The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 12, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Nebraskan-Hesperian.
alumni department
"Bill" Hayward, 9G, visited tho uni
versity while In tho city last week.
Fred C. Coolcy, '98, now at Denver,
was in tho city a few hours las!. Fri
day to visit his mother.
Walter B. Pillsbury '92, has recent
ly been appointed to a full professor
ship In Pyschology at the University
of Michigan.
A. B. Lyons, '95, a senior law, has
been appointed private secretary to
Speakers Sears of the house of representatives.
Will L. Westerman, '91, who is study
ing at Berlin will leave shortly for a
tour of study in Greece. He will tako
his degreo in 1902.
Mr. J. A. Johnson, '00, is In tho city
visiting his brother, who is attending
graduate school. Mr. Johnson is
teaching at Dakota City; at present
his school Is enjoying a week's vaca
Miss Nina Prey, who is teaching in
Hagnas, Porto Rico, has written co
Professor Luckey concerning her work.
She expresses herself as well pleased
with tho country and the people. An
appropriation of $200,000 for the pur
pose of building and equipping schools
has been made recently by congress.
Mr. Jeremiah Rebmann, '98, former
.y of tho First Nebraska Volunteer
Regiment, has been engaged for some
weeks past in naming the collection of
Philippine) and Mexican woods sent to
tho Department of Botany; tho first
by Major Pershing, and tho other by
Miss Nina Prey. Mr. Rebmann'o fa
miliarity with the. Spanish names of
plants has been of great-service in this
A. E. Anderson, '88, paid a visit to
old alumni at the University last Tues
day, .no is at present engaged In
ranching with headquarters at Geneva,
Nebraska. Mr. Anderson la a brother-in-law
of Ida Robblns, and also of C.
B. Robulns, '98. Tho appearance of Mr.
Anderson was sufficient to recall to his
old University friends an incident of
his senior year in which he took an
active part, not through his own In
clinalionn however.
It was In December 1887. Although
early In the school year, tho strife be
tween tho two upper classes had al
ready shown itself. Tho seniors had
planned a meeting of a social character
out on South Seventeenth street. Far
enough away to Insure peaco they
thought. But long beforo the mem
bors had assembled, tho place of meet
ing was surrounded by tho enemy.
Every bush, fence, and out houso In
tho vicinity sheltered one or more
juniors ever on tho alert.
At the appointed timo a concentrat
ed attack was inailo on tho unsuspect
ing seniors. Ah a result (Jvo of the
latter woro bound and carried away
desplto their struggles. Tho captive!
woro carried a half mile away to the
old baso ball park which was at Nine
teenth and R streets. Here, ono of
tho prisoners, J. A. Barrett, after tug
ging at his bonds succeeded in loos
ing them, and slipped away In the
darkness. By following a circuitous
path, across tho fields of stubble, up
alleys, and through back yards, ho
succeeded in again Joining his assoc
iates Tho four remaining A. E. Anderson,
O. B. Polk, J. R. Scofleld, and C.'S.
LobJngor, woro more securely bound,
then 'loaded Into a wagon and taken
Into Iho country. After a drlvo of
about an hour tho human freight was
deposited In a barren widely separa......
.rom any habitation.
By assisting each other tho four
deserted ones were soon freed. Af
ter stretching their stiffened limbs
they started on tho weary six mile
tramp back to civilization.
Each one sought tho seclusion of his
own homo except Anderson. His in
jured spirit longed for revenge and ho
nurrled toward tho police station. Ac
companied by a "Cop" he started to
tho scene of the capture. Prior to
this tho seniors, by a sortie from the
house, had succeeded in capturing two
juniors who portrayed tho wen known
features of Logan Stevens and D. D.
Forysythe. They fed these gener
ously on vinegar, bread, and im.k and
like delicacies, and then freed them.
They had just adjourned and were
leaving for home, when Anderson ap
peared. Although tho janitors were
still In the vicinity, none of them
were kind enough to deliver them
selves. So the man with tho brass
coat and blue buttons was compelled
iO r turn empty-handed and Mr. An
derson went to his room to attempt
to drown his sorrow In soothing
PEAK. Department of Botany of the
University offers a course In field Ec
ology to be given In tho Rocky Moun
tains about Pike's Peak. Tho head
quarters of the party will be at Min
nehaha, altitude 8,300 feet, on the Man
itou and Pike's Peak railway. The
wor. will begin tho first of July and
close the first of September and will
be in charge of Dr. Frederic E. Clem
ents. The florlstics of tho subalplne
and alpine regions will be studied as
an introduction to the Investigation of
the plant formations with respect to
their structure and distribution. The
especial work of the course however,
will be the interpretation of Individual
and vcgetational adaptations in the
light of a thorough examination of the
physical factors present in the differ
ent formations and a series of experi
ments in the field to determine the ef
ficient factors in alpine vegetation.
A microscopical laboratory with he
usual accessories will be fitted up in
Spruce Ridge Cottage. Tnere aie no
fees in connection with the course, ex
cept a registration fee of two dollars
for those desiring University credit.
The probable expense for the two
months excluding railway fare will be
aoout fifty dollars.
Made to Order. Wc have a new machine,
the only one in the City. Call and see seme of cur wcik.
he University of Minnesota
College of Medicine
and Surgery,...,,,,,.,,,,
The thirteenth Annual Course of Lectures will
cormiruce on the l!Hh day of Sfiiciiilt(r, Ituio,
and will cotitiniu' eight and oiic-lmlf moiitlifl. Tho
course is graded and covers a period of four years.
Medical Nail, the Laboratory of Medical Seieuee,
the Laboratory of Medical C'heniiHiry, and tho
Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the Cani-
Eufl. The clinical opportunities atTorded by tho
oHpitaln and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St.
Paul are at the command of the College. For out
door clinical service a new clinical building has
been built in a central location.
For information address,
TLre You Thinking about Your Next
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Good up to date Wheels for . . . . $20 00
The Lincoln Novelty Works
JOHN LOVE, Profit ielor
231 South tlth St.
Lincoln, Neb.
PhytogcoKraphy of Nebraska by Drs.
Pound ana Clements has just been is
sued by tho Botanical Seminar un
der nutnority of tho Regents.
Our foreign policy, the
currency, the tariff, Im
migration, high license,
woman suffrage, penny
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Direction for organizing
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