday evening tho following officers were elected: , President, Mr. McCracken; vlce-presl dent, Mr. Teach; treasurer, Miss Han nah Pillsbury; secretary, Miss Annie Jones; musical secretaries, Misses Doane and Williams; slate bearer, Wm. Reedy; sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Garret. The Department of Zoology has re cently published two numbers of "Studies from the University of Ne braska Zoological Laboratory." .No. 29 Tho Helminthologlcal Work of J. S. Lledy, reprinted from tho archives "Do Parclteologlo." No. 40 On fresh water biological stations of the world, re printed from tho annual report of tho Smithsonian Institute. At tho recent Y. M. C. A. election tho following officers wore chosen: Presidont, Clara Walton; vice-president, Emily Jenkins; secretary, Anna Jones; treasurer, Minnie Case. At tho suggestion of Miss Condo'an advisory committee was organized. This com ml too Is composed of tho wives of members of the faculty, women in structors, and alumnoj. Tho first meeting was held at the homo of Mrs. Ward. Tho duties ami p.ans of work were freely discussed. ' THE BATALLION. The cadet batallion numbors at pre3 oni about 287 men including compan ies, band and staff ofllcors. Now men aro reporting for drill daily and it Is hoped that by 8prlng,jvo will havo one 1 of tho strongest batalllons ever in tho j University. The present ofllcors are a follows: Co. "A" Captain Tukoy and Lieuten ants Abbott and Stuhr. Co. "B." Captain Klingc and Lieu tenants Hull and Shane. Co. "C" Captain Langer and Lieuten ants McGeachln and MacMaster. Co. "D" Captain Barnes and Lieuten ants HGwitt and Barry. New order of drill for tho coming season was announced last Monday. Monday evenings aro given over to Inspection and company cirill. Wed nesday, Guard Mount and Friday Dross Parav.o and Batallion Drill. 2k ! MAR LIN ISS?AGTii For Trap or Field Shooting, combine the elegance of outline, perfection of balance, case of taking apart and quality of finish of the best double cuns with the superiority in sighting and shooting of the single barrel, and also possess the rapidity of 9ier- Si JHSH?!2F capacity or M A R LI N REPEATING RIFLES. 120-pacecat-slog of arms and ammunition, colored cover by Osthaus, mailed for 3 stamps. Marlin Firs Arms Co., New Havrn, Ct. 3.iE?3mBm.mmNttJtt?. wti&sdffozs&ms't&E: I i I liBSiSBiSSSSSSBBSBiBBBBI PPPPPPJPvdfflpBHH The University of Nebraska School of Music Is Planning for grenter things in all departments for the coming year. Students who contem plate the study of Music should enquire regard ing special offers. W I Iv L A R D KIMBALL The Omaha Medical College, OMAHA, ftBWlWriBmiffirfflnrilTiBB mmm!MiwmmjrmMBUmB PPPHHHfrtBTiSHHiPMn Tho annual moot of tho Nebraska inter scholastic athlotic association will bo hold on tho campus on tno third or fourth Saturday In May. Tho events will bo: Hundred yard dash, polo vault, high jump, half inilo run, 220 yard hurdle, 440 yard dash, mllo run, 120 yard high hurdle, broad jump, relay race. '"Spmfof THE UNION PACIFIC Has Authorized One-Way Excursion Rates t California of $25.00 from kansas and nebraska points Also to points In Vtnh. Idnlio. Montana, Oregon, mid Washington, ns follows: Ogdcn and Salt Lake City, Utah $23.00 Butte and Helena, Mont 23.00 Portland, Ore. 25.(10 Spnknnc, Wash 25.01) Tncoma and Seattle, Wash 25.00 Tickets will be sold March 5, 12, 10. 26, 1901 April 2. 9, 16, 23,30, 1901. e. B.SLOSSON, Agent. .BICYCLES. For Ignj v The "World," "Olive" and other 57.high grade wheels, at H. E. SIDLES CYCLE CO. 110-112 North 13th Street. The most thoroughly equipped and up-to-date Repair chop In the city. Director NEBRASKA. STRICTLY four-year court Medical College, the require ments of which are fully up to those of the American Associa tion of Medical Colleges, and the laws ol the different states. The new building furnUhes the most perfect laboratory rooms In the West. Most excellent clinics are held by the professors of the College In five of the six Omaha Hospitals. Por Information address, DR. EWING BROWN, SECRETARY 1026 Pr!cAvs, OMAHA, NEB. . .. 'i .(... 7" t; '. - m v 4.' w fl itJMMisajmwaj)