The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 05, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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gjuiw. n-.:rirtXj'i"'' TZ' ,''!Sr,r'r"' ' '"' rt'l'Ti' '- irt-Timhiriir
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TWff" gfr Iii"rnigiiiit I s Y mm liiin i in 'ihiiwi, n in ' ' ' ' trliftfciiinn n"' '"" ""r in THHWW " ' LLiil!i!LJ '"' '"
T-i?sBT,sWWitllHBMM(MBCBB 4.15ttMsMslslsMsMsltlgWiy T' "y ''- "" "
Thin dopiirtment learns with grief
and sincere sorrow that its old friend
Nathaniel MIchlol Graham, Nathan
wo .used to call him one 01! tho moat
aged and .respected members of tho
senior class was so undignified as to
run at a terrible rato of uneed, through
our beautiful cky for a distance of ton
consecittlves blocks last Saturday
It may bo true that ho started from
homo at 9:30 o'clock anu nad to reach
tho university in tlmo for an ethics
examination at 9:00, but surely that
is no excuse for endangering tho lives
of peaceful cUlzons and leaving Ills
path strewn wltn tho dead and dying.
Think of it. A wild oyed, h"tle3s,
.senior going up 0 street at a 2:20 gait,
coattajls Happing in tho wind, a largo
hamsandwich in ono hand and an
othlcslecturenotebook in tho other;
eating his oreakfast and cramming for
an exam, at the same tlmo, heedless of
all else.
Tho result might have been far
worso. As It was eight fatalities were
reported by the polico viz., two cats,
threo small poodle dogs, two bantam
roosters and one old Plymouth rock
hen, crushed beyond recognition.
Eight promising young lies cut off
In tho full flush of youth and beauty
with no time 10 repent or breathe a
It is to bo hoped that such scenes
will not occur often.
Tho Story from Life's Other Side
fhich appeared in this column last
i(eek,, caused a great sensation
throughout the university. The story
Jas" a moral which Is, 'What could tho
flpor boy do?'
The problem which confronts Tho
tfcnlv'dreity of Nebraska toaay -is
"JVhat shall wo uo with our boys?"
It must bo solved in sorao way. Tho
t&lo of this article is the. proper solu
tion. Suppose a boy Is tired which Is the
rule and suppose no has a few min
utes of unoccupied time which Is al
together Improbable (but Just suppose)
whero Is ho to go?
. Into tho Library which Is already
full and where, If there aro two of
him and he talks at all ho will disturb
tho people wno want to study, and
bring down upon his head tho wrath
of tho librarian and got himself sus
pended or t'rowed out?
On tho stops In tho llbarry hall which
aro filled with girls already? Lot us
tarry a moment on tneso Btalrs. At
all 'f hours of tho day lovely girls sit
on them In solid rows clear across,
studying or visiting. They aro always
completely absorbed In what they aro
doing and you would rather miss a
lecture than nsk thorn to lot you pass,
please. Some times it has to bo dono
however, tho' you ropont It tho next
minute for they look at you as tho'
you had committoa somo crlmo con
sldoraoly worso then beating a young
child with a club. Over half of a
lltoraturo class was locked out several
times last semester bocauso they had to
go up this flight of sialrs Indian fllo,
and vory carefully to avoid stopping
on the skirt.
What show wouid tho average boy
stand In a placo llko tho library stalr3?
On tho benches, which aro tho most
public places on tho campus? When a
follow wants to rest he doos not seek
out tho placo whero ho must tip his
hat til) his arm gets lame and ho
catches a cold In tho head.
Thero Is one placo whore ho may go
to rest In seclusion and privacy, where
ho will noc lntrudo upon any one elso
nor disturb tho labors of the studious
tho foot ball bleachers. Theso, wltn
a fow yards of denim and a collection
of sofa -cushions could bo transformed
Into an ideal lounging placo for tho
weary. Hero screened by tho kindly
high board fence, from tho gazes of
tho great ouby, bustling world, and
tho equally bttsy, bustling co-eds, he
can sit and accumulate rest In peaco
and comfort, savo when,
"Down north Tenth street tho wind
doth come,
Laden with choice Nebraska dust,
Making tho toes of tho listener numb,
Freezing tho water-pipes toll they
And the plumber presents a bill for
somo more money."
as Shakespeare so feelingly ex
presses it. Then What shall toe do
with our hoyst
. Now I have no fault to And with'
tho girls' parlor and rert-room, noth
ing Is too good for our girls. (I use
tho expression in the general not the
editorial sense.) Som6tlmes I feel
that nothing is good enough for them.
Let them recline in oriental luxury,
upon downy couches In their rest room,
but in the name of justice do not leave
the boys out in tho cold!
Lot some place bo provided where
they too can spend a quiet hour sleep
ing or playing chromes! Who will bo
the first to join me In this demand for
a square deal?
( One word more and I am done. I
hope tho girls will use tho rest-room
more and tho library steps less. Then
I can get to my European history class
fvtthout being obliged to balance my
self llko a tight ropo walker and get
ting so badly rattlea that I don't know
whether Quellen Kundo came beforo
(he 1 rench Revolution or after it.
1 For tho first tlmo in history this
department counot agree with tho edi
torial end of this paper.
Last week tho following comment
upon President MacLean's action In
expelling ten sophomores for kidnap
ping tho ireshios president, appeared
on tho editorial page. "However his
stand is an admirable ono and should
bo uphold."
One might expect something of this
sort In tho Iowa University papers
whoso editors aro llablo to bo fired
themselves but wo were surprised to
seo It in tho Nobraskan-Hesperlan.
Consider for ono brief, fleeting,
transitory moment tho offonso and tho
I. Kidnapping a freshman class
president. Can this bo callod an of
fence? Is It not rather ono of those
blessed privileges which belong to
sophomores? Has not every freshman
president a right cx-offlclo to bo kid
napped? Would ho not bo disappoint
ed, and feel slighto i If his movements
woro not Interfered with?
Tho right answer to theso questions
is "yes."
II. Tho Punishmont, Suspension un
til September 1901.
Wo need not ask whether It fits the
offonco, for no offonco was committed.
Suspension until Soptembor 1901.
Think of it and stand npalled. From
January 2Gth to Soptembor 1st over
sevon months thlrty-ono weeks 217
days 5,208 hours 312,480 minutes
18,748,, 800 seconds por boy and thoro
woro ton of thorn! Wo bet President
MacLean did not roallzo what ho was
really doing whon ho suspended thoso
Think what; a dlfforjjnco, 18n7'i8,8Q0
seconds of suspension mayfmoan to, tho,
boys! It will alter their ontjro lives.
Whon thoyi return to school next so
mostor and for, over aftpr, they will bo
217 days behind.
Opportunities will come on schedule
tlmo, but thoso boys will bo 217 days
too lato to solzo them.
If ono of them makes a dato ho
will bo obliged to start 217 days ahead
of tlmo to keep tho appointment.
When his twenty-first birthday" comes
ho will bo only twenty years and ilvo
months old, and ho will still bo alive
until seven months after tho dato of
his death. He will never bo' ablo to
catch up.
Wo aro not disposed to censure
President MacLean for his action he
did not realize what would bo thd con
sequence of it. It is not too late to
mak'o a partial repalration. If he par
dons tho boys at once, they will b"e
only about two weeks behind. By liv
ing very fast lives for a year they may
bo ablo to catch up.
Mr. Noodson ot tho senior class book
committee has asked us to kinuiy give
space to the following list of questions
which all seniors are requested to an
swer and send in to the commltteo at
Seniors are further requested to keep
tho questions secret and not allow any
juniors to see them:
I. 1. Full name? 2. Place of birth?
3. After What presidential candidate or
other great personage were you
named? and why? 4. Are you married?
or about to be? or hope to bo about to
bo? 5. Have you drilled? Why? G.
What was the topic of your high school
oration and your senior theme? 7.
Glvo rules for action of Freshmen.
II. 1. "Age commonly given? 2. Pre
vious condition of servitude beforo
coming to tho university? 3. Under
what favoring star were you born and
What omens on the roccaslon? 4. At
what age did you play tho piano like a
master or read tho newspapers? 5.
Amount of personal proporty real or
imaginary.?, G. State briefly your
opinion of yourself. 7Do you believe
in telling a lio on all occasions? 8.
Name your bad habits and why have
you theso and not others? Glvo full
discussion. 9. Which would you rather
be, a bigger fool than you look, or look
a bigger foil than you are? 10. In
what light do you regard ponies and
quizzes? Give oxrmples illustrating
opinions. 11. What Is your deopest
Innate conviction concerning tho future
fortune of tho theme reader that marks
your offusions C ? 12. Do you like
moonlight? Why? 13. Your oitm defi
nition of bonchwork. 14. Mako a gen
eral estlmato of things you don't
know. 15. Aro thero any freak stu
dents In tho U. of N.? Who? 1C. What
do you do for recreation? 17. What is
your disposition? Why? 18. What is
your favorite corner in tho library?
Why? 19. What Is your favorlto oc
cupation in tho library? Why? 20.
Why did y6u como to tho university?
21. Will tho university survlvo your
departure? 22. Send us outlines of
any jokes or other matter suitable for
tho Class Book that you may know of.
At a recent meeting of tho Physics
Colloqulm Doctor Almy gavo a vory
Interesting review of tho work of Mr.
Cromon on tho oloctro dynamical and
electro magnetic effects of static electricity.
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