The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' . . "M ' i . VAiJiff ?&',' "2tL'T .UMBWdMIilMKy. ,T.1 "W.v-jtaiaaaggi?X.HK 48W.& .".;' i&V jfrAtfMEft . jJCM.JajajCTgj--j-- "" u
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Xdcal SfhV ftefibnat;
? Dr.-AVcntc, Dentist.
Do you know Hnnna?
i Dr. Angle, Skin Discuses; 1215 0.
J. Illdor, dentist,, $. W. Cor. 10 & 0.
Westerfield's egg shampoo is nil right.
P. J. Bontz, tlontlat, room 211 Rich-
ards block.
University Books at Osborn's Old
Book Store. 131 N. 12th.
L. W. Chaso' has been appointed as
assistant tool keeper in tho mechanical
engineering department.
t Jack Chowlns instrument maker for
the physics department has nn auto
mobllo In process of construction.
Melville Price, instructor- in median
lcnl drawing, who has been ill lor tho
past two weeks has rocoveroa suffi
ciently to meet his classes again.
At Powoll's Billiard nnd Pool Par
lor you can find first class entertain
ment free from all saloon influences.
14) S. 11th.
There is no question but Glen Rock
Lhmp is tho best and cleanest coal for
SJJ!.j7fi a ton in tho market. Gregory Tho
C0al Man at llth nnd O is solo agent.
?Tho small vertical engine formerly
liiilthe electrical laboratory has been
box up in the steam laboratory and will
boi used hereafter for experimental
C r
jji'rof. Stout head of tho department
ofj'plvll engineering, has been sick for
tnd past week and so was udablo to
conduct the 'examination In his depart'
HAt Richeson's Academy of Dancing,
social dancing every Friday evening
frihm 8 to 11 o'clock. Beginners classes
oi' Wednesday and Saturday. Acad
emy, 1132 N street. Phone. No. 1127. '
Elliott Graves, chief trumpeter of
tho, cadet batallion has been suffering
from an attack, of- fever. He is im
proving rapidly ant, his father, Bishop
Graves of Kearney, who visited him
lait week nas returned to his homo.
The engineering society at their last
meeting appointed a committee which
is to secure, If possible, tho opening
of the wiiglneerlng library at noon
each day. Many engineering students
have an hour at that timo which thoy
dosiro to use in familiarizing them
selves with tho articles In tho various
engineering Journals. Professor
Brooks has decided to havo tho library
open every evening except Saturday
during the semester.
J. S. Swonsou tho newly elected
proTlonT'o'Ptlio Bonlor dabs will de
vote part of his tlmo next somo.stor to
giving instruction hi Swedish at Wes
leyan university. . '.
Adolph Shano of tho electrical en
gineering department Is at work on a
condenser of largo capacity,, for ex
perimental work on a thesis for this
'It Is rumored that many of the
alumni would gladly sco an effort made
to sccuro the return of Professor How
ard and Professor Llttlo to tho uni
versity faculty. Both men havo been I
with Lehind Stanford slnco leaving
this institution.
A now species of fossil has been
added to tho known, varieties of tho
state by Mr. F. F. Malono. Tho list i
of known species has almost boen
qunnrupled In tho last two years.
W. A. Hnnthorno has returned to
his homo In Cadams, Nebraska, to
look after some agricultural interests
In that community. Ho expects to
resume his work r.t tho university next
Mr. Cornell tho university photog
rapher has mado several now pano
ramic views of tho university campus.
It Is probable that cuts will bo made
of some of theso for uso in the uni
versity folder now in process of formation.
This somoster several gas onglne pat
terns will bo mado by studonts In
course two of tho mechanical engineer
ing department. Somo Umo in tho
future castings will bo mado from theso
patterns and tho Onglnes used for ex-,
perlmental purposes.
Tho model for tho support of tho
gigantic dinosaur .emur secured by
tho Morrill geological expedition dur
ing tho past summer was finished re
cently by Mr. W. "W. Votaw of the
mechanical department and was sent
to tho foundry to bo cast.
Somo several hundred geraniums
are. now being taken caro of at the
greenhouses, and In a short tlmo they
will, bo ready for shipping for summer
uso. Thoro Is a greater stock of foli
age plants growing for use next sum
mer than ever before In the history of
tho greenhouses. Mr. Cross tho gard
ener Is taking special pains In getting
ovorythlng in readiness for tho spring
work. It has become quite the fad for
a few students mostly of the' fair
sex to feed tho gold fish In the palm
houso, and judging from the amount
of attention and dainty food they .re
ceive, thoy ar: In danger of becoming
monstrous specimens of their kind.
Friends of tho Nebraska Art Asso
ciation are making a canvass of the
legislature to ascertain tho feeling of
the members toward granting an ap
propriation of $1,000. This money
would bo used In purchasing heroic
castes for a permanent, free, stato art
Tho University Mandolin Orchestra
played recently at tho Y.' W. C. A.
building at a meeting of W. C. T. U.
There has been rather a poor at
tendance at tho club iatoly owing to
the extra work attendant on examina
tions. With tne opening of tho second
semester the club hns excellent pros
pects of a largo membership.
HHHpv -J3H
IHfc , 0 Jit vmWF iB
A Ticcc of llcnutlful Stntunry llcliiR l'ltt in l'lncc nt the I'aii-Aincrican Imposition.
Evangelist Mlch'ner will bo at the
university sometime during tho latter
part of this month. Ho will hold a
four day's series of revival meetings.
Dr. Bessey hns been Invited to spend
the summer with several other botan
ists In exploring tho region around
Vancouver Island.
Mr. J. F. Brown, a scholar In the
department of romance languages has
recently been elected head of tho de
partment in the Kansas City high
school. Ho spent some time In Europe
.recently studying the French and ,Ger
man languages.
Tho committee on tho courso of study
will recommend to the faculty, that
certain studies such as Latin, German,
and mathematics be carried five hours
Instead of four in tho first semester of
tho freshmnn year. This arrangement
will tnko effect next fall.
Tho policy pursued by certain In
structors, last fall, of Interviewing
onterlng students concerning their
former preparation, has been adopted
by Inspector Crabtreo. Ho suggests
that all departments pursue this pian
In tho future. To this ond tho mathe
matics department has had hsts of tho
noccssnry questions printed In blank
Tho contestants for the Knnsas do
bato woro chosen at tho mooting of
tho debating association last Tuesday.
Messrs. Meier, Berkoy nnd Theobald
will roprosent Nebraska In this debate
which will occur February 8. Tho con
tqst with Missouri and Colorado will
not take placo until later In tho year
and tho choico of contestants was
pbstpohed until a future meotlng.
Dr. Jenks, pastor of the First Pres
byterian church of Omaha, delivered
an address on tho subject, "A dream of
Greatne&s and What Became of It,"
at tho Y. M. C. A. meeting last Sun
day afternoon. This subject was tho
koy-noto of his comment on tho life
of Joseph. Dr. Campbell of tho First
Presbyterinn church of Pawneo City
was presont. Dr. Yvnrd called atton
tion to tho stato Y M. C. A. convention
to bo hold at Hastings, Fobruary 7 to
10. Soveral membors of tho university
Y. M. C. A. oxpoct to attend tho convention.
Chancellor Andrews gavo a short
talk at tho memorial servlco for Queen
Victoria hold last Sunday in tho Holy
Trinity church.
Professor Lees wul offer this semes
ter a series of readings on tho
"Odyssey," books o to 12 Inclusive.
Theso lectures will occur weekly on.
Friday morning from 10:20 to 11:10,
and will bo open to everyone. Regl8-S
tration Is not required for this work,
but any one desiring credit must reg
ister. Students taking it as regular '
work aro requlrod to supply them- '
pelves with tho first twelvo books, so"'
tho toxt can bo followed easily, also ''
they must bo nblo to read at least
two books upon requirement.
Wo nro overstocked on Guitars. Wo
havo a lot of them 50 or moro that
wo would like to dispose of nt a sac
rifice. They vary In quality and price
from cheap instruments at $1.25 to
"Maurcr's," "Regal's," and "Bruno's,"
as high as ?4n. Wo will put thorn on
sale Monday Fobruary 4, Inst., at a
roductlon of from 20 por cont to CO
per cont. If you want a good Instru
ment at tho prlco of a medium ono or
a medium grado at tho price of a
cheap ono you will havo n chanco of
fered to you that docs not often occur.
Music and Picture Department, II.
Iljorpolsholmor Co.
The senior class hold a meotlng in
the chapel last Saturday afternoon for
tho purpose of Inaugurating tho newly"
elected officers and electing a chair-,'
man of tho senior promenade commit
tee. H. A. Tukey was elected to this
position. During tho meotlng several
juniors forced their way in and ono
of them, Noilson by name, obtained tho
floor nnd harangued tho meeting at,'
great length on tho subject of somo
imnginary injury which had been dono
tho junior class when flioy were fresh
mon. Boforo no had finished speaking
the seniors adjourned to the Mechanic
Arts Hall and partook of a bountiful
feast of pies.
Tho regents havo favorably consid
ered putting In a now power plant.
At the present tlmo tho estimated cost
Is placed at about $10,000. Tho pres
ent plant Is lnadoquato and exceeding
ly inefficient because of tho old forms
of some of tho machines. Theso orig
inally ylolded a low per cent of effi
ciency although considered high at tho
time of their purchnso, and through
many yonrs of uso this has been great-
ly decreased. Because of tho present
arrangements of tho plant it Is noces
snry to run tho 100 horso power on
gino to furnish powor for a horso
power motor In tho Mechanic Arts
building. This causes tho running
cost of tho plant to bo much higher would bo" if proper mn'ciilHoV"
woro at hands i .