. , SZSHffil Skrr-i -W The Nebraskan-Hesperian 1HE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN "A newspapor devoted to tho interests of Tho University of Ncbrnska and tho student body." Issued every Tuesdny Noon. Published at 134 Nortli eleventh Street. Entered as Second-Class Hall Matter. T. J. Hewitt. f Managers HAL H. ROBERTS Editor-in-Chiof J. A. KRKS Assistant Kdito Board of Editors: Emily Jenkins, . S. II. McCaw, J, A. Manning, A. C. Lee, R. R. Rnincy. N. E. Buckley, Clifton Carter, L. K. Cottle. G. M, Cowpill, Mavrette Ivaton, 1). llnnscn, Chns. I. Taylor, J It. Stnlir, C. C. Wilbtirn, H.J. KliiiKc, Reporters: Klincr P. Hodges, T. J. Hewitt, T. M. Hewitt, R. T Hill, l'rnnk Mnrtcn, John M. Nelson, Myrtle Ro1crts, II. M. Stone, Tom Mills, A. I.nMoutc Chase. Tho Ncbrasknn-IIcsporian will bo sent to any address upon tho receipt of tho subscription prlco, which is ono dollar a year. Contributions aro solicited from all. News Items such as locals, personals, reports of meet ings, cto., aro especially desired. Tho Nebraskan-Hesperian will be glad to print any contrib ution relativo to a gcnoral university tubjcot, but the namo must accompany all such, Tho NobrasknnHosporlan is Bont to nil sub ecribors until ordorod discontinued and all ar rearages paid. Address all communications to tho NnnnAS cut Hesperian, P. O. box 210, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone 479. The offices of The Nebraskan Hesperian and The Nebraska Teacher have moved to rooms 4, 5, and 6, 134 North Eleventh St. Other schools as well as the Uni versity of Nebraska are having their troubles over the management of ath letics. "We have succeeded in getting on a firm basis which will no doubt stand. Yalo students aro clamoring loudly for reform and a closer union of general athletics. At the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, the undergradu ates arc complaining against tho man agement. The following editorial from the Michigan daily shows that every thing is not smooth there: Tho Dally is being loaded down with uli sorts of communications on ath letic matters. "We intend to be fair with both factions in tho controversy but wo will not give the columns of this sheet over to mere mud-slinging and personal attacks as such. Unless further communications contain mat tor which really bears on tho athletic situation and offors some reasonable amount of argumont, tho Dally will re fuse publication. Personal grudges must be paid off outside of these columns. as a member of any college team until he has been a matriculate in such col lego under tho above conditions for ono year and until tho close of tho succeeding season devoted to tho sport In which he last participated; and in tho institutions represented in this conference preparatory students shall not be eligible to membership on the collego teams. Tho above artlclo was adopted by the athletic association which mot in Chicago a short time ago. It is a movo in the right direction and will stop men changing from ono college to another with no other object than to play foot ball. OOpJulletin Hours 7:45 n. m. to 2:45 p. tn. A FEW COPIES Students Standard Dictionaries left. Wi go at cost. Cloth and leather back, 2.50. . now 2.15 Full leather, 4.00 now 3.30 MiMiMMMHHmnnirniiminiwHnHnni: : Wo carry onlt the cardn of remitnble 5 men, and students will flud represented a in this column tho best physlciunt) and 3 dentists in tho city. a mm likWuuMwwwiimiiJ uummuuuui? The Nebraska state legislature met and organized on January 1. Tho sen atorial contest will occupy their at tention for somo time. However, uni versity friends should impress tho in terests of the institution upon tho sen ators and representatives with whom they are acquainted and should make It a point to keep tho matter before them constantly. Very few people out sldo of the university understand uni versity needs and conditions. A cam paign of education and the right kind of lobbying by university students will do a great deal toward putting tho university and Its needs clearly before our legislators. The Yalo foot ball team has elected Charles Goold captain for next year. He plays at end and has a good record back of him. We wish him success. The Comedy club of the University of Michigan is having a very success ful season. By hard work, they have aroused Interest and aro now reaping their reward. Why can not we follow their example? Tho basket ball sonson has oponcd in earnest and tho toam is practicing hard. Last yoar, tho unlvorsity yield ed only fair support to (ho boys. While basket ball is not as popular as foot ball, It is almost as interesting, with a much faster gamo. Tho history of tho sport is short, especially at tho university. Dr. Hastings introduced tho gamo and pushed it to its present high standard. Evoiyono should lon.l thoir support to tho toam as it Is a branch of unlvorsity athlotlcs. Wo wish tho team success. 1. No ono shall participate in any intercollegiate sport unless ho bo a bona fldo student doing full work In a regular or special courso aa defined in tho curriculum of his college, and no person who has participated as a col logo student In any intercollegiate gamo as a "member of nny collego toam and who has not afterward obtained a, collego acadqmlc degreo, shall bo J permitted 't6 'participate in any game1 THE fAMOUS KALAMAZOO INFORMS fOR CADETS are unequalled for style, material and fit. We make them, and most all cadets wear them. All equipments for military and uni formed organiza tions. Send for cata logue. They are free. ..THE-. HENDERSON-AMES CO. Kuliimuzoo, Mloh. THE CO-OP. 322 Nortli Eleventh Strec I). B.Woodward, M. D. DISKASKS Off THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROHL Glasses Carefully Pitted. 207-208 RiohardsDlkf LlllCOlnf Ndbi E. IV Matthews, Pros. C. W. Rieffor, TroasJ G. E. Spoor, Sco. 3$tattUuwr 3Jtcmtf Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise PHONE 701. 1120 O STREET, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA Newly Equipped First-Class Service QIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL BO CUSTOHOR. Newport Cafe (Opposite l'unke Opera House Oysters and Dellcacleu oa c iou c In Season... 12 -0. ltll bt. L i J J Intercollegiate BUREAU. C0TTRELL & LEONARD, 472-478 Hronrtwny Albany, New York. Rcsidcnco 1310 O St. Phono 242. omcoiiooosu Phono 633. J, R, HAGGARD, M. D, Rooms 313 and 314 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEBR. DR, W, L, DAYTON, Dr. T. F. Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat, 1305 O Street. LINCOLN, NEBR. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods, To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. C. A. TUCKER 1123 O STREET THE YELLOW FRONT -- For WATCHES and JEWELRY D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical, 1234 SI St. Lincoln, Nebr. JPRIVHTE HOSPITAL ! DR. SHOEMAKER'S If you nrc Roiiifj to n hospitnl for trentment it will pay you to consult Dr. Shocinnker. He tnnkes a specialty of Diseases of Women, the nervous system, nnd nil surgical diseases. Jiveiyihing home-like. Prices leasonable, 1117 L St. LIN.'OLN, NEB. P. O. box 95 Residence: 2548 Q street, Telephone, G55 DR. REYNOLDS, SURGEON, Ilurr Block, Rms 17-19, Phone, 650. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m. to 12 M. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. DR. E. A. CARR SURGEON Removed from IttB O St.. to 12th nnd N Sts. Over Hector's rharmncy SAME SHAPE 'WO QUALITIES Office hours 10 to 11 a.m. .'i to 4 nnd 7 to 8 p tn. rhone day and night 2-ir LINCOLN, NEB. Oliver fchnson, $)&.&. Dental Office over Harlcy's Drug More Call Phone 645 Cor. 11th and O Sts. MARMN IHffl mm The California Route Is via The Burlington TWICE EACH WEEK A Tourist Sleeper loaves Lincoln for ... Los Angeles... without change. Leave Lincoln every Tuesdny 10:57) a. in. Leave Lincoln every Thursday 0:00 p. in. Remember, the through cor line Is THE BURLINGTON. L City Ticket Office Corner 10th and O Streets Telephone.23S Burlington Depot 7th St., Between P and Q Telephone 25 MAI' n KoWfli A! i liL J Jn 1 l 1 r Wlw . ra t MF km. wmr Wi R EPEATI NCl hfl A D I I M IVI "111 L.I IN SHOT GUNS For Trap or Field Shoottnc, combine the defiance of outline, perfection ol balance, ease of taking apart and quality of finish of the best double guns with the superiority In elchtlne and shooting of the single barrel, and also possess the rapidity of 2"L "" nyBMlnp capacity of M A R LI N REPEATING RIFLES. 120.paRecat. aloe of arms and ammunition, colored cover by Osthnus, mailed for 3 stamps. Manlin Fikb Anms Co., new Havkn, Ct. Zrhotegraphi SEB . $. Stole, 1222 "0 Street . for: font 9hotographa . . . gPFHtogajNW PJjjwgggggggggggwgffigja! OTrrrai-TTlMfcfff TJitlStHiflnKBHilHHHMMUMHnaiHHnHilililWJiiiMtfaiBHiHMiilililililiinaHi