. n. '"p. ..ffial6wfyy;y..1-aTf::..- &. ,1 -rl.-...,-...' ,- ..,.. - ..m,.., jbh,,....,. " " ' " "" ' ( '. . ' ' ' THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN Vol. 0-30. No. 21. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 12, 1001. Five Cknts. r--.' why? Legislators Seeking for Information in Regard to University Matters. Gel ting Reidy to Form Appropria tion Bill for Mntc Institutions. A Liberal Appropriation for the University. During tho past week n numbor of legislators bnvo asked for back num bers of tho Nobra3kan-Hosporlnn con taining matter pertaining to tho needs of tho university. The contest over tho sonatorshlp Is not preventing the legislators from giving their attontlon to other matters which must soon como before thorn for action. Tho fi nance committee of the House has been spending consldoralle time visiting the different stato Institutions. "Within tho last week wo havo re coved several questions asked by leg islators looking for Information re garding tho university. We lake pleas ure in answering tnom In this number and wo shall bo glad to carefully look up any Information desired by the mombors of tho legislature. I. "In 1895 an appropriation of $75, 000 was granted for tho completion of tho library building. Tho contract was let for $55,000. What uso was made of the other $20,000?" Tho following is a correct statement of tho uso mado of this appropriation and may be verified by referring to tho bionnial reports of tho Board of Regents. . IiOgiHlaUvo appropriation of 1805, 4 Total appropriation ' "- ' $73,000 msnunsKURvrs Architocta' feos, changing plans. $ 557 03 .Supt. of construction 70UIK) Gonorol ontruot 60,038(0 Heating and voutilating appara- in building 4.482 110 Stoam connections from boilor houflo i!,nr4r. Now bailor f r boating building. 2.302 112 Water and sewerage connections to bnlldlng . . 3 Wi Electric lighting and boll sorvico 2,377 69 Furaiture.ineluding blackboards, curtains, a irpets.book shelving, tables, chairs. do iks.otc 0,010 20 Incidental, inc uding freight, transfer of books, eto 381 70 Total 873,1 0) 00 In the above, totals for the differont items aro given. "Vouchers for all these items can bo found In the state auditor's office. It may bo well to ex plain that one part of tho library had been built before, but no equipment put In. The following shows the uso mado of tho first appropriation. Legislative appropriation of 1801. Total appropriation S .7,000 niHUUUSIIMHNTS Architects' foos $2,038 60 Supt. of construction 1,407 72 Gonoral contract 32,280 oil Incidental oxponso 5-27 78 Total S37,uOO II. "Is It a fact that tho university charges tuition to students coming from other states, and If so, why is such a charge made?" A fee of $20.00 a year Is charged for students in the graduate school who are non-residents of Nebraska, be sides the matriculation fee of $5.00 and tho diploma fee of $10.00. There are .two reasons for 'hit. (1) To prevent the popularity of this department caus ing it to become overcrowded with istudents from other states to the dis advantage of tho sudpntB of our own ;state. (2) Tho attendance at the unl- far outgrown Its resources tr-nt It has boon doomed necessary to Institute somo special fco as a sourco of Income. III. "What proportion of tho stu dents of tho university como from the largo cities?" It Is difficult to answer this quostlon accurately from the printed statistics. Statistics, however, show that 42 per cent como direct from tho farms, that Is tho parents of 42 por cent live on the farms of the state. A largo number como from tho smaller towns. It Is probable that In proportion to popula tion tho attendance from tho larger cities is considerably less than that from tho smaller towns and tho coun try. Tho attendance In the school of agriculture has nearly doubled In the last year. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Tho association is planning to give an annual concert tho latter part of the month. Watch for more definite notice next week. Next Wednesday tho Y. W. C. A. will hold its annual business meeting. Thoro will be reports of the year's work and tho election of officers. Miss Cons n.ico MacCorkle, state socrotary, will spend this week Uoune College, visiting Ihe Young Wo men's Christian Association there. Two more Bible classes will lo or ganized studying tho life of Christ. There will be about sixty young wo mon doing systematic Bible study this semester. Mlf-s Constance MacCorkle who has lOccii -ealleaM;o(;be 'pjirBtajCo "eecfemrH has spent tho past week wKh tne Lin colr Tlty association. She has beeii state secretary of Missouri and Yir ginla. There are throe mission study class es started for this semester. One class will study Mr. Mott's book, "Tho Even golizatlon of the World In this genera ilon," tho other classes will study "Protestant Missions In South Ameri ca," one of those classos moots at one o'clock on Tuesday, the other at half past one on Saturday. Miss Bertha Condo, tho national stu dent socrotary of the Young Women's Christian Association win visit our association February 2G to March 4. She has beon spending tho winter In visiting associations in colleges and universities of Colorado, Iowa, and Michigan and wo may derive simllai benefit from her visit. DEATH OF MISS LANSING. Miss Mae M. Lansing died at the home of her mother on Saturday morn ing at 2:30. She was woll known in university circles and a member of the PI Beta Ph! sorority. The funeral services wero held from tho homo on Sunday afternoon and wero conducted by Rev. Mr. Manss. i'ho servlco was short and a touching trlbuto to the unselfish life lived by the one whose death will bo mourner; by all. Interment was made nt Wyuka cemetery. Tho contributions of flowers wero numerous and very beautiful. After tho short ceremony at the gravo, lilies, violets, and other flowers were scattered as a last tribute. Miss Leo Loomls has returned to her home In Fremont; she experts to ..start from there about the fiftnnnth of Feb ruary for a years, travel and atudy In Germany, CHARTER DAY PROGRAM. Thirty-second Annual Charter Day Cel.bration, Fridav. -"Education Through Rca ling," the Chan cellor's Address before tho Union Meeting of the Literary Societies. CHARTER DAV PROGRAM. TllUHSIUY, KKllltUAIlY 14. 4 p. m. Mooting of Board of Re gents. 8 p. m. Annual Address of tho so cloty of Sigma XI, Memorial Hall. 'Tho Conditions of Life at tho Bottom of tho Sea," Professor C. C. Nutting, tho siato Unlcrslty of Iowa. VUIDAY, miKUAIlY 15. 10 a. m. Phi Bca Kappa Initiation and annual address by the president. Tho parlors of tho University School oi! Music. 2 p. m. All departments of the Uni versity open to ine public. Music by Cadet Band in Grant Me morial Hall. Review of University Cadet Batal lion. Inspection by tho Governor and his statf. Drill by the Pershing Rifles, Memor ial Hall. 3 p. m. Annual Indoor Athletic con tost and exhibition, Memorial Hall. Thirty-second annual Charter Day Exercises. 8 p. m. Oliver Theatre: Overture, "Daughter of ..ho Reg -ment," Donizetti, University Cadet -Oal. - HImorfisque, iwuwwrmi-fw.'-w'&y' Cadet Banu. Charter Day Oration, "Tho State and Higher Education," Harry B. Hutchlns, LL. D Dean of ..he Law College Uni versity of Michigan. Quintet, Relssigor, Piano anu Strings. Conferring of Degrees. Ce lan tho, Waltz, He It-man. Uni versity Mandolin Club. EDUCATION THROUGH READTNG. On last Friday evening Chancellor Andrews delivered an address upon the subject of "Education Through Read ing," before a union meeting of tho threo literary societies. Tho meeting was held in the chapel and was well attended. Through tho courtesy of tho Chan cellor we are permitted to print the following abstract of his address: Roadlng may be dono primarily for the sake of the refined pleasure derived rrom the exercise. But I propose to discuss reading as an earnest occupa tion carried on with the direct pur pose of drilling and storing tho mind, the aesthetic result being quite secon dary. I am to speak first of the very groat encouragements to serious read ing which now exist and then of cer tain methods for utilizing those oppor tunities for profitable reading, open to all In our modern life. A cordial Invitation to wide reading is extended by the presence about us now-a-days of ample literature, repre senting every department of thought, in forms perfectly convenient and in credibly cheap. Good old books, news papers and innumerable magazines are easily accessible. Even tho master pieces in literature may be obtained at a very reasonable price. This vast literary treasuro contains tho riches gleaned from every ' gold bearing region of tho earth, the jewel from every tongue and past ago. The works of tho best ancient nnd modern writers can bo procured by everyone There Is a strong argument for learning foreign languages, for it is only in tho original tonguo that tho delicate shades of meaning can bo pro cured. Yet oven translations aro val uable in that wc can possess ourselves of the author's main thoughts. Tho best of literary productions can now bo secured in the public libraries. Another potent appeal to us to read Is that by properly using our privileges wo may become a well-informed well educated person. But reading cannot wholly take tho place of schooling. Class drill and tho inspiration de rived from tho ablo Instructors and from the student body aro necessary requirements, faocuro all tho schooling you can but do not uespalr If It Is Im possible, as you can read systematical ly and thus take your place among the knowing. You can in that way make yourself a cultivated person and ablo to instruct learned minds. It is men tal suicide to neglect tho possibilities from reading. But even if you havo had the ad vantage of a good schooling it is nec essary to build on that foundation by reading. Some say they do not like to read. But if we approach them by their es pecial avenue of interest wo may help to make them tho most interested of readers. One of the best methods of Leaching pepolejo road 's by the use or me laruung snore sto.u jt?ctnt 'Hoii-can-wo,- axisnon tlUto, uuuu tlvos to read? By saving every little scrap of time and devoting it to a good purpose. When on a trip always go provided with a pocket edition of some choice author so you can utilize tho too often wasted moments. Do not read, however, when you aro tired out, for tho mind noods rest just like the physical self. Change your reading material, now Euclid and now a comic paper o as to allow re .axation. But carefully select your matter. Do not spend loo much time on newspapers and magazines, but eschew as far as possible ordinary fiction and only indulge in tho excel lent. I recommend tho reading of more boolts and less pnriodical litera ture. The great ability of lnagizlno articles and book reviews has had of late the bad effect of aivertlng us from reading substantial books. Few old books are being read. I found a few year? ago by questioning, that out of a hundred und teu soniora only one knew anything about "Milton's prose works. It is a wonder and misfortune that so few essays are read now. In terest in this class of literature should be revived. It is rarely tha any person has time to peruse the whole of an author. If it is done it is usually for the purpose of boasting about attainment. One young lady who claimed to have read Shakespearo said she was quite famil iar with Romeo but Juliet was aiwaya out of the library when -she called tor it. As we cannot read all even of tho best it is necessary to select in litera ture some specialty aud do your read ing mainly along that line. If you are a member of a profession select that side literature, which goes alone with that profession in a genoral way.