m T" Wl T M, v .n $8 The Nebraskan-Hesperian t .-ALUMNI DEPARTMENT. D. W. Hawksworth '95 of Detroit visited university frlcivls during the holidays. Gcorgo C. Shedd '90 of Ashland, spent part of his vacation visiting uni versity friends. J. S. Smoyer '99, spent tho holidays visiting in Lincoln. Ho is teaching In the Seward high school. V. P. Sheldon 99, of Nehawka, at tended the wedding of P. J. Gustin dur ing the Christmas holidays. "Bud" Hamon '9S, with tho Sim mons Hardware company of St. Louis, Mo., was a university visitor last week. J. P. Stolz '99, principal of tho Mead jiubllc schools, brought his senior class to tho university last week, on a visit. Miss Lucy Green '98, who is teach ing this year in Keokuk, la., spent the vacation with her parents in Lincoln. Chas. V. Taylor recently elected superintendent of schools at Geneva, was in Lincoln on business last week. , A. A. Bischof '98, law '00, has been appointed clerk of the finance, ways, and means committee of the State - Senate. Geo. Burgert '98, assistant principal of tho Syracuse high schools was a university visitor during the Christ mas holidays. Wm, B. Brooks '93, instructor in mathematics in tho Omaha high school visited the university during tho holi days. Ed. Fletcher '02, expects to join his brother in the near future at Pekin, 111. lie will be employed as assistant chemist under his brother. J. V. Wolfe '92, has been visiting at the university. He is now assistant superintendent at a sugar' factory at Caro, Michigan Miss Lillian Ncwbranch '99, a teach or in the Randolph, Neb., High Schooi spent Christmas vacation with her par ents In Lincoln. A. M. Randolph '95, visited at his homo in Lincoln end at tho Alpha Theta Chi house during tho vacation. He is principal of tho high school at Pipestone, Minnesota. .. S'guurd Anker, U. qf N. '00, is sup erintendent of the schools at Martins ville, S. D. Ho has been thoro but throe months but has dono conMdcv ablo work in building up tho schools. Clarence Fletcher '9fc, who has boon .; employed at tho beet BUgar factory at ' Pekin, 111., in tho capacity of chemist, has accepted a pnpltlon as chomlat for the glucose factory at tho Hamo city. Waltor Chrlstonson of Fremont, formorly a studont in tho university visited at Delta Tan Delta rooms last week. He was on hie way to Golden, Colo., whero ho Is attending a mining school. Hal. Beans, who for several years was assistant and special student in ' chemistry has been at tho university visiting friends. Ho also spent a few days in Omaha with his parents. Mr. Beans is now instructor of chemistry in tho University of Idaho, situated . lit Moscow. H. R. Tucker '99, attended the state teachers association December 27-30. He is principal of the schools at Lead, S. D., and has recently organized a cadet battalion. They have two large companies and are progressing rapidly. Roy D. Reed has been spending a few days visiting his university friend3. He stopped off hero on his way to Chicago on business. Ho is now employed as assistant superin tendent of construction for a largo beet sugar factory in western Wash .ngton. T. A. Williams '89 and '91, died De cember 23, in Washington, D. C from heart failure. Mr. Williams taught school in the state for homo time and afterwards was professor of botany In tho South Dakota agricultural college, from which ho was called to the gov ernment service in department of ag riculture. At tho time of his death ho was assistant chief of tho division of aetrologyl and was sure of higher honors had lusJlved longer. He was JF: iinnm nlrl . --. I) "" J " OTTVayUMOJ I ll Now York City was the scene of a reunion on Christmas Eve. of several members of the Nebraska chapter of Phi Delta Theta. A banquet was giv en at The Arena and covers were laid for eight. Those present were Dr. J. T. Westerman, Dr. A. B. Lindquest, Tom Wing, P. W. Russell, C. L. Stone, J. T. Sumner, E. R. Davenport, R. G. Klrby, and W. W. Clark. Messrs. Kir by and Clark are not of the University but their homes are in Hastings, Neb., and they are at present artists on Harper's staff. Several toasts were re sponded to recalling old times at the Uni. Dr. A. B. Lindquest received congratulations on his recent appoint ment to a position on tho House Staff of the New York Polyclinic Hospital to serve for one year from January 1, 1901. Miss Sallle L. Furn.ib. our teacher of voice, Is a lady thoroughly trained for the position which she occupies. While pursuing the literary course at the University of Nebraska she also studied in the voice department of that institution. Later she continued these studies in Chicago where she was in structed by Signor Vitteria Carpi, Mrs. Harriet Dement Packard and other prominent teachers. Furthermore, Miss Furnas has had a thorough course in piaio and harmony and is a skill iul accompanist. Miss Furnas is also an experienced teacher. Before com ing to Heddlng she had given private vocal instruction in Lincoln, Nebraska, and had met with marked success as n teachor in the Metropolitan Conserva tory of Chicago. Pleasing and attrac tive in manner, she is winning popu larity as' a teachor in Abingdon. In addition to a largo class of private pupils, sho has charge of the Congre gational choir and Is director of the "Heddlng Choral Union," composed of fifty voices. From a number of press cornmonts we clip tho following from tho Nebraska State Journal published in Lincoln: "Miss Sallle L. Furnas, daughter of Goorgo W. Pumas of this city, has boon placed at tho head of tho volco department of Heddlng Col lege, 111. Sho has been studying volco culture in Chicago for several years and Is well qualified as an instructor. Miss Furnas is a granddaughter of ox Governor Robert W. Furnas." From Tho Heddlng Graphic, Abingdon, 111. No semester paper will bo required of students in American History III, this term. This will make tho closing month of the semester much easier for students in this course than usual. CHRISTMAS AT HOME ' THE SOLILOQUY OF THE RETURNED STUDENT. When the days are short and gloomy, and the sun gives frigid light, When the star-beams shoot like need les, through the shivering night, When the cold deaf earth Is shrouded In Its robo of white ' And tho clouds are frozen foam, When the storm-king drives his char iot down tho ley street, And his hungry dogs go howling round about your feet, When the traveler finds about him naught but Ice and sleet, Then 'tis good to have a home. When the sunlit windows glimmer like to crystal gold, When the whole house cracks and shiv ers in the crunching cold, When the tribes of elfs and goblins, spooks and ghouls become most bold, And the ghests do nightly roam, When the mournful wind goes wailing round about the door, And the snow through cracks anil key holes gently sifts upon the floor, When the world without is frozen to the core, Then 'tis good to nave a home. When there's lots of coal and kindling, and the fire is blazing bright, And the sitting room is flooded with a warm and mellow light, And tho children romp around it, what a jolly sight, Like a merry hippodrome When the cellar's full of apples and the pantry's full of jam, When the attic's full of popcorn and tho smoke-house full of ham, Anu you've got an Invitation just to come home and cram, Then's the time to just go home! When the cupboard's full of goodies and the minco and pumpkin pie, When the fatted calf is ready, and Christinas draweth nigh, Then you feel a funny feeling, and heave a heavy sigh, And vow you'll cease to roam; When the young folks, and tho old folks, and all who 'ro in between, Gather round tho family fireside and tell of how they'vo been, While over in the corner a Christmas tree is seen, ' O, then it's fine to bo at homo. Ana when you're safely sheltered from tho windy cold, With the family all together, the young folks and the old, And the rosy gates of Christmas morn bright ungcls do unfold, Under Heaven's beauteous dome, Ana when the love of Heaven seems to breathe upon tho air, Anu the birds and beasts and people are happy everywhere, Then 'tis good to pause a moment for words of praise and prayer, And thank God for Home, sweet Home. C. F. Yodkii. University of Chicago, Doc. 12, '99. THE MAIL BOXES. It is around tho mail boxes more than any other corner at the Univer sity that overy phase and variety of tho studont may bo soon. For how ovor dlfforont wo may bo in most re spects, we all have at least one thing in common tho man is indeed an odd genius, who does not take an interest In the little box bearing tho first in itial of his name, and even though wo may bo almost sure that wo will find nothing, there is always that delight ful feeling of uncertainy, whinh the dabbler in a lottery must feel "per haps I shall draw a prize " It is interesting to .itand back and watch tho "procession" which, at cer tain hours of the day, comes to this rendezvous. First, wo see the boy or girl, who has never before been away from mother, and who comes ea gerly, turning over with nervous fin gers the bunch of nil sorts of papers, letters and notices, hoping that some . of tho homo people may have decided to send a lino to the University, al though only that morning a good fat letter had been received, and the dis appointment seems to bo deep and bitter. Next appears the brisk student, who runs tho political sldo of University life by his clever wire-pulling In a business-like manner ho runs over tho mail in his own box, and that in tho box of the organization, which he hap pens at that moment to bo managing, takes out several letters and hastens away as briskly as ho has come. Then there is the student who is al ready lato to class, but he must stop a minute longer to Inspect his mail box and in his desire to hasten this operation he usually succeeds in scat tering most of the letters on mo floor, and he really has not the time to pick them all up, ho leaves a few lying around and springs up the stairway, four steps at a time. The one who aggravates us most Is the leisurely student he strolls up to his box and although there are per naps twenty others waiting for the same package, he turns over each let ter, reads the inscription to see that there has been no mistake, and care fully replaces the whole bunch, but ho has taken so long that some less calm individual has had to rush away without looking for his letters, for fear that the class room door will be locked and the translation made with such painstaking care go for naught. Another man, of the aggravating type, is the one who is not satisfied with looking in his own box, but must needs examine tho boxes of all ills friends to seo how much mail they are receiving this idle curiosity is most unpleasant. We must not forget tho engaged girl she not only receives voluminous packets every day at home, but the infatuated youth, whose ardor has, not yet had time to cool, sends tender lit tle missives to the University mail box as well, and she turns away wih beaming face and light step. And so they come and go new classes bring with them new fads, but tho mall box is a fad that never grows old. It is a great mistake of a young person to bo Indifforent to his reputa tion. Tho one who eays, "I do not care what people think about me," is on dangerous ground. He shows that ho puts little value on the judg ment of those who know him, or ho cares but little for himself. Such re marks are often mado in the spirit of mere bravado. They aro not the real convictions of the ono uttering thorn. No thoughtful person can ever bo Indifforent to public opinion. All persons must come, at this age, in touch with society. Wo can not be come hermits. But our relation to so ciety is what society thinks of us. A parson who is despised by his fellow mon can do them no good, and in re turn they feel that they can do us no good. It was probably on this ac count that Jesus asked his disciples: "Who do men say that I am?" Ex. An Improved Pbbny brake will be set up In connection with the 25 h. p. ex perimental engine to aid In the'making of duty tests. ALLEGRETTI & LOWNEY .... Chocolates Ht ftcctor'a 9harmaei( N.W. Cor. 12th and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb. S tiwMWiTOWiWfiiiriwMiiwWiwaS Sgjg kmmmiMmmmmmm vnuaouggg