t'Tmmmm rsaffi ggg- Zvm & -- The Nebraskan-Hesferian Course 5 In German will bo offered the second semester. University Books at Oaborn's Old Boofc, Store. 131 N. 12th. The officers of the battalion were pho tographed yesterday afternoon at Town send's. T Tho engineering society will have ono of Its pictures hung In tho mechan ical library. he University of Minnesota i iiiwi ' u?Bj "f "W "w""W'WWWWPMMHPIlWltl''l"piMWP EZgaBMWMaMligMBaaaBMM t-i- -r,m i-r --;v- Tho now Wcstlnghouso air brake was tested last week and found to bo perfect In every respect. Tho steam laboratory Is now In working order. All apparatus has been installed and tested. It Is rumored that the juniors pur chased a hundred tin horns last week and that something will "drop" before long. At Powell's Billiard and Pool Par lor you can find first class entertain ment free from all saloon influences. 14G S. 11th. J. T. Praney ha3 returned to tho uni versity after a years absence. Mr. Franey has been employed with a com mission firm. . The preliminary program of the Na tional Educational Association to be held In Dotrolt July 8-12 bos been re ceivod at tho university. Among those who will participate aro Supt. E. C. Cooloy, of tho Chicago schools; How ard J. Rogers, director of education and social economics at the United States exhibit of tho Paris exposition; Supt. J. M. Greenwood, of Kansas City, .Mo., and President A. T. Hadley, of Yale. Mrs. Shapmann accompanied by Miss Llllie Eiche with cello, sang sev eral soprano solos in chapel Friday morning. If tho committee who have charge of the funds for the pipe organ get money enough to tin sh paying for It before charter day it will bo dedicated on tha day. The Pershing Rifles have adopted a new emblem to bo worn on the colar of tho blouse. It will bo a sliver oak leaf suggestive of tho rank of Major Pershing. Quito a laugh was caused by tho motion of ono of the members to have the usual letters P. II. but as they were to proceed the U. N. every one objected to tho boarding house horror P. R. U. N. and the leaf was adopted instead. Phi Delta Phi initiated Messrs. "Wil son, Pinkerton, Drain, Gordon, Fradenburg, Butler, Booth, Clapp, Lau, Cuscadden, Stark, and Laxon on last Thursday evening. Mr. Park, a graduate of Rury Col lege, Missouri, and McMickael U. of N. have registered at tho university to take post work In the American his tory department. Professor Moore of tho department of physics gave the results of his sum mers investigation upon "The Hydro lysis of Ferric Chloride" at the physicj colloquium last week. Several of tho civil engineering students will go wc3t with the B. & M. surveying parties, which are being constantly sent out to the new road In course of construction in the northwest. Professor Lawrence DeGraff of the Highland Park college of law, visited at tho Sigma Chi house Friday. He is manager of tho Highland Park base ball team and came to arrange for a game. A. B. Lyon '95 who spent four years Jn the south studying the negro ques tion, spoke to Professor Caldwells anci Mr. Perslngers history classes la3t Friday afternoon on Southern Negro of To-day. An alumni rommitteo of tho Y. M. C. A. lias been appointed for the purpose of co-operation in developing the finan cial part and of looping in touch with tho association. Tho committee con sists of H. G. Shedd, Clark Oborlea, Jloscoo Thatcher, R. S. Hunt. Tho engineering society met "Wednesday evening. Tho following program was given: Experiences at Sherman Hill, Wyoming, C. E. Reed; Niagara Falls power development, Adolpii Shane; Reviews of Engineer ing News. Jas. Green and 8. C. Camp ljell. Professors and assistants were made honorary members of tho socloty. Tho debating association held a stormy session Tuesday evening Jan uary 22. The question of the appor tionment of the debaters for the terms for the various joint debates caused considerable discussion. It ho.? been decided to leave this matter in the hands of the debaters. Tho Omaha Bee's preposition to run an engraving of tho debaters in the Sunday illus trated Bee vas accepted. In Chicago Professor Bessey looked up apparatus for his department. He tound a firm able and willing to build apparatus from designs which ho will supply. This ha3 been a diflicuii. mat ter to manage, most firms not being willing to make any other than their own styles of apparatus. The depart ment of botany has had for some time a number of plans of new apparatus which have had to wait for such an opportunity. Dr. C. E. Bessey spent a good share of his time in Washington in the careful examination of the work of the several botanical divisions in the de partment of agriculture. Excellent work Is now being done in at least half a dozen divisions, employing In the aggregate from twenty-five to thirty trained botanists, where twenty years ago there was but one man who re ceived any attention or support. The secretary of agriculture is much pleased with the results which these botanical workers aro -bringing out year by year, and -t is not too mucn to say that it is largely due to them that tho scientific world today holds the department In such high regard. On last Friday occurred tho first spell-down in tho women's gymnasium classes. Each class ha . its own spell down in facings, marching and Swed ish drill. The winners In the different classes will compete wita each other to see who is tho best out of the thrco first year classes. In the nine o'clock class Miss Abba Bowen stood up the longest and Miss Arta Kockcn second. In the ten twenty class, Miss Lillian Roblson first and Miss Elva Walker, second. In tho two thirty class Miss Grace Roberts first and Misses Nella Schleshlnger, Edith Craig and Laura Hunt second, all missing on the came movement. These eight girls will competo in tho near future for championship. In marching the best set of fours from each class will compete. r-fc; College of Medicine and Surgery tfttttitttt Tlio thirteenth Annual Course of Lectures will coriincnce on the lUth clay of September, 1000, and will continue; cigiu and one-half months. Tho course ip graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Science, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, Ami tho Laboratory of Anatomy aro situated upon the Cam pus. The clinical opportunities afforded by tho hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the command of the College. For out door clinical servico a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, miNNBAPOLIS, miNN. -i. The University School Of Music -IS- pposfte tbe Campus Students contemplating the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous- of in formation concerning-the advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the School and and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue- You can enter at any time, TLARD KIMBALL, Director, A valuable addition has been made to the botanical department in the rtiape of what will be called a "centri fugal machine." This machine was first spoken of by Dr. Bc3soy, and plans were submitted to hlra by Mr. P. J. O'Gara, who after ward was put In charge of the con struction. Tho purpose of tho Invention is for determining and showing the effect of a force similar to gravity which acts upon growing plants. Tho machine proper is kept In mo tion by a hot air engine which came from Germany three years ago, but has never been put in use. Special gas and water connections havo been made for the engine, which Is capable of supply lug fifteen-horse power. So complete is the engine that it will run night and day without attention. Tho speed can also be kept constant. The fly wheel of the centrifugal ma chine Is somewhat over three feet In width and will be connected with the engine by a belt. By these means an entire plant In a 50 YEARS' - EXPERIENCE ITSIEIH Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anjrono sending n slfclrh and description mny quickly nirort.iiii our opinion fruo whether mi Invention Is prolmhly piitcntnhlo. rmiiiiitiiilrn lliiiisdrlcllycnnlldcntliil. Iluudbookou I'nlcnU un f reo Oldest fluency for sccuriiiKjmtcnts. l'ntpuls taken through Jlunn & Co. receive rpeeUit notice, wlfliout chnree, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-nrcest cir culation of iinr srlentlflo journal. Menu. i a year: four months, fL. Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broad Hew York Brunch Offlco. C25 K BL, Washington, D.C pot can bo whirled for an indefinlto length of time, until tho proper results can bo obtained. The complete machine has boen tho product of the university mochanlcal engineering departments, and ' tho parts aro considered very flno. Tho department is particularly pleased with tho machine as it thought it is tho only one in existance. ffWWWffP