The Nebraskan-Hesperian m I NEBRflSKAN - HESPERIAN "A nowspapcr devoted to tho Interests of iTio University of Nebraska and tho student body." Issued every Tuesday Noon. Published at 134 North Eleventh Street. Entered as Second-Class Mnll Matter. E. W. Warimuiui, I M11,.M T. J. Hewitt, f MnnnRcre HAL H. ROBERTS Editor-hi-Ohlof J. A. K15HS AboUtnnt Editor Board ot Editors: Ktnlly Jenkins S. H. McCaw, . A. Manning, A. C. Lee, R. R. Rnlncy. Reporters: N. IJ Hucfcley, Klmcr V. Hodges, Clifton Cnrti r, T I Hewitt, X.. K. Cottle. T. M ll-wilt, G M. CowRill, K. T Hill. Mnvntte Union, Frank M nen. IJ. HniiMiii, John M. Nelson, Chns I. Tnylor, Myrtle Ro1erts, I,. I). Ktnlir. II. M. Stone, C. C. Willmrn, Tom Mills. II. J. Kiinge, A. LnMonlc Chase. The Nebrasknn-ncspcrlan will bo sent to nny address upon the receipt of tho subscription prlco, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from all. News Items such u-s locals, personals, reports of meet ings, etc, ore especially desired. The Nebraskan-Hesperian will be glad to printout ocnlrtb utlon relative to a general university uibject. but the mime must all such The NohrnsVnn HeHporlan Is nont tn nil mill ecriliers until ordered discoutiuuod and all ur roiirugos imid. Address all communications to tho N Knit as sun llKsi'KntAN, P. O. box 210, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone 479. There is an abuse of library privi leges on the part of a number of young men which should not be tolerated and which doubtless will cease to exist after this word to the wise. We refer to the very ungentlemanly habit of expectorating in rooms used as much by women as by men especially the library. Every student should feel it to be as intolerable an offenso as if committed in a friend's parlor. Men do not realize how dlsguestlng the habit is to all women nor how impos sible it should be in an institution like ours to have such looking stairs, halls, and class rooms as have been seen for the past few weeks. There ougnt to be some difference between the ap pearance of the halls of the univer sity and those of the city hall for instance, or police headquarters. This is particularly true of a library, the floors of which should no more oe subject to such treatment than should the hard wood floors of a private resi dence. Moreover, aside from Its un pleasantness the habit Is extremely un cleanly and unhygienic, so much so that more than one city board of health has trieu to prevent the spread of disease by forbidding the practice in public places. Finally the fact that a number of the women instructors as well as some students have complained of the filthy appearance of halls, stair3, class rooms, aad even alcoves, should make every man on the campus see to it that neither he nor his companions offend longer In this respect. Tho Chancellor has again been forced to mention smoking on the campus. It seems that this should not be necessary. Any one who has the best Interests of the university at heart surely will no. do it. While we now have better flro protection than in the past, no risk should be taken. A fire in any one of the buildings would re sult in a total loss as no insurance is carried. New buildings are needed too badly for us to be careless with what wo have. The Minnesota Daily in a recent edi torial kindly told its subscribers what kind of a paper they wanted. A. com munication to the paper asked the or gan of the Gophers to publish personals and locals. The claim was made that auph events interested the public, Evi- dbntly, this " was ' no't tho first com plaint. Tho editor replied wlUi n weighty editorial stating that It was abovo a daily paper to publish person als. Wo would urge that it Is not abovo any paper to please its subscrib ers. Pcoplo wish to know what tho members of tho faculty and their friends arc doing. Such items are news and It stands to reason that a newspaper should publish them. Trouble is browing at tho Univer sity of Iowa. Recently, President MacLcan suspended ten members of tho sophomores for kidnapping the president of tho freshman class. Pro tests and resolutions against tho ac tion are numerous, but it seems likciy Dr. MacLcan will not recede from his stand. The best element in tho univer sity is supporting him and wo hope ne will bo able to settle affairs without causing too much trouble. However, his stand is an admlrablo one and should bo upheld. The institution of Indoor practice for tho foot ball men at Michigan is an admirable cxamplo to us. Coach Booth is here and no doubt can bo se cured to push tho work. The follow ing clipping from the Michigan Daily is explanatory in itself: "As soon as the mid-winter examin ations are over, the foot ball team will begin indoor signal, practice under the direction of Kccno Fitzpatrlck. This radical change in the foot ball practice cannot fail to be of great benefit to the team. It is a start toward all-year-around practice. Just before the holidays thero met in the gymnasium a graduate commit tee, together with tno present foot ball leaders to plan for next year. The question of a coach was not defi nitely sottled and is still in the air. Manager Baird ts corresponding with some of the prominent coaches, but the nnal selection will not bo made for some time, however, the indoor work will be taken caro of by Keene Fitz patrlck bimself. Tho work will of course be light at fir3t. All the 'Varsity men as well a? tho scrubs, will gather every Wednes day evening in tho gym. and run through signals and formations. The idea 13 to get the "Michigan foot ball syalem" down pat. so that when au tumn comes and the hard work begins on Regents' Field there will be no need to teach tho men the rudiments of the same and the principles on which th' Wolverines play." If every one will give the board proper support, such practice can Vc established hera. It. will greatly nid the team for next year and give great er promise of success. Nebraska must win the Western Championship for next season. R. S. YOUNG BUILDING niWO SUPPLY CO. Wholesale and Rcull Dealers in eeaL Office 11)24 O Street. Tel. 700. Yards-Win and QSu. Tel. 720. The'B.B."8, BIRKEN BROS.. 'roprictors. 109 North nth su Barber Shop Pint-class In every respect. Students' patronise csiccially solicited. ALLEGRETTl & LOWNEY .... Gbocolatcs M flcctor'a Pharmacy N.W. Cor. I2tfa sad N Sts. Uocola. Neb. OOp.fiullctm" Hours 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Sccond-IInnd Books tnken in exchange for subscriptions to Tm; Arrow-Hkad 1 yenr 81 00 G months CO THE CO-OP 322 North Elevent Stree E. R. Matthews. Pros. C. V. Rtegcr, Trcas. G. 13. Spear, Sco. flDattfoewe piano Co. Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise. r HON 13 71)1, 1120 0 ST I (12 1ST. LINCOLN, --- NHHUASKA Newly Equipped First-Class Service OIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL BE CUSTOMER tflewpovt.Cafe (Opjxjsite l-'unke Opera House &&:?' De,,C"C,eS l26 So. 12th St. Intercollegiate BUREAU. COTTRELL & LEONARD, 472-4 78 Hrnnrtwny Albany, Now York. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods, To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, sample prices, etc., on request Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. C. A. TUCKER 1123 O STREET THE YELLOW FRONT For WATCHES and JEWELRY SAME SHAPE TWO QUALITIES Wm EH The California Route Is via The Burlington TWICE EACH WEEK A Tourist Sleeper leaves Lincoln for ... Los Angeles ... -without change, Leave Lincoln every Tuesday 10:55 n.m. Leave Lincoln every Thursday , 0:00 p.m. Remember, f be through cur cThlce'"'"'" O Streets 8 235 I Uty Ticket Corner 10th and Telephone PMnmmmTmmmTnmTrnnnnnnnnTa C Wo carry onh the enrdi ot repututile rl men. anil stinlents will (Hid represented ri In this column the bout phyNlolun hn1 sj dentists In tho eltv 3 miiiuuujiuumiAiujjj' uimiuiiu" '" E. B. Woodward, M. L. DISKAHKf) OF TI1B YE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. aiaiscs Carefully Pitted. aWKlXrdsUlkf Lincoln, Ncbf, Residence 1310 Q St. Phono 12. OffleellOOOSU. 1'houo b33. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D. Rooms 313 and 314 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEB DR. W. L. DAYTON, Dr. J. r. Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. 1305 O Street. LINCOLN, NEBR. D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical. 1234 M St. Lincoln, Nebr. PRIVATE HOSPITAL DR. SHOEMAKER'S Tf you arc going to a hospitnl for treatment H. will pny yon to consu't Dr. Sho maker. He makes a specialty of Diseases of Women, the nervous system, nhd nil surpicnl diseases. Eveiythiitg home-like hues reasonable. 1117 L St. LIN OLN, NEB. P. O. box 98 Residence: 2548 Q street. Telephone, 055 DR. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. t Uurr Block, Rms 17-19, Phone, 050. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. ra. to 12 M. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. DR. E. A. CARR SURGEON Removed from 120.1 O Rt . to 12th and N Sts. Over Kcctor s Pharmacy Cflice hours 10 to 11 n m. 3 to 4 and 7 to Ho m. le day aud night 215 LINCOLN, NEB. rhone ( Oliver ehnsen,S).).if. Dental Office over liar ley's Drug More Call Phone 645 Cor. Uth and O Sts. hctcgraphs SEE 5. $. SDelc, 1222 0 dtreet Jor Jinc Photographs line Is THE BURLINQTON. w Burlington Depot u. WW, UbtlTVMl ,. V j - .'.ft 1 eiepnone z 1 ' 1 f ) i&ftWiiiiE'w wimrami aMHKBWMWMttjfiw