', ...n,vL -! m wsz&emiB!, The Junior Promenade will be held at the Lincoln hotel on the evening of Friday February 1. The basket ball teams of companies "A' and "G" will play on Thursday evening January 31 after Pershing Rifle drill. Bmir.--:iT -TSMt. AMh.iaaa mm b wjaaigMWjaiMt'a, ibjumm iTi rlii'i if Hit I III lllWilll umW -l-'--l (TlifaMlaaWaMaaaTlaaWl - JM Bm ii 1 1 i i TMMHTr-i nrfj nifl ic3;T-itt"j' "" '" " Jr EBar. mmk ' i 'I 8 THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. DrBcssey ,1 OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS lfl& , , . ..., .2 I 41'' I European plan 55 ' v w j rr ip a rr I Meals first-class ik & LArh One-fifth off on tickets 2 I Try one of our 5 .., jv 0 aa iR 1 I at Sunday dinners. .Aj tjg'flr rSR UrV5 I a r 5 akhi ' a i fc s n ,. t J r, & u l Ik .M Thursday evening January 24, the fourth public recital will be given by the students of the conservatory of music In memorial hall. SENIOR CLASS MEETING. Regular meeting of the senior class next Saturday, January 26 at 2 p. m. in the old chapel. Election of officers and other im portant business. By order of the president. The regular meeting of the engineer ing society will be held Wednesday evening, January 24 at 7:30. Every engineering student is urged to be out, as the names on the roll that evening, will be the last sent in to the Junior Annual. STANDARD AND EXTRA FINE The favorite 5-cent Cipnrs. Mnde ry P. J. WOHUiNllEltG. 1:8 So. 11th St. -W-J-M-i- j-?- r The Lincoln Academy 4 -4. .j. Corner 11th and QSta. X, Coltefe M University PrepjTittai. 71f r.el M. Wllaon, Ph.B. (Yale.) jr rntnrtr.u T t un i m m i m Mimw Hcndry Restaurant Students Lunch II to 3 p. m. Mexican Chfle-Con-Carne. Phone 89G. i!9 Kortb 1 Ith Street Lincoln, Nebrablca. For a neat shine Go to 205 South lltli St., Sheldoa block, corner 31th unci N Sts. W. E. EDWARDS. L.DKS ASD CENTS SMM PARLORS XeGfslative Gallery BEST OF HATES TO STUDENTS 1 i iiuier. 121) HouUi Uth Btreut, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. OAi-LICXty ESTABLISHED 1B71. POll! Mi LOIKDI rot WANT MPm Homemade Candies M Ice Cream Jess ifc. FOLSOM'SBomtmadc Bakay J307 O SWEET PHONE J0J grsterJbtliei.atiittCharlalte Jtousit made. to order , 1029 0 Strcct 5 Wffil TfMr I 1 We have all the Intent Sty'es of Mounts and Finish. Clnss and School Groups solicited, lantern Slides made on short notice. Special rates to Students. Reference: Senior Class, 1900. Shift Line art Quick Service To Nebraska City, Fall City. St LouU. and all Points .South, East, and West. City Ticket Office, 103V O Street. H. 0. Townsenfl, T. D. Cornell, G. P. & T. A- a P. , T. A Good Work Popular Prices Students esneoiaMy invited to call Rm & Cm Barber Shop 1S44 O Street Nebraska College of Oratory Tkov. UuwardI.. Maogi, I'rlticljjul Walsh Hall - - - - Corner Twelfth and .N Street i Cull nucl inquire ubuut our i'htuin Special rate to University students JOSEPH KOLBACH, Custom 5hoe Repair Shop MA WOUK jOUARANTEED .1330 O Street . Lincoln, Neb. G, C MENZENDORF, JTariucr luntrutitur t MSK IK UNIVERSITY Of NEBRASKA, "Wlll;lcii!enwditn KivelowcitttrntcH.to BtulfiitnleHlriuj!,liiHtrtiml(iii:iii.iuuaic. . J'orilnfurmutlun cullut HtuUlo. jflPThe Improved 1 : fc JBOSTON ! - UARTER ; JiJ "The Standard 1 it I g l fr Gcntkmcn I m V ALWAVS EASY ) EKfe.ra "m The Name-BOSrONl ! aaT itiMUaii 'TaT r. a dtpo 1. ,uJ 1 " , HVfUV. ...mt. jy b n un every ivujj. buttonC JJM'lftlll CLASP) 811)1 H.UeslUttotheleJ nevxr) fcgSBIr f I BSlips, Tears 7KM- Unfastens. v 1(11 i L bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk OLO EVERYWHERE. iJKVlJHl llftlf; flnk Samjilc pair, Bilk BOc. ft yCMl.l Wll'll MnV IbU uu ncelit Dt prln. I W4bbtW0bH ill MHlBSO.TB08TOO.,tkea 1 lUaaM -' aaaaw XtUm,M.,V.BA. I VllaaaffM TEVEBY PA1B WARRANT0W kmWflf, I J ii m i 1 Pfe I ' Is where our Men's Calf Viri TTirl unA "Rlnol- "Rimcism I i for Men, Youths, and Boys occupies en enviable position in the esteem of the citizens of Lincoln, for they have ' been tested by time, and never found wanting in goed J wearing qualities, perfect fit, or popular style. Our Jj Spring and Summer St3'les are coming in, in a large J assortment and variety of new shapes. iPerRin$,$lKllon$ CftamDerlaino 1129 O f JrV:V-iVrVi wfeV 'Z''-l-Mr7-&77 A tack in your tire? Lost your key? A broken umbrella? Sympathy found at the Lincoln Novelty Works, 231 So. Eleventh Street ;M - M - 44 - X - H - jjj North The Omalia Medical College, OMAHA NEBRASKA- aBBBaBHaBBBBk -. J 'BBBBBBBBaHBBBBBBalflBBBBBBCBSW ' iBBBBBaaaulBaBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBaBW' BBRBBBBBBaSrKaHRBBBBBBBBBBBHSaBBBBBBBBBBBBS BBKBBBBBBBMBlLaE alBTVBBBBBBaBHnlsalBBBBBBBBPV taBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaEaBBBBBlflaHC jBBBBBHBBBBalBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHLl lemmmwBLmtemmmWemmmmWLi Lace Shoes, Men's Black Hf1f ;t?mf1;- Our RllOPS i I STREET J - J4'' '1 1 1 3-XK-:H-4- Kodaks, Cameras, and SUPPLIES D. E. DePuiron, Eleventh St. Opposite Jiichards Block. A STKICTLY four year course the require JVledlcal College, ment uf A'lilch are f ulJy tip it lhoite uf the American Aivocls llon uf JVledlcul Culleo, and the luwcuf the different Jtatet. The new building Jurnliibe tbemont prricct luborutory room In the lYcct. JMuut excellent clinics are lield by the proleor tut the Ciilleeeln Uvef the dx Ota&ha WubjiIUI -For inlormotloa aiui-ej, DR. EW1NG EROTTN, SZCXETAXY 1 026 Tjx& Art. OUIAHA, HEB- IBnice BulitUnc, - ICthandO Streets 1 C ? K40MA& 4W v-M ., - - 2. .1. . i ii mmmmMmmwmwmWiWmtmnwWmWmWM ' mwiaWUM hi in iimaiimiinniiif DWnr m v W'HVWMaWaMrtaiiMHhu'''' "" iUatWUWVMiMKRM MiTrrifi-iiiTir-nMmniiiiailiailJllTJI WWW"f!B!Hllilaaa