HHrMHHHHHHHHHMUmWM) . - 1 6 The Nebraskan-Hesperian Ei f MRU Xocal anb personal. Dr. Wcntc, Dentist. Dr. McLeod, Surgeon. Dr. Angle. Skin Diseases, 1215 0. Westcrficld's egg shntupoo is nil right. Don Cameron's launch Counter, 114 118 South Eleventh. Westcrfield the bnrbcr 1ms a lnrge student trade, 117 north 13th. Investigate Francis Bros, special Inducements. Attend the one-fifth off salo this week at The Evans-Malonc Co., 1230 0 street. The new forced draft and mechanical Q sjkcr are in position in the boiler house. Dr. and Mrs. Roscoo Pound spent their vacation visiting friends in Chicago. Better seo Francis Bros. 121 No. 11th about those special inducements to students. The new Westinghouse ah)l brake ap paratus has been set up in the steam laboratory. One-fifth off this week on Ladles and Mens Furnishings at The Evans-Malono Co., 1230 0 street. Many university people have been enjoying the fine skating, and moon light evenings on the pond north of the city. Blanche Edmlston will leave Thurs day for California, She will go by way of Waco, Texas and visit Miss Nell Holbrook. There will bo a meeting of the state ornithologist union Saturday Janu ary 13, 1901, at Omaha. About a doz en from the university will attend. There Is no question but Glen Rock Lump is the best and cleanest coal for $5.75 a ton in the market Gregory The Coal Man at 1100 is sole agent. The musical program in chapel Fri day was given by Director Kimball and Edith Curry. Mr. Kimball played a selection from Greig on the organ, and Miss Curry gave vocal selections. This week tho students from the farm school will come in to do their required work in the shops. Professor Richards contemplates putting on a night shift and also running all day Sundays to accommodate them. Dr. Ward spent vacation in Chicago, at tho national convention of tho so ciety of naturalists. He presented a paper on the worlc which he has been doing on tho state fish commission. Whilo thero ho met six of his old Harvard classmates. Up to last Thursday evening eighty eight new students had registered in tho school of agriculture; for tho win ter term. Tho attendance is expected to reach about ono hundred and forty this year, quite an increase over last year's attendance. A special rate to university students has been made by the Nebraska Art association for the wholo season. The rate Is 50 cents for the season. Tho regular single admission is 25 cents. The exhibit is In tho Art Gallery 3rd floor of tho library building and is something which every stud on t should tee. braska. Several of tho representatives have visited tho library and examined the system. Hamlet evidently rodo a bicycle. Ho said, "Watch over my safety whilo I sleep." Ex. w it F In: If! pfggggl STOI DAT AI'Ublll.N- IMK UUIIINI2 I Ah'm a moke from I.oozeeann, An' mah skin ai brack aicrmVj Mali honey " Mary Ann, An' ah Joan care who knowt. Sly, ych ought tun teeusclldln', An a rII'Im', an" a pllilln-, A upon our I e a rilln Yclw, a-rlilln , liotli a-ridln' I We le clve ilch cojis tie ack, Whcnthuh win' K at our luck ! u tlop tin a pusliln lar Ixlilnc I CIIOIIUS Ti tt tun. tt ut iMbtfcaritr. O top ilit pusliln ihr Milne I (J top ilat pusliln' dar bclilne I An'cf alntml) knows Happy nlctruln I t)cee are doe I O stop ilat a puOiln dar hchlne I j.j iiieaimte, anil many ruhcr NPU SONGS, all the co. I ff'CtrefaNorltes.and popular Ol DFAMILIAKTUNBSIn SONGS OF ALL THE COLLEGES. v-pjmim, rrice, po, ficttfiaui ln. HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers. NTw York City, oiiiuuiiKHiKv m an MiMtshers at nne storr 11 tfc II' York CISy. l storr n P Si Dr. A. L. Candy's text on analytical geometry has been received from tho publisher's and is now on sale. Tho classes in conies have been using ad vanco sheets, since the beginning of the year. The instructors express themselves very highly pleased with tho work. W. J. Huntings h-s been appointed principal of tho schools at Ohlowa. He will begin his work at onco and return In the spring to graduate with his class. An improvement has been added to the chemistry store room in tho way of a counter. The counter contains about ono hundred drawers whlcn can all be locked by the sliding of a single lever. This counter will save the as sistants much timo in filling orders for small supplies. The plans for the work were designed by Mr. Hiltner. The university of Missouri, has sent out circulars announcing that Teaching Fellowship will be offered at the Missouri university to students hold ing a bachelors degree from colleges of good rank. Any one is interested in graduate work may see this circular on the bulletin board at the university or at the Nebraskan-Hesperian office. Dr. Skinner has an article in the December number of tho Philosophical Magazine upon The Potential Gradient In the Faraday dark Space of Vacuum discharge Tubes. Miss Mary L. Fossler has returned from Chicago where she attended the annual business meeting of tho Ameri can Chemical soclet- i-s a delegate from tho Nebraska section. She left December 22. Prof. Nicholson head of tho chem istry department has returned to take up his work as the head of the chem istry department after a years leave of absenco which he spent in tho Rocky Mountains and Mexico as a mining engineer. Ho has had many varied and interesting experiences and several im portant sales wore made on his recommendation. Paul H. Hanus, professor of tho Theory and Practice of Education, at Harvard university, has sent out cir cular letters asking for information about the working of the lective sys tem. The information asked for is de sired for the Harvard Pedagogical Seminary. Many students havo here received these circulars which ask (1) what courses the student has pursued and (2) what has determined them to chose those courses, for instance was it aue to (1) temporary interests due to recommendations of other students, (2) tho advice of teachers or parents, (3) the deliberate choice in accordance with tastes, or (4) future professional needs. This information when gath ered will probably show tho great ad vantages of an elective system, on al lowing the students to take what they desire and what will bo beneficial to them. Perhaps somo have noticed the boxes of bocks ic the library labels Iowa State Library." This is a specimen of tho circulating library that is under the control of the state. The books are securely packed in the box and are sent to the different small towns, left thero for a sufficient length of time and then forwarded to somo other town of the circuit. It 1b proposed to peti tion our legislature to provide tho samo kind of library system for .N.o- The Globe Delivery Co 1036 0 St. Phono 1122 Baggage and Parcels GIVE US -A. CALL M. E. CHEVRONT'S European : Restaurant, 1324 O Street For a Good Meal and Reasonable Prioos. Lunoh and Oysters In so&son. tarOpen Dav and Night, T. J. THORP & CO. 308 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, STENCILS, KEYS, BADGKS, GOLD, SILVER, AND NICKEL PLATING REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS ESGitaffl HWOTg vwmT -s -r ' are the papers for spring at J. W. Mitchell Co. 1 33$ O St. Tel. 2 37 Vv..J the semiannual clearing sale The sale in progress here now is for the pur pose of disposing of the winter lines. It's not a money-making affair, but a stock-clearing event to make empty shelves for inventory, and to make room for Spring wares. Price is not a consideration, neither is profit. Stronger evidence of this than the prevailing price questions isn't possible. The sale closes on SATURDAY EVENING, TANUARY 12th. jj JL 2ierpohktimero0 j - 41 i