r ! 1 - The Neuraskan-Hesperian Dr. McLood, Surgeon. "Wostorfiold's ogg Bhampoo right. is all In the course of the experiments with anti toxin serum in hog cholera there have heen fifteen hundred hogs treated by the Station tho past yeai The report is circulated that Van Valkenburg, Minnesota's full back has died from the effects of injuries re ceived in the game Thursday. Tho subject for tho Maxwell club's preliminary will be: Resolved, That further interference etbohyp further interference by tho powers in China is unjustifiable." Sutter, Paul son, Kenney, Wcems and Cronin have tho affirmative, and Deal, Rose, Ho gan, Blake and Newby tho negative. Ten minutes will be allowed each speaker, except the first on tho af firmative, who will have ten to open and five to close. Tho Judges will be appointed by Judge Reese. Tho Graduate Club held its first meeting last Monday evening at the homo of Prof. Candy, 1003 H street. After the social and business session, light refreshments were served. Dr. Moritz was elected president to fill tho vacancy made by tho resignation of Mr. Bell. About forty in all were present among whom were tho fol lowing members of the faculty and their wives: Professors Edgren, Fos sler, Ward, Caldwell, Davis, also Pro fessor Fling, Dr. Boulton end Doctor Moritz. Representatives from four divisions in elocution have been chosen to appear in a joint class recital to be given in the near Tuture. Those selected from the four classes are as follows : Advanced class Miss Eliza Meier, Mr. Peterson. First division Miss B. Daughters, Miss M. Shriver, Mr. K. K. Gregory, Mr. Win. E. Johnson. Second division Miss Mildred Clark, Miss C. I. Haggard, Mr. R. W. Zinser. Mr. R. A. Harrison. Mr. J. R. Golden. Third division Miss May Edholm, Miss Agness Herbet, Miss Harriet Mitchel, Miss Ruth Baley. find hero neatness and ample spaco for the animals to run about in. Spec ial sheds arc built for the hogs, sheep, and cattle. One of the mosf important experi ments to bo tried this year, is tho ono in which separato lots of sheep are to be fed in slightly different manners in order to test tho suporlor flesh making method. Small pens havo re cently been prepared in which separ ate lots of sheep will bo fed, exposed to tho blasts of winter. These sheep will be given the same rations a's the sheep Indoors. At tho end of tho win ter both sets of animals are to be taken to South Omaha and slaughter ed. The flesh will be tested, in order to decide which system produces tho best animals. There are several breeds of swine in the different pens. Tho finest speci mens are the Yorkshires, which aro of a white color and grow to an Immense size. The boar pig weighs about sev en hundred pounds at present, and if fed for flesh would weigh close to a thousand pounds in a few months. Another fine breed is tho Berkshire. Several large specimens of this class are among Mr. Burnett's collection. These hogs are of a black color and are valuablo as a "pork" hog since they take on flesh very rapidly. One of the latest additions is a lot of Tamarla hogs. Theso are a com ical looking outfit, being of tho rall spllttcr variety. To a person who has never seen a' curiosity of this kind, these hogs are worth going miles to see. But the finest division of stock is the collection of cattle. Several very fine specimens of Shorthorns and Her fords aro owned by tho department and they show the same care and at tention that was noticcablo among the other stock. Although limited in numbers these collections are all very fine and the tho expert will find animals worthy of his most careful consideration. The Department is steadily growing and in the course of a few years, will no doubt be very Important in the School of Agriculture. T Sfe he University of Minnesota College of Medicine and Surgery, tHttt$tttfHt Tho thirteenth Annual Course of Lectures will commence on tho 19th day of September, 1900, and will continue eight and ono-half months. Tho course is graded and covers a poriod of four years. Medical Hall, tho Laboratory of Medical Science, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and tho Laboratory of Anatomy aro situated upon the Cam- Sub. The clinical opportunities afforded by tho ospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul aro at tho command of tho College. For out door clinical servico a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. THE WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM Tho Woman's Gymnasium in the new i Inspector J. W. Crahtrec and I r- j Soldier's Memorial Hall is well worth ving S. Cutter '98, have recently of-J the time of a visit. It is equipped with j fered a yearly prize of ?25 to the , the latest apparatus and comfortably i Beatrice high school for the hest work furnished. in oratory. The hoard of education The hath room is well equipped unanimously passed the following res- i with ten baths of a new type, known nliiMon! np.nlvdd. that the board of i as a ring bath and with individual fcfcMtjftJ?,$r 00 Pays for a doable berth in one of those comfortable Tourist Sleepers Lincoln to Los Angeles, California. No change of cars. Leaves Lincoln every Tuesday at J(h55 a.m.and every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. via the Burlington. Call and get full information as to Tickets. City Ticket Offce Burlington Depot Cor. 10th and O Streets 7th St., Bet. P and Q Telephone 235 Telephone 25 Tf?Tfr?ib$?friTfrfcTfcl? tjrtbrlTfctHrc!j?f education accept the generous offer of Mr. Crabtrce and Mr. Cutter in giving a prize in oratory of $25 to bo com peted for by the pupils of the high school and the thanks of the board of education is hereby tendered to Messrs. Crabtreo and Cutter for the substan tial interest manifested In our city schools." THE LIVE STOCK AT THE FARM. Any person who is Interested to any extent in stock and stock breeding will find it profitable to take an af ternoon off and pay a visit to the State Farm, whore all the animals be longing to the Department of Animal Husbandry aro kept. It is Interesting to examine cattle and hogs that are being fed scientifically and compare them with the animals we see upon the farm. The work is under tho direction of Professor Burnett and is entirely ex perimental. The experiments havo as an object, the best methods of pro ducing marketable animals. Everything in connection with the experiment is orderly and systematic. Instead of dirty, small, lots which we usually see on an ordinary farm, we dressing rooms, Tho director's office is on the second floor off of the main Auditorium and the assistant's office on the ground floor. One of the lecture rooms is to be fitted up with Swedish apparatus, when special work in medical and cor rective gymnasilcs can be given, when necessary. The large southwest room on the ground floor is to be used for a girls' rest and reception room. The ladies of the faculty have the fitting up of the room in charge, and with tho as sistance of all the girls in the Univer sity, it is hoped to make this a cheer ful, comfortable room where the girls may rest anu feel at home. The Normal course In physical training is becoming quite popular. There are now eleven young womon registered for that part of the work. A University certificate is granted to those completing the course and the value of such a certificate is recog nized throughout the country. Through this department knowledge of tho University is being extended, in that ' Miss Barr's authopometric charts, compiled from tho measure ments of fifteen hundred Nebraska girls, arc being used in tho department of physical training in some fifteen or twenty colleges and schools from California to Massachusetts. The classes this year are very large, as the registration for both beginning and advanced classes now numbers three hundred and sixty-four. The University School Of Music Opposite tbe Campus Students contemplating the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous of in formation concerning the advantages pffered, are cordially invited to visit the School and and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. You can enter at any time, X, WILLARD KIMBALL, Director, 'Jo. mmmmmmMmmvim