i - T UUHUt The Nbraskan-Hesperian tytyfyfytyfyfyfyfyfyfyfytyfytyfytyfyfytytyfyfy t? NOTES AND COMMENTS, & "What shall It profit a man If he win the game and lose his "whole wad?" Substract and get sixteen for the an swer. It wouldn't prove. You want the finest.. 9g? s J The game Is over. (This is not a "news story.) ' Perhaps there arc some of ms who felt in our trao inward ness that it would be as it turned out. The arguments of the Minnesota sup porters made our faith in "Booth: Boys" waver now and then. They told ns how the groat teams had run up against the Teal thing at Minne apolis, how their lino had never been gone through, nor their ends gono around, how their mon were each over seven feet high "and ain't done grow in'' yet," and weighed 376.5 pounds when trained down, and could run a remarkably long distance before the average person could ejaculate "Jack Robinson." Wo were scared for the timo, but as soon as our visiting friends stopped and we thought three or four calm thinks a subtile, unreas oning conviction stole over and through ns that our team was better than the others and would show the giants a Good time. We "thought" we would win. Peo plo "think so" when they are not cer tain. Sometimes they are "dead sure" when they are way off. Our honor able opponents wore that way. Here after they won't be certain of any thing until after it has come off. A gentleman who shall forever re main nameless here tor 1 don't lenow his name made a short address at the Uinco'ln "Wednesday night; he said: "Ladies and. Gen'men; A hundred dol lars, or any amount, that Minnesota tboats hy sixteen -points." There 'wore others thought the same about It and Tomarked that we wore not :gamo. They figured that they would make three touchdowns and miss two goals. And it was so or would have beon if our team had been ikopt off the flold. The Lincoln Thursday night pre sented a different appearance. Two yells oxpressed tho situation: Who'rc tho best? We're tho best! We're the champions Of the Wcstf (Repeat 'till you get out of wind.) II. (Not given by the same people who gave I.) Who's the Best? Nebraska! We've got Minnesota In our vest. There are the documents in Lincoln to prove it. United States documents, issued by the Treasury department and printed -at the Bureau of Engrav ing and Printing. Twos n'ight. A 'large mumbor of (men ffrom 'tho North wore Interested Hn imathomaties. This was tho iprdb 'lam; Minnesota ..-.20 Nebraska 12 Thanksgiving the time when the Freshman goes home to wear his 'soger cloze all over town. The Freshman is an Important per sonage when he is at home. It is hard to feed him. He eats more than anyone else and still holds his own against the volley of questions fired at him. At home he tells how hard ho works and hew the Profs, love him. To the little girl he used to ta"ke to high school debates and sit across the aisle from, he tells a similar story plus how little he goos out and what a poor lot the University girls are. To his "chumps," as Mr. TJlriklesp'iel calls thorn, he tolls how he works the Profs., how many "killings" he has made, what good times he has had. Spealring of soldiers the new cor porals have been in effect for nearly threo weeks now. A certain nart have, as usual, shown their unfitness, but this is unavoidable nnder the pres ent system of choosing them. If there is anything more concoitod than a new man In uniform at homo, It is the new corporal. A mere soph more is bad enough but when ho puts on chevrons there Is no living in the samo county with him until he makes a few bad hroalcs. NEBRASKA ACADEMY 'OF SCIENCES. Tho 'eleventh annual meeting 6t the Nebraska Academy of Sciences was llio'lcl iln Ndbraska Hall 'room H02 ilast Friday and Saturday: following 'Is the (program of 'oadh session: Friday, November 80, 2 ip.m. ii-'ituiAY, novi:mii:u 80, 2 ml Presidential addroHS, H. 'Giffonl. Iprribloms rolatlng to tho Individuality of OhromoHomoB. Haven Mutual f. :Sunllirne Crystals, Nature of, Moclo of 'Ooourronoo, Relation to, Cortaln Con ordtilonury forms, E. Tl. 'Barbour. 'Extension of the 'Differential Pro "Cobhob. iRtibt. IE. Morltz. iRovlew of tho Genera of Water iVTltCH, iRobt. H. Woloott. Tho Nebraska Typo or Form for oadh School Ago, ana 'Vitality Oouf ifloiantu, Win. W. 'Hastings. Thundor :St"rr'H, .T. TI. Sponcoi. 'Geology of Saunders, Lancaster mud Gage counties, C. A. Flshor. Determination of the Longitude of 'tho'ObHorvutory,G. T). Swoozoy. Notes on tho 'Occurrence -of Aspara igUH.Ttunt 'In NobraSka, IT. L. Sheldon. North Amoricun iBoos of 'tho aomiB ABapostomon, IT. C 'Crawford, ffr. IHVBNI'NU HIIHHION, 8 '0'OI.OOK. (A rpoHHlblo lExplanatlon of 'the iShape of (the Vlumun purloin, ijj. 'Glfforl, iRoptnt'on 'tho 'Morrill 'Oodloglmil Ex pedition for 1900, C A. Barbour. Dogonoracy, H. B. Lowry. Report on tho Botanical Survey 'of Nobruska, Roscoo ound Additional Observation on Plant Movements, Wm, Oldburno. Delimitation of the Fidld of Ped agogy, W. A. Clarke. Biapolarlty In 'Geographical Distri bution, H. B. Ward. Tho Stato Geological .Survey, Ttuport of Progress 'for tho Sunimor 'Ol HU00, . H. Barbour. KA'l'UHDAY, IIBCWMJIIJU 1, '!) A.'.M. Extontof the Fibrous A'rlkurue TJods, E. a:I. Uarbour. :Somo Tests of 'Camera :Shuttoi'H, 'G. "D. 'Swoozoy. 'Bono Tissue, Tteuent and FcxHs'llized, E. H. (Bai'bour. Soino Rare A'lutiluin AVoiuns, ITT. B. Ward. NoteB on TJoot iDlsoaseB 'In Ndbradka, Goo. G. iHodgoooo'k. Additions to 'tho list of Ndbraska FobsILs, 'Carrio A. iBarbour. 'Olxiervutions on Neiiradku Speoles of Wator Mites, Robt. H. Wolcott. 'f G, a 'MENZENDORH, Irorniur limtruutorol IMUSfC UN (UNIVERSITY (OF iNEBRASKA,! Wlll'licijjlcnwtl to rIvc lowcitt'mtea'to iituUciitHtlcrtlrlypriiirttriictloiiliiitiUHlo. il'odliifornuitloii cull nt Studio. lUracelitulldlnir, . . Hlfth and O Street ae We have it! 8? fy $? CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY 4& Ws 330-332-334-336-338-340 SOUTH ELEVENTII STREET. 9J? 4? 9 iic 31. W. Brown Drug & Book o. THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE. All Text Books and Supplies. Agents for the Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen. l'2'tf.SO. ELEVENTH 'ST.. - lilNCOKN, JSIBB. sietmedii's $rcup Work is unsurpassed in the 'city. lErom mow tunt'il ia'f ter tihe Holidays lie is making; .special states tto All Student Organizations, Fraternities, Clubs, Teams, Classes, Groups of all Kinds, (Before 'deciding where ttojgp, see Ihim a"bout the matter. '- Jlemiedif'if Studio 132rfe.$wemktft. i 1 mmmmmmmmmmsmwm