The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 05, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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The Nkbraskan-HissperiA
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MIbb. Hattio Post of York is plociged
to Kappa Alpha Thotn.
MIbb Edith Abbott, recently elected
to Phi Beta Knppa, is pledged to Delta
Clara ma.
The hla'torloal Hocloty has Just re
ceived u display from the deaf tind
(html) liiBtltuto of Omaha. It coiibisls
principally of essays, drawings,
needle work, and wood work, and Is
very crcdltablo both in tho workman
ship and arrangement of thj) diCforoat.
articles:" '
C. II. Yost who coached tho Ne
braska foot ball team in '98 and who
was with tho Lcland Stanford team
last season will not return to tho Cali
fornia College next year. Ho 1b nego
tiating for tho position of head coach
at Ann Arbor but as yet no one has
been selected for that position.
A new house for college" settlement
work will probably bo purchased by
tho board in the near future. Tno
commlttco that has been canvassing
for funds' has been moetiug with
marked success. Between $400 and
$500 havo already been subscribed. It
is expected that tho subscription list
will be completed during the present
tho faculty teams of tho twoschools.
After a -fast tih'cV furious' but rather
unscientific game tho scoro resulted
8 to 7 in favor of tho Lincoln team.
Tho Interest of tho evening wna
centered in tho girls game. Lincoln
startod tho game by throwing throo
goals In rapid succession. This was
followed by thrco succosalvo goals by
Omaha and another by tho Lincoln
team. Tho half cltsed with tho scoro
8 to C in favor of Lincoln. In tin
second half after a goal by .Oraana
which mud6 a tie, tho scoro alternated
about evenly between the two teams.
The Omaha girls succeeded in throw
ing five goalB from tho field and one
from a foul. Tho Lincoln team throw
four goals making the Bcoro 17 to 1G
in favor of Omaha.
Music was furnished during tho
ovening by tho Ideal Mandolin Club
and tho Lincoln high school orchestra.
At tho meeting of tho university
senate last Friday ovening the matter
of allowing tho batalllon to go Into
camp next spring was brought up for
consideration. After a long discussion
It was finally decided to allow five days
apd a half for tho encampment, which
will begin Wednesday noon May 29th
and end Monday evening Juno 3rd, at
six o'clock. A resolution was passed
instructing tho registrar to arrange
the examination schedule so that the
examinations will begin Tuesday morn
ing InBtead of Monday morning.
A paper of especial interest to the
geological department, has Just been
received from Dr. Ludwig von Ammon
of Munich, entitled Uobpr das Vork
ommon von ' "Stelnschrauben" (Dae
monhilix) In der Oligocaenen Molosse
Oberbayerns. In it is described a min
iature of the Devils Corkscrow less
than six inches high, found in Ger
many and named Daemonhlllx Kra
merl. Among tho Illustrations are sev
eral figures of Daemonhllices In tho
Morrill geological collections of the
University of Nebraska.
A few of tho new Btudents who have
registered for the present term of tho
University School of Music aro Miss
Doda Gould, Fullerton, Neb.; Lodema
Gould, Fullerton, Neb.; Lorene Emery,
Lincoln; Josephine Day, Superior;
Josephine C. Cary, Grand Island;
Pearl Archibald, Lincoln; Jesslo Mull
iner, Lincoln; Archie Waters, Lincoln;
Hattie Post, York; Jessie Morgan, He
bron; Clarissa Lyman, Grand Island;
Mabol Martin, Onawa, la.; Eileen
Dart, Lincoln; Bertha Hunt, Lincoln.
gfrls basket ball game.
By a scoro of 1 to 1G tho girls
basket ball team of tho Omaha high
school defeated tho girls team of the
Lincoln high school last Saturday
evening at iho auditorium. Tho game
was close from start to flnisTi and
while not bo fast as tho game played
by mon'3 teams, It was roplota with
good plays and team work. Tho audi
torium was well filled with an enthu
siastic Lincoln crowd nearly every
available seat being taken. It was by
far. tho largest assemblage ever seen
at a basket ball gamo In Lincoln.
Boforo tho girls game and between
the halves tliero was a contest between
Tho General Committeo of tho
World's Student Christian Federation
at their meeting hold in Versailles,
Franco, In August, 1900, appointed
Sunday, February 10th, 1901, as tho
Universal Day of Prayer for Students.
Tho Committeo which has appointed
this day includes official representa
tives of tho Christian student move
ments of Germany, Scandinavia, Great
Britain, France, tho Netherlands,
Switzerland, the United States, Can
ada, Australia, South Africa, as well
as Japan, India, Ceylon, China, and
other mission lands, Including 1,400
student societies, with a membership
of G5.000 Btudents ana professors.
During tho past three years this day
has been observed in over thirty differ
ent countries by Christian students
and by people specially interested In
the work of Christ among students.
To ensure the most fruitful use of
tho day tho following points should be
(1) Let tho Christian students of
each university and college tako ad
vantage of this opportunity both by
entering into the heritage of tho pray
ers of Christians all over tho world
on behalf of students, and by putting
forth wise, earnest effort; and let the
day give a marked impetus to the
work of Christ among students. It
should be characterized, as In other
years, by real spiritual awakenings.
(2) Wherever practicable let the
Saturday preceding or tho Monday fol
lowing Sunday, February 10th, bo do
voted by tho Christian students to spe
cial meetings and to personal dealing.
(3) The prayers of tho Church
should bo enlisted on behalf of the
progress of Christ's Kingdom among
students. To this end let tho Call to
Prayer, together with facts regarding
tho student movement, bo printed in
tho religious papers. Let clergymen
bo requested to preach sermons In the
Interest of the spiritual welfare of stu
dents, and to call forth more prayer
for students.
(4) Lot tho primary object of the
day bo borne in mind and realized:
the promotion of Intercession on behalf
of Btudents. Tho great need in all
parts of tho student world Is that of a
mighty manifestation of tho power of
tho Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Word
of God and the- history of tho Church
prove abundantly that such a work of
tho Holy Spirit Is a direct result of
definite, fervent, and believing prayer.
On behalf of tho genoral committee
of the World's Student Christian Fed
eration, Karl Fries, Chairman, Stock
holm, Sweden. John R. Mott, General
Secretary, 3 West 29th Street, Now
York City.
December 1, 1900.
he University of Minnesota
College of Medicine
and Surgery,
The thirteenth Annual Oourso of Lcotures trill
commence on tho 10th day of September, 1000,
and will continue eight and one-half months. The
course is graded and covers a period of four yearn.
Medical Hull, the Laboratory of Medical Science,
the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and tho
Laboratory of Anatomy aro situated upon the Cam
pus. Tho clinical opportunities afforded by tho
lionpitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St.
Paul are at the command of the College. For out
door clinical service a new clinical building has
boon built in n central location.
For information address,
Of Music
pposite tbe Campus
Students contemplating the study of Music
and those who have friends desirous of in
formation concerning the advantages offered,
are cordially invited to visit the School and
and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue.
You can enter at any time,
H. W. Brown Drug "-"'Book Co. .
' A 11 sizes of Nebraska Folio, History Paper,
and all other supplies for Students
Vc shall have all the best nctv books as soon as published. Call and, see us.
Phone 6S. ,"n ,. - 127 South Eleventh Street.
'tb JLJiuiiicniaut: ud(Uico
Ice Cream
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nter Pattiti ad Charlotte Rousts
made (o order
Completely Parsed Caesar
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Completely ScanncJ anJ TarseJ AenciJ, I. HrodyAcgust, 1900.
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; Scioeliookt ofal'.flubl 'then at one tti're.