The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7
"WW- -w'W" TW i The Nebraskan-Hesperian Subscription prlco for rest of year, 50c. Tho following now books havo been received at tho university library for tho uso of tho classes in Missions and Mcsslonlc prophecy. Bruce Paulino conception of Chris tianity. Conybearo Life of St. Paul. Gordon Holy spirit in missions. Goodspced Israol's mcsslonlc hope. Thatcher Apostolic church. Willett Prbphts of Israel. 1 r T Miss Smith, registrar, Is 111 with the "Grip." he University of Minnesota V i i 0- The now term of tho school of music will begin January 28, 1901. The Nebraskan-Hesperian will bo sent to anyone for tho rest of tho school year for BOc. J. S. Mooro returned last Wednes day from Winlerset, Iowa, whero ho has been spending tho holidays. This week J. S. Mooro will visit Hastings, Grand Island, Lexington, and North Platto in association interests. Everybody should tako advantago of tho opportunity to secure tho Nebraskan-Hesperian until Juno for 50c. Subscriptions received at oflke. College of Medicine and Surgery Tho Palladians elected tho following odlcors for tho winter term: President W. G. Hunting. Vice-President Pearl Henscl. Recording Secretary Christine Bedncr. Corresponding Secrotary Besslo Butler. Music Secretary Clara W. Walton. Sargeant-at-Arms L. J. Marsh. Miss Blanche Hargreaves camo homo from tho east for Christmas. She will not return to Smith but will enter tho university tho second semester. Wlllard Kimball, Jr., returned homo to spend his Christmas vacation with his parents. He has been attending tho Shattuck military school In Minnesota. H. G. Woodroof '01 has accepted a position at tho Kearney Military Academy as commandant of cadets. Ho will also teach mathematics. He will return to tho university in time to graduate in tho spring. Professor Barbour mado a trip to tho stato universities of Kansas at and "atvManhattan.y taking Lawrcnco full sets of photograpnVof-alrtho build ings. Ho also visited Kansas City and mapped in the geology between tho Ne braska lino and Missouri. Mr. C. M. Gould a fellow in tho de partment of geology in 1899, who was called to tho chair of geology int ho university of Oklahoma, mado a dis covery during tho past summer which is of fundamental importance to all geologists. Tho exact posItlonpiU Nebraska Permea ami Kansas red beds havo been in doubt. During tho summer Mr. Gould had tho pleasure of finding tho first fossils In theso beds, L which shows plainly that tho Permease extends into tho red beds, which from , this time on will bo known as the Pcrmo-MassisT)u "2 - Among the new students who have registered for tho new term arc Leon W. Penn, Dunbar, Neb., Chas. Smith, Lincoln; Edith Thompson, Grand Island; Grace Hays, Centerville, la.; Emma M. Clema, Table llock, Neb.; Mario Mayland, Seward, Neb.; Grace Hicks, Lincoln; Claudius Story, Lin coln; Nina Crlss, Pender, Nob.; Mlnnio LItchtenwalter, Hubbel, Neb.; Gussie Alderson. Madison, Neb.; John Shala, Dodgo, Neb. Tho chemistry department intends to make another effort in placing some edifying and instructive "signs" about the building. Some one has taken tho pleasure of "swiping" the others and their places must be filled. It is hoped by tho department they will not havo to be replaced very soon. The stato historical society has se cured two van loads of books and papers from tho Capitol. All tho dupli cate material in the historical library has been classified and is ready for ex change. The rooms are being prepared for Inspection by the members of the society during Its meeting which will be held on the evenings of January 8 and 9. afe i ' I V v ktM--'- 1 I I I I :4ffl!M3U!lltl E 11 V Sib t .u'Vilprv itttMttHtt Tho thirteenth Annual Courso of Lcoturcs will commence on tho 19th day of September, 1000, and will continue eight and one-half months. Tho course is graded and covers a period of four yearn. Modical Hall, tho Laboratory of Medical Scienee, tho Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and the Laboratory of Anatomy aro situated upon tho Cam pus. Tho clinical opportunities afforded by tho hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul aro at tho command of the College. For out door clinical servico a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, milSN. 940 l STREET 942 P STREET "rBO-cor cwro-5 JSmith Premier Tabulating and Billing Machine. An Ever Ready,... Effective Time asd Labor Saving Device ...for Premier Users. During tho Christmas vacation Mr. C. A. Fisher visited the western part of Nebraska and tho region around Denver, doing work for tho U. S. geo logical survey. He obtained on a ten days collection trip speciments of the fossil horse, fossil rhinoceros, a mam moth, and other animals, together with a list of barlte crystals irom a newly discovered quarry of lavt deposit at Castle Rock, Colo. Tho Union Society elected officers for the winter term as follows: President Mr. P. G. HawksDy, Vice-President Miss Blanche Mickey. Recording Secretary Miss Margaret Magulro. Corresponding Secretary Jennie McGuffoy. Treasurer Mr. Stroyer. Critic Mr. Swenson. Sargeant-at-Arms Misa Rena Chap py..,., . ....--- - Simplifies Dill Making ond writing figures of different denominations In columns. It lit no way Interferes with tho typewriter for usual lines of work. ask ron Dcscmmvc TABULATOn CATALOOUC. Tkc Smith Premier Typewriter Co. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrnno nenrtliiK a ftkclrh and description tnny qiilcklr ascertain our opinion froo whether an Invention Is pronnblf tiiitcntnblo. Comnmiilen. tlonsxirictlrcoiilldoiitlul. lluiidboofcon I'atcnU f on f rco OlrtMl npoiicr for securliiK patonu. I'utents taken through Munn b Cc. recelro rptcial notice, without etinryj, In tho scientific nwivm. Ahandsomclr lllimtrated WMklr. Jjtnreit clr- ycurj four months, L Bold by all newU)em lfl 301Brosi5wav. raftllf VflFtf UUUi "iVUVI IUIII i Office, &5 V St Wwhnton, D. 0. II IHM 9 Brand Twentieth Century ClearingSale Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, Trunks, Valises, Etc. EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. 25 TO 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT. We are going to make the first month of the first year of the Twentieth Century a memorable one about this store. This sale will be our practical greeting to you for a Happy New Year. We want to cut down the quantity of our stocks and know of no better way thnn to name EXTRAORDINAY LOW PRICES. We never exaggerate in our statements, as we have too much regard for your future business. So come prepared to witness a genuine Clearing Sale of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Trunks, and Valises. The Fogelson Clothing & Shoe Company, 940, 942 P Street. Bran The University School Of Music -IS- pposfte tbe Campus Students contemplating the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous of in formation concerning the advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the School and and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. x You can enter at any time x WILLARD KIMBALL, Director, - I . .1' , ". ,' ' ' ,-...'' I (.,'1 I"'))',. r i r ' Ite u ,11 (I wlW mHwmTw.wmmwmmmm