"7rvlJWWIi HFp T.HH'j NEHRASKANr-HESPERIAN '"" -,.- . .,, - .i im, . ... , ,. .. . r-. viJftfjr j ' V"-I ''"P'iiW i i '"! ',' i . i , ii 1 l-f r rf r. Mill HESPERIAN "A newspaper dovotcd to tho Interests of Tlio University of Nobrnslta and tho student body." Issued every Tuesday Noon. Published at 134 North Ulcventh Street. Entered as Second-Class Hall Matter. K. W. WARItnUIlN, I Mnii.M.r,i T. .1. Hkwjtt, f Mincers HAL H. ROBERTS Edltor-ln-Chlof J. A. KHKS Astlstnnt Kditor Board of Editors: nmlly Jenkins, S. II. McCavr, J. A. Manning, A. C. I,ec, R. R. Rnincy. N. U. Buckley, Clifton Carter, I,. K. Cottle. G. M, Cowcill, Mavrettc Union, I). Hansen, Chas. I. Taylor, I,. II. Rtuhr. C. C. WiUiiirn, II. J. Kiuikc, Reporters : Klmcr P. Hodges, T. J. Hewitt. T. M. Hewitt, K.r Hill, Prank Marten, John M. Nelson, Myrtle Roberts, II. M. Stone, Tom Mills. A. LnMonle Chase. Tho Ncbrasltan-Hosperlan will bo sent to nny address upon tho receipt of tho subscription price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions nro solicited from all. News Items such us locals, personals, reports of meet ings, etc., nro especially desired. Tho Ncbrns knn-IIespcrlan will be glad to print unj oonlilb utlon relative to a general university subject, but tho name must accompany all such, Tho Nohnudfan-ITofiporiau 1b Bont to nil nub ecrilwnt until ordorod discontinued and nil ar ronniKOS paid. Address all communications to tho NnnnAS kan UESPKniAN, P. O. box 210, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone 479. The securing of a game with Wiscon sin by Manager Cowgill is a master stroke. Nebraska will niako a good showing next year against the Badgers. A cartoon in last Sunday's issue of one of the Omaha papers is a good example of inconsistency. It shows seven or eight grown people taking a small boy to the circus. All have winter coats and the ladies aro pro vided with furs. Just because tho car toonist drew the plcturo in February, it ' is no sign that the small boy is i taken to the circus through snow. "Minnesota's visit to Nebraska on Thanksgiving day seems to havo done that university more good than any thing that has happened to it in a long time. It has proved somewhat of a "coming-out party" for the fair debutante. Minnesota Daily. The above clipping shows that the Gophers have noc been able to forget the institution down on tho plains in Nebraska. Of course, it is not con ceited for the University of Minnesota to make such comment but wo have one thing to add. Possibly her visit to Nebraska opened her eyes enough to enable her to see beyond tho fence around her own campus. Chancellor Andrews is taking a deep interest in the rural school prob lem and as toon as possible intends to mako a thorough study of tho rural schools of Nebraska believing that ed ucation at tho present timo will bo much benefited by tho improvement if these schools. This is a department of our public school system which ought to receive more attention than it has during tho past. Too often tho teacher of a country school is a person un fitted in education and oxporionco or both, for the duties of instruction. There is a manced tendency in some localities to hlro, as teachers of dis trict schools, persons who havo boon crowded out of the city schools be cause they could not come up to tho standard required by tho town people. This condition is largely tho result of carelessness on tho part of tho resi dents of the country districts, vhon they take sufficient interest in their schools to demand hotter school facil ities for their children they will get them and not until then. , T.ho second semester opened yester day with an increased registration. Many old students returned to take up work for tho next half year. Much credit is duo tho officers of tho debating association and especially Mr. Miller, instructor in English, for their efforts to secure a debate with Tho Loland Stanford Jr. University of California. Such a dobato will attract attention in all tho colleges of tho country. Tho men from California will travel moro than three times the dlstanco over covered before by a col lego debator. Tho two universities concerned aro tho most prominent in their respective sections; Stanford on tho Pacific coast, and Nebraska in tho middle west. We are suro that the students of tho university, of Lincoln and of Nebraska will support the de bate and make it tne most successful in tho history of the university. oOpJulktin Hours 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Sccond-IIntul Hooks taken in exchange for subscriptions to Tin? Akrow-IIkai) 1 year 81 00 (i months f0 THE CO-OP 322 North Elevent streo During tho past year, many college papers all over the country have seen fit to clip frequently from our columns giving us customary credit. Wo ap preciate this very much and are al ways pleased to have them make use of any matter which may be of inter est to their readers. However, we must confess that we wero much sur prised when a certain weekly publica tion of our own university appeared with a couple of columns of news mat ter copied verbatim from our last num ber without giving us credit. Here tofore, everything copied, although carefully rehashed, still boro the ear marks of its parentage. Now when we, some time ago, by a typograpuical error, caused a man to run a hundred yards in 3 seconds, there was no rea son why they in their next issue should cause the same man to run an other hundred yards in threo seconds. They should have had some considera tion for the physical condition of tne man after wo got through with him. Of course, wo aro always willing to help an Infant industry but it is gen erally customary in newspaper circles to be courteous enough to give credit when copying from exchanges. E. K. Matthews, Pros. C. V. Rlcgcr, Troas. Q. E. Spear, See. firmttbews flMano (Do. Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise. PHONE 701, 1120 O STREET. LINCOLN, ... NKIJItASKA R. E. Morltz took his examination in his major course for his doctor's de gree last Thursday. Intercollegiate BUREAU. COTTRELL & LEONARD, 472-478 Ilrnntlvrny Albany, Now York. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods, To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. C. A. TUCKER 1123 O STREET THE YELLOW FRONT For WATCHES and JEWELRY Photographs SEE . . Stole, 1222 0 Street for Jittc 9hctographd $rinq two or more of your friends with you, and all get the Club Rates .... GRAY & TYE, 1216 O Street Photographers THE fAMOlS KALAMAZOO UNIFORMS fOR CADETS are unequalled for style, material and fit. We make them, and most all cadets wear them. All equipments for military aim uni formed organiza tions. Send for cata logue. They are free. ..THE-. HENDERSON-AMES CO Kiiliwnuzoo, Mich, Cne THAT'S ALL. ' t Cor. lltli and P Sts. Baths jmTTmmTTmnnnnmrmTTmmmmm'a :' Wocarrvonlv fhr curdnof ronutuble r1 men, and student will find represented z In this column the best physician und ' dentists in tho city. z. iumimiuiiuijuiimii!i"iiimmu)!"' B.B.Woodward, M. JL. ihbkases or Tnra I. EYE, EUR, NOSE Olasscs Carefully Pitted. w-sosuiohanisBikt Lincoln, Nebrv Kcsldcnco 1.110 O St. Phono 24i omcoiiooost. Phono 535. J, R, HAGGARD, M, D, Rooms 313 and at.( Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEBR. DR, W, L DAYTON, . , Dr. J. r. "Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. 1305 O Street. LINCOLN, NEBR. . .., , . r D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical. 1224 M St. Lincoln, Nebr. PRIVRTB HOSPITHL OR. SHOEMAKER'S ' If you are Roing to a hospital for treatment it will pay you to consult Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty of Diseases of Women; the iiervous system, nml all surgical diseases. , Evetything home-like Prices reasonable. 1117 L St. LIN OLN, NEB. P. O. box 95 Kesidknok: 2548 Q street, Telephone, 055 DR. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. 15urr llloclt, Rms 17-19, Thone, 050. OFFICE HOURS: 10 n. m. to 1ST 'fa. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. '. DR. E. A. CARR " SURGEON Removed from 120ft O St . to 12th and N Sts. Over Hector's Pharmacy Office hours 10 to 11 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Fhone day and night 245 LINCOLN, NEB. GQ TO THE New uitorium We Guarantee Satisfaction in Work and in Prices LOOMIS & GERMRDT Phone 719. 1005 O Street V "R R BIRKEN BROS., 1 I1C D JL) Proprietors. 109 North nth st. Barber Shop I'irst-class in every respect. Students' patronage especially solicited, ALLEORETTI & LOWNEY . . . Chocolates fit Sieetor'a Pharmacy N.W. Cor. 12th and N Sts, IJ-xJJIILS S lJt"tl" J i 1 The California Route Is via The Burlington TWICE EACH WEEK A Tourist Sleeper leaves Lincoln for ... Los Angeles ... without change, Luive Lincoln every Tuesday 10:55 a.m. Lmve Lincoln every Thursday, 0:00 p. m. Remember, the through car line Is TUG BURLINOTON. city Ticket Ofiicc Corner 10th and O Streets Telephone 235 burlington Depot 7th St., Between P and Q Telephone 25 I MHnnvt Lincoln, Neb, HMHMnMHHMW ml&MmmvwHmiHM,mmiKMt